
240 Start of Chaos

V.38 start of chaos

In order to allow the major organizations forces to retreat and regroup Gaia was forced to send millions of Drones and combat Mechs to cover their retreat.

All major organizations saw what GT has done, and we're thankful for it. Without those Drones covering their force's retreating, they didn't how many would survive, but one thing they know is that those that survived without GT help would not be enough to build a defensive line.

Karou saw a massive number of Drones and automated Mech. And knew he won't be able to kill or destroy all the Major organization forces in The Crossing today.

His colossus was powerful, powerful enough to ignore the damages from the drones and Mech for a time. But his other forces are not. If he forces his way and gives chase to the retreating forces of his enemy. He will be able to severely damage or even destroy them all, but the amount he has to pay would also be significant.

One look and he knew those drones are different their movement and coordination are different from how the major forces are using it.

He knew GT possessed a mighty and very advanced AI; He wasn't new to using AI, in fact, his command Ship possessed a very powerful AI, after all, All combat ships uses an AI one way or another that's because the calculations to operate the ship is too much for any regular computer.

What he was surprised about is not that GT is using AI, but what kind of AI capable of controlling millions of drones at the same time. And it's not like the drones are only moving in a simple command but a very complex one. It was like each and every drone was alive and capable of thinking for themselves. That puzzled him. Even in the main universe drones capable of controlling thousands of drones are quite rare.

His master possesses an AI capable of controlling hundreds of thousands of drones. But those AI are unique his master got it from fighting the automaton race. And converted their core. But despite that, it is not capable of controlling millions of Drones, at least not like how GT is doing it.

To make every single drone like they are alive, even his masters AI are not capable of it. And yet here in a backwater Galaxy a single company is capable of it.

"Was he really correct? Did GT really found a legacy of a very powerful race?" The moment he becomes aware of GT he immediately sent his best spy to investigate them and yet they came up with nothing, no one knows where GT got all their knowledge. The technologies they possessed is beyond this galaxy can offer.

Many forces including those he sent to investigate GT came into a hypothesis that GT has managed to find a lost and powerful legacy from some unknown advanced race.

That's the only conclusion they can think of. At first, they think GT has a connection with powerful forces in the main universe, but ever since they found out about the first bank deals with GT. They have ruled that out.

If GT has connections with powerful Organizations in the main Universe then they didn't need the first bank to purchase rare resources for them in the Main Universe.

But the notion of GT acquiring a legacy of advanced race is very absurd and unbelievable. But now looking at the millions of drones sent by GT. He is starting to believe it.

Karou immediately orders his forces to stop chasing the retreating forces of GFA, Coalitions, Merchant Consortium, and those Adventurers and Mercenaries. Or the Alliance.

After all, not all his forces are here yet, He then first orders to clean up the battlefield.

As for the Drones, they too retreated when Gaia figured the Ganesh is no longer pursuing, they too retreated only after they confirmed all Grand Army has safely returned.

Admiral Ford, look at the faces of the soldiers what he saw was fear, confusion, and relief.

He sighed, he couldn't blame them for he too was scared at that time. But he also knows this is only the beginning the real war is about to begin.

"Attention, this is Admiral Ford… I know what you all are feeling, fear… yes I felt it too. Helplessness... It is normal to feel that way after what we have been through." One by one the soldiers look at the projections of Admiral Ford. His voice is being broadcasted to all the ships. In fact, even in the other races' ship, his broadcast is being shared.

"But let me remind you of what we are! Were soldiers! And behind us our home our family! If you feel like all hope is lost if you feel like giving up! Think of them!"

Some soldiers clenched their fists, others wiped their tears. Others who are stronger than the rest smiled. For they saw their comrade that is on the verge of giving up, began to clench their fist. Those who are shaking in fear, have stood up and wiped their tears.

"Think of them! Think of those we have lost, and for those, we can yet save... We are soldiers, it is our duty to fight. Fight for your family, for your friends, and for the people next to you... And most importantly fight for yourself. For your freedom," he paused, looking around seeing the renewed face of the soldiers he smiles.

"Remember!! we fight not to die, but to live!! Stand up! We still have a job to do..."

He heard a collective voice, an answer to his call.


He ended the broadcast, he closes his eyes he needed to think about what to do next.. the nearest reinforcement was a few hours away, if the Ganesh doesn't attack until then, then it's good they can relax a little. But if they attack they needed to buy time for the reinforcement to arrive.

Lisa looks at his Uncle and felt very proud.

"Connect me to all commanders" Admiral Ford ordered.

"Yes Sir."

Meanwhile in GFA in the Elders Conclave.

"What is the meaning of this!" Shouted commander Markos

"You!… how can you do this!?" Shouted Elder Mikaela.

"I can't believe this! For an Elder to betray humanity. Especially you! How could you do this Jeremiah!!?" Shouted another elder.

Jeremiah just looks at them. But didn't say anything.

sorry for the wait, don't forget to vote ^o^

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