
158 Red Hole

"Run diagnostic!"

"Everything Green"

"Shield full power!"


Arc looks at everyone on the bridge, and everyone is also looking at him, he smiles. "Let's go! let's see what adventure is waiting for us on the other side of this Hole."

"Roger that Boss"

As the Specter entered a huge Red hole the Specter looks like a speck of sand going into a whirlpool.

It's been 10 days since Arc found out that his destination is the Red Hole it took Specter 2 days and a half to complete the upgrade and Arc visited another supply station and bought all the rare materials he could buy, it's in preparation just in case the Specter was damage and having the materials to repair it was a must.

And they spend the remaining days traveling to the Red Hole.

Arc also manage to make contact with Legion and Oda one last time and told them of the situation he gave Oda and Gaia an Order to protect his family and to continue to take over Earth.

As for Legion, his order is simple to get stronger and protect Liberty and the solar system at all costs. He also created another batch of mother drones and send half of them to Legion and scattered the rest. And with that Arc was now ready to enter the Red Hole. He didn't contact his family and Mia to not worry them.

He was also very surprised when he saw Legion, he praised Legion for his looks making Legion so happy.

"Space and time anomaly detected!" Specter voice can be heard in the bride.

"Space debris approaching at high speed preparing to intercept, energy cannon ready! Fire!…"


"Target destroyed."

Arc looks at the busy crew, he can see nothing but blurred space ahead of them.

Suddenly all warnings have flared up.

"Space turbulence approaching, prepare for impact, Warning, warning! Navigation compromise!"

"Specter, what's going on?" Ask Arc with a confused look on his face.

"But it was Eve who answered, Boss we are being sucked into a space vortex and Specter lost all control to navigate he's currently trying to get back the control to navigate."

Arc was about to say something when he heard Nine voice in his head.

"Don't resist follow the path."

"What?" But Nine no longer spoke.

"Specter doesn't resist and lets it guide the ship, but make sure our shield is on full power."

After giving the order, the ship stops shuddering as Specter no longer resisting. So everything started to calm down.

Arc saw that they have entered some kind of Warp Vortex. But unlike regular warp who only last for a few seconds this one is still going on after 10 minutes, and there seems to be no sign of stopping any time soon.

"Specter, can you tell how far we have traveled?" Arielle Ask.

Calculating…. …. …

"Estimated 2.5 million light-seconds... Space and time deviation not included…"

"So in other words we don't know if we are still in on our current timeline." Said Arielle worried.

"Correct!, All scanning is being blocked I calculated using normal warp as a basis. As we have no way to scan anything outside our shield."

But to their shock even after 1 hour of traveling at warp speed they still have not exited... The normal warp vortex is unstable and traveling continuously through it is suicide. And that's why if one wants to travel from one point to another depending on the distance they may have to warp many times.

But this warp vortex is very stable and shows no sign of any disturbance. But that also worries them as they are getting farther and farther to their home... Not only that they may have been traveling back in time or forward in time as they have no way to figure it out for the time being.

Arc, order specter and the crew to record everything and for Specter to be ready for anything. As he was about to say more. But something happens.

"What's that?"

"Space beast?" Arc mumbled.

But this one is so much bigger than what a space beast supposed to be. And it's going for them!

"Oh! Fucking Shit! He couldn't help but curse. Divert all power to shield and prepare the main cannon.!"

In fact, he didn't have to say it as Specter already did so. The front of Specter began to separate into four and a huge barrel can be seen behind it, the huge space beast didn't seem to care and was still on a head-on collision with Specter, and it didn't seem to have seen them judging by it size it could swallow the moon whole and in front of it, Specter looks like a toy.

Ready to fire, in 3, 2, 1 fire!!

A black beam of light was fired in front of the specter, but it looks like a small needle in front of the space beast.

They also now saw what the space beast really look like. It looks like a huge Alligator Gar only it has a huge cow-like horn and crystal-like scales that change color every now and then.

Arc, underestimate the size of the Space beast because of its size he thought it was close but in fact, it's still far away, and even after 30 seconds the beam still hasn't reached it. Making Arc and the rest think what they are seeing is nothing but a mirage or illusion.

Because of the inability of Specter to scan outside the shield, they all relied on visuals to confirm its distance and because of it, they were misled.

Just how big is that Beast? Arielle asks in shock.

Charge again! Full power! Arc shouted. And the specter began to recharge again...

Black light spread in front it is the evidence that the beam finally hit the target there was no sound or any fancy explosion. Just black light that expanded and disappeared instantly.

To his surprise, he saw what appears to be blood but nevertheless, it's inconsequential compared to the size of the beast, and one other thing it looks like the beast finally saw them as it was opening its mouth to swallow them.

Shit! It's not turning… Cancel the fire divert all power to shield, and brace for impact. Arc ordered!

He knows firing would not do anything, and it would only use their precious ship energy… Luckily all of them besides Arc are veteran soldiers so no one panicked, but even though they couldn't help but grip their seat tighter.

Suddenly darkness covered the ship as the beast opens its huge mouth in the attempt to swallow Specter, and Specter being unable to move have no choice but to divert all power into the shield, luckily with the upgrade, Specter shield is strong enough for them to travel into the surface of the sun.

And suddenly everything went dark, even in the bridge, everything went dark as all power was diverted into the shield leaving only minimum to operate the ship.

The expected impact didn't happen, and no sign of their shield hitting anything, "Specter report!"

"Boss, take a look!"

Suddenly everything was restored and monitors appeared once again. And what they saw leave them speechless...