

Arc looks around and found that only about 30 or so enemies remain and some are on the brink of collapse but even so, they were still at a disadvantage as the monsters that survived are the strongest of the lot.

Without saying anything the group takes a defensive formation with Arc in the middle. Arc didn't say anything regarding the formation even though he didn't need protection, but he knew it's not the right time to mention it.

Eve using the special droids was the vanguard and Biggs and Wedge's only job is to protect Arc.

This time Arc took over he unconsciously gives order without really thinking about it his experience in Vr training are starting to bare fruit, and no one complains Biggs and Wedge have a huge smile on their faces when they saw Arc giving an order as the very first system personnel they knew Arc the longest and knew how much he has grown over time and that genuinely makes them happy.

Ruby and Jem notice it too, but they were so busy fighting they can't spare any time to enjoy it. But being in the same team and fighting side by side by the one they worship as god gives them a sense of honor and purpose

In fact, Arc really do comes a long way his stats are already close to a top-level 2-Star rating and his fighting experience is not bad even though he has very few real-world fighting experiences and only hones his ability in VR but in fact, the difference in VR and reality is almost zero there wasn't much difference in pain, smell, feeling is all 100% replicated by VR the only difference is that death in VR is not real but despite that emotion and experience in VR is the same in reality and Arc have plenty of battle experience in VR and now it's starting to show.

Eve is supporting Arc and to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. The fight intensified Arc was fighting Graff and one other Graff minion that looks like a grotesque angel.

Graff and Arc entered into some kind of trance when they started fighting Graff cant see Arc true face as he was in his mech but Arc can see Graff as he was only wearing some sort of exoskeleton what surprise Arc is that Graff looks exactly like a regular human only bigger like a small giant graff is about 3-4 meters tall almost the same size as regular Ganesh.

Graff was strong as he too loves fighting he frequently goes to the fighting arena whenever he has time and fighting Arc ignited his fighting spirit he began to forgot his anger and hatred all he cared about is fighting.

Arc was the same Arc was a battle junkie he loves fighting he lost count on how many times he died in VR training. When to some it can be a very traumatic experience. But to Arc it is a pure enjoyment. And even though its only VR the senses are all 100% accurate. At first, they are using many gadgets and fancy weapon but soon they found themselves fighting hand to hand. After Arc destroys Graf's fighting companion they no longer paying any attention to the rest.

Ruby and Jem noticed that Arc stops giving orders and it was Eve to took over commands.

Arc pukes blood, even though he was inside the warbots Graff's attacks affected him Graff's attacks contain energy that Arcs warbots were unable to block.

So Arc unconsciously surrounds himself with some sort of energy like a Ki that protects his physical body.

Over the past few months Arc was doing everything he can to train his special ability energy manipulation, but he can't find a way to use it in combat. As the use of energy is connected to his stamina so carelessly using his ability during a fight would only put him at a disadvantage as it quickly drains his stamina every time he uses it.

But this time is different as it was being activated unconsciously the energy surrounding his body not only didn't drains his stamina but actually replenish it not only that it also increases his concentration and increase his recovery. Of course, Arc didn't really realize what's happening in his body as he was still in trance fighting Graff.

One by one the noise died down and soon only the sounds of Arc and Graff fighting can be heard.

Biggs lost his right arm and wedge almost died if not for Eve timely assistance but lost both legs as a result. Eve's droids litter the place as well as the body parts of the experiments of Graff.

Ruby remains unscathed but her warbot was destroyed Jem wasn't so lucky she was heavily injured and almost bisected luckily her personal energy shield save her, but she still receives a huge cut that goes to her left shoulder into her right waist her warbot is also destroyed.

Only Eve remains in perfect condition but out of all the special droids, only 5 remains and 3 of them are close to destruction. Eve released some support droids and drones if worse comes to worst she can use her new physical body to save Arc.

So after determining that the rest no longer in danger she began to focus on Arc. She didn't really care about anything else except Arc, the only reason she didn't interrupt Arc is that she can see Arc growing with every attack. His ability to use the energy manipulation is becoming more refined. And also she knew Arc's life wasn't really in danger, in fact, Arc's body is getting stronger and stronger by the second. It is like Arc are being reborn with every punch and kicks he unleashed. Energy flows into Arc's body like lifeblood circulating and improving his physics with every circulation.

It comes to the point that Arcs warbot is lagging behind and can no longer keep up with Arc's growth... Graff is starting to feel something strange but can't put his finger on it, he continued to exchange fist and kicks with Arc. Suddenly he noticed a punch coming and instinctively he was about to dodge but something weird happens he saw the fist coming but unable to dodge it he was hit in the shoulder destroying a part of his exoskeleton.

He was about to curse but suddenly he saw multiple fists coming in his direction unable to react he was hit all over.

Ruby and the rest saw it and forget to do anything else they all stop whatever they are doing and with a shock expression, they saw Arc blurred and unleashed countless punch and kicks. And despite focusing all they saw was afterimage.

Arc suddenly stop attacking and just stood.

Crack! Crack! Arc stop moving standing still as one by one parts of his warbots crumble piece by piece Arc's warbot fall apart.

Time seems to slow down. Ruby and the rest saw Arc stop moving and his armor started to cracked and fall apart a few seconds later Arc standing and all around him was his warbot scattered pieces. And they saw Arc with visible dark energy surrounding his whole body. The energy is not static but continuously moving like water flowing…

Suddenly Arc lifted his arm…. "What's this?" Arc mumbled.