
115 Shadow Moon LVI

"I'm sure you're aware that we are buying a lot of rare materials here on Earth and on Space, were not selling but just buying. That is to increased our production facilities and to gather materials for producing special solutions and to cope with future demands." Said Arc.

Admiral Ford didn't speak and leaned back on his chair and think for a bit. In fact, he was just giving more time for the higher up to think. Arc didn't interrupt him he was aware of what he is doing. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to listen in their conversation as they are using a secured line. And Eve can't hack into it.

Arc ask for drinks to be delivered to them. As he was a little thirsty for speaking too much. A few seconds later Tiffa brought a few drinks for everyone.

"So how much materials do you need to build enough production facility to produce 200 more special solutions every month?"

Arc look at Admiral Ford in surprise, but in fact, he was very happy inside...

"You really want to go through with it? Arc asks in surprise.

That depends, for now, I just want to know what will it cost us to get 200 more special solutions every month.

"Sigh, a lot, ill tell you that. Dianna can you print the cost of the special solution, so I can give it to Admiral Ford."

"Sure Boss. Give me a second."

Dianna left the conference room and pretend to print the document of the so-called cost of the production facility.

But in truth Arc and Eve is talking about how many materials they needed to build the required weapons and armors for the Grand Army in the future, at first they plan to mine and buy all the materials they needed to properly arm their Army, but now GFA is offering to sponsor all their expenses for only 200 special solutions when his army is consuming Special solutions in tens of thousands every day... I wonder what would they feel if they found out about it in the future. Arc can only smile at the idea.

So after a while, they decided on the cost they will give to GFA. It's not much for them to give it up but it enough to hurt their pockets.

Dianna is waiting for Eve and Arc to finish their conversation about the cost. Soon a document was printed and all Dianna have to do is take it. She reads the documents and smiles.

"GFA is going to bleed this time," she said in her mind.

Dianna arrived back to the conference room and saw Arc and Admiral are talking about the war while drinking some juice.

They stop talking as she arrived with the documents.

She places the document in front of Arc, who then passes it to Admiral ford without looking at it.

Admiral took the documents it's around 30- 40 pages he looks at it and was surprised he was expecting just a list of materials and amount but what he has on his hand is a full documentation of the cost of the production facility.

"Is it alright to give this to my superiors?" said Admiral Ford.

"Of course, that's yours I don't want you to think I was swindling you by asking the required materials to build a facility. I'm sure with this you will change your mind about asking for more special solutions." Said Arc. With a slight smile on his face.

Admiral Ford Scan the documents and pretend to send them back to his superiors, when in fact he already scanned them and sent them the moment he gets his hand on it. But to pretend that Arc didn't know that the higher-ups are listening to their conversation a small play has to take place.

Admiral Ford excused himself to pretend he was contacting and informing his superiors about the meeting that took place. Arc just nodded when Admiral Ford excused himself. For he is already aware of the situation.

In the meantime, he was talking to Lisa and Vice Admiral Sheila.

"Arc, I heard you're hosting a welcoming party for some Alien races in space here on Earth." Said Sheila sarcastically…

"Haha, well it is not me really it's the UG they are the ones excited about that event, for me it's just another business transaction."

"I see, HFA is trying to prevent it though." Said, Sheila

"I don't really understand what's their problem with it, their strict control of news and technology on Earth is making the people on Earth stupid and ignorant they are taking the future of humans here on earth with their greed." Said Arc frowning.

Lisa, sigh, she used to be part of HFA, but now they belong to GFA. She understands Arc sentiment. Although she wasn't born on Earth but in Space, she is part of humanity after all. She knows it wasn't fair to the people on Earth what HFA is doing, but everything is about Cost and Gains.

If the Gains are much more than the cost then whatever the cost maybe they don't care about it. As HFA is gaining by costing Earthling their future to HFA that is a small price to pay for what they are gaining.

"I know it's not fair. But you're putting yourself as a target for HFA." Said Lisa in a concerned tone.

"Won't matter, they can't do anything to me anyway." Said Arc shrugging his shoulder.

"For now yes, can you still say this in the future?" Said Lisa.

"I'll cross the bridge when I get there," said Arc nonchalantly.

They know that the listening device is with Admiral Ford, so they can talk boldly like this. They talk about many things as they waited for Admiral Ford to come back.

Soon enough Ford comes back and said. We're willing to give you the materials in exchange for the 200 special solutions every month.

"Can you elaborate?" Arc asks with a slight frown on his face.

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