
Thirty Five

Scene 1

Amily :- (small voice) Hm...

Ren shot up hearing it, he looked at Amily, who is blinking her eyes trying to adjust to the lights.

Ren :- Doctor... (Shouted)

After some check-up

Doctor :- She is fine now, but you should take care of her, A single pressure on her mind could cause severe damage to her.

Ren :- Thank you

Everyone came and met Amily and told her how much they missed her and how she made them worried. It would be a lie if Amily said she is surprised as she heard everyone coming to her, showing their concern.

She wanted to wake up once she heard her father begging for forgiveness. She knew everything that happened between her and her father was not someone's fault, it was a proper misunderstanding, but she wasn't able to overcome her fear.

She heard Mj's Dad crying and self-blaming, but she wondered why. It's not their fault in the first place, They killed the man, This is not their fault, no one can imagine that man can push his twin under the bus to save himself. He makes sure that she is safe and she is grateful.

She even heard Uncle Ga, kaning, and gorya coming and praising her. Telling how much they miss her. She feels loved.

She heard Kevin, Thyme and Ren's confession. She is relieved that they are not angry with her for lying to them, to hide the truth from them.


Scene 2

F4 are in amily's room after everyone left

Amily :- R.

Ren hummed

Amily :- It was not maira's fault. (Ren looked at her) she didn't betray us. It was Tony who did that all alone and fame Maira.

Ren :- But why would he fame his own niece?

Amily :- Because It was Maira's Dad who saved me last time. (Ren looked at her)

Others just kept silent as they knew how sensitive the matter they were talking about and they should stay silent

Amily explains everything that Tony told her, and why he hates Maira so much.

Amily :- It's not her fault. She is even ready to die when Tony puts a gun on her if I hadn't jumped and taken it on me. Please don't lose her R. Please don't repeat the mistake I made. It's not easy to forget your true love, Ren. Please go and stop her. (pleading)

Ren kept silent.

Thyme (puts a hand on Ren's shoulder) :- Ren, Gorya told me when they took Maira home. She was just crying and apologizing for letting you and amily down. for not taking care of amily and putting her in danger. She blames herself for everything.

Kevin :- Ren, You remember once you told me that we are stupid when it comes to love. Now you are doing the same. She is perfect for you. Don't lose her.

Amily :- R, She is not the culprit. and even if she is the one who hurt me, I would never hate you or want you to choose between me or her. She also suffered a lot R, Because of me. Please don't make her suffer more, Please go and stop her.

Ren :- Give me some time, I will talk to her.

Kevin (Shighed) :- if you wait, it might be too late.

Ren (confused) :- What do you mean?

Kevin :- Maira and her father leaving Thailand today. talk to her before that.

Ren (Stressed) :- At what time her flight is?

Kevin :- her flight will take off in an hour. She is about to board. kaning and gorya are there to see her off.

Thyme :- (Put his hand on his shoulder) I think you have to decide now.

Everyone looked at Ren

Ren (Spontaniously) :- I am going to stop her. Kevin asks kaning to stop her from boarding.

Everyone smiled.

Ren runs away from the hospital

Mj :- Thyme, Kevin, You both also go with him. and make sure he doesn't do any stupidity again. I am here with Amy.

They nodded and followed Ren.


Scene 3

Maira is at the Airport with her father. Gorya and Kaning are there to see her off.

Maira :- It's fun to have you both here for me, but you should stay with Amy.

Gorya :- You both are our friends, and we know when we need to be with whom. So stop being selfless.

Kaning :- Don't forget us after going there.

Maira (Smiled) :- Never, And Thank you. This last year is a good memory for me.

Maira sees the door back and forth

Kaning :- Waiting for P' Ren?

Maira :- I knew he thought I deliberately hurt Amily, I just hope he won't hate me.

Gorya and Kaning hugged her

Kaning :- Don't worry, he will know the truth soon.

Maira's Dad :- Maira let's go

Maira nodded

Maira :- Take care of yourself and others.

Gorya :- Call us once you reach there.

Maira nodded, bid bye to both and left.

As Maira headed toward the plane, F3 came there running

Gorya :- P' ren, you here?

Ren :- Where is Maira?

Kaning :- She is already there to board plain. You are late P'.

Ren can be seen as visibly restless

Kevin :- Ren it's not time for feeling defeated.

Thyme was doing something on his phone

Gorya :- What are you doing? Are you playing a game in this situation? (Scolding)

Thyme :- Mishae, I am cancelling Maira's flight.

Gorya (Shocked) :- What?

Just then they heard an announcement

Announcement :- Good Afternoon Passengers, This is an announcement for passengers on flight ABC123. The flight has been cancelled for today due to some technical issue. Please come to the boarding window to change your ticket or refund. Thank you.

Gorya (Looked at thyme) Don't tell me. (Thyme proudly smiled) That's insane Thyme, Why can't you choose a simple path? Why do you have to go so big?

Thyme :- Gorya please, This is for my friend. And You knew I could do anything I wanted.

Kevin :- Guys please stop it. Ren Go and Stop your Girl before it's too late.

Ren went inside.


Scene 4

At hospital

There is an awkward silence between Amily and Mj.

Amily :- M (Mj hummed) What's wrong? Are you angry with me?

Mj :- (Looking at her) Amily, We get angry or sad with whom we have a relationship not with strangers.

Amily (uncomfortably) :- Why are speaking like this M. We are friends.

Mj :- Yah Nice joke (Sarcastically)

Amily :- M, Please talk to me. (impatiently)

Mj :- (Shouted) What do you want to talk Amy, I am unable to understand you, You are so indecisive, I always treat you as my Priority, but you always keep me as option one side you say you love me and on other side you hide about this incident, would you ever considered me as your friend?

Amily Started with sudden anger, Mj was about to leave when amily speak

Amily :- He killed my Mom. (Mj looked at her shock) He killed Mae, Mj. I was not sure till he confessed but I had feelings that my mom's accident was not a coincidence. I was scared, If I told anyone about that incident they would leave me. and then your paa assures me that he is dead. It's not easy for me to tell you. I am scared that after knowing everything you will leave me.

Mj :- You really thought this low of me?

Amily :- You choose Aum, Over me. Even after knowing that "I love you". I never think low of you Mj, But it's not easy to share something like this with anyone especially when it is related to your guilt.

Mj :- I never choose anyone over you, I introduced her as my girlfriend so you could feel jealous and accept your feelings (Amily looked at him in disbelieve) Yah, I know that's very stupid of me, But what can I do, My brain stops working when it comes to you. I just want to make you feel, what I feel when you are ready to marry Ren.

Amily (Shouted) :- If you feel like that so why don't you come and confront me?

Mj :- Because I was not sure about my feelings. and I was scared as well, Scared of losing you. You remember P' Tia always says that It's easy to become lovers from Friends but it's a one-way road. and I can't lose you, But after your engagement announcement, I realize I can't see you with someone else either. The day you came and confessed your feelings, I was on cloud nine. but when you said you would never have me as your lover. It breaks me. I want you to come and confess your love in my conscious state. I know, What I did was stupid.

Amily :- Then We both are stupid. (chuckle) Please Forgive me.

Mj :- I'll forgive you if you forgive me in return. and promise me you won't hide anything from me.

Amily (Smiled) :- I promise.

There is again awkward silent

Mj :- Amy... (Amy hummed) What's next?

Amily :- What do you mean, I am waiting for Maira, so I can apologize to her as well and hope she will forgive Ren and Everything will be fine.

Mj :- I am not talking about them, (Amily looked at him confused) I am talking about us.

Amily :- (Teasingly) About us? There is nothing to talk about us. We were friends.

Mj :- Amy... Stop teasing me.

Amily :- (Seriously) Mj... If you really love me and want to change our relationship, You need to know that this is one way, If you choose us to be a lover then there is no turning back. You will be stuck with me forever. You have to quit flirting as well.

Mj :- I will do everything you say. I will become one women's men. (Lovingly) Please Be my girlfriend.

Amily (Shyly) :- fine, but I am angry with you. (Mj looked confused) You stole my first kiss. I even can't feel anything.

Mj :- Ou! First thing That was my first kiss as well. and secondly, you have plenty of time to feel a kiss.

Amily :- You know sometimes, you do things slowly.

Saying this Amily pulled Mj and kissed him. Their kiss is filled with love, waiting and logging. after a minute or so they parted

Amily :- I love you.

Mj :- I love you too.

They touched their head


Scene 5

Ren goes inside and searches for Maira, he is devastated. Suddenly Maira came from behind.

Maira :- P' Ren

Ren saw her and hugged her.

Ren :- (Cried) Thank god, you are here. I am sorry, I am so sorry Maira. I should not have doubted on you.

Maira :- Shh! shh! P'ren calm down. I am here and I know you are not meant to doubt me. You are scared seeing Amily in that condition. And P' Kevin told me about the evidence and I knew you were right at your place. It's just I am a little disappointed P'. I thought we shared enough time to trust each other, but I believe I was wrong. (Sadely)

Ren :- No, You are not wrong, I should believe you. but I was scared, Amily is very dear to me and I was scared to lose her and I know nothing can't justify my actions. (Cups her face) Please give me one chance, I promise I will trust you and be a better boyfriend to you.

Ren slowly backs off and gets to his knees

Ren :- So Ms Maira, Can you please forgive me for my mistake and Give me one chance to be your boyfriend? Will you be my girlfriend?

Maira :- (Teary eyes) Yes, But if you again do anything like this, I will leave you forever. and I won't come back.

Ren (hugged her) :- never. I will never give you a chance to leave me.

Kevin, Thyme, Gorya and Kaning watch the entire scene and cheer for their friends. Just then Ren notices Maira's Dad and backs off.

Maira's Dad :- I hope you keep your word. Don't hurt my daughter again.

Ren :- Promise uncle.

Maira's Dad :- Let's Go.

Ren and Maira are stressed

Maira's Dad :- You both want to stay here only?

Maira (Relieved) :- Mishae

Ren :- Uncle if you don't mind, can we take Maira with us, Actually our friend amily wants to meet her. and It will be great if you also join us,

Maira's Dad :- Mishae, You all go and meet her, I will come to meet her tomorrow.

Other's nodded


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
