
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

62. Dungeon Hunt


Zen POV:


" ... "


Where did the others disappear to? 


" This... it must be a black dungeon "


Father has taught me about this when I was young.... a usual occurrence on black dungeons is when a group enters, they get separated as soon as they enter the dungeon.

" This is b-


" Excuse me? Are you Mr. Zen Sylvicous? S-sorry for bothering you, but where are we? "


Hmm? Another student? Did she also lose her group as well?

" Who are you ? "


" Yes? Oh sorry?! My name is Ana Clark sir...."


Clark.... so she is a commoner.....

" Tsk...You.... what is your specialty? "

" ....Oh.. I am a support mage I can use both buff and debuff magical spells "


Buff and debuff? What a unique combo. Although she is a commoner, she could be of some use.

" Yes, I am Zen Sylvicous. To answer your question, we are in the dungeon. Since we have been randomly teleported that most probably means we are in a black dungeon "


" ?! B-b-black dungeon!!! What?! Then are we doomed!!? What the hell!? "


What an amateurish reaction... well she is a commoner after all, so that would be expected.

" If you wish to follow me, then refrain from such ridiculous remarks "


" Yes... sorry.. "


" Good-


"- Creeek!! "


" C rank Arachnas? "


This is bad! I just recently have entered D rank. Facing a C rank creature alone now is impossibl-

" -Screech! "



* Parry *

It's too strong! I nee-


[ Greater boost!! ] [ Curse of Immobility!! ]


" Now!! Mr. Zen!! "


This sudden surge of power..... and the Arachna seems to be under some stun effect?

" Nice..


[ Charge of Destruction! ]








" You are not bad for a commener "


' Seemingly flustered at my compliment ' the commener replied 

" Thanks! Also you were amazing! That last skill was very powerful "


She has potential, maybe I can try recruiting her later on. Still.... her commener background is a hindrance. Anyway, I need to group up with the others and try figuring out a solution together.







Arthur's POV:


" It is the same "


Just like what was mentioned in the novel the dungeons terrain was inside a cave.

" Hopefully the dungeon boss is the same... also everyone should be grouped up like in the novel..wait...but what about Zen? "


I still have no idea on why he joined this club, but what matters now is what would happen to him? 


" well... he should be D rank like me now so he is be able to put up with his own weight "


* Screeech *


" Hoo? so this is how they look..."


The C ranked Arachnas, they differ from each other but in general they look like insects with a C rank strength. Their most annoying feature is their carcass which is too tuff to break. It can defend against powerful attacks and slashes. 


" They are C rank.... but they don't use magic "

They only use their body parts to crush their prey. 


It should have been difficult for me to face them alone but...


[ Vampire's Trait in effect:


- 20% boost in overall stats

- Enhanced Night vision and perception 

- Darkness attribute attacks gains 20% additional damage

- 20% additional defense against Dark related attributes 


- 20% decreased defense against Light-related attribute ]

With this darkness and my newly acquired spell...


[ Dark Flame ] [ A ]


Skill Type: [ Active ] [ Manual ]

Description: { A skill made from a dark elf that was meant as a gift for her daughter. The skill is an upgraded version of the B rank skill ' Fiery Flame'. While utilizing the darkness attribute, this skill can burn up to A rank defenses. Additionally, ' Dark Flame ' is immune to water susceptibility since its main attribute is darkness. The skill's cool down time is 6 hours. No duration for the spell. }


Arachnas weakness is fire....


 " Burn "


[ Dark Flame ]


* Screee..ee..ech *


" one hit? What an amazing skill..."


Although their carcass can protect them from many spells, but the fire attribute spells can easily pass through the carcass to there internal organs.


" But that's weird "

Shouldn't Darkness related creatures have immunity against darkness spells like me? Or is this a special effect only for the vampires? I'm not one to complain when I'm in the good end.


" If this is how powerful it is then what about the the other darkness spells? "

I can't wait to use the blood arts. Although I have no idea how strong they are, but since all blood arts also have the darkness attribute in them. They will all receive my boost .

" Let's try and find the boss "


I don't plan on taking him down, but I need to make sure that he is the same as in the novel. After all, I can't risk losing the protagonist right at the beginning of his journey.








Currently outside the dungeon,


* Vwoooom * * Gloooow *

A huge ruckus was ongoing right before the dungeon where all the students have entered.

Adrian, the club leader, specially was the most terrified as he was familiar with the sudden weird change with the dungeon.

" T-this! This is a black dungeon?! "


Similarly, all the hunters around were quite flustered at the situation. One of such hunters was the one responsible on overlooking the dungeon. He went to immediately report the situation to the vice-leader as the leader was away in a mission.

* Slam! *


" Vice-leader! The D ranked dungeon where the academy students were supposed to be have turned black! "


Brian, The vice-leader of the Twilight guild, finally coming out of his daze he asked the most important question.

" Who went inside?! "


' hearing the question' the hunter replied in hesitant tone...

" I think.... There are many top ranking students like, the granddaughter of Markus Alex, also the sister of ' Golden seagull ' merchant group leader. As well as the son of the elite family the Sylvicous-


" -..... "


* Thud *


"?!!! Vice leader!!? Please stay with me! Briaaan!!!"




