
New Plan

'But you said that I shouldn't modify memories~, I just change it back and explain it to him~.'

"There is no need for it, we leave them as they are since there is no damage, but from now on you can't do this anymore ok?".

'Are you sure~? I can change them back easily just like with Rose, it's just he is not in my range right nyow~.'

"Yeah, we are sure right Rose?"

Rose finally reacted and supported me right away.

'Yeah, if you change those memories back it can be troublesome for us.'



I sighed.

"If G knows that those memories are false, he can think that I send you to change them to be with Rose without him interfering…"

Dante was silent, I think he is looking into our minds, to be sure about everything… since he can read our mind, he should already know this…

Daily can of tuna as lunch for a week…


I just got blackmailed by my cat…

Rose looked at Dante and me.

'What deal?'

'I make a deal with Dante, so he kept G's memories like that.'

I hope this doesn't become something usual…

'Why not? I like tuna.'

I let out another sigh.

"Dante when you want something you can't always get it this way, for example, if you want to eat more tuna, you could have asked for it as a reward for helping me, instead of using G's memories, what you did just now is bad. There are other ways to get what you want, but you have to talk about it."

Dante was looking down. I once again petted him.

"As long as you understand that what you did is wrong it's ok, we already make the deal but don't do it again, if you want something we can talk."

With Dante's power, it was easy for him to get anything he wants, so I have to teach him now what he should and shouldn't do. He was innocent, and a lot of this was new to him.

After a long conversation, we decided to set some rules for Dante.

1. He can't change memories from now on. He understood that changing G memories back means that Rose and I could have troubles so we are going to leave them like that.

2. He has to ask the other if they want for him to "remind" them when they can't remember.

3. If he knows sees something in someone's mind, he can't tell anyone about it unless the owner allows him to do it. There is a detail, if he thinks that the secret can put us in danger, he can talk to the others, but he should try to convince the owner of the secret first.

4. He can keep calming nightmares, and cheering people up if he wants. We didn't limit him on this part, but he has to tell us, and if he notices something weird, he has to stop.

The first two rules are there because we aren't sure if having your memory changed can have a side effect, so we wanted to limit it. The third rule is there so he doesn't tell others about something that can be personal by mistake.

The last was there because I felt that it was great for keeping us sane, but I wanted to follow any change in the process. Also if he discovers a new power, he has to tell us.

After setting Dante's rules, we started an even more serious talk.

Since I'm wounded, it would be good to give it a day to recover, but Dante's presence and powers changed everything.

With Dante here, everything was better, but we had to speed up the plan. His power was overwhelming, and in just a couple hours all Jamie's group was living a nightmare.

But he had to rest too, and he wouldn't be able to keep it up for a full day. Therefore we had two options.

The first was to share the responsibility, when he is sleeping I use my own methods, they weren't as effective as Dante's, but it was better than nothing. The problem with this plan was that the number of system points I had left was lower than before, and if I do something too showy the lost patrols can find their way back.

The second method… we have to act tonight. Right now Dante is resting, the people that got lost don't need more attention unless they came too close, but apparently, most of them are busy with some beasts. The guys in the mansion are looking for Dante, and when someone nodded off, he would wake him up right away.

With half the people and the current situation it wouldn't be as difficult as yesterday to get to the mansion, the guards and patrols are either lost or inside the mansion and the dogs are dead.

Dante can guide me directly to Jamie avoiding most of the people, but even if half the people weren't there, everyone was up moving around, so the probability of going in without being noticed was almost zero.

We were all thinking of ways to improve our chances of success. There was a second problem, even if I manage to kill Jamie without finding troubles in the way, Dante told us that he has some followers.

I don't get why there is someone that would follow him willingly, but the problem was that after I kill Jamie, I will become a target of his followers, even a battle could break out between Jamie's real followers and non-followers.

Of course, the non-followers were the majority, but after I kill Jamie, most people will just find their friends and run away, so I can't count on them helping me with the revenge from Jamie's followers.

I thought that a right answer could be that after killing Jamie, I will complete the quest so I'll get system points and Esper Tickets, so with some luck, I may get a useful ability that would let me leave that place. Rose reminded me that when I activate a new esper power, I could feel pain and will be vulnerable so I couldn't depend on that.

Rose was nervous about that part, but from Dante's scouting we figure out some of the powers they have.

There is a guy with resistance or stamina enhance, that guy also happens to be Jamie's right hand.

A girl that can read minds, but Dante said that he can block her… I don't even know what to think about this cat anymore.

Beside them, 2 guys that like to use melee weapons and one that has a shotgun. One of the guys with the melee weapon has a hearing enhance.

Those are the only followers inside the mansion, there were a couple more, but Dante throw those in a dangerous area, so they are not going to come back anytime soon if they come back.

From his information, I think I should be able to escape after killing Jamie, but the main problem was still there, how to get close…

At that moment Rose let out a gasp…

"You have an idea don't you?."

'I thought about something that might work…' she looked at Dante, and he opened his eyes to look back at her.

'Yeah, I can do that!'

"Can someone tell the plan?" usually I'm the one making plans, so I felt left out right now.

Rose looked at me and started to explain…


Rose went back to the house for a while, there she ate and explained that tonight, we were going to complete the mission with Dante's help. Since she wanted to be here too, she came back right away.

I was walking toward the mansion.

'Are you sure about doing this??'

'What do you mean? this was your idea!' I answered her in my mind.

'I know, but I'm nervous… how many chances do you think it has of working out?'

'It's going to work, don't worry.'

Even if it was her plan, she was nervous, the idea was good, but they find out… better not to think about it.

At that moment Dante interrupted us

'Can you two stop? I want to focus to not make any mistakes in this part.'


I stopped near the mansion and took a deep breath before moving again.

…I hope this works.

Bonus Chapter 3/3 :)

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SongWeavercreators' thoughts