
Meeting The Hyung Line

The three of you go inside the store and see 3 tall men, one of them is Jungkook. "Yah Jungkook-ssi. Someone's looking for you." Jungkook turns around and smiles. "Jen! It's nice to see you again." You smile and reply "Yeah... it is." You gaze upon his face and space out.

"So V hyung, is Jen the one looking for me?" Taehyung nods. "Yes. And this is her friend-" "Hi Jungkook hyung! I'm Rebecca." Rebecca greets Jungkook. "Oh hi Rebecca!" You shake your head and look at the other 2 guys.

"Jungkook hyung who are those two?" You point at them. "Jen that's Namjin." Rebecca covers her mouth and giggles. "Huh? But there's two people so... Ohhh you mean you ship them so- Wait what's their names...?" "The tall guy is Seokjin oppa and the taller one is Namjoon oppa."

You look at Rebecca. "Why oppa? What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung puts his hand on your left shoulder and says "Oppa and hyung are the same. But never call Jungkook oppa." You nod but ask "Jungkook hyun why can't I call you oppa?"

Jin overhears and walks to your direction. "Because he doesn't like being called oppa. Simple." He laughs. "Yeah I don't like being called oppa.." Jungkook says and looks at Namjoon. "But you're free to call him oppa. Haha."

'Wait, there should be 7 of them. What about the other two... was it Hoseok... and Yoongi... yeah them... where could they be...' You think to yourself, not noticing that Jungkook is calling your name. "Jen? Jeeennnnnnnnnn.....?" "You know, Jungkook, she usually spaces out so this is normal. Let me just..."

Rebecca tickles you. "Come back to reality, Jen!" You laugh, and say "Okay I'm back." "Yah Jen what were you thinking?" Taehyung asks. "Secret~" "Would you tell it to Jungkook if he asked?" Rebecca asks. "Well... yeah." Jungkook chuckles "Ok." "What were you thinking of?" He adds. "I was thinking of where the others are."

Just then...

Three guys run to your direction. They look like their being chased by... fangirls! One of them is Jimin. "Guys ARMYs are chasing us!" Jimin screamed. "ARMYs?" You question. "No time, we should go too." Namjoon says. "I know. Let's hide behind the stuffed toys!" Jin says. "Ok. That sounds like a plan." Suga adds.

The 7 boys hide behind their characters, leaving you and Rebecca. "What? I know for sure I saw my precious Jung Hoseok here." A fangirl says. "Maybe they went to the other store there!" Another says. "Wait! Have any of YOU seen 3 handsome men this tall, and this tall, walk here?" A fangirl wearing a BTS Hoodie asks you and Rebecca.

"Well-" "We haven't. Sorry~" You say. "Oww... well guys, let's search there now!" Says an ARMY wearing a BTS cap. The ARMYs leave the store. "Okay guys, you can go out now." Whispered Rebecca. "Phew, that was close." Said Hoseok. "If it weren't for Jin hyung's smart thinking, the fangirls-" "And a fanboy." Rebecca adds. "-Would've just... wait what would they do?" You suddenly asked.

"I mean we would have taken photos with them but..." Jimin stops. "One of them pulled Suga hyung and forced him to take a photo of them. Then they just kept pulling him and... those ARMYs were like saesangs..." Jimin adds. "Nope. 2 of them are saesangs. One of them kissed me on the cheek without my permission." Suga says.

"Yeesh being famous also has that." You say. "Anyways, BTS why are you guys here?" You add. "Yeah, aren't you 7 lovely boys at a fanmeet in.. 2 hours?" Rebecca asks. "Well we are going to have a fanmeet in 2 hours but... we decided to chill here." Namjoon answers. "Yeah." Added Hoseok.

"So what are you guys going to do for now?" You and Rebecca ask. "Hmm.... well we did stay here for awhile now. Let's go to the location of the fanmeet!" Jin happily says. The others nod. "We'll get going then. It was nice meeting you two." Namjoon smiles and leaves. "Bye!" Hoseok and Jimin wave and leave. "See you next time, Jen and Rebecca." Suga slightly smiles and goes with Jin. "I guess this is goodbye." Taehyung says and goes.

You hold Jungkook's hand before he could leave with the other 6. "Yes Jen?" You slightly blush. "Well, I was wondering if... me and Rebecca could come with you guys...?" He slightly smiles and reply. "Sure, why not? Let's go then!" You and Rebecca nod.

The three of you go outside. "Huh? Where did they go?" Jungkook questions, not noticing you and him are still holding hands. Rebecca notices and taps your right shoulder. "Psst, Jen. Look at your left hand." She whispers. You look down and see you're still holding his hand. "Hehe~" Rebecca cackles. You quickly let go of Jungkook's hand.

'I can't believe it. I held Jungkook hyung's hand.... what is this sorcery...' You bite your lips hoping he still didn't notice. "Ah! There they are!" Jungkoom shouts. "Where? I can't see them." Rebecca says. "Oh wait, I see them! Rebecca there they are!" You run to the others' direction. "Hey wait up Jen!" Rebecca shouts.

The three of you run to the van. "Oh hey Jen!" Jimin gladly says. "Is there something you want to say, Jen?" Namjoon asks. "Well, yes... can we... go to the fanmeet with you guys?" You ask them. "I mean, I said yes already. Can they, hyungs?" Jungkook asks as well. "Yeah, you two can go with us." The others say.

"On one condition though, Jen." Suga adds. "Hm? What is it, Suga hyung?" Rebecca asks. "The two of you can't break our privacy. Arasso?" Suga says. "Ok, hyung! We won't break your privacy!" You answer without hesitation. "That's good to hear! Okay, get in you three." Jimin says. You, Rebecca, and Jungkook go in the van.

"Woah, this van looks SO cool!" Complimented Rebecca. "Yeah... and-" 'Jungkook is sitting next to me... I just.. no shut up me....' "Aaaand? Whats else Jen?" Taehyung asks and slightly smirks. "Uhm.... and you guys look cool too..." 'I'm so done with myself...' You say to yourself. "Okay then, Jen." Jungkook replies.

"You know, everyone, we're gonna take awhile to get there. So just sleep or something and don't annoy me while I'm driving." Jin commands. "Ok hyung!" You all reply.

While Jin is driving, Jimin and J-hope are playing rock, paper, scissors, RM is staring outside, Suga is staring at his phone, and you, Jungkook, Rebecca, and Taehyung are talking to eachother.

"You two are really good friends, you know." Taehyung says. "You and Jungkook hyung are great friends too." Rebecca says. "Yeah... Although Tae-hyung...." Jungkook giggles. "I've heard that already from Jen." Says Taehyung Jungkook looks at you. "You called him Tae-hyung..." You nod. "Well then..."