
falling For her

faith_jay · Realista
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2 Chs


the smell of sweet roses filled the room and I couldn't help but smile but soon it was replaced with a sudden headache, my thighs feels weak and numb.

what's wrong with me I asked myself while rubbing my head.

finally I opened my eyes slowly and I saw the most cutest being on earth.

fuck! don't tell this is a dream again I said to myself while closing my eyes and opening them.

"this is definitely a dream" I said to myself trying to get up.

"how are you feeling?" he asked but I just kept mute because I was still trying to process the reality that am seeing right now.

"are you ok?" he asked again with the most sweetest voice that I've ever heard.

this isn't the first time am having dreams of him, but to be Frank I didn't want to wake.

I tried standing up but just then I felt this stinging pains on my thighs, I could properly making fall.

I closed my eyes waiting to receive the pains of falling but there was non.

I opened my eyes slowly to to realise that I was in the arms of Liam, I stretched my hands slowly to his face, I could feel his soft skin.

"fuck this isn't a dream" I said to myself.

I pulled myself away from his hands making me fall to the ground.

"ouch, it hurts" I said with a teary eyes.

I looked at my body and I wasn't putting on my clothes but his shirt.

I know that I've always wanted to see him but not this way, what if he sees me as cheap.

soon I started crying because I was finding it difficult to remember what happened.

.......... one day ago.........

" wake up sleeping beauty" Jane said removing my duvet from my body.

"please let me sleep for just few seconds" I said in a tune that one could hardly hear me except you were close to me.

"just keep sleeping, we would attend the concert without you " anita shouted from the other side of the room.

just then it dawned on me that today was the D-day I've been waiting for.

I strected lazily before standing up. " good morning my lovely roomies " I said waving lazily to them.

" I didn't know you could sleep this much, but just so you it's 2:0 already " Rita said in an excited tune.

" I can't wait to see the best celebrity that has ever came out of this country " she added.

the way she said plus her facial expression all of us in the room laugh

"lol I guess he isn't just my celebrity crush then but everyone's celebrity crush" I said in thought.

I headed to the bathroom, took a shower because I really needed it.

"I forgot to take something to wear" I wrapped my towel around, went back to the room to take my clothes and they all just kept staring at me making me feel awkward.

"what's....wro...ng" I said dragging my words.

"you could actually change in front of us, don't tell me that you are shy" Jane asked.

yh I was shy because I've not changed in front of anyone before.

I actually wanted to drop the towel and just change but I couldn't.

"maybe next time" I said I'm a shy tune before running to the toilet.

" Rita you also behave that way when you arrived" I could here Anita said and they all laughed.

when I was done, we all headed out to get food.

After I scooped the first spoon, I realised how hungry I've been.

"slowly so that you won't choke" Rita said while patting my back because it almost felt as if my eyes where popping out.

I couldn't talk so I only nodded in affirmation to what she said.

After we where Done eating, we all headed back home as we kept laughing and talking about almost everything we saw.

" Diana, look over there" Jane said pointing her fingers at a guy that was 30 meters from where we were standing.

I followed her eyes just to see one ugly looking fellow.

"that is Rita's crush" she added while laughing.

" God forbid" Rita said rejecting it and it made us all laugh.

"am definitely going to smack you today" she said jokingly while chasing Jane.

I couldn't help but smile because it was funny.

I love the feeling am getting and the people that I've met so far is making me adapt so fast.

" so do you have a boyfriend " Anita asked bringing back to reality.

"pardon..!" I said because I didn't get what she said.

"I meant if you've dated before " she asked again.

"nope, I've never been in a relationship before " I said feeling kind of shy.

"that means no first kiss yet and you still a virgin" she asked surprisingly.

"yeah, I've not tried any of that before" I said this time around I was facing the ground because I was now shy.

"am proud of you" she said patting my shoulders.

actually I was not the youngest, but the second youngest.

Jane is 19, Rita is 22 Anita is 23 while am 20.

After what she said, I realised that I've not really been in any kind of relationship neither have I had any feelings for any guy.

I was too busy assisting mom that I seemed to forget that relationships actually exists.

when we got to our room, it was four already.

everyone started getting ready excluding me.

I just sat on my bed thinking of what to wear.

non of my clothes fits for this occasion.

"what's wrong?" Jane asked.

"it's nothing serious, just that I don't have what to wear" I said in a sad tune.

"really? don't worry I have the perfect outfit just for you" she said.

she brought out a gown that looked so hot, I've only seen such clothes on movies and on few people.

"isn't this too expensive ?" I asked

don't worry about it just put it on she added.

I finally put on the clothes and OMG I was actually hot.

I didn't know that clothes added to people's appearance.

the gown was short and hugged me rightly.

it was a handless gown with zip at the front.

the gown pushed my boots out.

"so my breast are this big" I said in excitement.

I heard them laugh.

"fuck! did I just say that out loud" I asked myself In thought.

who's this hottie my roomies praised me making blush without control.

everyone got dressed and soon we headed out.

my dreams are actually coming to reality I said in thought.

before we got there, everywhere was filled up, different people scattered all over.

the stage was far from us but I was so happy.

when Liam came on the stage, you need to see the crowd cheering at him.

we sang along to all his music and the feeling was so so great.

After he left the stage, my friends insisted that we go clubbing since its already late.

I didn't like the idea because I saw clubbing as a bad habit. I couldn't resist so I just went with them.

the club was filled with different people, the smell of alcohol and smoke filled the air and to be Frank I nearly choked.

soon some guys came over to join us and it seemed as if they knew them.

they ordered drinks and all of it was alcohol.

I really wanted to decline but I just didn't want to seem lik a baby.

so I took a sip but guess what? the drink was actually so sweet.

in a few seconds I emptied my cup and more was poured for me.

"fuck this is so perfect" I said happily drinking more.

my friends laughed because I actually acted so funny.

I would be right back I said I said standing up.

my friends didn't bother because it seems as if they were drunk.

"just this few bottles and they are drunk already " I scoffed.

it was after I stood up I felt the earth was actually round.

my legs were shaky .

"what's going on I asked myself"

the exit door seemed far and I tried all my best to get there.

I kept dragging my body and my body was also dragging me.

"hello beautiful" a man said dragging my arms.

the way he dragged me was kinda painful.

" let me go" I said pulling myself hands from him with force.

Because of the way I did it, I staggered and fell but not to the ground but on someone's body.

i looked up to his face directly and his was looking like Liam but I wasn't sure because he was wearing a face cap plus my vision was kinda blurry.

"she's with me" he said pulling more to himself.

I didn't know what happened next but all I heard was "do you want to come with me " he asked.

I wanted to say no because I was without my friends but all I ended up doing was nodding my head meaning I was going with him.

..........LIAM'S POV...........

I wasn't supposed to be feeling this nervous, what's actually wrong I asked myself.

my manager rushed inside my room and I nearly jumped off the window because I thought the house was one fire.

"mira is here" he said gasping for breath .

"don't let her into my room she should...."

"too late because am already here" she said cutting me off why flashing a charming smile at me but I refused to fall for it.

"go back downstairs" I said harshly backing her while trying to grab a shirt.

"what if I don't want to" she said.

this time around she was more closer to me because I felt her draw trails on my back.

I turned immediately holding her hands. while giving her a glare that could kill but the bitch just didn't seem to care.

she used the other hands to touch my chest and then my nipples.

I felt this tingling but I was going to ever fall to it.

this time around I held her both hands pinning her to the wall .

"fuck! I actually miss when you pin me to the wall, lift my clothes up and then bang me from the back" she said in a seductive manner licking her lips.

To be honest I actually felt so stupid for ever having anything to do with this bitch.

her words got me so angry that I held her hands and walked her out of my room angrily.

"Liam please open up let's talk " she said banging the door.

I can't believe that my morning is getting ruined already.

"am only leaving because you need time to prepare, but just know that I would be back tomorrow and that I am not giving up soon till I get you back" she said with a loud voice.

sometimes I wonder why girls are so cheap I scoffed.

all my life, even before I become the country's treasure I was always been hunted by women, I could get any woman of my choice.

no matter how late it was they where willing to come over.

I started having sex at young age, so presently I don't see anything special about it anymore.

my parents where so rich and since I was the only son and child I was allowed to do whatever I wanted, even bringing different ladies home.

so I guess that was why I couldn't fall in love because all the women I've ever met where nothing but cheap.

I didn't want mira at all but my manager kept disturbing and showing me facts.

thinking about it, I realised that she was very cute with raw talent.

she was the country beauty goddess. she was fun to be with, and a woman of Steel.

After meeting her, I tried to learn to love her but I couldn't.

just when I started feeling something I saw her on bed with my best friend from childhood.

I felt so hurt not because of love or anything but because of the two people that I trusted betrayed me.

After I left there, I swore never to get attracted to any female ever again.


looking at the crowd made me feel so proud, it's been long I held one so I never expected this kind of outcome.

the crowd cheering my name was everything. it made me happy and confident.

when I got to the stage, the feelings felt good. everyone was singing to my song and I felt so so proud.

"I love you all" I screamed and they replied while shouting.

After I was done, I and my manager with some of my crew entered the club nearby.

no one knew we where there because we sat in a confined place. just the Jason and mira walked in.

I turned to Mr Jack immediately because I knew it was his doing.

the thought of it made me so angry.

I just couldn't look at them, so I stared at the crowd.

the crowd in the club couldn't see us, but we could actually see them.

just then something caught my attention. I saw a girl taking alcohol lik water and I nearly laughed.

this must be her first or she's definitely heart broken I said in thought.

"Liam, can we talk " Jason said.

Jason was my childhood best friend until he fucked someone he knew I was planning to settle down with and I still hate him for that.

"can you please leave us" mira said referring to my manager and crew.

they all stood up and left.

"Liam please say something" mira added.

"can you guys just stay away from me? it all happened and I am happy it did because I now know the wolves in sheep's clothing" I said angrily.

" it was a mistake, we were drunk" Jason said.

his silly excuses made me angry because they just didn't want to accept there mistake.

"do you know what just fuck off please am begging" I said standing up.

mira tried holding my hand but I shook her hands off.

I hastily left them, when I was almost at the exit someone fell on me.

she looked familiar just then I remembered where I saw her. she was the girl drinking alcohol like water.

looking at the man close to her he seemed as if he wanted to harass her and I didn't want that.

"she's with me" I said giving him sign to leave he wanted to argue but seeing the bouncers he just left.

"do you want to come with me?" I asked without thinking.

she nodded in affirmation and I just gave that evil smile.

maybe having someone for the night would make me feel better a little I said to myself.

she kept staggering and couldn't walk properly, so I had to carry her to my car.

holding her felt so different, it sent chills to my body that I have never felt before and it felt strange.

kept smiling endlessly and I wondered if her cheeks didn't hurt.

when Mr Jack saw me with her he was surprised not because I was with a lady but because I was carrying her like a baby.

even when mira was drunk, I've never carried her, my driver or her manager did.

he opened the door for me and I made her sit before going in.

"are you ok?" he asked.

"let's don't talk about it there's someone in the car" I told him.

"you are so cute" she said in a whisper still smiling.

the way she smiled made me smile also.

"wait why am I smiling like a fool" I said in thought while composing myself.

the journey home for the first time seemed long, because she kept seducing in a cute way that no one has done before.

her breast where neatly arranged in her dressed and they seemed as if they want to pop out.

I can't wait to unzip that dress and let them out from there prison.

her thighs where shinning even in the dark. my thoughts of all the things I want to do to her made me so horny.

I drew her closely and stared directly to her and she just didn't move though she seemed shocked.

her eyes where bright and charming, my face alone seduced people but this time around it was as if her eyes where seducing me and caging my soul.

"we've arrived" I heard my driver say.

the car door was opened for me and I carried her out in my arms.

my body guard wanted to help me but I refused making Mr Jack more shocked.

I knew he had lots to say but was waiting for the right opportunity to voice it out.

took her to my main room, I only enter there once in a while not every time.

whenever I want to be alone I stay there.

I dropped her on the bed before heading to the bathroom to shower.

when I came out, she u saw kneeling on the bed looking at me.

is she admiring my body? I asked myself.

water was still dripping down my body, with my towel wrapped around my waist.

when I got closer to her, I put a finger under her and lifted her face up.

I brought my face closer to hers and indeed she's really pretty.

she seemed really drunk and I was having a change of mind.

I just didn't want to take advantage. normally I was fucking horny but I was trying to control myself.

I wanted to shift my face but she wrapped her hands around me and kissed me lightly.

just then I lost all self control.....

...matured content 18+.....

she was already kneeling, so I drew her more closer as I gave her a wet and deep kiss. at first she couldn't move her mouth but later she started following the pace.

she felt like a novice and I liked it that way.

I d

sucked on her lips hungrily as I made way to her dress.

After unzipping her clothes I couldn't help but admire her breats.

my mouth went from lips to her ears and then her neck bone.

she responded to all my touch, no one has ever reacted that way, her voice was so sweet and it increased the hunger I had for her.

soon I wrapped my hands around them before putting my mouth in them.

"fuck! you are such a sweet soul" I whispered.

"please don't stop" she said in a very low tune.

my mouth found her her lips again as we kissed Again.

the feelings where new and I just didn't want it to go away.

I kept sucking from one nipples to another while she grabbed my hair in pleasure.

I laid her down, parted her legs as I lay between them.

her stomach was so cute, I kissed her stomach and then went down her legs.

some of the women I met, I don't even kiss them, we just go down to business while the remaining few, I kissed but has never gone to the extent of eating every part of their bodies.

with this stranger, I couldn't get enough of her, I just Wanted more and more.

I kissed her toes to her thighs, she seemed shy and wanted to withdraw but the moment my fingers Rubbed her clitoris, she opened up again. she coiled her self in a funny way why holding on to the sheets.

"why is it so sweet?" she asked in a breaking tune.

"I Don't know what you are doing to me, but no matter what it is, please don't stop" I nearly laughed.

her expression where killing me.

her pussy was so Wet, I didn't know when I removed my fingers and put them in my mouth in other to test her juice.

fuck she test so nice.

but wait I must be crazy, I've never thought of something lik this before so what the hell am I doing.

few times I heard guys talking about eating a girls pussy, I nearly threw up.


but right now all I was thinking of was milking her dry.

I held her both legs as I pulled her to the edge of the bed and then I knelt down before putting my mouth on those cute tities.

the gasped slowly and soon her voice was getting loud.

I loved the way she moaned, because it was making me want to do more.

"Omg....omg .....ahhhhh...ahhhh" she said twisting her body.

it was as if she was going through a sweet torture and I was happy because I was the one torturing her.

I tried inserting my finger in her but there was a barrier then it dawned on me that she was a virgin.

at first I was scared because I've never had sex with one before, I really wanted to stop but couldn't.

finally I inserted a finger and she shifted a little because it was painful.

soon she was used to the finger and I enjoyed the way she touched my fingers why I inserted them.

I dropped my towel before making my way in.

it wasn't easy so I didn't go fully in cuz I wanted her to get used to that size first.

she was in pains so I kissed her to avoid making her cry much.

"fuck it's so painful" she said after I removed my mouth.

I didn't stop just kept on going slowly.

to be honest she was torturing me because her wetness was driving me crazy already, I wanted to go faster than this but I couldn't because I didn't want to hurt her.

so I just kept going while enjoying the sweet torture.

soon she was moaning again and it kinda made me happy.

it was when I wanted to release that I realised that I wasn't putting on a condom.

I've never had Raw sex before because I was scared of all the women I've met.

she seemed so tired because she couldn't move.

I stared at her naked body on my bed and I couldn't help but admire her.

"who the fuck are you and what are you doing to me" I asked myself while still staring at her lustfully.

I took her to the bathroom, wash her up, wore her my clothes and let her sleep.

I never knew my shirt looked so cute until I saw it on her body.

........present day........

it seemed as though she was still dizzy because she fell and I caught her. but then again she pulled herself away making her fall to the ground.

"ouch it hurts" she said in pains. I quickly rushed to her lik a humble puppy.

the way she stared at me made me want to kiss her.

just then my phone rang and I needed to be there.

"someone would attend to you ok, when I get back we would talk properly" I said giving her the best smile ever.

she didn't say anything she just kept looking at me and I could guess why.

when I got down stairs I saw my manager and he was excited because he wanted to hear the gjst.

"good morning hope your night was good?" he asked smiling.

"what ever you want to say, should be saved for later because am in a haste" I said walking past him.

"what about the girl?" he asked.

" you know what to do, take good care of her"

I told him before leaving.


"what did u just say?" I asked in anger

I know he was shocked because he has never seen me this way before.

"I paid her and told her to leave" he replied with his face to the ground.

"my God" I said feeling so disturbed.

"did you ask her where she stay?" I asked

"nope because it didn't matter" he replied and this time around I was getting so pissed.

"her contact?" I asked again.

"nope" he replied

fuck!fuck! fuck! I shouted this time around because I was going mad.

"and lastly she didn't go with the money, it was after she left I realised she dropped it" I heard him say with a shaky voice.

this time around I smashed the jug close to me.

"I wonder how she would be feeling, would I ever meet her again?" I asked myself.

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