
Life and Dead Commission

Most people had a confused face because they don't know who Cecily was, but Dante already explained most of the situation to Dr. Harting on the way, so he knew about her and her power.

"Do you think she will help?"

"Dante said that she had mixed feelings about her previous group, we can use that. Also, her mind was a little weakened because of the deleted memories. I think that a little push from Ian's ability should be enough for her to join us, we will need to keep an eye on her anyway so we will need Dante or another mind reader."

Everyone had confused faces, and Dr. Harting was nodding in agreement.

"I was planning to create a little commission to evaluate the condition of those in Aurora Clinic's care to see who will come, we will add Ian and Cecily to that group to decide who comes and who doesn't. Spencer, have you recovered from your injuries?"

"I'm fine."

"Good I want you to lead the team, you can know your people better than I so if you think that they can help you can add them to the group too, as mentioned Cecily and Ian will join too. For the commission I mentioned Dr. Pierlot and Mikaela together with you will evaluate case by case, as objectively as possible, Robbert will go to keep an eye on Cecily's state of mind. Before you discard someone confirm it with Cecily."

I looked around to see who were the ones that were mentioned by Dr. Harting, there was a brunette in her late thirties nodding, the other in the room was Robbert a brown-haired man with a square chin I think he is his forties, Dr. Pierlot was probably attending to the injured from the scout team.

Dr. Harting turned to look at the tall guy.

"Blake prepare 3 teams to reinforce the defenses and buy some time leave as soon as you can. There will be new people coming to Green Shelter too so coordinate with Milo he will explain it. Sigrid go tell them our decision and that we are on our way."

She nodded visibly affected by the decision, she probably wanted to bring everyone with her. After saying some farewell, she left with her escorts. Blake went to prepare the teams, they probably are going to leave before we are ready.

Rose appeared from inside me in her astral form with a bright smile. I transmitted my thoughts to her so she could understand the situation.

'Then, I first have to confirm that there is no Soul damage and then we go to the clinic and decide who lives and who dies?'

'I prefer to think that we decide who is already bound to die…'

She nodded and went to the clinic. Since I'm the team leader Ian, Mikaela, and Robbert walked towards me.

I greeted them and presented myself followed by their own introductions.

"If you need anything before we leave, go grab it, we have some time until Dr. Pierlot finishes with the patients."

"Spencer, can you explain who Cecily is?"

None of them had any idea about what has happened, so I had to explain them on the way out. I nodded and started to walk towards the exit.

"A couple days ago a scouting mission with the intention of investigating the kidnaps was started, the group was discovered and captured by the group behind it, and the mission failed. A Rescue mission started to recover them."

Ian nodded because he knew about both missions, but for the other two, this was entirely new.

"The rescue mission was fulfilled, on the scout team one had died in the battle where they were captured, while two of them sustained severe injuries, but at least they are back with us now. During the rescue mission, a woman from that group was taken by mistake too."

"By mistake?"

"That story is weird and even longer, but the important is that this woman has a precognition type ability."

"You want to use that ability to confirm if we are doing the right call before leaving someone behind?"

"Exactly, but since we kinda kidnaped her, she might be a little reluctant to help us, so that is where you manipulate her a little, so she feels at ease and trust us more. They deleted some of her memories and according to Dante that makes her easier to manipulate with mind powers. Also, before we kidnapped her, she already had second thoughts about the group, but she was scared to leave."

We arrived at the school entrance.

"Bring the thing that you think you may need as soon as possible. We are talking to Cecily after this."

I went home and geared myself for battle, even if the intention wasn't to go head on and fight, they still are being invaded. I looked at the chakrams for a second and touched one making a little cut on my finger and used detox right away.

Some black liquid came out from the wound, but I feel ok. I took both chakrams on my hands for a while and used detox, this time the amount of liquid that came out was a lot less than before.

I nodded and put them away on their snakeskin bag and took them with me too.

I checked the rest of my equipment, I have just a standard magazine for the Five-seveN left, the two extended magazines were empty, so I bought a box of 50 bullets for 25 points, and filled both of them.

Hayley and Dante were in the house with Dana, since Hayley was on a mission she had the day off. Rose body was on our bed, and there weren't any signals of Hope.

"Have someone seen Hope?"

"She went to work."

I forgot that she works on the afternoons, I wanted to help her practice a little with the RailFle and thought about taking her with me again, but the training will have to wait until tomorrow.

The door opened, and Isabella appeared with a tired face but smiling. Dana went to hug her mother who took her on her arms and sat on a chair to relax a little.

"Rough day?"

"Yeah, both of them are out of danger and stable, they let me go home, but they have a while until they finish taking care of all the injuries."

"Is Dr. Pierlot still there?"

"Yeah he is in charge of Frederick, it will take a while for him to leave that place, why you ask?"

"We have a mission, and he was assigned to come with us."

"I see that difficult to happen."

"I'll need to talk with Dr. Harting about it. Do you know if there is a doctor that is not busy that can either come with us or take Dr. Pierlot place?"

"Nop, there is only one Doctor left, and he has to be ready in case that something else happens."

I nodded.

"I'll go now, thanks for the info."

"By good luck in the trip and don't get hurt again."

"I don't get hurt that much… right??"

I looked at Hayley, Dante and Isabella's reaction and all of them avoided my gaze…

"You always got hurt~."

Not even Dana is on my side…

I sighed.

"I'll try not getting hurt this time…"

Back at school Ian and Mikaela were already waiting for me, Rose appeared shortly after to tell me that there was no damage on their souls.

Ian was carrying the same weapons than the first time I saw him, a simple shotgun. Mikaela had a bag at her side, and there are no weapons on sight.

"You know that we are not going there to fight right?"

At my back, Robbert appeared and asked when he saw me in combat gear.

"Yes, but we are going to a place swarmed by beasts. I prefer to have my weapons with me, they are all light weapons anyway."

He nodded, and I noticed that he and Mikaela were a little paler than before, they probably didn't think about the danger yet.

"Don't worry I plan to bring an escort, let's go meet Cecily."

This seemed to give them a little peace of mind but didn't erase their worries completely.

I asked a little about them while we went to the north wing to join G and Cecily.

I already new Ian, he was part of the hunting groups, but he wasn't cut for it, after some time he became one of Dr. Harting personal assistants.

Mikaela, used to be a nurse, she worked on the orphanage most of her free time, after the foundation of Green Shelter she proposed the idea of creating an orphanage for the kids that lose their parents during the meteor shower, and she was in charge of it.

Robbert was in Logistics and was a telepath without specialization like Dante, of course, Dante was hundreds of time better than him, but having someone that can help us communicate without the rest noticing it and capable of reading Cecily's mind was all we need.

Chapter 4/7+0/9

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