
022 Fame III

22 Fame III

Arc was thinking about what to do next. Eve's advice is aligned with his plan that entering a military business is too early for them.

He was very careful even with the MULTI-PURPOSE MANUFACTURING FACTORY; it was only accepted after carefully thinking about it.

Only when Eve reassured him that the quality of the product could be adjusted accordingly did he make the decision to build it.

He doesn't want to change the world's current technology too quickly, that will only lead to all kinds of unseen problems that he and his men weren't capable of handling, Arc lay on the couch and closed his eyes he needs to relax his mind from all the excitement he got today.

Of course, he continues to browse the list of the factory. Unfortunately, Eve can't access the system if she can, it will be so much easier...

"Hmm, did I get too lazy lately? Am I relying too much on Eve and the rest.?" He asked himself

"Well, there's no point in me doing it if my people can do it better, isn't that the system's reason to help me with everything, well I guess I found an excuse to be lazy then hahaha" he laughed in his mind.

"Oh, this is quite good. He is looking at the information of a certain factory."

"Eve, what do you think?" Arc asked

He shared the information with Eve for a minute, Eve didn't respond, but he wasn't worried. He knows that Eve is researching all related topics in the factory and comparing and analyzing all data before she answers. So he waited.

"It can be done boss the item produced by this factory will make it easier for us to transition into military business and at the same time will put our name on the map, but we need to wait for the right timing to introduce it to the market," Eve answered

"Well that doesn't matter anyway I don't have enough energy to build it yet, anyway can the product be adjusted to our specifics? I don't want to produce an item that is too advanced for this world's current technology, it will be suspicious, and we will face a lot of unwanted attention from all superpowers no matter how strong you guys are one nuke, and we're done." Siad Arc

"Our shields can protect us from nukes." Eve answered

"That's not the point, Eve... Hmm, wait, did you just throw a joke at me? When did you get some sense of humor?" Arc answered curiously

"I may be an IA Boss, but I'm a 2-STAR rank AI I'm not heartless like Nine." Said Eve

"Nine: ....."

Somehow, Arc had a feeling that Eve and Nine had some kind of thing going on.

Feeling awkward, he can only say.

"Is that so, good for you, Eve hehe" Arc Awkwardly answered

What can he say, if he agrees, what if Nine went rogue on him, isn't that a tragedy? Although he knows it won't happen, better be safe than sorry.

"Must stay neutral, must stay neutral," he said in his mind. It's not like Nine and Eve can read his mind unless he wants to share his thoughts. They won't be able to guess what he's thinking, at least that's what he thinks, regardless there is no use thinking about it.

"Boss, should I go and prepare for this?" Eve asked

"Hmm, I guess so, it's better to be prepared, have you found a way to use our previous paper currency factory? It's a waste if we can't take advantage of it, after all, its production is still much faster than you making money in trading, even now I'm sitting on billions of credit waiting to be used." Arc said, a little frustrated

"It's not wise to suddenly introduce a huge amount of paper currency in one go to the market boss as it will cause inflation, and it will definitely be investigated," Eve answered

"I know that's why I'm not just making Ugcredit I'm also printing Pacific Asian Alliance and Eastern Emporium currency; I'm not sure if I should print some currency from Atlantic Consortium since the paper currency there is highly regulated by their government.

It's a shame that more than 70% of the human population is already using digital currency, although I can understand the reason it's convenient, after all. If not, we can take advantage of our paper currency factory. Well, whatever, just try to find a way to use our paper currency factory, I don't want it to rot in my inventory."

"Will do, Boss, and should I start making preparations for our next step?" Eve asked

"Go ahead." Arc nodded

And with that, Eve started planning and making preparation for the next step for their company.

"I should call Mia as well..." Arc said in his mind

A few days later...


Arc is nervously pacing back and forth in his room because today is the product launch and the very first of Grand Trading Corp's line of products, the Grand Health Supplements.

Even though Eve, Diana, and Tiffa reassured him that everything is taken care of, he can't help being nervous, after all, a lot of things are riding on this product launch.

Over the last few days Diana and Tiffa with the help of Eve tirelessly made preparation for today's product launch, to the point they are hardly at home, and his sisters are starting to ask some questions, of course, he just made some random excuse to alleviate his sister's curiosity, but that doesn't change the fact that they are starting to be suspicious...

For the last few days, Diana with the help of Eve was able to make a massive hype about their products, and Dianna created a PR department to hide the existence of Eve, after all, Eve's existence is a huge threat to the world, he can't imagine the consequences, if Eve is exposed to the public, the superpowers will not allow the existence of Super AI like Eve. They will be sure to take action against her, so it must be prevented at all costs.

So Diana created the PR department as well as the research and development department, and the intelligence department, just to hide Eve's existence, this is just a start there will be more preventive measures taking place in the future, and Eve itself played the most significant role in preventing her existence from being exposed.

According to Diana, they were successful in creating a huge hype and anticipation for their products. I'm sure around 80% of it is Eve's work.

He looks at the time, and it's 8:45, it's still early for the product launch press conference as it will start at 10: A.M globally.

EDITOR: King of Mortals

Discord: GraveDagger#6135

Gravedaggercreators' thoughts