
061 Shadow Moon II

In the Headquarters of the Morgan Family, the top members of the family are having a meeting.

"What's going on!? Give me a report now!" Ask the head of the Morgan family in anger.

"Father I think we have been used by someone else, it's not just us I think the Death Crows as well," said one of the top members.

"I can tell that much! I'm not stupid! but that's not what I want to know! What I want to know is who? Who the f@#k is playing with us?" Ask the Head of Morgan Family in anger.

No one answers, they tried to investigate with everything they have but nothing comes up, what they knew 10 days ago is still what they know today nothing changes, they are very furious at the people they task in finding intel but no matter what they do they can't find anything, the only one consolation they have is that even 'The Speaker', the world largest information broker can't find anything new either.

So they couldn't really blame their men if even The Speaker is powerless to find anything, it's not so surprising they can't find anything either...

"Father we have tried everything, there's really nothing we can do even The Speaker has nothing new. Unless we declare war and attack them. there's pretty much nothing we can do at this moment." Said another top member

The Head already knew that of course, he was just venting his anger they almost went to war with Death Crow for nothing, luckily they were able to find out about what happened to The Spider, and the rest wasn't hard to figure out. The moment they find out about what happens to Spider they knew they have been used...

Well in truth Eve allow them to find out quickly what happens to The Spider. One reason is that the war with Morgan and Death Crow will involve too much innocent life, and second, they won't be able to take advantage as their forces are stretched thin at the moment, and lastly, it's more beneficial for them to make the other top organization to keep guessing what really happens for that will hinder them to make any sudden movements as well as serve as an invisible shackle to all top criminal organization.

The fear of not knowing who or when the enemy will strike will hold them back allowing the Shadow Moon and Grand Army to flourish without any problem.

"Attack them? an enemy we know nothing about, they have the power to subjugate the spider without being able to fight back at all, we're not that stupid," said the Head of the Morgan Family...

The Head of the Morgan Family knows that attacking an unknown enemy was stupid they will not be the one trying the muddy waters and become canon fodders for others.

He also knows that sending small groups to probe or expose the enemy is useless if even The Spider was defeated without revealing anything about attackers to others, what would small groups do? it's like throwing eggs at the mountain no matter how many you throw it won't move the mountain, only by throwing mountain to a mountain can something happen but he will not let them be the first to try it.

"Give my orders nobody makes a move on UG or any organization in there tell our people in there to keep their head down and lay low until we found out more about our mysterious enemies, also keep your eyes out for any movement in our territory for all we know we might be next, and the enemy is already in our doorsteps..." Said The head of the Morgan Family.

"Yes, Father!!"


This kind of thing is happening to almost all Top criminal organization around the world, of course, there are those that didn't really care about what happened to The Spider such as the Crimson Mask one of the biggest arms trader in the world almost 70% of illegal weapon circulating in the underworlds comes from them...

This is exactly what Eve wants to achieve, Eve continues to watch, and barely interferes with what is going on in other criminal organization she only interferes if it involves them…


And just like that six months have passed the UG criminal organization is 80% consolidated. And a new batch of Shadow unit continues to be trained.

Space also enters a slightly peaceful state, no new confrontation against the Ganesh has occurred, since the last big one where a whole human squadron was annihilated. HFV, as well as other human superpowers, have been forced to change their strategies on how to deal with the enemy alien forces the Ganesh, the world was shocked when the loss of a whole squadron was made public and it wasn't just earth almost every human colony in the galaxy was shocked it also forces many human superpowers in space to join the war for no one wants to find themselves under the attack of Ganesh without any allies to help them.

So the Human Superpowers in space created a coalition that combines all the army of many humans Organizations, and they call it the Galactic Force Alliance or GFA.

GFA will be led by representatives of the Twelve Human Organization in space and each power will allocate 5 squadrons each of those squadrons will be combined into a GFA or Galactic's force alliance. This is the first time human forces join together since the end of the apocalyptic war where all humanity joins as one to survive together, and now once again humans join together with one common goal to defeat the Ganesh…

Countless humans wanted to enlist and join the war against the Ganesh. the creation of GFA once again ignited human passions to make war, of course, all this is in the name of revenge and justice for humans needs justification and reason to wage war, and the unprovoked attack and the loss of so many lives was more than enough justification for many human to accept this war, of course, this is also for survival, and a show of force that humans are no pushover…

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