
039 Anarchy 66 II

039 Anarchy 66 II

++ before anything else let me rant a little bit because I just lost a whole chapter with more than 1k words because this fucking web novel app didn't save it even though I save it, it is very frustrating Wtf. Ok, sorry for the rant, enjoy the chap. ++

Ruby and Jem are watching the shadow unit execute the operation, it can even be said it was perfect except for some very minor issues everything went exactly as planned, so it is safe to say the operation is almost perfect, Ruby and Jem have a smile on their faces as they watch the shadow unit executed their jobs. "What do you think Boss?" asked Ruby, looking quite happy.

"What do you want me to say?, haha, you trained them well, and I mean it. You really trained them well, good job, I'm very pleased with their performance. They will play a very important role in building a future for all of us" replied Arc, looking very satisfied.

Ruby and Jem were both very happy when they heard the praise of their beloved Boss. They almost jump up and down. Luckily, they manage to control their emotions before they embarrassed themselves. But they still let out a small giggle.

"We are very happy with their performances too, but this is just the beginning the real test is about to come, but I trust them, after all, we are the ones who trained them." said, Ruby with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Right!" Said Jem while nodding. She, too, retains a huge smile on her face. Clearly very happy after earning praise from Arc.

After a few minutes of waiting, all noises started to die down and sure enough, Ruby and Jem received the message that everything inside the mansion is either subdued or killed.

"Let's not make our guest waiting," said Ruby with a smile on her face.

"Huh, we are supposed to be the guest, right?" replied Jem in confusion.

"Don't worry about the detail, and let's just go and meet them," answered Ruby with an embarrassed face.

In truth, Ruby just wanted to say something cool in front of her Boss, unfortunately, her sister Jem busted her up and ruins her performance, and now because of Jem, she felt embarrassed saying those lines.

"Right," said Jem excitedly, not knowing how she busted her sister.

Micheal and the elders immediately stopped talking when all noise outside the door died down. A few minutes later, they can hear footsteps outside getting closer and closer to the door.

Inside eight personal guards of Micheal are waiting in front ready to intercept their guests, when the door opens all they saw is flashes of light, and suddenly, all eight guards started falling down one by one, there's no blood on them except one.

"Jem, why did you kill one of them?" asked Ruby.

"It's too ugly" replied Jem, shrugging her shoulder.

"You know we might need them later, right?" said, Ruby feeling frustrated by her sister's performance.

"It won't matter it's just one of them it doesn't make a difference, but it really is too ugly" replied Jem while pointing at the guy on the far right.

Ruby looks at the place where Jem is pointing and when she saw the face she felt goosebumps, "It really is too ugly" she said in her mind.

"It doesn't matter, you have to explain that to our Boss" Said, Ruby

Arc was watching them on the monitor, he also heard Ruby and Jem bickering he follows where Jem is pointing, he then zooms on it, and as he saw it, like Ruby he to felt goosebumps all over his body, "what kind of face is that? It looks like it was dumped in acid then patches it together using glue, WTF." he cursed in his mind.

"It's fine it really is not a friendly face, just don't kill any more guards, we might need them in the future" Arc said to Ruby and Jem who are still arguing.

"See, even Boss agrees that it's too ugly," said Jem to Ruby while grinning.

Ruby ignored her sister, she looks at the crowd in front of her and said. "Hello and good evening guys, from now on you guys are working for us," said Ruby while smiling at them.

Michael and the rest were stupefied by what they saw, they only saw some flashes, and all the big scary bodyguards of Michael the butcher who terrified them so were defeated just like that. Those eight are not just regular warriors, they are genetically modified monsters, but those monsters in front of those two girls were no different from any toddlers.

They were so terrified that they couldn't say anything, even Michael, who has been through a lot is the same. Two cute girls are bickering in front of them like any normal teenage girls, but they couldn't say anything. To them, those two are worse than a monster.

"Hello and good evening guys, from now on you guys are working for us."

Hearing those words woke them from their stupor, "who are you people, and what do you mean we are working for you from now on?" Peter asked.

"You look smart but actually very stupid, do I have to spell it out for you? Do you really not know what kind of situation you guys are in?" said Jem with a mocking face.

Peter frowned when he heard it, of course, he knows what kind of situation they are in, but being mocked by teenage girls gives him a bitter taste.

Michael then said. "Why did you attack us? I don't remember provoking you people?."

"Another stupid question, does it matter? We're already here, you only need to decide whether you want to live or die," said Jem, shrugging her shoulder.

One of the elders shouted, "Don't give me that bullshit do you know who I am? I'm..."

He didn't manage to finish, Michelle who was behind Ruby and Jem all along cut off his head before he could finish his words.

"Well, let's ignore the interruption, I don't really care who you are, you have 10 seconds to decide." said ruby without any emotions on her face.

What can they do? They may act tough and fearless on the outside, but who wants to die? All of them are actually very afraid to die.

One of the elders immediately agreed after he witnessed how brutal their guests were, and soon the rest follows.

Jem smiled and said, "isn't that easy, right? No need to make it complicated" she gestures something to the SHADOW UNITS in the back and the five of them come forth with a black case. Michael and the rest were confused. Then the five opened the cases, revealing many injectable cylindrical containers.

"Don't resist," said Jem with a playful smile on her face.

A few minutes later all of them were injected, including the remaining seven guards who were still alive but unconscious.

Ruby then proceeded to explain who they are and what they have to do in the future, it didn't take long, around 10 minutes is all it takes to tell them a short briefing.

"Oh, and yeah from this day forth Anarchy 66 is disbanded. From now on you guys are part of SHADOW MOON..." said Jem, giving them a thumbs up.