
095 Shadow Moon XXXVI

The soldiers behind Jerry was horrified by the explosions the two nuclear warheads that exploded near them was beyond their expectations, they didn't expect their enemy has a nuclear weapon, as after the war all kind of nuclear weapons is banned. And during the space exploration age, nuclear weapons can only be used in space, a nuclear weapon is a taboo on Earth.

The soldier's eyes turn red. One of the lieutenants ordered "Kill them all don't leave any of those bastards alive, gather the injured and have them return to temp base camp. The rest give these guys no quarter."

"Yes, Sir."

Many of the heavy machines are destroyed and damaged but most of them survived, the same for the soldiers only the unlucky ones who were hit directly by nuclear bombs perished. Fortunately, they are quite spread out and therefore avoided many potential casualties, many of them are save by their exoskeleton suits as it has an energy shield on its own but those very closed to explosions are unable to be saved by their suits.

Good thing the heavy machinery takes most of the damages and most casualties are from the soldiers operating the machines and those very close to it. If it exploded in temp base camp the death toll would be huge.

They can see their commander is taking most of the heavy lifting fighting the full mecha on his own. They immediately sobber up from the previous explosions and although most of them have slight injury nobody complains about them and instantly began preparations for incoming enemy attacks,

"Sir the enemies Warbots there are around 100 plus of them as the captain takes out most of them. Many of our tanks survive the explosions and already engaging the enemies"

"Good, is the minefield been successfully set up?" Ask the lieutenant.

"Yes, sir the drones have managed to successfully plant the mines in the designated area, although some of them are destroyed by the shockwave many survived and ready for activation"

"Good, lest finished these scums, so we can help our commander. Let's go!"

"Enemies will arrive in the minefield in 10 seconds."

"Don't activate it yet, have these bastards all entered the minefield first."

"Yes, sir."

..... ...

"Sir they're inside"

"Good activate it! Let's give them a surprise they won't forget in their limited lives" said the lieutenant.

Boom! One war bot was blown away the moment he steps into the mine. Boom! Boom! Soon one after another warbot is being blown away by a land mine.

"Retreat there's minefield ahead." Shouted one of the War Bots but the second he retreated he steps on another land mine and was blown away. He was only one of many of the warbots that retreated and was blown away by stepping into a land mine, "Fuckers! We can't retreat we're already inside the minefield,"

"No, no I don't want to die," said one of the panicking pilots of warbots he stopped moving because he was so afraid he will step into a land mine.

"Don't stop idiot!" But it was already too late that guy was bombarded by cannon fire he died screaming seconds later.

*Motherfuckers!" The pilot of warbots screams!

But the grand army didn't care, even those that tried to surrender were bombarded by cannon fire and guided missiles fired by the grand army soldiers.

The result was tragic for the Warbots at first they tried to go into a straight line in order to minimize the damage from land mines, but they were greeted by cannon fires, so they have no choice but to evade, and when they evade they encounter land mines. In the end, only 10 or so warbots make it out alive in the minefield, but they were greeted by soldiers guided missiles and were eliminated. It only took about 10 minutes or so to eliminate all warbots the moment they entered the minefield,

The Warbots was played to death by the Grand Army. The warbots was afraid to move forward because of land mines but was forced to evade and move around the minefield in the end because of the lack of leadership many warbots pilot refused the order to move forward and be cannon fodder for others the move around waiting for others to pave a path for them. But unfortunately, no one wants to be the hero, so they ended up going in a circle until they are killed one by one. By the time some of them man up. Their numbers are already pitiful.

"Good have the drones pick up the leftover mine and prepare to back our coman..."

But as soon as he said that the fight between Dragko and Jerry is in the climax, as both fires their main weapon huge explosions occurred, second only to a nuclear explosion.

"Commander!, you gather our fallen and clean up the battlefield I want a full report in 1 hour. The rest of you follow me lets see to our commander."

Even though they saw the explosions none of them believe that was enough to kill their commander who looks like a superhero to them, they all know how powerful their commander is.

"Fuck that hurts." He coughs a mouthful of blood and looks around his suit is completely destroyed even his internal suit is badly damaged at the last moment he activated his portable energy shield that was enough to block several canon fires but even that was not enough to completely block the residual attack from Fafnir.

He can feel his body Jerry looked at his body he look intact but can't move at all. "Shit those guys are going to laugh at me" then he passes out.

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