
chapter 2

Another somber woman was sitting in the office, and both had the same reaction.

"How are you, Rubi?" Sadiya (Zain's mom) asked.

"I'm very happy," Rubi said with an attitude.

"Miss Tiwana, please sit," Asad Sahab said.

"How are the girls? Zoha... how is she?" Sadiya asked with a smile.

"She's far away from you and your family and very happy," Rubi said with hatred.

"Rubi, they both are very dear to me... and you to as well... why can't you understand?" Sadiya said, trying to reason with Rubi.

"By the way, Sadiya... tell them to leave my daughter alone... I'll never let them reach her," Rubi said.

"Miss Rubi, are you here for Zoha's admission?" Asad Sahab asked.try to break their conversation

"What, Zoha is coming to Pakistan?" Sadiya asked with happiness.

"Yes, because she wasn't safe in London anymore... so I brought her back, right in front of my eyes," Rubi said, giving her a knowing look.

"I think my work here is done. Okay, Mr. Asad, it was nice meeting you... if you need any further help, just tell Ahad or Zain, okay?" Sadiya said and left the office.

"What... Ahad is also studying here?" Rubi was stunned.

"Yes, I know him... don't worry," Asad said.

"Asad Sahab, I want full security... I want two bodyguards with Zoha, okay... and yes, keep Zoha and Fara away from her sons," Rubi said.hatred was clearly shown in her tone

"Miss Tiwana, you don't need to worry about this... Zoha is like my daughter... I'll personally oversee everything, okay?" Asad Sahab said, and she nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Asad, I have some important work at home... goodbye," she said and left the office.

Fara was waiting for her outside the office.

"M-mom... i-is the work done?" Fara asked, trying to act normal.

"Is it true that the Maliks also study here?" Rubi asked, grinding her teeth, and Fara gulped.

"N-no... I d-don't know," she murmured, and Rubi nodded.

"Alright, let's go home," Rubi said and left.

Zain and Ahad came towards her.

"Hey, your mom is a total Hitler," Ahad said, and she glared at him.

"Okay... I'm sorry... but what will you do now?" Ahad asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know, Ahad... Mama is very possessive about Zoha... I don't know what will happen to me now," she said, fearful.

"Nothing will happen... just tell her you didn't know... it's such a big university... if they study here, you might never even meet," Ahad said, and she nodded.

"Should I drop you home?" Zain asked.

"No... the driver is here," Fara said, and he nodded.

"Okay... last class... let's go... we'll meet in the ground," Ahad said, and they nodded.

When Rubi reached home, she looked lost. An old lady was sitting in the lounge.

"Rubi... what's wrong, dear... you look worried," she asked.

"M-mom... t-today, I-I saw her after 26 years..." Rubi said, looking very scared.

"Who?" the old lady asked.

"Sadiya... she was there... Ama, her son also studies there... they'll take my daughter away from me... I can't let that happen," Rubi said, tears streaming down her face.

"Rubi... listen, dear... nothing like that will happen... many kids study there... who knows, they might not even meet... and our Fara also studies there... till now, nothing has happened to her," Ama (Rafiya) said, trying to reassure her.

"I don't know... I can't understand anything," Rubi said.

"Don't worry... arrange for the party tonight... Danial and Zoha will also be here," Rafiya patted her head, and Rubi forced a smile.

Ahad, Zain, and Fara were sitting in the ground.

"Today we barely managed to survive," Fara said, taking a deep breath.

"It's nothing," Ahad said casually.

"It's normal for you... but not for us... you don't love anyone... for you, she's just your garbage shop," Zain said, making a face.

"Shut up... love is not my cup of tea...," Ahad said, relaxed.

"I am damn sure... when Ahad falls in love, it will be strong... because I know you... all your emotions are very strong... whether it's love or hate," Fara said with a smile.

"You both worry about yourselves... what will your villainous mom do?" Ahad said, chuckling, and Fara glared.

"We have a lot of time... it will take two more years to complete our studies... we'll see then, until then, let's just spend our time like this," Zain said.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Zoha is coming today, and I want to make some arrangements," Fara said, standing up.

"Who's Zoha?" Ahad asked.

"My elder sister... Zain, you didn't tell your brother anything?" Fara said in irritation and left.

"Why does she keep bothering him... she doesn't tell you anything because you're his so-called best friend plus best bro... and she'd get me killed," Zain said with a crying face, then chuckled.

"Don't be scared or bother her so much... the more you're scared, the more she bother you," Ahad said, standing up.

"Now, should we go home or not?" he asked, and she nodded.

Fara went home and threw herself on the sofa.

"Chotu... please bring me a glass of water," Fara called the servant.

"Here you go, Fara Baji," Chotu brought the water.

"Fara Baji... Bagum Sahiba was very angry today... ever since she came home from your university... and she said as soon as you come back, you should go to her room immediately," Chotu told her.

"Okay... I'll check on her... don't worry... and listen carefully to what I'm saying... from tomorrow, don't let me see you in this house... your exams are coming up... study in your room, understood?" Fara stood up and said, the last line in a warning tone... Chotu nodded and quickly disappeared.

Fara knocked on the door of Rubi's room.

"Come in," Rubi said, and Fara entered with fear.

"Mama... you wanted to talk to me about something important?" Fara said and sat down.

"Hmm... how long have you known the Maliks?" Rubi asked, and Fara was shocked...

what are you saying, Mama... I don't know the Maliks," Fara was so scared.

"Really... they're in your university... and you don't know about them," Rubi said angrily.

"Mama, believe me... I don't know about them... if you want, you can ask Mr. Asad... or anyone else... I really don't know," Fara said, calming herself.

"Are you telling the truth... Fara beta... I don't want the shadow of the Maliks on our house... I just want to keep everyone safe," Rubi said, getting emotional.

"Mama, whatever it is, it will be fine... and now don't stress... we have to do a lot of preparation... and Bhai's flight is about to land," Fara said, changing the topic, and Rubi nodded with a smile.

Zoha and Danial reached at the Pakistan airport.

"After 14 years... I am Zoha Kamal Tiwana... I have everything... money, fame, beauty... except love... family... My mom sent me to London for some reason I don't know... I want to hate her... but I can't... but I am too mad at her... and I don't want to talk to her... she didn't even visit London in those 14 years... I miss her... every event of my life... but she is nowhere... when I was scared in my dream, she was not there to console me... I don't want to come back... because now I don't need any of them... now I am satisfied with my life... But then mom ordered me to come back... she again disturbed my life with her decision," Zoha thought.

"Zoha... come, the car is here," Danial mentioned. When Zoha saw... her eyes widened even more... 6 cars were standing in a row and all were bulletproof... latest models... each was loaded with bodyguards... 4 suited bodyguards walked towards them and greeted them... Zoha looked at Danial with a question.

"What is this?" Zoha asked in shock.

"Dad did this... I also don't know," Danial shrugged.

"I am going back to London..." Zoha said, making a crying face.

"Zoha... come, sit in the car," Danial glared.

"Please don't do this to me... it's torture," she said, making a puffy face.

Both sat in the car.

"Bhai... this is not fair... you didn't tell me about this... I want to live my life freely without this drama... and please let me," she said.

"Okay, Zoha... now listen to me very clearly... you won't misbehave with anyone there... if you need anything or there's any problem, you'll tell me, okay?" Danial was firm.

"I won't change my dressing... I am telling you," she warned him.

"Okay... don't do that... but promise me, you'll talk with mom calmly," Danial pleaded.

"I can't do this... please... when I hear her name, I feel irritated," she said.

"Zoha... she is our mother and you have to give her respect no matter what," Danial said, forcing every word, and she nodded.

"I'll try," she nodded.

"Good," he smiled.

They reached Tiwana Mansion. It looked like a palace, so beautiful with white paint outside, a huge lawn and parking area, and the grand gate. Inside, it was stunning, a double-story house with a lounge and many rooms.

Today, Tiwana Mansion was decorated like a bride because of Fara's birthday and Zoha's arrival. Zoha and Danial entered the house. Firstly, Danial greeted his dadi, and Zoha followed. Then they greeted Rubi.

"Zoha, I miss you so much," Fara said excitedly.

"I miss you too," Zoha said happily.

Rubi stepped forward to hug her, but Zoha took a step back.

"Hello, Mrs. Tiwana," Zoha said with a hard expression, and Rubi smiled fakely.

"How are you, my dear?" Rubi asked with teary eyes.

She ignored her and stepped inside.

"Fara, happy birthday," Zoha said to Fara, and Fara murmured thanks.

After some time, they were sitting in the lounge. Zoha was sitting on the sofa with Daniel. She felt strange in this house because she hadn't been there in 14 years.

"Zoha, come sit next to your dad," Kamal Sahab said with love.

"It's okay, Dad, I'm fine here," she said, lowering her head.

"And kids, you've become weak there... now Rubi needs to feed you well," Rafiya Bagum said with a smile.

"Yes, I also feel very weak," Rubi said.

"You all forget that you might have seen me 14 years ago..." Zoha was about to say more when Daniel put his hand on her.

"I'm too tired... where's my room?" Zoha asked Fara.

"Hmm... yes, Fara, take her to her room," Kamal Sahab said, and Fara nodded.

"Come, let's go... I'll show you," Fara said excitedly, and Zoha smiled.

"Okay, take some rest because there's a party tonight," Fara said.

"Why?" Zoha asked.

"What why... yes... today is my birthday, and it's also for your arrival," Fara said.

"Okay, do whatever you people want," Zoha shrugged. Fara left the room, and Zoha sat on the bed.

"Hmm... I don't know what game life is playing with me... one day ago, I was in London, living my life calmly without any disturbance. And now I'm here in Pakistan with these people who are saying they love me... my family... but truly, I don't feel any feeling about them... nothing, it's just blank," she said to herself.

After some time, someone knocked at the door. She said yes, and Daniel entered.

"Bro, come, sit," she said with a smile. He came and sat with her.

"Are you okay?" he said, and she nodded, lowering her head. She was playing with her fingers.

"Little tense?" he asked, and she nodded. He hugged her.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Daniel said.

"I'm sorry... I know you felt bad about what I said downstairs... but what could I do... their words were irritating me... I felt like I was going crazy... I felt like I couldn't bear it anymore... I'm sorry, I can't tolerate this," she said while crying.

"Zoha, you're my strong sister, right?" Daniel spoke her name to calm her.

"No, Bhai, I'm not strong... I'm not... I can't take this anymore... it's just a few minutes, and I feel suffocated here... I feel like I can't breathe... I'll run away... and you're saying I have to live for one year... damn, one year... I can't do it," Zoha said in a panicked tone.

"It's okay, bacha... it's okay... don't take stress," Daniel said, trying to calm her.

"No... it's not okay... I don't want to hurt you and Fara... but I can't tolerate Mrs. Kamal... I don't know what happens to me whenever I hear her name... and I know today, I'll hurt you and Fara," Zoha said while crying and hiccuping.

"Shh... stop crying... it's okay, my dear... don't worry," Daniel said, grabbing her shoulder.

"But, bro..." she was about to speak, but Daniel put his finger on her lips.

"Shh... no ifs and buts... you should take your medicine," he asked, and she shook her head.

"Zoha, it's not good, bacha... you should take your medicine," Daniel said, and she nodded.

"Okay, let's rest for a while," he said and went outside.

Fara's phone was buzzing.

"Hello... what's the matter?" Fara asked rudely.

"Your sister has arrived..." Ahad asked.

"Hmm... finally..." Fara took a deep breath.

"I am also coming to your party," Ahad threw a bomb.

"Are you drunk?" Fara shouted.

"Women, calm down... you invited all your uni friends except me and Zain... and it hurts my ego," Ahad said with attitude.

"Ooo really... your ego, my foot," she said.

"Look, girl... I am older than you... so mind your tongue," Ahad warned her.

"Whatever... please, Ahad, tell me you are kidding me," Fara pleaded.

"Nope... I am serious," Ahad said.

assalamualaikum! dear reader's. I am back with a new and excited chapter

I hope you are enjoying this story . please support me . ok byeee

Kashaf_alvicreators' thoughts