
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

63. A demon


Harold POV:

[ New Quest!! ]


[ New Quest!! ]


[ Black Dungeon ] [ Mission Difficulty C ]


[ You have entered a D ranked dungeon, but unfortunately the dungeon has ranked up to C rank! Clear the dungeon by hunting down the dungeon boss.

Defeat the dungeon boss and obtain the Legendary grade artifact ' Augmented Bracelet '


Failure in clearing the dungeon will result in hosts death by the dungeons boss ]


" Say Harold, did you reach C rank already? "

Sophia... the last time I saw her was when we were little kids. I owe her grandfather a lot.


" Yes, I just recently have broken through "

" Wow... I barely made it to D rank, and you are already in C? What a genius "


Genius.. I wish if that was the case... I'm still far too weak to call my self a genius. In the last mission I almost died if not for that A rankers weird tendencies, I would have been killed in less than minute... he wasn't serious at all when he fought with me.

" Thanks... by the way, do you sense anyone around? "


Being the grand daughter of that great mage, and also being in the top ranking list. There's no doubt that she is among the best in terms of magical abilities. Although my mana capacity is more than hers, but still the perception of a mage shouldn't be taken lightly.

" Yes! I thin I feel a human nearby! It must be one of the students. Seems like a powerful one as well "

" Great, let's go meet them "








Livia's POV:


" Great job! Salamander! "


* Pssst! *


" Let's ke-


Hmm? A new presence? Wait two students are approaching me...

" Sorry, Salamander.. you have to go back for a minute "


* Psstt...*


[ Cancel Summon ]




This... is that the second ranking student? And that girl... she is the granddaughter of the great mage and the principal of the academy.

" We meet each other again, miss Livia "


" Hi, Harold. Also you Sophia Alex "


" Yeah..whatever, anyway do you know the current situation? "


What a rude way of greeting someone... is she always like this? Whatever....


" Yeah, the dungeon have become a black one. Luckily, I don't think it's that much of a difference based on the monsters and the terrain of the dungeon, I think we are inside a C rank dungeon. It could be a B rank, but I don't think so. "


" A-amazing miss Livia, you really are smart! "


This guy Harold.... why is Arthur so interested in him?

Even yesterday when we were walking back at the shorelines,







' By the way Arthur.. There's a new message in the spaceship, I tried deciphering it. However, it was too difficult and I might take a lot of time.... Can you by any chance try? I'm ready to compensate you for this favor '


' No, Livia. It's not me that you should ask for help. '

' Hmm? What do you mean? '

' Livia, do you remember that second ranker in the practical dungeon? '

' Yes? I think his name was Harold? '


' Exactly, that's the person you should try getting along with. I can tell you that he is probably the most important figure in the entire academy '


' ?!! What? This doesn't make any sense. I saw him fight... although he was good for his age but not to the level where you make him that amazing.....'


' Trust me Livia, try getting along with him... also he can definitely decipher the message... well he wouldn't tell you how, but he can decipher all languages '


' ..... '







Since it is Arthur who said it, then I shouldn't take his words lightly.

" It's not that amazing... let's go and try finding other students "


" Yes, I agree "


" Well.. if both of you say so... "


The rank of the boss should be B rank.... I'm not sure whether we can take him on or not.... but the best scenario for now is to find Arthur and help him out.







Zen's POV: 

" Hff! Hff! C-can we take a break? "


She is tired? This commener.... sighe.. I guess I can give her a break.


" Yes stay here and take a break, I will take a look around "


" Yes, thanks and sorry..."

So far we only encountered C rank monsters, does that mean that the dungeon is only C ranked? Still if that's the case then the dungeon boss should be a B rank...


" Ana Clark... for a mere commoner she wasn't bad. I might invest on her to become a servant for us, but the problem is her background... she is a commoner, no matter what she achieve. She will remain a nuisance with her lowly background. "

Tsk... why couldn't she be from a noble family? Commeners regardless of their talent, they will always be beneath nobles...


Enough about her, now the most important thing to do is to defeat the dungeon boss. I hate to admit it but there's no way for me to kill the dungeon boss alone


" This... was this always there? "

I didn't see this hole when I was here a minute ago.... well let's check it out then...







" Tsk I ruined my clothes... anyway this place is somehow cree-

" -intruder?... how dare weaklings like you barge in my home? "




This pressure is different than those C rank monsters! Shit!! It must be the dungeon boss!!

" Home?.... wait.... you?...are you a demon? "

I never heard of monsters capable of speaking, Wait... why can I understand him? I don't know what exactly is he saying but somehow I can understand him... also those horns and his wings... is that a demon? But how? I never heard that demons can appear in dungeons...


" Human...did you come through a dungeon? I see... that explains why we can understand each other..... "

Understand? wait?! I heard that in one of my lectures... inside a dungeon all creatures with intellect can actually communicate with humans...

" You... you are a demon..."


A demon.... the same specie that ordered that bastard to kill my mother....

' He was a demon worshipper, this pathetic bastard who dared to kill your mother.... '

' Son, we are the Sylvicous... remember.... our ancestors greatest achievement was slaying thousands of demons and monsters in the war.... do you hear me son? Monsters and Demons... they are what your spear should be directed to '


" Hoo? You are quite brave for a human... you are not cowering? Ho-

" -Shut it you vermin.... I swear that I will cut your throat with my own hands! I zen Sylvicous! will take your ugly soul! "




This bastard of a demon!



[ Charge of destruction!!! ]

" HAAAAB!!! "





" what did you just say? "


Huh? A barrier?!

" Vermin?.... did you just call me a vermin? "


S-shit! I forgot he was a B rank I need to ru-


[ Bind ]


" Y-you demon! What have you done! Release me at once!! "


" No...no..no...no..no.. a human? A weakling....calling me a vermin? Kekekeke..hhhhehhhehahhahhHHHAHHA!! "

Shit... I can't move! 

" Let's see how much you can endure... little human... "






