


Queen was so mad as she watched GT press conference, she imagined many things that GT would do during the press conference. The first thing she imagined is  GT supporting GFA to prevent it from inevitable collapse. 

She also thought that GT would use its influence to raise the crumbling moral of the people, in fact when they heard GT conveying a press conference, she sneered because she knew their actions finally bore fruit and that they eventually forced GT to do something. And in a way she was right but not the way she imagined it. She worked hard day and night in order to put doubt in the people's minds about the war. 

She worked so hard to accomplish it, planned for years, just the preparation to destabilize GFA is an enormous undertaking. She couldn't even remember how many people she had to blackmail, and the people she had to convince to join their side. She even managed to get one of the elders. 

And now, when she tried to contact the people, she once convinced none of them answered. That's right no one. 

She can always blackmail them, but those kind of things have a severe drawback, compared to them doing it independently. 

Just one press conference made their years of hard work destroyed in vain. 

But this is not enough for her to give up. She has been through worse after all. She was just pissed at the sudden development. 

Because of GT revelation in their press conference, many of those who joined as Karou's agents are having a second thought, especially to those who only joined to get revenge because they lost someone to the war. Because they thought GFA is just sending their loved ones to their death in a pointless war. But now, after watching the videos, they no longer think it is pointless, in fact, they even contemplate joining the army. After all for all they know the same thing happened to their loved ones. Once, Killed like an ant and butchered even after they surrendered. 

Just thinking about it makes their blood boil. And it wasn't just them as almost everyone who watched the video feel the same way. 

Its been hours since the GT press conference ended, and the video became the most played video in just a few hours it already reached billions of views, and many top organizations used it to increase the morale of the people further. 

Especially GFA. Just a few hours after GT press conference ended. They finally broke their silence, their press conference was quite simple, first they apologized for being silent, their reason is very simple, they are still looking for survivors. And second they are still trying to piece things together, about how or why it was allowed to happen, on how their enemies know how or where to attack. And therefore, they decided to keep quiet until they have all the information in their hands. 

Several elders also participated in the press conference, they all bowed down in apology, some of them have dark circles in their eyes clearly they have been working non-stop. And these eased the tension to many people, especially those affected by the attack. Just knowing that the elders are doing everything they can to figure out what happened is enough for them. Of course, not everyone is convinced. But the majority is content for now, especially after watching GT's Video about Ganesh. 

As for GT, they no longer pay attention to it. They have already done their part. It's up to the GFA to take over things, after all the hard part is over and that is increasing the morale of the people and earning their trust back. Of course, it can only bring back some of the trust, but that's enough for now. 

The most surprising thing is that many people stepped forward and claimed they were approached by certain individuals and offered them a chance to get their revenge on the GFA who sent their loved ones to be killed in the pointless war. But they know it is not pointless. And that the war is a necessary one.

Something that can't be avoided. GT's video is proof of that. Of course many questioned the authenticity of the video but after countless experts tried to examine it, they all arrived at the same conclusion. The video was taken using a method that is almost impossible to edit. The first video can be said to be staged. After all, it is just a video of an interview, but the succeeding video is impossible to stage. After all the events that appeared in the video have all been verified to have taken place. 

GT also made a statement that everyone is allowed to check the video authenticity of how much they like. But they will not be releasing any more statements regarding that, nor will they be releasing any more information as it will compromise their security, as to how it will be compromised GT didn't reveal more. Making many people disappointed but no matter how much they protest, their plea remains unanswered. 

After the GT press conference, GFA and many Superpowers also see it as a chance to cooperate with GT, after all with the galaxy's biggest weapons manufacturer as backing, they will have nothing to fear. But all of them are left disappointed GT have no intention to form cooperation and will remain passive in their stance to war. And will not join the war but instead remains like they always do developing weapons of war. 

Some were relieved by GT's decision, some are disappointed and relieved because if GT joins the war they might lose their potential income, disappointed because with GT joining the war, the Ganesh would be quickly put in check. 

In truth, neither Oda nor Dianna have any intention of ending the war anytime soon, even if they have the ability to do so. One it's a good way to increase this galaxy war potential second it's a perfect way to train their troops, and lastly with a common enemy, the galaxy can set aside their differences. 

Of course, there are forces who are still fighting each other despite the Ganesh threats. Like the Royal empire and Divine Cross.. their war never stops. It's because of the conflict of beliefs.. and even GT is powerless to stop it unless of course, they subjugate the two powers, which GT will not do unless necessary. 

When the problem in GFA almost resolved, and GT no longer had any part to play in that event, GT once again focused its attention on Earth. That's right Earth, apparently just a few hours ago GT's R&D department made a breakthrough in solving the Earth problem in regards to contaminated areas. 

As it stands only 20% of Earth is habitable and devices that can purify Earth contaminated areas have short range even the biggest and most effective machine can only purify a kilometer at a time and even that takes time. 

And many Superpowers before GT already give up on purifying Earth's contaminated areas, after all there are countless planets in the galaxy that have more resources than Earth, and so instead of wasting money on something that basically has no returns at all, they might as well focus on developing other resources planets. Which have better returns in their investment. 

Even HFA back then already gave up purifying Earth's contaminated area. And they are the one who are taking advantage of Earth resources the most. 

Only GT never once gave up. After all it's one of Arc's orders before he left that Earth needs to be completely purified if they are going to use Earth as their Home Base. 

Oda and the rest once dissuade Arc. After all, it's cheaper to develop other planets mainly because Earth resources are almost depleted after over many years of unregulated extractions. According to study, it will take many years before Earth recovers from it, if it will recover at all. 

But for Arc all of that is not important. He wants Earth, not for material resources, but for a simple reason, it is his and his loved ones home planet. 

EDITOR: King and Queen of Mortals.

Another chapter for you guys!!

Discord: GraveDagger#6135, #factory-worker

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Editors and Proofreaders: NikTitanik866, Firmament, King of Mortals.

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