
077 Shadow Moon XVIII

Alarm! Alarm!, Sounds of alarm rang all around the Chained Souls headquarters every Beast Lord in the inner base was alerted Shaki's message was sent to all of them through their private communication devices, some of them are confused some already aware of the situations but choose to do nothing and just wait for orders, some are annoyed by shakis forceful order, many of the Beast Lord have their own pride and don't like being ordered around, there were many kinds of reaction coming from the Beast Lord, for every Beast Lord evolve in a different way and have their own Ego. But one thing they all understand is that this place is very important for them as none of them are willing to go back into the wild.

"Their inner base is bigger than we thought, there must be an underground facility somewhere in that place." Said Arc.

"We were unable to gather information about their inner base as it was heavily guarded and have their own network inside, but we do know is that a large amount of supplied are being shipped there on a daily basis, and only very selected individuals are allowed inside and even them are only there to transport food supplies.

"Only the right-hand man of their boss called Big Budda is truly allowed and know what's going on inside. But that man rarely leaves the base, so we are unable to get any valid information on what's inside their inner based. We assume they are building a massive Army because of the huge amount of food delivered on a daily basis." Said Tiffa.

The fight with Beast Lords intensified. "Looks like among the Beast Lords there is a hierarchy and the one we encounter so far is nothing but cannon fodder that Beast looks different" Arc points at the new Beast Lord that arrived.

King Baku, you're finally here these guys are stronger than any human I saw before. Baku is a jungle tiger Beast Lord he was very cunning and very powerful, he's one of the King ranks Beast Lords under Chained Souls. Beast Lord has their own ranking system, they rank themselves based on their strength and power, there are five ranks in Beast Lords.






Each rank difference is huge, and they are addressed by their rank and every Beast Lord above common take great pride in their rank, they considered it a great honor and are very proud of it.

Baku's look at the human in black suits he and the others were surprised to find out they are indeed quite strong almost all of them are above General class but his attention is on a single female fighting five Beast Lords at the same time, he noticed that even though she was fighting the five other beast lords her attentions was actually on him.

Michelle immediately notices Baku the moment she appeared her eyes contracted the moment she saw him, so she immediately killed the five beasts she was fighting, at first she was trying to just incapacitate them but Baku's arrival changed that after killing the five she steps back and just calmly watch Baku's movements.

Arc was also surprised when he saw Baku, for Baku, didn't look like a Beast Lord at all no except for a tail he looks very much like a human, only slightly taller and hairier but other than that no one can tell he's a Beast Lord.

"In that the effect of enhancement serum? Or the more these beasts evolved the more human they look?" Ask Arc.

"We won't know for sure not until we study them in details," Tiffa said looking at Arc

"I do not believe that the government is unaware of this. They must have known about this and just choose not to publicize it, is this really the reason why they didn't exterminate the Beast even though they have the power to do it?"

"I have no data about that Boss, but I will look into it." Said Eve.

"If they can turn into a human the more they evolved it's not far fetched to think that many Superpower is aware of it are already taking advantage of it. Who wouldn't want super-powered soldiers or bodyguards?"

"That assuming humans can control them." Said Tiffa.

At this point Arc imagination started to become wild, he began to think that what if most of the superpowers on space is actually controlled by Human evolve Beast Lord. "Is that why some superpowers decided to separate themselves with the human the moment they entered space?" Arc began to imagine in his mind.

"Hmm, Boss what are thinking about?" Ask Tiffa.

"Huh, oh nothing was just thinking that if the final evolution of Beast Lord they will look exactly like humans what's the chances that some superpowers are actually under Beast Lord control?"

"Boss are we not looking at one already?" Said Tiffa.

"Right!, holy shit this is really an eye-opener for me, look like we need to investigate this more." Said Arc.

Ahhh!. A shout woke up Arc from his daydreaming his attention immediately focus back on the projector, "No!" Said Arc stunned.


Baku looks at Michelle and smiles "It looks like this won't be boring after all" Michelle didn't say anything and just gestured for everyone to focus and be extra vigilant.

"Alright stop watching we need to Finnish this quickly our livelihood is at staked here unless you want to go back to where you came from Finnish this quickly" shouted Baku.

After that ten more beast king appeared and more than 50 general class Beast Lords appeared one after another, Shaki was among them except for big budda every Beast Lords in the base has now revealed themselves.