
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

59. Old child’s fun






Heldon's POV:

" The kid is right "

Those runes and symbols were definitely demonic ones, and the size of that altar really can fit something huge, it could be a gate of some sort for an army.


" To think such horrifying schemes were happening while I was wasting my time..."


That kid... was he always holding such great responsibility alone? What was I doing at his age? A single kid fighting for the entirety of humanity?

" That little bastard only kept the fun to himself "

a Demon lord? Dragons? I can finally get to see something fun instead of the boring regular affairs with greedy weaklings!


" It should be this one"


[Loren] [Dorm. 307]

To think I of all people is working as a mailman...


' Heldon, can you please deliver this to a student in the academy? Sorry about that haha? '

I still owe him for freeing me from that curse. I had lost hope for me to grow in this disgraceful body.


"..Zzzz "


What is special about this child? 


" Hoo? "



Although the only power I feel from her is that of an F, but I can tell from her calluses and bruises that she is not like that


" What an interesting disguise, I still cannot see through her F rank "


Now that I delivered that I need to return in the wasteland, Lexun are investigating....wait....I almost forgot...


Th Sylvicous... I didn't tell Arthur just yet, but he didn't seem to know that he was being spied on.


" Sighe... I will just quickly get it over with before I forget about it "





Inside a massive mansion in Azur city,

a blonde middle aged man was setting silently in a dark office with only some dim moonlight coming from the window...

Demulein's POV:


" This has never happened before "

What happened to my skill? Never have I ever felt like that sudden short pain... was it somehow interrupted? Or could it be because of the place that kid went into?

" Who would have thought such a terrifying spirit was beneath the Twilight guild "


Again how did that kid know about this? How does that kid know many things? I didn't see him contact anyone suspicious during the skill. Do I trust him and leave that dungeon alone? No surely h-




What was that?! Was it space distortion... could it be some trapping artifact? Or was it an illusion?

" Hello! How are you doing sir? "

" Who is it? Where did you come from? "


A kid? What an odd color... yellow eyes with green hair.... but how did he enter the office... did he teleport?


" If you think I will hold back by disguising yourself as a kid...then you failed... who are you? "


" Hoo? Is that you demulein? You have grown up a lot since the last time I have seen you. I remember when you were such little adorable boy! "


Grown up? What is this nonsense? To dare show up in front of me with such vulgar words?!!!

" How dare you?! Although I hate missing with children! You have crossed the line! Intruder!!! "


I can feel S rank from him... he is definitely not a child, but still... a mere S ranker barging in my house where my family reside??!!

* Crack * * Crack *


" Child? Did you just call me a child? "


Hmm? Why the hell is he not affected? An S ranker shouldn't be able to withstand-

" Demulein "


" Y-you! What the hell are you! "


T-this killing intent! It is even thicker than Zack! Where did such a monster come from?!

" Sighe.... Although I wish to kill you but I owe Your father Edward Sylvicous a one... "


My father? What? What does he have to do with him? How is that possible? 


I can't find an answer for now...but I need to act fast, my son is downstairs I have to sen-


" -It's all futile... no one can leave this space...but you don't have to worry "


Hmm? Wait...I can't sense anyone other than us two! Was it that space distortion I felt?


" Then what is it that you want? I presume that you aren't here just to intimidate me..."


" Heh...Smart just like your father. I came here to give you a warning "


" a Warning? "


" Arthur Riverblood "




" I saw you peeking your nose in his business.... if you dare touch a single hair from him or try anything funny with him... then not only you... but all your loved ones will be eradicated from this earth by my own hands.....you see... unlike that child, I'm not a good person "


Arthur? That kid? Why? Wait?! Was it him who broke through my skill back then!


" Farewell, Demulein Sylvicous... do not disappoint me and do anything stupid "






 The hell was that?







Arthur's POV:


" Acho! "


The hell ? Did I catch cold?

" Hmm? Arthur? Do you need some tissue? "


" No thanks Livia. Let's head back, it's getting late "


" Yea-


" -Acho!"

Well... this is embarrassing 



' Taking out some tissues ' Livia handed them to me while holding her laugh?

" Thanks...."


" Your welcome, so about that language I told you about.....








Hi dear readers. I really do apologize for the sudden delay. After that social gathering I got really sick, and I really couldn’t write comfortably.

I have seen the new reviews and I really appreciate it.

Thank you all,

Daoistv0hCZscreators' thoughts