
Falling For The Prince Of Hell

Dina finds love in the wrong person, she is unable to forget him even after knowing he is not human. He loves her but is not able to be with her because they are from two different parts of the world. Luciel is the second son of the devil, he has served his father all his life in hell. He was his father's favorite son among all his brothers, but everything changed when he defiled his father's order. “Who are you?” Dina trembled in fear as she asked the man in a black garment standing in front of her. “Your worst nightmare.” Lucifer moved closer to her as she crawled backward in the empty room. “ Don't come any closer.” Dina’s back hit the large wall as her entire body trembled. “Why, don't you want to know who I am anymore?” Lucifer finally stopped moving and then he bent down to her level. “What do you want from me?” Dina was able to bring herself to ask another question. “Why are you so scared of me, but not Luciel?” Lucifer finally revealed his face to Dina. Dina was so shocked when she saw his face, he looked just like Luciel. But a little older and more handsome. If she was to see them together she would think they are brothers. “Why so surprised?” Lucifer asked the obvious. Meanwhile in reality, on Luciel’s bed. Luciel woke up to find that Dina was sweating and looking uncomfortable while wiggling her body. Immediately he saw her face, a frown formed on his face. He closed his eyes and fell back on the bed. “Father, don’t get any closer to her.” Luciel appeared in Dina’s dream and stood not too far from them. “I wasn’t expecting you to arrive this late, son.” Lucifer stood up from his previous position and then turned to look at Luciel. “Father, stay out of this.” Luciel clenched his fist as he spoke to his father, as though trying to control himself. Dina could not believe what she was seeing, how did Luciel even get here, was the question lingering in her mind. Her head was spinning with questions; she didn’t understand what was really going on. But one thing she was sure of, was that nothing was happening in reality, it was more like a dream. “Why should I? You can’t lie to her forever.” Lucifer's voice echoed in Luciel’s head. He hates that he had to lie to her. “Or do you enjoy lying to her?” Lucifer continued. “Father, stop.” Luciel finally lost the little self-control he had left and yelled at his father. “Don’t you want to know what Luciel really is?” Lucifer ignored his son’s behavior and focused his attention on Dina. Dina could not open her mouth to speak because her mind was messed up and everything that was happening was so confusing to her. “I will take your silence as a yes,” Lucifer spoke. “You see, Luciel here is a…” Lucifer could not finish what he was about to say when Luciel cut him off. “Father, don’t. I will tell her myself.” Luciel eventually moved from his stop and walked towards Dina. Dina finally woke up, she held her chest tightly as she struggled to breathe properly. Her hair was wet from all the sweating in the dream and her eyes were dull. Luciel pulls her into his embrace as he strokes her back slowly to calm her down. Dina finally knows about Luciel, being a demon. Even if it took some time to accept the fact that she is in love with a demon, the devil’s own son. Her feelings towards him did not change even after knowing her life is in danger and the devil will stop at nothing to get her. " We can't be together Dina, let's go our separate ways and forget we ever met." Luciel let go of her hand after saying these hurtful words to Dina. "But I can't just forget about you like it's nothing." Dina was on the verge of crying. “Look Dina, me being with just will just cause you a lot of rm.” He said almost in a whisper. He clenched his fist as he said those words.

colourful_ercy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


"Are you sure you want to do this fellow human?" Asked the man in a black coat holding a golden staff.

Andres swallowed in fear. "Yes, I do."

The man in the black coat disappeared, leaving Andres alone in an empty space. Andres started yelling at the top of his voice. "Are you going to help me... where are you?"

"Father, Father, wake up." Dina shook her father gently back to reality.

"Dina please get me water," Andres said, breathing heavily and trying very hard to catch his breath.

Dina helped her father get comfortable on his bed after he drank the water.

"Father what's wrong, why do you keep yelling at someone in your dreams." Dina now looks concerned about her father's situation.

"It's nothing dear, just a dream." Andres placed his hand on her head and smiled.

"Okay father I have to go now; some couples are coming to the orphanage today to adopt a child." Dina kissed her father goodbye and left his room.

"OH, Dina I hope you will be able to forgive me for what I have done, but I have to do this in order to save a good future for you. You will never suffer like your mom and I did. I promised your mother before she died that I will give you a better future than we had and I will fulfill it no matter what." Andres said to himself.

Andres got dressed and went to work after Dina was long gone. Andres is into electronics; he sells electrical appliances in the city but he never made sales in the past 3 months. He hated the fact that he could not cater to his daughter's needs this past month so he decided to seek help from the Lord of darkness which is the devil.

"Good day to you sir, you have a mail," said the mailman.

"A mail for me?" Andres replied with confusion written all over his face.

"Yes sir, please sign here." pointing at the blank space on his notepad.

After the mailman left, Andres opened the letter that he just received and began to read.

'If you need my help you have to do one simple thing, just give me your soul.' He read out loud.

"My soul." Andres was not too surprised by the devil's request; he had heard stories of how people sell their souls to the devil.

"Yes, your soul, don't act surprised human," said the man in a black coat from his dreams.

"Ho….. How did you get inside" Andres addressed the man while shivering uncontrollably.

"If you want to be a billionaire in a month just print a DVL on all your electronics before selling them and your greatest wish will be fulfilled." Then the man in black.

"How am I sure it will work?" Yelling at the top of his voice not expecting an answer.

Andres locked up his shop and went straight to the printing press downtown to inquire about printing work and how much it would cost him.

~At the orphanage~

"C'mon jane don't be sad; you are finally going to get a family like you always wanted," Dina said as she caressed little jane's cheeks.

"But I don't want to stay away from you, Dina." Jane's eyes were filled with tears and that broke Dina's heart.

"Don't cry Jane, this is what you have always wanted, remember." wiping the tears that eventually fell from little jane's eyes.

"Promise me you will come to visit often." Jane raised her pinky in the air with a smile on her cute face.

"I promise." She said crossing her pinky with Jane's own.

Dina took Jane to the office where her new parents were signing some important documents, stating that they were her legal guardian. After the documents were signed, Jane bid her friends in the orphanage goodbye and went away with her new parents.

"I will miss her, you know." said one of the workers in the orphanage.

"I already miss her." Replied Dina, trying her best not to cry in front of Molly.

"Molly, have you contacted the couple who are supposed to come for Chris today?" Dina asked, looking at Molly's face with concern in her eyes.

"They are not going to adopt Chris anymore." Molly delivered the bad news to Dina.

"But why, they fell in love with him the first day they met him." Dina's tears finally fell from her brown beautiful eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

"They said they would not be able to take Chris because of his health issue," Molly replied sadly.

"That's why they should adopt him, so they can take care of him," Dina said with a concerned look on her face.

"I know Dina, but you are aware of his health, aren't you?" Trying to make Dina understand the situation.

"SO!! He has pancreatic cancer and so what." Sobbing quietly on Molly's shoulder while Molly is trying her best to coax her.

"Dina, please stop crying now, everything will be alright okay." Stroking Dina's hair softly.

"You think if I had enough money, I wouldn't adopt him and show those shameless people what they lost by not taking him." sobbing continues…

"I am sure if you had more than enough money, you would adopt all the children in this orphanage. No doubt about that." Molly said jokingly, trying to ease the atmosphere around them.

"Okay, enough with the crying … let's get back to work now." Dina wiped her tears and straightened up.

"That's what I'm talking about, girl." Molly cheered Dina happily.

"We have to try our best to find a couple that will adopt Chris regardless of his condition." Dina was determined to help Chris no matter what.

"And it has to be fast because the orphanage is not capable of paying his medication bills anymore due to the increase in the price of his medicines." Molly said, looking very anxious.

"Yes, I heard about that yesterday," Dina recalled.

"How are we going to go about this now," Molly asked Dina curiously.

"Sincerely, I have no idea Molly" Pacing back and forth with her hands on her waist.

"We already promised the management to find Chris a family before the end of this month or else his medication will be suspended for a while," Dina commented, trying to think of a solution.