
Chapter Five

Felicity's POV

The next morning, I decide to wear something cute, or at least my definition of cute. Today is the first day, school-wise, that Andrew and I are a couple. I could go back to looking like a homeless person tomorrow. It's 7 now and the boys would be here at 7:15 to walk to school. I was cutting it close.

I hear a knock at the door, so I finish tying my shoes, grab my backpack and head to open the door. I'm faced with the hot guy that I get to call my boyfriend.

"Hey," Andrew greets.

"Hi," I say, shyly.

"Are you ready? Or do you need a minute?" He asks.

"I'm all set just have to grab my keys so I can lock the door," I say walking towards the door where my keys are hung up on the wall.

We have been walking in a semi-comfortable silence for about 5 minutes now. I say semi-comfortable because any kind of silence is weird for me. Andrew is holding my hand, and Ace and Aiden are a few feet in front of us, so I decide to break the silence.

"So, we are dating," I start but Andrew interrupts me.

"Dating is a loose term, but yes," he says with a smile.

"I don't know that much about you, except for the big thing, but that is not entirely you, so what else is there? Who is Andrew..., well, ummmm, what is your last name?" I ramble.

"My full name is Greyson Andrew Michaelson."

"Why do you go by Andrew and not Greyson?"

"My dad goes by Greyson."

"Is that such a bad thing?" I'm baffled to say the least. I'd love it if my name was the same as my mom's, or close to it. But I have my reasons.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. He is one of my best friends actually, so I don't mean to sound disrespectful. I just have gone my whole life hearing 'oh, that's Alpha Greyson's son, he is gonna have mighty big shoes to fill.' I decided to go by Andrew when I turned 13 because I didn't want to be just known as my father's son. I wanted to be known as me," he looks down sheepishly. Then he adds, "I also didn't want to have his name associated with me if I fail. Those people weren't lying when they said I had big shoes to fill."

After he says all this, he looks down, almost as if he is ashamed of what he said. And it hurts that he thinks he has to hide a part of himself from me. I understand where he is coming from. Well in a sense, I guess. My name is not associated with either of my parents, but my dad is big at his company and my mom was big in her field. I know all about the pressure of trying to live up to certain standards.

"I haven't known you long, not even 24 hours yet, but I do know that not only can you live up to those expectations, but you can pass them with flying colors. I also understand that you want to be your own person, but at the same time you have to embrace your heritage. I like the name Andrew, but I love the name Grey."

After I have said my piece, I squeeze his hand and continue to walk to school in silence. I don't know anything else to say and Grey looks like he doesn't know what to say either. When we finally get to school, maybe about a minute and a half of silence. We walk in the school behind my wacko friends, hand in hand. We go straight to our lockers to grab our books.

"Hey, Felicity."

I turn around to see Sebastian.

"Hey, Sebastian," I say with a small smile.

"We still on to hangout on Friday?" He asks, looking hopeful.

"Yes," I turn to look at Grey, "We are all hanging out on Friday, do you want to join us?"

Grey smiles at me and squeezes my hand, "Of course, Sweetheart, the more time with you the better."

I blush and look back at Sebastian to see a look of anger on his face. Was I not allowed to ask Grey to come?

"Bye," he says rather rudely and walks off. What is his problem?

"Dang Felicity, you couldn't let him down easy, could you?" Ace asks, with a laugh.

I turn to look at him, "what do you mean 'let him down easy'?"

"He likes you, like like-likes you, and you just crushed him by not only holding hands with Andrew but also asking him to join us and his answer to your question. Did you not know that he wanted to take you on a date yesterday when he asked and then you said the word 'friends' and telling him to hang out with all of us and not just you. You really are clueless sometimes."

I thought about for a second. "He likes me? But why? I'm nothing special and on top of I don't like him like that. Man, I really suck at reading people's emotions and intentions. Do you think I hurt his feelings?"

"First off, of course he likes you, look at you. You are beautiful, inside and out. And of course, your special. I don't think you hurt his feelings; I think he was pissed off." This comes from Grey.

"That wasn't my intention." I reply.

I finish up at my locker thinking about everything that was said. Did he really like me, and did I really piss him off by being with Grey? I didn't know. I really suck with emotions. I wish my mom was here and then she could help me. She was so good with other people. She always knew the right thing to say in every situation. Ever since the accident, nothing had been the same.

"I'll meet y'all in class." I say and walk off to my first period.

On the way to class I think about the night of the accident. I lost apart of myself in that accident and I don't think I could ever get it back.

I am still staring off into space out the window when the boys walk in. They changed seats today with Grey beside and Aiden behind him and Ace still sits behind me.

"Felicity, are you okay?" Grey asked, worriedly.

I shook my head trying to rid the memories of that night. No matter how hard I tried I'd never be able to shake them for long though.

"Yeah. I'm good," I answered. "Just thinking."

"About what?" He inquired.

"Nothing in particular," I said. I knew eventually I had to tell Grey about the accident, but I wasn't ready to relive it. It already affected my everyday life enough. I just needed more time.

Grey looked like he wanted to say something else but refrained from doing so. He reached across and held my hand. I know it wasn't much, but it really did help soothe the bad memories and feelings. That night was the worse night of my life and it hurt immensely to just think about, I cannot even begin to fathom the pain of telling someone about it. That will have to be a conversation for later, way later.

That day at lunch I was sitting at "our" table when someone sat down beside me.

"Hey, Felicity," the person says.

I continue to read the book that is in my hand when I give a small nod not realizing who had sat down beside. I had just assumed it was Ace or Aiden, both of which wouldn't have excepted a response because they were used to me reading through lunch.

"Did I do something?" The only thing that got my attention to look up was the almost panic, not only in his voice, but also my stomach. I didn't understand what was going on.

"Grey, what's wrong? When did you get here?" I asked worriedly.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked in return.

"What?! No, of course not. Why would you think that?" I asked. I could still feel a little panic-y but also a little relief. What the mess is wrong with me?

"I've been sitting here for a few minutes, and when I sat down, I said 'hey', but you completely ignored me," Grey said.

"I'm sorry. I was reading and when I read, I completely zone out. The only reason why I looked up when I did was because I heard the panic in your voice and felt a panic-y feeling within my stomach. I promise I'm not mad at you. I just zoned out," I rushed out my answer because I didn't want him to get mad. I lifted my hand to his cheek.

"I'm sorry I assumed you were mad at me. I jump to conclusions way to easily, it's a working progress," he started. "What do you mean you felt panic-y feeling in your stomach?"

"I don't know. I just felt like something was wrong, so I looked up and realized it was you," I answered.

"We need to talk to my dad. I've never heard of mates who can feel what their mate is feeling before they are fully mated. We meet yesterday," he says.

I am completely speechless. He wants me to meet his dad? We met yesterday. I know we are mates and that means forever but I thought we were gonna go slow? What if his dad doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm not good enough? What if—

"Now I feel the panic-y feeling. What's wrong, Felicity?" Grey asked while taking my hand.

"You want me to meet your dad?" I asked warily.

"Yes. I mean he is the current Alpha. He would know more about it than I would. Plus, my dad and I are close. I want him to meet my girlfriend," he states.

"I - I - I...," I'm speechless. It makes since but if him and his dad are close, and his dad doesn't like me then he will break up with me.

"Felicity. Calm down. I have already told my dad about you. He is excited to meet you. I would have waited before we took this step, but we need information," he says.

"Okay," I relented. "On one condition."

"Anything," he confidently states.

"You have to get me tons of mint chocolate chip ice cream for all of my stress eating that this is going to cause me."

"Done, but there really is no need to stress."

"'Sup, peeps," Ace greets as him and Aiden sit down.

"Where have you two been? Lunch started like 15 minutes ago," I say.

"This is the time we always get here you just have never noticed before because you are always reading," Aiden says.

"Seriously?" I ask them to which they both nodded. I turned to Grey and said, "see? I wasn't joking about zoning out."

"Noted," he smirks at me as he takes a bite of his food.

I look at my two best friends for a minute. I then turn to the rest of the lunchroom and then look back to my friends.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"I really sit here by myself reading a book for 15 minutes every day?" I ask them shyly.

"Uh…yeah" Ace says, looking down.

Wow. I am such an introvert. I never really noticed how bad I am. I always knew that Ace and Aiden were my best friends, but I didn't know that they were my only friends. I know I don't need people to like me but not one person even says hey or anything.

I look up when someone touches my hand.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Grey asks.

"I guess I never really realized that Ace and Aiden were my only friends. I don't care, but it never really clicked that I was such a loner," I say dejectedly.

"Yeah but you're our loner," Aiden says.

"Plus, you don't even really like people," Ace states. "So, what does it really matter?"

"It doesn't matter but I just never noticed it before. I mean come on you have the pack and he has the coven. Whenever you guys have business that you have to deal with, I just stay home by myself and read or watch Netflix. It has never or will never bother me, but I just thought I knew more people."

I look down in thought. Grey brings his hand under my chin to look him in the eye.

"Would you like to meet more people?" He asks.

"I don't know maybe?" I state but it came out more as a question.

"Well then we have a mission," he states matter of factly. "We are going help you make more friends, as long as they are girls."

I looked at him questioningly.

"What? I trust you, but I don't trust boys with you. You're my girl, no one else's" he replies.

I just swooned so hard at that statement it was unreal.

"How are you going to help me make friends exactly?" I ask.

"We do go to school with a bunch of people. We just have to get you to venture out a little bit out of your comfort zone. We'll figure it out." Grey says.

"Yeah and we'll help." Aiden says.

"Thanks guys. Y'all are the best." I say.