
119 Shadow Moon LX

Factory Inc.

119 Shadow Moon LX

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119 Shadow Moon LX

Arc was surprised by the sudden call of commander Markos, but he immediately thinks of Lisa. "Could it be?" He thought.

"Commander Markos, this is a surprised what can I do for you?" Arc answers in a friendly voice.

"Arc, good day to you, I heard you're looking for a space cruiser that's the reason I called."

"Ah, commander I didn't mean to disturb you with it. Lisa works fast we just ended our conversation an hour ago. I didn't think she will disturb you for it, I apologize." Arc said pretending to be sorry.

"Nonsense! No need to apologize for it, and it wasn't Lisa who calls me but Admiral Ford. For he knows when it comes to space cruiser I'm a specialist." Said Commander Markos with a tinge of pride in his voice.

"Really!? Commander I didn't know, I have indeed asked Lisa for a space cruiser as I would be traveling to Liberty often in the coming months. But it's a surprise that you commander is the go-to when it comes to space cruiser. I thought someone of your stature would be more inclined to a military-grade battle cruiser than a regular space cruiser." Said Arc with the voice of flattery.

"Haha, well I have you know back in the days I was one of the best space cruiser providers for many top personnel in space. It's one of my passion, designing and building and customizing a space cruisers. Even to date, the best space cruiser in human forces is designed by me!" Said Commander Markos with a proud and gloating expression.

"Wow! Commander that's really a surprise. I assume you have an available Space cruiser you're willing to sell to me?" Ask Arc in anticipating voice.

"Haha, sell you must be kidding me Arc."

"Ah, that's a shame as I really want one of your specially designed space cruisers, you're killing me here commander."

"Hahaha, fret not Arc I'm not going to sell it instead I'm giving you one of my babies, I assure you will not be disappointed." Said Commander Markos with pride.

"Commander, how can I accept that? I."

"Stop, Arc don't say anything consider this an apology for the trouble I caused you about your special solutions." Said Commander Markos cutting Arc from talking.

"Then I won't refuse Commander Markos as refusing would only tarnish our relationship. But I assure you I'm not troubled by it as I gained quite a bit from that transaction I should thank you instead." Arc said honestly. He is starting to like commander Markos.

"Ah, that's a small gain compare to the trouble it caused." Said Commander Markos. He still believes the value of the special Solutions is really that great, and he believes that it's really very hard to produce it. And Arc is only being forced to expand his production just to accommodate him and the top officials of GFA.

"How about this commander were very close to developing a special Health Solutions, unlike Food solutions, Health Solutions specialized in repairing the body and increase one lifespan. As soon as we succeeded you'll be the first beneficiary I promise you." Said Arc.

"Really?" Commander Markos was really surprised by that news, the special food solution is already a miracle to him. If what he assumes is correct the value of these special health solutions exceeded that of the special food solution by several times. "What's the effect of it? He quickly asked.

"So far we can expect an increase of lifespan by 10-20 years after 20 uses and after 50 uses an increase of at least 30years and a prolonged used is showing a good sign of greatly slowing one aging by at least 2-3 times. Of course, we haven't begun human trials yet as we are still looking for a perfect combination of ingredients. But all our animal's test subject shows sign of slow aging and greatly increasing once regeneration without any side effects." Said Arc with a straight face. Of course, none of those are really true as one looks, and he already knows the effect of the health solutions.

"This is supposed to be a great secret, but for you Commander, I'm willing to make an exception."

"Is what you said true?"

"I won't joke about it, commander." Said Arc with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Good, Good, Good I'm looking forward to it hahaha, you know I have a very beautiful granddaughter maybe I can introduce her to you one of these days. Hahaha, so when can I expect those Special Health solutions of yours? Hehe" Ask commander Markos Grinning.

"The soonest 3-6 months from now the latest 1 year. As we don't plan to release products if it's not perfect we have a reputation to uphold after all. Said Arc with a smile.

"Perfect I'm looking forward to it, well I have to go now expect one of my baby to arrive in about 3 days, Good talking to you Arc. Hahaha."

"You too commander" after commander Markos hangs up, He took a deep breath "darn now I can't give him a regular cruiser if I want to get a good deal of that special health solution I can't go cheaper with my gift." Markos sigh massaging his head, but with a huge grin on his face.

"Grandpa, what is it? You look like in a good mood today what happened?" A 20 something beautiful Girl asks Commander Markos she has dark Red hair perfect face and a body that can shame any superstar and model. Her name is Leslie Deacon, daughter of commander Markos only Son and Markos spoiled her a lot but unlike your typical spoiled child.

Leslie is different not only she doesn't act like a spoiled child. She herself is a genius she graduated from the most prestigious school with top honors she also made a name for herself in developing advanced warp engine and the youngest scientist to be awarded of Nobel Prize for her theory on folded space and developing folded Warp engine that's ten times faster and more efficient than any existing human warp engine.

The only downside is that it requires a huge amount of rare materials to make. But nevertheless, just the advancement of the warp engine that's been stagnant since the age of exploration has finally seen some improvement. As the traditional warp engine is a technology based on many alien technologies because of that there is hardly any improvement since those alien races that have superior technology are not willing to share their technology with other races.

And only outdated technology are available in the market, of course, there are ways to get advanced technology from other alien race. The black market offers this kind of technology but the problem with that kind of acquisition is that if the other race found out you are developing stolen technology from them, it could lead to war. And humanity is not willing to risk it, of course, they have many advanced technologies they bought in the black market, but they can only use it as a reference to develop new technology to prevent problems. And because of that, there are hardly any advances in human technology in the past 100 years. As alien technology is really hard to copy as many of them are developed using their own unique characteristics and can only be used by their own race. And reversed engineering takes a lot of time and resources.

And oftentimes, when humans succeeded other races, have already developed far more advanced technology. The only advantage of humanity is that they manage to acquired and reversed engineered many technologies from many races giving humanity a variety of weapons and ships with many features. That's why humanity acquired the nickname (Scavengers of space) of course humanity is not proud of it, but they have no choice but to steal other technologies in order to survive in space. And that's why Leslie Folded warp theory is very important to humanity as it was an original technology developed by the human that can rival other top races in space.

Discord: GraveDagger#6135

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