
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

58. Dark elf 2




{ Thank you, stranger! }


* Rumble *

" A-Arthur?! What is going on?! "


[ The spirit ' Riu ' likes you ]

[ The spirit ' Riu ' have given you permission to enter its sealed vault ]

Riu? What is going on?! 


{ Don't worry, stranger!! Riu is going to see mama and papa! Please take care of mama's gifts }


?? What? Aren't you going to come back to life?

* Silence *


Hello? Riu?

" The hell? "


She just went like that? What happened to the terrifying SS ranking undead? Did I bring all these holy artifacts in vain? The hell? Is that really it?

" Arthur.... Look over there...."



What Livia was pointing at was an ominous looking door that had a weird sense of darkness energy.....


" Is that the sealed area? Maybe there will be some useful stuff over there.... let's go Livia..."


" O-okay "

well that went pretty well..... I didn't know that this soul was childish like that... in the novel it was some brainless terrifying undead....


' Just as I entered the sealed vault ' a weird energy pulled Livia outside


"Hyah! "


" .... "


What is wrong with that yell? that was kinda cute....anyway 

" Ahem... looks like it only allows me to enter. just wait for a couple minutes and I will be back "

" Alright. be careful, although I can't feel that eerie energy anymore, but still we don't know what is inside 








hmm? What is this written here?

{ Dear daughter, I left in here what I kept hidden from you. Unfortunately, if you are reading this letter then that mean that I already have passed away. Please make use on what is in here and live your life to its fullest. For now, keep your darkness att-


It seems like this area was meant for the daughter. Let's check what is hidden behind these walls 


" ??!!! Wow..."

Everything in here is darkness related! There are some interesting stuff as well!

Specially this!

[ Chronicles of the Dark Elven tribe ] [ Legendary Grade ]



{ The book of the forgotten dark elves who were stigmatized from both elves and darkness creature. Living in solitude, the dark elves made use of their darkness attribute and created magical spells that goes on par if not better than the elven spells. A book that contains the combination of the elves basics on dexterity magic while utilizing darkness attribute. }


It is a jackpot! Not only did I obtain some darkness spells...but it happened to be the ones I lacked the most! Dexterity skills!!

Wait a damn minute... is that a skill scroll?!

[ Dark Flame ] [ A rank ]


Skill type: [ Active ] [ Manual ]

Description: { A skill made from a dark elf that was meant as a gift for her daughter. The skill is an upgraded version of the B rank skill ' Fiery Flame'. While utilizing the darkness attribute, this skill can burn up to A rank defenses. Additionally, ' Dark Flame ' is immune to water susceptibility since its main attribute is darkness. The skill's cool down time is 6 hours. No duration for the spell. }

Nice. Although I might not be a mage, but my darkness attribute will make this spell useful in dangerous situations. Also, i never have seen or read about it in the novel so having a unique spell is always a good thing.

" Let's get out after taking the useful items... Livia must be scared shitless by now "


Hmm? T-this is?! S rank spell?!!!







Livia's POV: 

" Why is he taking so long? "


That scary spirit have disappeared but still... this place gives me the creeps.

" Come on...please.... just get ou-


" -hmm...where is he?"

?!! Who!!?

" Hmm... you girl with glasses... have you seen a young boy with black hair and red eyes? "


? Yellow eyes... a child? And what does he mean by a young? Isn't he even younger than us?

" Wait.. how did you get in here? Aren't you like 12? "


"...Sighe....just answer me"


Wait.. is he also affiliated with Arthur? Is he like in disguise as well or something?

" Arthur is inside over ther-


" -wait....."



" What ?"



What is wrong with this kid? Why did he just cut me off like that? And where is he looking at?

" Hoo? I see now.... so the Sylvicous are sticking their noses in my fun now? "





What happened? Did something just break?

" Hmf... I will pay them a visit pretty soon.... You! Kid with the glasses! Tell Arthur that Heldon is going to be busy for a while! "


" ....wait! What did you just do!? What was that spell?? "


I felt some sort of distortion from somewhere... what the hell was that spell, and who is this kid?

" Bye! Bye! You are lucky you are his friend... next time you call me a kid I might just kill you..Hahahah! "




" The hell? "







Arthur's POV:

" Yo Livia-Hmm? You good Livia? "


'I know this place is quite creepy... but isn't she overly paranoid ?

" Y-yes Arthur! Finally! I wanted to tell you something!! "


Hoo? Did I just become her hero glamoured in shining armor?

" What is it? "


" A kid with yellow eyes and green hair just came and told me to tell you that ' Heldon is going to be busy for a while ' "






" Did you call him a kid?...."


' with a confused expression' Livia replied 

" Yes ?"



" Well... Livia... I'm glad that you are still alive..."


" ??? "

" Anyway....Let's get out "







Hi Readers! Hopefully everyone is doing great. Yes… Always with the unfortunate news… tomorrow…

Well I have a social gathering again so Unfortunately tomorrow there won’t be a chapter, sorry again for the inconvenience…

Daoistv0hCZscreators' thoughts