
Thirty one

Scene 1

They went to their room for fresh and come back 

At Boys Room 

As they all enter Everyone Corner Mj 

Kevin :- What the hell was that?

Mj :- What?

Thyme :- Mj, Don't try to be smart, We know whatever you do outside is a drama right? She is not your Girlfriend or something.

Mj :- Why would I lie Ren, And Why can't I have a girlfriend? You have Gorya, Ren has Maira, and Kevin has both Kaning and Mona, So Why can't I have someone, I also want someone who is only mine.

Ren :- It's not like you can't have a girlfriend, we all want you to be happy and We know where your happiness belongs Mj. We know you love Amy, So why this sudden Change?

Mj (Protested) :- Come on guys, I and Amily are just friends, We don't love each other, and we will never. I love Aum, She is my lover.

Kevin :- And how exactly Your this so-called Lover come into the picture? 

Mj :- Aum, and She is my girlfriend now, So talk about her with respect. And who the hell are you to ask me this? This is my Life, I can have anyone in my life, I don't require your Permission Got it?

Saying this Mj leaves the Room


At Amily-Aum

Amily :- Since When you and Mj know each other

Aum :- Mj told you na we know each other since 2 weeks.

Amily :- Do you Love him?

Aum (Looks at her then smiled) :- Yes, I do That's Why we are together right?

Amily nodded

Aum :- What about you Amily? you don't like anyone? 

Amily (Smiled) :- I am going to take a bath, we need to meet everyone.


At Kaning-Mona

Mona :- How long have you known Kevin?

Kaning :- It's been a one and half years. (Smiled)

Mona :- You Liked him right? (Kaning looked at her in shock) Com-on don't be shy, I know it's Kevin's Aura, Any girl would Love him, But you know his standard right? (Kaning looked confused) He may flirt with you, and have fun with you but Love is not possible, I have known Kevin since I was a child, and I know the person he ever truly loved is me So Kaning, Don't Waste your time, He is mine.

Kaning :- But you are not here for a while what if his Choices Changed?

Mona :- (Laughed) That's what you think kaning, but what you think can't always be the truth, You are a nice girl Kaning Don't hurt yourself, I may be out for a while but I know Kevin is mine and now i am back to claim him. Don't compete with me Kaning, No one can forgive his First Love. and I am Kevin's First Love. And it's always me whom he gonna choose. (Smirks)


At Gorya-Maira

Gorya :- (Frustrated) Ahh! Can't we live in peace for at least one day?

Maira (Frustrated) :- We came here to have fun and enjoy but how can we enjoy now when we know on this trip our friends are gonna get hurt?

Gorya :- Mona wasn't enough, that now Aum has also come, I don't know how our friends going to handle this. I can't see Amily or Kaning getting hurt.

Maira :- Me neither Gorya, but you know this is their fight we can cheer them up but can't interfere in their life.

Gorya :- Kaning and Amily are being there for me and Thyme always cheering for us, I just wish both of them to get their Love.

Maira :- Me too.


Scene 2

They all came out of their rooms and went for lunch

Kaning serve Shimp to Kevin

Kaning :- P' Kevin Have this.

Mona :- Kaning, Kevin won't like Shimp, he hates it. Kevin ate this Chicken satay.

Kaning :- Oh sorry (Sadely)

Kevin :- preference can be changed, Until you try something new how will you know which one is best for you? Kaning, Can you please give me Shimp, I want to eat.

Kaning smiles and serves him shimp whereas Mona is jealous.

Mj (To Aum) :- Aum let me feed you na! (Feeds her)

Everyone looked at them, Mj sneakily looked at Amily and saw her Jealousy


Mj heard everything that Amily said to him once amily left he sat back

Mj's Pov :- If you are ready to leave me, without even trying Amy. So from now on I will do as you want, I will let someone else come into my life and let's how you will react, and till when you don't accept your feelings.

Flashback end

Aum is about to feed Mj but suddenly Amily stops her

Aum :- What's wrong Amily?

Amily :- I am sorry Aum, but M is allergic to Coconut, So he can't eat this. 

Mj :- Thank you Amy, But Aum is my girlfriend now so she can take care of me, You don't need to worry about me.

Thyme :- Oi! Mj (Amily stops him)

Amily :- I am sorry M, I will keep this in mind from now on (fake smiled but hurt is visible in her eyes)

Rest Lunch went in awkward silence.


Scene 3

All boys are inside the pool whereas girls are sitting at the corner of the pool 

Amily is lost when Thyme observes it and comes to her with a drink and sits beside her.

Thyme :- Are you ok?

Amily nodded

Thyme :- You know you can't lie to me, You upset with what Mj said to you right?

Amily :- What M said is right T, She is her girlfriend, she has all right to take care of him. and I am just his friend I shouldn't meddle in his business.

Thyme :- You know sometimes understanding everyone is also harmful, (Amily smiled) Why don't to confess ur feelings to Mj? He is an idiot, but If you confess to him, maybe he get it.

Amily (Smiled) :- You know what T, Love is beautiful but it's not for everyone, it's only for some lucky people and sadly, I am not one of them. I always want him to be happy and when he finally finds his happiness it's better to keep my distance from him.

Amily stood and went to another corner

After some time everyone come out of the pool, Kaning is standing on the edge of the pool thinking about something when Mona come and pushes her 

Kaning falls into the pool and starts struggling, when she falls her ankle twists so she can't able to balance

Kaning :- Help! Help!

Mona :- Oh Kaning it's not that deep, don't be a pick me. (Laughed)

Kevin sees her struggling and dives in the pool to save her. Everyone listens to Mona and gets angry, Gorya comes near her and pushes her into the pool.

With sudden force, Mona starts to struggle

Mona :- Help, Help.

Maira :- Calm down Mona, It's not that deep, Don't be a pick me. (smirk)

Everyone went near Kaning and Helped her

Amily :- Kev, Take her to the room. I will bring First Aid.

Kevin does the same.


Scene 4

At Kaning's Room

Kevin Put Kaning on the bed and went to take towels to dry her.

Kaning :- P' Kavin, I can do it myself, My hands are still working.

Kevin :- Yeah, I know you are strong enough, But can't you be a little attentive, and careful? How can someone be so naive that she falls while standing? 

Kaning :- I didn't fall on my own, I was pushed.

Kevin :- How could it be possible Chimpunk, it is only us there, Why would anyone push you on purpose?

Kaning :- It's ok P'Kevin, I know you won't believe me but I'm telling the truth P', Someone pushed me and I know it is Mona.

Kevin (Shocked) :- What

Just then there is a knock on the door, Amily came with a First Aid Kit.

Amily :- Hey have this, Are you feeling better Kaning? (Worried)

Kaning :- Yes! Amily, Is it ok if we switch rooms? I want to share a room with you if it's possible.

Amily :- (First Looked confused then smiled) Sure, I will ask Mona to share the room with Aum. You take rest. Kev Take care of her.

Kevin nodded and she Left

Kevin goes near Kaning's ankle and is about to apply medicine but Kaning stops him

Kaning :- P'Kevin, I can do it myself you don't need to bother.

Kevin :- (Commanding tone) Stay Still Chimpunk! I am doing it, tell me if it hurts.

Kaning nodded and Kevin started applying medicine and Massaging her ankle.

Kevin :- Why would Mona do that? 

Kaning :- Because She loved you P'Kevin, And She thought I would snatch you from her. She doesn't know that I'm just a friend of Gorya for you nothing else. 

Kevin (slowly) :- You are not just Gorya's friend Kaning, You are something more to me and I thought Something changed between us in the past few days.

Kaning :- Just you thinking that something changed doesn't mean it actually did P'. And there is no reason for me to think otherwise P'. Taking about past few days, You have been working with me at the shop as Amy and Gorya asked you, not like you are willing to work there. P' nothing changed between us, Maybe for others, I became their friend but for you, I am just another girl to whom you do flirt and all. In Some days you will get bored of me and leave me, Like you do with others. You were always nice to everyone this is your nature, Doesn't mean you love someone, You said you are a Playboy and never loved someone other than Mona P' and I understand that now.

Kevin :- Kaning I ...

Just then Door opened and Mona came in.

Mona :- oh! Kevin I thought you were in your room, Actually Amily asked me to switch rooms with her, so could you please help me with My stuff?

Kevin looked and kaning

Kaning :- I need some rest P'. I want to sleep. 

Kevin (sigh) :- Sure, (To Mona) You pack your stuff, I will be back.

Kevin stands up and leaves after a while he comes up with some helper

Kevin :- They will help you with your stuff.


Scene 5

Next Day 

At night kaning is feeling better and she can move so they decide to go to the Pub for the party.

Everyone is looking good

Couples Gorya-Thyme and Maira-Ren are having fun, Kevin is looking at kaning, Mj is busy with Aum and Mona is busy with Kevin trying to gain his attention.

Amily felt left out and a little jealous seeing Mj and Aum, So she excused herself and went to the bar counter and sat there, all the time Mj was sneakily staring at her.

A guy came and approached amily, and they both had a couple of drinks, the guy  put his hand on her shoulder, and was about to kiss her but stopped as someone pulled Amily

Amily :- What the hell. (Shouted)

Mj :- How dare you touch her?

Guy :- Who the hell are you?

Mj :- None of your business, leave this place and never come near her or else (Showing him fist)

Amily (Controlling Mj) :- That's enough of the drama, I am sorry P', On my friend's behalf.

Amily Pulls Mj from there and pulls him out of that area.

Amily :- Why did you do that?

Mj :- What were you doing with that guy huh? you were having fun with him.

Amily :- Yeah! Do you have any problem with it? I can do whatever I want.

Mj :- You can do anything but not this?

Amily :- Why? You all have your girlfriends Mj, So why can't enjoy with others. I should go back and find another guy.

Saying this and was about to go but Mj held her wrist, pulled her and pinned her to the wall

Amily :- M...

but cut as Mj kissed her, they both are start enjoying the kiss but suddenly realization hits amily and she pushs him

Amily :- What the hell are you doing Mj, It's Wrong, You have a girlfriend and you shouldn't think about others. Please stay Loyal to her.

Saying this Amily push Mj and about to leave but stopped listing Mj

Mj :- I heard everything, (Amily looked at him confused) the day you came to my house and speak to me, I was awake. (Realisation hit her) I am doing as you asked me to do, but it hurts seeing you with someone else it hurts a lot.

Amily :- You are not supposed to listen to that M...

Mj :- But I did, Initially I was confused with my feeling but now I know what I feel for you. 

Amily :- No, No, No, I can't...

Saying this she left the place crying.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
