
Chapter 2

"Nice to meet you." The client shakes my hand and sits back down on the chair.

"Nice to meet you too." I say.

To be honest, I'm actually glad the client is a male as the female clients have defiantly prepared themselves to see me…and to talk about me. However, this client is actually someone who I would have thought to be a Manager's assistant or something but really they're a Manager for Apgujeong-dong's top restaurant and cuisine.

"Seoul Star Company seems much livelier than the end of last year."

"Yes. We have had some adjustments made to benefit both the staff and the clients." I reply.

"I can see that. Especially the café on this floor. I should actually get something later, before I go."

"Feel free to drink or eat as much as you like…for a price, of course." I say.

"Ah yes. Nothing much is free in this world…Anyway, food aside, I came here to see if your company is eligible to be one of the top companies of Korea. It looks like everything is up to date Mr. Jeon?" the client glances from their piece of paper to me.

"Indeed it is Mr. Kim. I've made sure to double check the systems every week myself and my employees check the records every day so there are no unnecessary information or any information that we no longer need from, for example, clients as of the Data Protection Act." I explain simply.

"Very good. What about you statistical report for the term? How are the sales doing?" Mr. Kim inquires.

"Actually, the sale rate for SSC's phones has risen tremendously since last term. The percentage increase has risen to no less than 30%, which if you look at other companies with 15% increase, I think is a very good achievement worth mentioning." I shrug, like this is normal.

"So the sales are pretty stable, I see. One more question, what are you going to do this year in order to change SSC into a better company?" Mr. Kim asks with wonder and curiosity.

"Well, I'm thinking to introduce possibly a new phone or make a new app for the netizens to use. I'm still deciding with the team which one it's going to be." I respond when I've come up with an answer.

"An excellent choice. There's no more questions form me but if you've got any of your own you are more than welcome to put them forward."

"As a matter of fact, I do have just one question. Why did you decide to contact me about making my company popular? Nobody else has, yet you have." I look at Mr. Kim in the same way he looked at me before – with wonder and curiosity.

"A very good question but the answer is simple. I wanted to give your company a chance to shine more than the rest by working together to make the most of our companies as managers, and showing everyone what we're capable of." Mr. Kim sits back in his chair and leaves me to think about his proposal.

I ponder the answer in my head. Joining another famous company may be a good idea. More people may come and if there's more people, there's more sales and those sales can be partially helped to improve the lives of the less fortunate.

"Alright. That's all I wanted to say." I finally say.

"Since everything is working as it should be, I just need you to sign this contract so we know you've agreed with everything." Mr. Kim slides the piece of paper in front of me. I pick the pen on the desk and write my signature neatly on the designated area of the contract. I pass back the paper.

"That's it. Now all we have to do is make sure our plans to make the companies better are a success." Mr. Kim sighs while probably thinking on what the future looks like.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your idea to make your restaurant better?"

"I'm going to change its look, add a couple of new dishes from Japan and construct some restaurants in Seoul. You don't have my kind of cuisine here." Mr. Kim smirks.

"Your kind of cuisine? Pretty confident of you to boast about your food." I shake my head while beaming from Mr. Kim's humor.

"Well as the foreigners say, food is love, food is life." Mr. Kim chuckles.

I laugh at Mr. Kim. He sure is a good client and I hope he will be a good business partner too. With a final chuckle, I shake Mr. Kim's hand greatly. Today was an important day and it all worked out just the way it should.

"I should get going. I have a meeting with a customer in approximately 1 hour. I shall speak to you tomorrow at noon." He stands up, placing the contract in his briefcase.

"Yes. I'll be waiting for your call. Oh and don't forget to try one of the cinnamon buns from the café, they're everyone's favorite." I remind him.

"I will do. Have a good day Mr. Jeon Junkook." Mr. Kim says as he steps out of the door.

"You too Mr. Kim Taehyung."

Keep supporting this story guys and love BTS with all your heart (like you aren't already :P). Love AmeRei.

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