
chapter 16

Just InCommunityForumMoreFairy Love by Dr Yandere Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, [Erza S., Natsu D., Mirajane S.], Words: 119k+, Favs: 317, Follows: 324, Published: Aug 8, 2020 Updated: Jun 14, 2022214Chapter 16: Erza's Dream

This chapter will be a time-skip to several months later. I have long since realized that this story is beyond saving, but I was too stubborn and prideful to admit it. I made the characters more and more OOC each chapter, the events took a desperate turn for the worse because I tried to remedy the situation with Erza when I should've just gone with my gut and continue the deranged path I wanted if this story was gonna turn out this horrible anyways. I checkmated myself.

I'm gonna fast forward more now because I want to wrap this up as quickly as possible. I don't want to change or revise the chapters anymore because I recognize that this story has already long-since failed.

The Erza in my version is someone I know you guys hate, but I am fond of this crazy version of her. It's a far cry from her actual character, but I like the gap moe effect it has on me. Again, ethically speaking, I understand this story has been long lost on you guys. Meh, izz fine with me. Just take it easy with the hate mails, my inbox is already flooded with it.

Oh, and feel free to use Google Images for your references for my descriptions. Alright, so this chapter is officially the chapter where I don't hold back anything at all. This will most likely take you by surprise, but this is my unadulterated writing without any restrictions binding me, so brace yourself. This is sort of like a Director's Cut for films, in the sense that this is how I want things to really go. I've been foolishly manipulated by what my readers want that I was starting to lose sight of why I'm writing this in the first place.

For the ones who is still here up until this chapter, please enjoy

Chapter 16: Erza's Dream

Inside a very luxurious castle that towered over a majestic empire, there was a ceremony taking place in the throne room. All the generals were summoned, and almost all of them were in attendance. A legion of knights joined them, surrounding the sides of the great hall, and in front of the throne was a handsome young man clad in a general's attire.

He was wearing a general's buttoned-up white and gold jacket. Numerous badges decorated his jacket, and he had a sheathed sword attached to his hip. He completed his ensemble with black pants and elegant black boots. His hair was done up in a style that can be called both messy and neat. While it was sharp and gave off a spiky appearance, it was clear to everyone that he made an effort to comb it back. If asked, a normal girl would generally find his appearance handsome, what with his cute face accompanied by a serious demeanor that made him look older and capable.

"You have made me proud, my general. Congratulations on yet another victory." The Empress of the Rosemary Empire congratulated her youngest and most distinguished general. Even though he was her youngest commander, he was the most competent and had built a good reputation of being the one best suitable for accomplishing the impossible.

"Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty. Your kind words are wasted on me." The young general humbly replied.

"Don't be so modest, General. You've proven yourself time and time again. It is time for you to stop downgrading your achievements and be proud of what you've accomplished." The Empress couldn't stand seeing her favorite general debase himself all the time. It was wrong for a ruler to choose favorites, but there was something about him that strongly compelled her to favor him above the others.

"Very well, Your Imperial Majesty. I shall strive to continue meeting your expectations."

"I am happy to hear that. Now, let us proceed to the customary reward that I, as the Empress, have to bestow upon someone worthy of such a privilege." Similar to medals of honor given to warriors of the battlefield who has proven themselves worthy of such a title, the Rosemary Empire grants the receivers of such honors a personal request that will be granted by the current ruler, may it be the Emperor or the Empress.

Despite his humility, he has already given up turning down this tradition because the Empress herself won't allow him to. As a man who has dedicated his entire existence to serving the Empress and her people, it was in his blood to only act for the best interest of the ones he wished to protect.

"Your recognition alone is enough for me, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Now, now, that won't do. While your humility is appreciated, not being properly compensated for your indomitable achievement is just something that I cannot do. In the spirit of fairness, I insist that you request one wish I can grant." At this point, it was nothing new for the Empress' other subjects to witness her insistence and excitement (although no one wanted to admit it out loud) to reward the peerless General Dragneel.

As usual, he didn't know what to say afterwards, so he settled on having someone else make the decision for him.

"Then, can I please have the pleasure of personally serving under Your Imperial Majesty?" His request made the other royal subjects do their best to hide their reactions of surprise, some failing to do so with their gasps of surprise and the uneasy looks on their faces being enough of an indication.

While a request like this was unheard of, it wasn't because it was inappropriate because she was the Empress since he did earn the right to ask for such a request from her. It was because their current Empress, Erza Belserion, was especially strict when it comes to proper etiquette and rules to be observed when dealing with royalty like her. Out of all the previous rulers, she was notorious for appropriating a distance between herself and her subjects. She rarely allowed anyone to interact with her unless absolutely necessary.

Empress Scarlet's face contorted itself into a pleased smile, as if she expected it.

"Very well then. For such an outstanding achievement, it would only be rude for me to turn down such a simple request because of my personal restrictions. For a week, I shall have you keep me company. Look forward to it." Her response gathered an even less subdued reaction. She was enjoying seeing her usually uptight and noble royal subjects act this way.

"I am grateful for your understanding, Your Imperial Majesty. I shall do my best to be a pleasing presence."

"I'm sure you will."


The moon once again dominated the sky. After the Empress dismissed the awarding ceremony, she took her favorite general up on his offer as soon as they were out of the public's eye. Currently, she was in her personal chambers, accompanied by her secret lover.

They were both naked on her bed, a vial of potion emptied out on her nightstand. It seems as if she consumed something to modify her physically.

Protruding from her womanhood was what appeared to be a man's organ. Her eyes changed color, as if to express the insatiable arousal emanating from her. Her sclera was black, and her iris and pupil turned red. With her imposing presence and mature figure, she was quite the commanding sight to behold.

This was one of her favorite pastime activities. Growing up in a royal family that taught her to assert her dominance above others, she took this lesson to heart. As a result, she became even more of a dominant woman than her own mother, the previous Empress Irene Belserion. She liked to extend her dominance in the bedroom, whenever she used her royal subjects to release her increased tension…something that she mostly blamed on her favorite general who left her most of the time. That's why she had her best alchemists create something that would make her dominant even in the bedroom.

Her general lay down on his stomach, the Empress straddling him with her knees on the bed.

"I didn't think you'd actually say that in front of everyone for your reward. But I'm not complaining, because now I have you all to myself for an entire week." Empress Scarlet praised her general's courage in voicing out his fondness of her.

"I felt that this was the least I could do for always being away from the empire."

"It's understandable since it is your duty after all, but I can't help but feel neglected because of that."

"I am sorry for making you feel that way, Your Imperial Ma-" He was cut off by a finger to his lips.

"Whenever we're alone, just call me Erza and I'll call you Natsu. Remember our deal?" Whenever they were alone, it was an unspoken rule for them to drop all formalities and be as true to themselves with one another as much as they can. Natsu counted the private moments he shared with his Empress a blessing. Meanwhile, Erza treasured the rare occasions she could do whatever she wanted with her general and alleviate her stress on him. She didn't allow anyone else to address her in such a casual way, not even her advisors and chancellors who have been watching over her since birth.

"Understood, Erza-sama" This was the best he could do to compromise with not addressing her with proper respect. Even if she says it was fine, to him, his ruler was first and foremost the existence that gave him a raison d'etre. He worshipped her, and blindly placed his faith and devotion on her.

"Now then, let me show you how your absence affects me."

"Please don't hold back on me."

"Oh, I plan to. In fact, I have a week to do so." Her eyes glowed brighter, as if to signal her excitement.

Natsu steeled himself and hugged her pillow, knowing what that look on her eyes meant. He was a mix of anticipation and excitement, same as her.

Slowly, she started to enter his backdoor. With every inch of her that he takes in, his hands clenched tighter on his hold on the pillow. When her artificial male organ was finally fully sheathed in him, she gave herself a few minutes to enjoy it before slowly pulling it out, and then pushing it back in aggressively.

Once she had a comfortable rhythm going on, she started to pound into his backdoor relentlessly. With her abnormal strength, her sturdy-looking and large bed was rocking and creaking savagely. Natsu did nothing but let her use his body for her own pleasure, drool coming out of his mouth at the tightness he felt in his bottom area. She was being so rough with him, he actually liked it.

Perhaps she was an "S" and he was an "M", but he didn't dislike their reversal of roles at all. If anything, the oddity of their private activity only served to turn him on more.

"You know… whenever you weren't here and I desperately needed to vent myself… I had the others take your place… even some of the women. But none of them compared to the pleasure I feel… when I'm doing it with you…." She confessed between her moans, pants, and grunts of pleasure.

"P-please don't tell me that." He stuttered under the intense pressure she was giving him.

"…None of them could last that long with me… But with you, I don't need to hold back and I can do it with you however long I wish to…" She ignored his plea and continued.

"That's not true… I'm sure they are just as… capable as I am…"

"But it's the truth. Hell, whenever I fucked that blueberry, he would always tense up whenever I mentioned your name." She was referring to one of the generals she did this with, General Jellal Fernandez. He had a massive inferiority complex when it came to Natsu, just like some of the other generals, so he always did their best to surpass him in any way they can. But even more so than the others, General Fernandez was the one hungriest to take Natsu down and replace him.

"Please don't antagonize him. He is difficult enough to deal with as he is."

"You're still humble, even when I bed you. Despite the other generals always challenging you and trying to take you for themselves, you still protect them. You're really something else."

She continued plowing herself onto him, releasing herself countless times until the effects of the potion wore off and her male rod shrinked away.

"To think you actually made me use up the full effects of the enhancement potion just like that. It takes the others several tries at different times to fully satisfy me and drop the effects of the potion, but to think you withstood me with one go. I daresay I still want more." She was sitting behind him, recovering her breath and wiping the perspiration on her face.

"O-of course, Erza-sama. My body is yours to use as you please. Please, continue." Smirking widely just like she did earlier, she opened the drawer in her nightstand which revealed a lot of the same potion she emptied out when they began. A few seconds later, the bed rocked violently once again.

She held on to his hips tightly as if to make sure he won't escape, and continued nailing herself onto his small hole.

When it came to her other subjects that she used to satisfy her needs, she always had to be considerate of their limits. With how rough she gets, no one usually lasts for more than 30 minutes with her. But with Natsu, she completely released her limiter and completely got herself lost in him. With his inhumane endurance, he was the only one who could fully satisfy her.

"General Mikazuchi issued another challenge so that she can have her way with you. But you won't allow her to win, will you?"

"Of course not"

"Good, because you belong only to me, understood? No one else is allowed to touch you except for me. Failure is not an option for you, is that clear?"

"Understood. I belong only to you, Erza-sama."


12 hours passed quickly for them, and they were still engaging in their romp from the previous evening. Natsu's backdoor loosened up naturally, and she found it more pleasurable this way.

Tons of empty vials were scattered all over the nightstand, some even spilling onto the floor, and the sheets were drenched from their excessive perspiration. Only Natsu was able to fully satisfy her so much in a matter of hours.

Natsu's face was extremely flushed, and he had an expression that seemed to reveal he was almost reaching his limit. His scarlet-haired Empress was no different, and she held on to his hands that were clenching the bed sheet while kissing him passionately with his head turned to the side to face her from behind him.

Feeling herself almost reaching her limit, she made it count as she thrust herself inside him one last time with a force so powerful it almost broke the bed and caused the surrounding areas around her room to shake.

"Here comes the rest of your reward. Make sure to take it all in, Natsu!"

After her endless sexual appetite was finally satisfied for the first time, she positioned herself to hug Natsu's limp form tightly from her spot beside him.

"I can't get enough of you. I'll probably run out of my enhancement vials by the time the week is over."

"I'm glad that I was able to satisfy you."

Staring into his perfect face, she kissed him again. She couldn't imagine her life without him. She might just go crazy if she never sees him again.

"I want to make you the new Commander-General. It's a shame your battles always take you far from me, but I realized that if I give you this position, I wouldn't lose you to your conquests in foreign lands anymore. I can vanquish you anytime I want."

"But what about Sir Rob?" Since the current Commander-General was a veteran called Rob, Natsu felt uneasy knowing that Rob was about to lose his position just because their Empress wanted to extend her time with him.

"Fuck him. You have certainly proven yourself already, and if anyone wishes to oppose my decision, you will make sure to prove to everyone that I made the correct judgement, won't you?"

Feeling happy that his Empress holds him in such a high regard, there was no way he could ever refuse.

"Of course, your words are absolute. No matter who it may be, I will not yield to anyone but you."

Feeling a smile creep its way onto her face, she pecked him on the lips again, "This time, I want you to be the one on top."

Natsu felt honored. For the first time in her life, she was actually submitting herself to someone, and it was him.

Just as he was about to get on top of her, the morning sun shone on her eyes and she was enveloped by a bright light.

Opening her eyes, Erza Scarlet quickly sat up and inspected her surroundings.

'What was that?' She was perplexed because not only had she never had a wet dream before in her life, it felt so real and long to her. And to think it even resembled the events of the book she was reading recently. In fact, the only things different were the characters in her dream, which she substituted for the people she knew personally.

Looking at her book on her nightstand with the title "The Empress and Her Muse", she related it to her dream. It was a book about an indomitable Empress whose only real flaw seemed to be her insatiable sexual appetite. She used an enhancement potion to let her grow a man's penis and experience the pleasures of the flesh they feel when having sex. But when it came to her favorite royal subject, she completely let herself go and even allowed him to be the one vanquishing her. With his devotion coupled with her affection, despite their odd circumstances and relationship, they ended up together, with her inevitably choosing him out of the many playthings (the ones she used to sate her sexual desires) she had. She made a lot of unsound choices just to be with him, but the reward she got at the end of it all was worth everything.

Erza picked up this book on a whim in the bookstore (not from Levy) when she saw its summary, but she ended up liking it. It gave her a sense of validation with what she was doing in her own life.

It's been a couple of months since her potion incident, and just like she promised Natsu, she didn't hesitate to order him around in exchange for her subdual. Besides not telling everyone what she did with Natsu, she also found out that with how possessive and extreme she's been acting lately, Natsu willingly let her do as she pleased with him so she wouldn't hurt even more people.

She finally got past her cognitive dissonance when she realized that Natsu will never pay special attention to her, or any other girl for that matter, because of his loyalty to his girlfriend. The only way to get him to look at her and acknowledge her was to be forceful. She learned the hard way that to tame someone as uncontrollable as Natsu, she had to be aggressive. And so she did.

She got rid of all the restrictions binding her, and dedicated herself to Natsu. She always thought of him, did everything for him, and even when he wasn't with her, she took her obsession to another level that may have even surpassed how Juvia formerly was.

Her room was filled with objects she could use as a substitute for Natsu when he wasn't in her line of sight. Her walls had pictures of Natsu with a huge portrait of him on her ceiling above her bed, she printed his image on her bed sheets and pillowcases, she had a life-sized and several other Natsu plushies scattered all over her bed and around her room. Even the books she chose were always influenced with whatever reminded her of Natsu.

She already succumbed to her craziness.

Deciding to take a nice shower and a relaxing bath to clean herself off her sweat and arousal from her dream, she made her way to her own personal bathroom to have her own privacy (she didn't use Fairy Hills' shared baths).

Once she was in the bath, she relaxed herself and reminisced on her intimate moments with Natsu over the course of the past few months. Just remembering it was enough to get her excited, to the point that she couldn't resist slipping her fingers into her womanly folds and start relieving herself of her tension.

Emotionally speaking, she hadn't made that much progress with Natsu yet. But physically speaking, she was at the point where she can cuddle Natsu and cling onto him without hesitation anymore. He allowed her to touch his body, and she took full advantage of that.

She explored his body from time to time, because he HAD to allow her. Despite having sex with him and doing other physical activities to satisfy her lust, not once has she kissed him on the lips ever since that night she confessed to him. It was ironic how she was comfortable enough to leave kisses all over his body, but she couldn't do so much as a simple kiss on the lips. She wanted to reserve locking their lips together for the time they can both fully invest their emotions in it. She wanted a kiss to be special.

This may just be her childhood fantasy she wants to fulfill, but she always wanted to experience a true kiss of love and affection. Whenever she would do it with Jellal, it got her heart racing, but now she realized it was just because of how stimulating a kiss was if it's with someone you're physically attracted to. She read from somewhere once that even if you don't love someone, as long as you are attracted to them physically, your body will react involuntarily. Even if it's an unintentional kiss with that person, it will still produce oxytocin that will get your heart pumping and your brain waking.

She was grateful to Jellal because he created a special place in her heart in the past. But if Jellal was her past, then Natsu was her everything. He was her present, her future, and beyond that. He was her whole world.

She wouldn't give up, but she was well aware of the fact that she wasn't getting any closer to breaching Natsu's personal zone. She could do whatever she wanted with him, but she knew that whenever she got intimate with Natsu, he would always imagine she was Mira.

It broke her heart, but she knew better than to tell herself that it wasn't fair. She would just have to work even harder to make him see her as a woman.

Whenever she took Natsu out on solo missions, as he did with Mira back then, she would also include a date after the mission. She did everything to get him to notice her and warm up to him. It was the only way she could ever stand a chance against Mira. She was desperate, but she saw it as a necessity so that she can win his heart over.

She learned to like the things he did to have even the closest sense of a deeper personal connection to him.

She treated him like he was a treasured artifact and made him feel special whenever he was with her. Except for the times she became rather aggressive in the bedroom, she would always make sure to act in a way that would make it unmistakably certain that she did things with his best interest in mind.

Knowing how food plays a vital role in his life, she taught herself how to cook so she can get even a sliver of his attention. She was so bad at it, but she practiced every single day, and started cooking meals using herself as her guinea pig for her failed attempts. Whenever she cooked something for Natsu, she wanted it to be perfect.

She accepted romance advice from books, magazines and love gurus. She even bought a matching set of clothes for her and Natsu, but he refused to wear it with her, saying how suspicious it would look for everyone else that they were wearing a couple's clothes. She felt a bit down, but she knew he was right. So she decided to make him wear it with her one day when they are properly together. He shot her down as usual, saying he was never going to leave Mira, but she wouldn't let that faze her.

The guild already found out about her breakup with Jellal, but he was able to convenient escape just in time by taking a 10-Year Quest. They questioned her, and she said it was because she came to a realization that her love with Jellal was something she convinced herself of because it was the most logical path. What with their past together and previous interactions, it wouldn't make sense for her to date someone else. She diverted their attention from the real reason for now because if they found out, they would undoubtedly have Natsu and Mira's side.

She finished by telling them that she would wait and see how things go first, and try to picture herself with other guys before she would make a decision to get back together with Jellal or not. She said she wanted to see if she can experience genuine love with someone else first. If she couldn't, then she would know that Jellal really was the right one for her.

But of course, we all know this is a lie. In her mind, Natsu was the only one right for her, period.

Desperately trying to get someone to love you almost always never ends well because it reinforces the fact that you need to go the extra mile just to get that person's attention in the first place. It most likely means he or she doesn't hold strong feelings for you like you do to them.

But she would never give up.

She dreamed of the scene where she answered Natsu with a "Welcome back" in response to his "I'm home" after a long day of work.

She dreamed of him taking the initiative to hug her or make her feel special.

She dreamed of having his attention all for herself.

She dreamed of scolding their children, and maybe even him, one day.

She dreamed of growing old together and dying knowing he was by her side. She could see herself dying with a smile.

Just like all dreams, a person has to work hard for it and earn it. One cannot expect things to just fall in their laps. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made to achieve your happy ending. Humans strive to be selfless creatures, but sometimes you have to be selfish to get what you want.

This is the role Erza was playing, and she didn't mind. She refused to lose her happy ending with Natsu. But for now, she has to bear with the fact that it's all but a dream.

Cringe, cringe, cringe. If I'm going to fall, then I'm doing it with style. I'll go down knowing I did my best here. To me, it just feels better to have the regret of doing something than having the regret of doing nothing at all. Because I know at least I tried. Of course, this logic doesn't apply to doing morally bad things, because doing bad things without a purpose doesn't make sense.

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