
055 New Order IV

Who are you people you're not from Morgan Family are you? Ask Beru who was surprised by the sudden appearance of Dove and the Shadow Units, He didn't even notice that it is only been a few minutes since he himself just arrive here.

Only a few Elders and Leaders have managed to notice it, they also notice that they can no longer contact their subordinates.

Dove can see different emotions on the face of the top members of the Spider, some of them are surprised, some are angry and many look apprehensive and fearful. But surprisingly, quite a few have a calm look on their faces.

"Well, I guess they are not the top members of the number one criminal organization in the united government for nothing. Dove said in her mind

The Head and the rest of the people inside the Web didn't say anything, but many of them are silently and secretly giving eye gestures and hand signals. But Dove and the rest of the Shadow Unit just ignore them.

Mikasa was already beside the Head she was trying to contact Mikhail but received no response, but she was not worried, she knows the capability of her brother. Her priority right now is to protect the Head and find a way to take the head to safety.

"Who are you people," Asks Beru

Dove didn't answer she looked at Beru and then switch her gaze to Mikasa who never left her eyes on her, Dove can guess what she was thinking, and she knew it was futile, so she smirked at her...

Dove look again at Beru who was still waiting for her to answer,

"Does it matter, Beru?" She said with a playful smile on her face.

Beru wasn't surprised that the girl in front of him knows his name. What he was worried about is who is this girl and from what organization she comes from.

Dove has always been the playful one between Michelle and her, she always said that Michelle is always too serious this personality of her is what clicks her with Jem they always get along just fine, Dove was one of the girls rescued by Ruby and Jem from the criminal organization.

She was an orphan who didn't know who her parent was, and in all honesty, she didn't care, she was always been a rebellious one she didn't like all the rules in the orphanage she grew up with, so when she was only 13 years old she left, and joins the other kids on the street.

She stayed on the street for a few years and was happy for a time until she and her friends were taken by the local gang, in order to protect herself she always keeps herself dirty and messy until one of her friends sold her to the gang out of jealousy, and because of that she was taken and sold to the criminal organization called Underlady.

It's a small-time organization that deals with sex trafficking and sold beautiful virgins to other big organizations.

For quite some time she keeps being sold from one organization to another because of her beauty, because of that, she knew there was no escaping her fate, so she already resigned herself.

Many times she wants to kill herself but didn't have the courage to do it, then one day she was finally sold to a rich man during one of the auctions, that's where she met Michelle who was in the same situation as her, they were bought by the same person, there are other girls with them all have the same eyes as them, eyes that lost all hope and full of despair, and when they are about to be taken two beautiful girls suddenly appeared in front of them they look like the same age as them, but they know they are very different because behind the two girls are all the dead body of the guards that are in charge of protecting them.

The girl who calls herself Jem extends her hand to her and said. "It's ok you're safe now, come with us, and maybe we can be sisters"

Unconsciously she took her hands and one by one all of them follow the two girls outside. On their way out they saw the aftermath of the attack, all guards and organizers, as well as all bidders, were killed. It's a bloodbath, but they can see that the two girls who are leading them didn't have any blood on them not even a drop the only thing that betrays them are the bloody knives on their hands, most of them have already seen their fair shares of violence, and most are still in shock to react on what happening around them.

But there are those like her and Michelle who still have their sanity, and started vomiting. Ruby and Jem didn't urge or try to hurry them in any way, they just waited for the rest to calm down, a few minutes later they were already on the bus leading somewhere.

In truth, Dove doesn't really remember much of what transpired on that day because of shock and when she finally got over her shock she was already in a military facility.

She was afraid of course at first but when Jem explained and ask them what they want to do in the future, and told them they are looking for someone like them to be part of the organization they belong to. Dove didn't hesitate and joined them.

At times, she questions her decision during training mainly because the training is inhumane if their body wasn't enhanced, they would have been long dead from all the training, but she enjoys the camaraderie she had with other trainees, especially with Michelle which she considers as sister and a rival, she tried to compete with everything and because of that their growth is very fast among other trainees.

And now she can honestly say that joining the Shadow unit is the best decision she has ever made in her life, as she always says "I'm born for this job…"

She looks at Beru and said, "does it matter, Beru?"

Beru wasn't surprised when she mentions his name after all he has experienced today, if they didn't know who he was he would be even more surprised.

"You are not from Morgan Family! Who are you, people? Do you have any idea what you have done!?…. We..."

Dove made a gesture, and one of the Shadow units disappeared and instantly appeared in front of the elder who just shouted, there was a flash and the Shadow Unit member disappeared and returns to where she was previously standing as if nothing has happened. Everyone returned their gazes at the elder who was now holding his neck with both hands his eyes are wide with disbelief, blood seeps out of his fingers and a few seconds later he falls down dead.

Mikasa's eyes dilated when she saw it, the movement is very fast and swift, and many people are surprised and confused at the same time. They didn't see anything except a girl in a black tight-fitting suit appeared in front of the elder who shouted and disappeared, they didn't see any form of attack just some flash of light.

But all their confusion vanished when the elder started clutching his neck and blood seeped from his finger, he died a few seconds later. "Well, there are always those who would volunteer to test the waters." Said Dove, shaking her head with a smirk on her lips...

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