
chapter 1

The alarm clock blared at its highest volume, yet the sleeping beauty remained unaffected.

As time passed, it began to irritate her.

"Ugh! Bijan... Bijan... please, someone make it stop," she groaned, pressing the pillow against her ears.

"Dear, wake up. Mr. Danial is waiting downstairs," Bijan, the old woman, said gently while pulling the covers off her.

"Please, Bijan, it's semester break. I have no university classes," she protested, pouting.

"My doll, Mr. Danial needs to talk to you urgently. That's why he's calling you," Bijan explained, tousling her hair.

"Okay, tell him I'll be there in 2 minutes," she agreed, rushing to the bathroom.

After freshening up, she returned to her room and noticed 10 missed calls from Little P.

A smile spread across her face as she dialed the number.

"Where were you? I've been calling and waiting, but no... you don't care about me, right? Yeah, right... you don't love me at all. You don't care," she teased, as the call was answered, a playful tone evident in her voice.

"Relax, drama queen. Take a deep breath and stop this drama. I was in the washroom. Forgive me, please," the voice on the other end responded, chuckling.

"Okay, I forgive you. Please, listen to me... please come back. I miss you a lot. Please, for me," as she heard this, the smile faded from her face.

"Okay, bye... we'll talk later. Brother is waiting downstairs," she said before ending the call.

Bijan entered the dining area of the 3-room flat with an open kitchen, TV lounge, and dining area.

A 27-year-old boy sat on a chair, raising his eyebrows when he saw Bijan, silently asking if she had spoken to her.

"What?" Bijan asked him.

"Did you tell her?" he inquired.

"I'm not stupid, Danial beta. She'll get angry with me," Bijan replied.

"How could I tell her, Bijan? She's also mad at me. Why do Mom and Dad put me in these situations?" Danial lamented, his face showing distress.

"Because she only listens to you. Only you can convince her," Bijan said, smiling.

"But right now... in this matter... Allah knows what she'll do... Zoha's going to kill me," Danial fretted.

"Who's going to kill my brother? Is it about a girl? Hmm?" Zoha entered the dining area.

"No, nobody... come, sit," Danial composed himself.

"Zoha, how many times have I told you... speak in Urdu... How will you communicate with everyone in Pakistan?" Bijan scolded her.

"Are, Bijan... I'm not going there," she hugged her.

"Speak to me in Urdu, do you understand? You can speak it. So why don't you?" Bijan asked.

"Okay, Bijan... I'll try. I'll speak Urdu," she said.

"Tell me, bro... Bijan told me you have to discuss something important," Zoha asked.

"I brought coffee for you," Bijan said, moving out of the dining area.

"Yes, well... umm," Danial struggled to find the words.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You have a flight tonight... you're going to Pakistan with me," Danial blurted out.

"You're kidding me," Zoha's eyes widened.

"No, it's Dad's order... Mom is missing you, bachay," he explained.

"Oh, wow! She's missing me... sounds funny, bro. Does she even remember that she has another daughter in this world?" Zoha laughed, but something was missing in her laughter—happiness, peace, and love.

"It's not like that, Zoha... she loves you," Danial tried to explain.

"Brother, you're not her lawyer, okay," she said, and Danial understood that she was hiding her emotions now, as she only called him "brother" when she was angry or sad.

"Okay, doll... come here, let's talk, okay? Firstly, you have to listen to me," Danial grabbed her shoulders and made her sit.

"No, firstly, you have to listen to me," she insisted.

"Okay... now tell me your problem," he said.

"I don't want to go there," she said stubbornly.

"Why? Give me any solid reason," he said.

"Isn't it enough that I don't want to go? You give me any damn reason why I should go there. You said Mom is missing me... does she even remember me? I've been living in London since I was 9 years old... just 9. She left me here. I'm not allowed to visit home, she's not visiting here... after 14 years, she suddenly starts missing me and wants me to forget everything and come back... wow," she said, tears falling from her eyes.

"I know, bachay... but she's doing it for your own good," he said.

"The good I don't even know," she rolled her eyes.

"Zoha," he said.

"I'm not going there, and that's final," she grabbed her car keys and went outside.

Bijan quickly entered the lounge.

"She didn't agree, I knew it... that she won't," Bijan said.

"Hmm... but she'll have to go back now... Mom has said it... and you know she's as stubborn as Zoha... and she's also quite protective of Zoha," Danial said, and she nodded.

"I don't know where she's gone in anger... she hasn't even had breakfast," Bijan said, worried.

"And where else would she go... you know when she's angry, she heads there," Danial chuckled.

"Hmm... I don't know what will happen to my girl... sometimes I'm very worried, Daniel... she doesn't talk to anyone... in the whole 12 years, she's only made one friend... she doesn't share her thoughts with anyone quickly... you'll have to take her there... but she won't be able to stay there," Bijan said.

"She'll manage, Bijan... she's very strong... and I'm with her... don't worry," Danial said with a smile.

Zuna was Zoha's only childhood friend; they became friends when Zoha moved to London. They were neighbors, school fellows, and even high school companions.

Zuna had moved to her own flat after their parents' separation. Zoha arrived at her flat and rang the bell.

Zuna opened the door and was surprised to see her. "You're here at this time?" she asked, confused. Zoha pushed her aside and entered the lounge, sitting on the sofa.

"Don't tell me... you fought with your brother again," Zuna said, joining her, sensing her silence.

"Now just tell me... I'm worried about you," Zuna urged gently.

"He wants me to go with him to Pakistan," Zoha said, and Zuna's eyes widened in shock.

"What... is he mad? How could he say that to you... he knows everything," Zuna said, astounded.

"I don't want to go there, Zuna... I hate her. Danial bhai said she loves me, she was worried for me... tell me how can I believe that when she wasn't there when I needed her the most?" Zoha said, tears slipping from her eyes.

"It's okay, my dear... you can stay with me as long as you want. Now cheer up, I'll make breakfast for you, okay?" Zuna said, hugging her, and Zoha nodded.

They sat together, watching a movie when Danial called her.

"Brother... until you stop being stubborn, I won't come back home. I'm telling you," Zoha said, answering the call.

"Okay, fine... let's talk. If I can convince you, then it's okay. Otherwise, you won't go," Danial said, and she nodded.

"Okay, I'm coming," she said, informing Zuna and went back home, where they resumed their argument.

"Why can't you go there, Zoha... that's your home," Danial said in frustration.

"Home... sounds funny... the home I don't even remember how it looks," she mocked.

"I know... but they all love you... they were helpless at that time," Danial said in a low voice.

"I'm not going anywhere, okay? I don't want their love now. Why can't you understand... they left me with you... you know I was just 9 years old... she knew how much I needed her... I couldn't even stay an hour without her... and then she just left me for her selfish desires. I cried so much... but no one showed any pity on me," she said bitterly.

"Fara is also missing you, and after 1 day, it's her birthday," Danial used his last card.

"Don't dare to blackmail me using her name," she warned him.

"Okay... let's make a deal... you go there for a short duration. If you can't adjust there, I'll send you back here," Danial proposed.

"No," she shook her head.

"Think about it... if Dad becomes adamant, this offer won't be available anymore... and spending your whole life there is worse than spending some time," he raised his eyebrows.

"For how long?" she asked.

"One year and a half," Danial said.

"It's too much... no, no," she refused.

"Think about it," Danial said.

"Okay... one year," she agreed.

"Done... now go and pack your bags," Danial said, and she nodded.

In Pakistan...

At night, everyone was sleeping in their rooms. A boy wearing a black hoodie and jeans climbed up the pipe and jumped into a room. Another boy followed him. They entered the room through the balcony and walked towards the bed.

A girl with black hair and fair skin, sharp features, was sleeping on the bed. When she felt someone's presence, she opened her eyes.

"Who's there? Thief!" she started shouting when one boy came forward and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Oyeee... it's me... Duffer," one boy removed his hood.

She sighed and he removed his hand.

"What are you both doing in my room?" she said angrily, and they sat on her bed.

"We're here to scare you," one of them said.

"You both have no manners at all... You shouldn't have enter a girl's room like this," she scolded them.

"This was all his plan," a boy with a stylish haircut, looking cute and handsome, pointed to another boy sitting with an attitude, looking breathtakingly handsome with his stylish haircut, super body, and charming blue eyes.

"I know, only a cheap idea like this could come from the great Ahad Malik's mind," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Look, Miss the Great Fara Tiwana... your third-class lover was about to die... oooo Ahad... what do I do... it's her birthday... and I wanted to make it special," Ahad started acting, and Fara burst out laughing.

"Okay... okay, stop... Zain... but it's not right," Fara looked at him.

"I know... but what could I do... it's your first birthday after our confession," Zain said with emotion.

"By the way, if your mom finds out that her daughter is in love with her biggest rival's son... oh, Ahad... how fun would that be," Ahad said with a smirk.

"I swear... I'll kill your brother," Fara said in anger.

"Haaa...sooo you didn't seemed me as your brother," Ahad asked with puppy eyes.

"No," she said with attitude.

"Oh... she broke my heart... now do whatever you want," Ahad said dramatically, and Zain gave her a gift.

"Okay... now you both should leave... if anyone sees you, it'll be very bad... let's meet in the morning at uni... bye," she said, and both jumped from the pipe.

"Uffff! They are mad, seriously," she shook her head and went back to rest.

The next day, everyone was in a hurry at the Tiwana house.

"Mama, please prepare my breakfast... I have an important class today," Fara said, sitting on the chair.

"Assalam alaikum, Dad," Fara greeted Kamal Tiwana.

"Walaikum assalam, beta," Kamal Sahab smiled.

"Wait for me, beta... I am also going with you to uni," Rubi (Mrs. Kamal) said.

"Why, mom?" Fara asked.

"Zoha is coming today, and I want full security for her," Rubi told her.

"What... she's coming. I can't believe this... and you agreed this time?" Fara asked, shocked.

"Yes, because the one I'm protecting her from... is in London," she thought.

"Mom, I'm going... you come with the driver, okay," she said and ran towards her car.

Kamal Tiwana is the most popular and top businessman in Pakistan. He has many industries and other companies. He has three children: Danial, the elder brother, then Zoha, and then Fara. Fara is two years younger than Zoha.

Fara, Danial, and Zoha share a strong bond. They are very attached to each other. Fara was very young when Zoha left Pakistan, but she visits London every year and spends her vacations with her sister.

Fara reached uni, and Ahad and Zain were waiting for her.

"Where were you? We've been waiting for you," Zain asked.

"At home... there was a big problem," she said.

"What happened?" Ahad asked.

"Mom is coming to uni today... to get Zoha admitted," she told them.

"Damm! Mom is also coming for some donation," Ahad told them.

"Mom didn't tell me this," Zain said.

"You go to the office, or should I..." Ahad asked glaring him and he grin ...

"You are going to office ... Because my playful days are not over," Zain said with a toothy smile.

"Yeah... in your playful days, you knew all about love affairs," Ahad said, grinding his teeth.

"Guys, will you just stop your drama and focus on our problem," Fara shouted, and they looked at her.

"What happened... chill out. Sooner or later, they'll have to face each other. Besides, they'll see each other at parties, in meetings," Zain said calmly, and Fara started slapping his arm.

"You don't care about my problems... I'm here tense, and you're chilling," Fara said angrily.

"Now what, shall I cry, mourn?" Zain said, overacting.

"That's too much... stop this," Ahad said normally.

"If they find out that I meet you guys, then," Fara said, worried.

"Don't worry... we will solve this problem," Ahad said, starting to think.

"By the way, why did your mom have to get your sister admitted to this uni? I'm already annoyed by your sister," Ahad said, making a face.

"Hey, don't you dare say anything about Zoha... understand? Otherwise... I will punch you in the face," Fara said, glaring at him, and he raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really... I'm scared of your threats... Zain, please save me," Ahad started his act, and Fara rolled her eyes.

"Guys, stop it... and focus on the problem... if mom and aunt see each other today, what will happen?" Zain said, with fear in his voice.

"Nothing will happen... we'll figure something out," Ahad said calmly.

"Okay... let's attend the class first... the professor is calling me, then we'll think about this," Zain said, and Fara and Zain went to their class. Ahad is a senior compared to them, and everyone knows Ahad Malik in the college. He's the most popular boy in the university, and every girl dreams of catching his eye.

Ahad entered the principal's office.

"Uncle, there's a problem," he said as he entered, and Mr. Asad glared at him.

"Sorry, sir... there's a problem. Today, both my mom and Aunt Rubi are coming to visit together. You know everything... if these two come face to face, one of us three won't survive today," Ahad said.

"What can I do, Ahad?" Mr. Asad asked.

"Handle it... maybe tell a lie that we three don't know each other. If both of them come together... okay," he said.

After some time, Rubi called Fara to inform her that she had reached the university. When she told Ahad...

"No... mom is in the principal's office... today is our last day on earth," Ahad said.

"What should we do now, guys?" Fara started panicking.

"Let whatever is happening, happen," Ahad said.

"How can I just let whatever is happening happen? What do you mean? Mom won't let me go," Fara said, initially in anger towards Ahad and then in fear.

"Relax, Fara... we'll find some solution... we've been handling these kinds of situations for years," Zain said, and she nodded.

When Rubi entered the office, her face turned pale.

assalamualaikum ! my lovely reader

I am you all are fine . thank you Soo much for adding my story in your reading list

I hope you are enjoying the story

stay tuned with me . I will not let your hope down . keep reading byee

Kashaf_alvicreators' thoughts