

Facing off against the hunter squadron and the few surviving bandits, Lex had an evil smile and was looking forward to ruthlessly ending the lives of the hunters that killed Angela in his past reality and the cruel bandits.

With their correlating desire that led to wanting to defeat Lex, and Lex wanting to kill them to fulfil some sort of revenge against the hunter group and kill the scummy bandits that had no morals and deserved death, their aims were obvious to each other.

"Well then, shall we begin" stated Lex who stood opposite them ready to battle.

"Don't want to answer, then your death shall be served now" declared Lex who dashed towards them.

In an instant, he closed the distance between them and slashed outwards with both his short blades, slicing the two closest bandits to him while the rest of his opponents managed to jump back before they were slashed.

"Two down, 7 to go" Lex announced.