
Evolving Dragon: DxD

So I was hit by a truck and died. To make things more complicated I was reincarnated with a Sacred Gear in the DxD world. So you know what I'm gonna do? I think I'm gonna do what I like to call a pro gamer move.

ThrowingTheShade · Anime e quadrinhos
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Showing Up, Showing Off


Ryoto POV: Eleven Years Ago...


This. Is. AWESOME!

I was seriously doubting that this would work at all, but here I am!

[T-this should not be possible.]

Yet here we are my scaly friend.

Anyway ever since I first talked to Tyrant I decided to start training to use my Sacred Gear. It was actually weird since apparently before I was even supposed to be able to talk to Tyrant yet. I had to summon my Sacred Gear first. I guess the whole soul pulling thing ended up making the process go backward in my case.

Oh well.

Anyway, it's been about a year since then and I've been training my butt off while enjoying my childhood once more. I do have to say that I love my new parents as much as I loved my old ones, but they aren't really too responsible. This is good for me since I get more freedom though I do fear that they're a bit too lax. Luckily they have a kid who knows how to take care of himself.

Now back on topic, for the training, I decided to do Saitama's training since that should be more than enough for my four-year-old body. Tyrant said that was stupid and I should lift heavy weights to get stronger. Now here I am.

Five years-old and able to punch through trees like it's Minecraft.

[You certain you're completely human?]

Yep! Shouldn't you be able to tell if I wasn't anyway?

[I'm just making sure I'm not dreaming or something.]

Of course not! What you looking at is one hundred percent awesomeness.

[...Yeah, sure kid. Anyway, remember that using my power to it's fullest will require you to fill out some requirements. This goes double for Balance Breaker.]

Why do you think I started training the day I met you? I know that no matter what I need to use your power I gotta get stronger. I'm gonna be so strong that I'll be able to blow all my enemies away and take every faction by storm!

[HAHAHA, THAT'S THE SPIRIT! I knew choosing you as my partner was a great choice! Now summon me and let's get started shall we?]


As I stood alone in the backyard with nobody watching me I held my right hand out and focused the power within me.

"Come forth, [Evolving Gear]!"




I couldn't help but have a large shit-eating grin on my face. I actually said it! I could honestly die again and be fine with my life now.

[Their shock faces are quite amusing, but I don't think you're done yet.]

You know me so well.

I pointed at the redhead in front of me while grinning confidentially, "Let me guess, your next line will be 'You didn't even let me finish.'"

She immediately composed herself, "You didn't even let me fini-!?" She finally realized what I said as she and everyone in the room looked at me in shock.

Yeah, you just got Joseph Joestared!

[You really know how to make my day dumbass!]

I aim to please gecko.

"Wha-how-you..." Rias started fumbling on her words.

I smirked as I leaned back into the couch, "If you must all know, I can see the future." That sent them into overdrive. Heh like Sunlight Overdrive.

I could hear Akeno mumbling to herself, "A dragon Sacred Gear that can see the future?" She started sweating slightly, "I don't think we even have that on record."

Rias looked down with concern, "If what he says is true then I must contact brother about this." Good to know my threat level for her makes her want to get big brother involved.

I looked over to the right of my peripheral vision and saw Issei staring at me with stars in his eyes. I must be the coolest guy he has ever seen.

B-but I couldn't keep myself together.


Everyone stared at me confused before I-


-burst out into laughter.

"I-I can't believe you guys fell for that! Hahaha!" I wiped the tears from my eye.

They looked at me with confusion before Kiba asked, "Wait, so you can't see the future?"

I grinned at the blonde, "No of course not."

Rias still looked on in disbelief, "Then how did you know what I was gonna say?"

I just shrugged, "I guessed."

"You... guessed?"





"Ufufufu~ such a humorous fellow. I sure am intrigued."

At least someone finds this entertaining.

[I'm still here.]

I already know you find this amusing.

[Of course, I do. Especially when the one being fooled isn't me.]

Rias narrowed her eyes at me, "I feel as if we should take this more seriously." She seemed quite upset, "Why did you refuse my offer before I was able to fully explain?"

I smirked at her, "Well other than the fact that I don't want to be anyone's slave-" She flinched at that word and cut me off.

"You would not be a slave!" She growled, "Once you are apart of the peerage we treat you no less than family!" The other devils in the room nodded seemingly offended.

I waved them off, "Yeah yeah I know all about you Gremorys, but I still don't like the idea of being underneath anyone." I leaned forward, "Which brings me to my next point." A grin made it's way onto my face again.

"You're too weak to have me."


Everyone, minus Issei, in the room tensed and started glaring heatedly.

With a scowl on her face, Rias asked, "What is that suppose to mean Gurin?" I definitely hit a nerve.

"It's exactly what it sounds like, I'm too strong for you to make me a Devil." Her glare only intensified as it only paid to make my grin widen.

"Do you care to back that up?" She flared her aura a bit, how cute.

"Well yes actually." I sat up, "I have a proposition in place for you."

"Oh? Please, do go on then."It looked as though I caught her attention.

"Tomorrow after school let's have a spar. There will be a time limit of five minutes and it would be me versus your entire peerage. The rules are pretty simple: You will try to hit me with whatever you have for the first four minutes while I do nothing but dodge and block."

Akeno smirked dangerously at me, "My, my, aren't you cocky?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I just know how strong I am." If I'm being completely honest I could destroy them without a second thought.

"Well then Gurin, what do you propose as the prize for winning?" Rias smirked at me as her eye flashed red very momentarily.

I smiled happily at how easy this was, "I'm glad you asked Princess." Her eyebrow twitched at the nickname, "Well about this: If, and I mean if, you get me to bleed even the tiniest bit I'll join your group, if at least one of you are still standing after I am on offense I'll join your club, and if I beat you guys... well I'll think of something later." I stood up and held out my hand, "Do we have a deal?" This feels kinda backwards. I'm the one dealing with the devil.

She stared at my hand for a minute before she stood up and smiled, "I guess we have a deal." She shook my hand and tried to apply pressure before letting go.

"Also, I hope this meeting doesn't affect any future friendship we might have." I gave a more friendly smile, "I do think that you guys are pretty good people- er- Devils."

This seemed to surprise the group at the sudden change in demeanor. Rias though was pleased with my offer, "I do hope that is the case even after we beat you."

I scoffed at the accusation, "Don't push it." I started walking to the door, "Come on Issei, before I forget you exist again."

"U-uh sure- wait what's that suppose to mean!?"

"Issei?" I heard Rias warmly say his name, "I just want to let you know that this offer still extends to you."

He chuckled nervously, "Y-yeah I'll let you know my decision later." And with that, we walked out.




"Good talk!"



Third POV: Occult Club Room...


"That was interesting." Kiba voiced his opinion after the two humans left.

They all had different opinions on the two, but more were specifically towards the boy, Ryoto Gurin.

Rias looked around the room at her peerage, "Well what do you guys think of him." She was obviously talking about Ryoto.

Akeno was the first to speak, "He certainly is entertaining, though the weak comment did irk me." Her eyes flashed dangerously as a sadistic smile made its way onto her face, "I would love to deal out some punishment tomorrow Ufufufufu~"

Everyone sweatdropped at the [Queen]'s behavior.

Kiba was next, "He does seem arrogant, but the fact that he still wants to be friends shows that he hopefully isn't a threat."

Rias nodded agreeing with her [Knight]. She did have mixed feelings about the boy overall, but with the offer of friendship, he obviously wasn't trying to start quarrels.

She would still be wary though.

"And what about you Koneko?" She looked at her [Rook] as she ate her last cookie.

"...Strong..." Her stoic face then scrunched up a bit, "...and annoying..."

Akeno giggled at her short answer, "My, my, Koneko. You were actually quite excited to meet him though." That accusation made the white-haired loli stiffen.

The [King] raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know about this."

The ravenette smirked, "I definitely saw a smile when I told her that Ryoto was coming." That made Koneko's cheeks become slightly flushed as she glared harshly at Akeno, "My, my, what a harsh look."


Kiba chuckled at the bout going on, "It seems that out little Koneko has a cru-"


He was promptly cut off when he was hit by the container that once held Koneko's cookies, "...Okay, I may deserve that."

The Gremory couldn't help but find this all amusing, "Now, now, stop bullying Koneko." They let up a bit with the two out of the three still chuckling, "Now we still have class so let's get to it."

"""Yes President."""

With that, the club left with Rias sitting there thinking.

'Ryoto Gurin... let us see if you aren't all talk.'


After School...


Ryoto and Issei were now walking from the school and back to their homes. They were both talking about what happened today.

"It really is crazy." Issei looked down as they walked down the street, "Devils, Fallen Angels... It's like one big dream."

Ryoto nodded in agreement, "I know that feeling." He couldn't help but look back at when he first came here. It was an experience, to say the least.

"But you knew about all this stuff, right?" Issei looked up at the taller male.

Ryoto nodded, "Yeah I knew about this stuff since I was a little kid. My parents are completely clueless of it though."

"Then can you tell me why these people are after us?"

They both stopped when the two made it to the crosswalk. Ryoto stayed silent for a bit before answering.

"You and I have something called a Sacred Gear." He saw the confused look on the boy's face before continuing, "They're basically powers gifted to us by God."

Issei's face lit up in realization, 'So that's what the Fallen Angel meant.'

The taller male smiled at the former pervert, "In a sense my Sacred Gear is similar to yours."

That made Issei tilt his head in confusion, "How so?"

His answer was a smirk, "You'll just have to find out tomorrow." The [Evolving Gear] user started walking off, "Later."


Before he could take another step Ryoto turned and saw Issei looking nervous, "What is it?"

The brunette breathed in and out before answering, "If there are people who come after me for what I have, then what should I do?"

Ryoto shrugged, "Get stronger, how you do it is up to you." And with that, he walked off.

Issei stood there for a moment thinking about what was said to him, "Get stronger huh?"


Ryoto POV


As I walked home I felt a sense of accomplishment from the events of today.

I definitely made an impression on them and the fact that they don't seem to dislike me makes this all the more relieving.

[There is one thing I want to ask though.]

Sure knock yourself out.

[Why didn't you confront Gremory about the Fallen Angels.]

Oh yeah. That.

I am going to confront her about it, but that will be tomorrow. Besides, it's not like they can touch me.

Issei on the other hand...

I made sure to expand my senses and make sure nothing happens to him. He seemed to be in a general area at the moment meaning he must be home.

I guess I should address that later, but for now-

I opened the door to my house and walked in.

-I'm going to indulge myself.


"Guys I found diamonds."


I was currently playing Minecraft with two of my online friends, BlueExorcist69 and ChadKing12. We were currently talking through Discord while deep in a cave mining.

ChadKing12 called out with a laid back tone, "Hey guys can you wait for me, you guys always take them before I can get any."

BlueExorscist69 laughed him off, "FUCK NO! Survival of the fittest!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Blue on this one."

A 'tch' was heard from the speaker, "You guys are assholes."

Blue laughed him off, "Takes one to know one you shitty chad!"

"I bet I could bed way more woman than you."

"Bitch nobody wants your old guy dick!"

"Oi! I'm not even that old!"

"You sound like an old fuck trying too hard so he can get some dusty pussy!"

"You sound like a psychotic dumbass whose mother threw into a dumpster fire!"

"Fucker I choose to talk like this you're stuck with your old bitch voice!"

"Why you little-"

This kept on going until we go back to the surface.

"Hey, guys Imma go ahead and get off." I logged out of the game, "I'll see you guys later."

"Stay safe kid."

"Later fucker."

I logged out of Discord and stretched out my limbs. Getting up from my desk I went to my bed and flopped down onto my precious.


I wonder what I'm gonna dream about tonight.

With that darkness overcame me.



Looking around I saw nothing but darkness. The only light I could see was from my body and the floor looked to be water. Walking around the water I was able to walk on, like Ninja Jesus, felt like real water. This dream felt weirdly real. Maybe I'm in my mindscape?

"Yo Incursio!" I yelled out for the Dragon Emperor only to get no response, "I know you can hear me you damn gecko!"

...No response? Okay, now I'm worried.


Suddenly I felt a presence near me. It felt weird though. It felt dark, hollow, empty...


I turned around and saw a wooden boat slowly coming towards me. On the boat was a hooded figure dressed in a black tattered robe. If that wasn't ominous enough, the person used a fucking scythe to push the boat along.

Didn't take long for me to figure out who that was.

For those who don't know, that is most likely Death. Which probably means one thing.

I'm probably dead.

"You are not dead."

"OH SHIT!" I jumped back to see Death suddenly in front of me. They were staring me down with black eyes that seemed infinitely void and supple lips with black lip gloss smirking in a coy fasi- Hold up.


I looked closer to see underneath the hood was a woman! Her skin was pale, eyes were black and her hair was silky and grey.

Death is a fucking chick.

...Is it weird that I'm okay with this?

She chuckled, "Not at all."

Oh, that's a relie-HOLD UP!

"Are you reading my mind?"

She kept the same expression as she answered, "Yes. This is my domain so I can do anything here." Of course, she can.

I looked around before looking back at her, "So can you tell me why I'm here?"

She just kept staring at me with the same expression.





"Kukuku~ So eccentric." She walked up to me and put her hand on my chest, "A good trait for my darling."

...Your what?

She let off me before sighing sadly, "Unfortunately, I cannot stay long before Arslon finds out about me doing this without his permission."

"Wha-who the hell is Arslon!?" I am one hundred and ten percent confused.

She leaned onto me making sure that I could feel everything, "I'll answer your questions next time I visit." Did I forget to mention that Death was THICC as fuck? Cause she is, "Make sure you stay alive and..." She trailed off and kissed ME ON THE LIPS!?

"U-uh a whabaa?" I'm going to stop talking now.

Her small smirk then turned into a vicious grin, "...Make sure you stick it real good to those three bitches of Fate."

"Wait I have-



I jumped awake and sat up to see I was back in my room.






Oh man, Incursio am I glad to hear from you!

[Why's that?]

Well, I had a weird-ass dream where Death was into me.

[What the hell is going on in your head?]

I honestly don't even know.

I got up and stretched before walking to the bathroom to rinse my face off. As I walked in I looked in the mirror. I stared for a bit and let my eyes trail along my face-is that a kiss mark?

I stared at my lips and saw a very noticeable mark on them. Taking my index finger I touched it and saw a black spot on my finger.



This is lips gloss right?

[What are you stupid-wait, of course, you are sigh Yes it is lip gloss.]

Good to know.

I passed out.


Third POV: Outside the Old School Building...


"When is he going to get here?"

Rias tapped her foot impatiently as she waited outside her club room. It was now time for her fight against Ryoto and despite being the one to make the proposition he was late. Though being late wouldn't be much of a problem if it weren't for who was here.

Souna Shitori aka Sona Sitri was here with her peerage. Her [Queen] Tsubaki Shinra, her [Bishops] Momo Hanaki and Reya Kusaka, her [Knight] Tomoe Meguri, her [Rook] Tsubasa Yura and her [Pawn] Genshiro Saji.

Though they weren't the only ones here.

There was also her big brother Sirzechs 'Lucifer' Gremory and his [Queen] Grayfia Lucifuge.

That was the reason she was feeling uptight.

"Do you want me to go find him?" Akeno proposed.

Rias shook her head, "No, we'll wait a little bit longer before we get him."

Saji huffed, "I don't see why we should waste our time with this guy anyway?"

Sona gave Saji a look that made him freeze up, "Please watch your tone in front of Lord Lucifer."

"Yes ma'am!"

Sirzechs laughed at the display, "It's no worry Sona." He waved it off in a laid back manner.


The group looked over to see Issei walking over to them.

Grayfia quirked an eyebrow, "Is this the boy Lady Rias?"

The redhead shook her head, "No this is Issei Hyoudou." She walked to the boy with Akeno following behind, "Issei, have you seen Ryoto?"

The brunette scratched his cheek nervously, "No I haven't seen him since class."

That made her pinch the bridge of her before sighing out, "Well did you at least decide on joining my peerage or not?"

"W-well yeah, I decided-"



The sound of something cutting through the air and making an impact caught everyone's attention. Suddenly the wind picked up and blew dust and dirt up. Everyone looked to the source as the dust finally cleared to show...

...Ryoto with a popsicle in his mouth and a grocery bag in his hand.

He chuckled nervously, "Sorry I'm late."


One minute ago...


Ryoto walked out of the store while eating his popsicle while holding a bag filled with bread flour, yeast, and brown sugar.

"Ah~ I can't wait to make these rolls!" He happily exclaimed as he walked down the road. He however couldn't help but feel as if he was forgetting something.

[Don't you have that fight against Gremory?]




He set down his bag and walked over to everyone, "How's everyone doing?" He walked over to Sona, "Long time no see Sitri."

This made the Sitri Heiress widen her eyes before quickly going back to her stoic facade, "You knew?"

"Yeah, I knew." He scratched his nose, "Though I do have to ask why Shitori? I'm pretty sure people talked about how the word sh-"

Her eyes grew cold, "Please don't finish that sentence Gurin."


Some started to laugh, but they quickly shut up when Sona glared at them.

One was definitely not entertained.

"Oi, don't you dare talk about Sona like that you bastar-"

"Saji." Sona's cold glare didn't lessen up when she looked at the blonde.

"Yes ma'am!"

Ryoto gave the boy a deadpanned stare before mumbling, "Fucking simp." He then looked over to the [Queen], "Hey Tsubaki, how's it going?"

Tsubaki gave him a small smile with her cheeks dusted pink, "I'm doing fine Ryoto."

"That's good!" He looked over to the rest of Sona's peerage, "I don't think I met these guys before."

Sona nodded and motioned for them to introduce themselves, "This is my peerage if you couldn't tell already."

First was a white-haired girl, "My name is Momo Hanakai, Its nice to meet you." She finished with a bow.

Next was a fellow brunette, "Reya Kusaka, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Then was the pink-haired girl, "Tomoe Meguri, nice to meet ya!" She finished with a starry-eyed wink.

'How did she do that?'

Next up was the blue-haired girl, "Nice body."


"I said my name is Tsubasa Yura." She quickly corrected herself.

'Sure you did.'

And finally was the simp, "The name's Genshiro Saji, don't forget it!" he heatedly pointed at the taller male...

...Who was already walking away.


Walking over to the next group of people he stopped and looked at the two others with slight surprise, "You're... Sirzechs and Grayfia, right?"

The two looked mildly surprised before Sirzech answered, "Yes we are. Surprisingly, a human knows that."

The brunette smirked, "I know a lot of things."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, "Oh? Please do indulge me."




"I heard you were a sis con."




"PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sirzech burst out into laughter, "You really know how to make a joke Ryoto!"

'I wasn't joking though.'

Issei leaned over to Kiba, "Um, who is this guy?"

Kiba answered with a smile, "That is one of the Four Satans, Lord Lucifer."

"That's Lucifer!?" The brunette's eyes comically bulged out of his head.

"And he is Rias' brother," Akeno added.

"Whaaaa!?" He looked between the two and definitely saw the similarities, "I'm going to school with the sister of Lucifer, what is my life right now?"

After he stopped laughing Sirzechs composed himself, "Ahem, anyway it is nice to meet you Ryoto. When I heard that a human with a dragon Sacred Gear wanted to fight my sister to see if he would get a place on her peerage, well I just had to see for myself."

Ryoto just shrugged, "Honestly I expected her to tell you since I did kinda assess myself as a bit of a threat."

"Ah, so you were planning for my arrival?"

"Pretty much."

Grayfia then cut in, "Lord Sirzechs, we must get this on with. You still have paperwork to do." The words 'paperwork' made the Satan falter.

"Come on Graayfiiaaa~ can't I take the rest of the day off?" The redhead whined to his [Queen] making everyone sweatdrop.

The maid just stared for a few seconds before answering, "No." Making a cloud for over the Gremory's head.

Not wanting to waste any more time Ryoto started going over to Rias' group, "Well I'm just gonna be over here." He walked in front of them with a grin on his face, "So you guys ready?"

Rias smirked playfully, "Indeed, I'm already keeping a [Rook] piece nice and shiny just for you."

The grin never left his face, "How about you keep it nice and shiny for someone else." He then looked over at Issei, "Yo Issei, how ya been?"

The shorter male smiled at him, "Well I was kinda making my decision if I should become a Devil or not."

"Oh, so what do you wanna do?"

Issei made a so-so motion, "I have made a decision, but I want to wait and see this fight first before I see if I go through with it ."

"Alright then." I looked back to Rias, "Let's get her done!"


"I must admit." Rias started , "When you made your sudden appearance I was surprised at how you were able to make contact like that." Calling back to how he made his entrance.

Ryoto just shrugged, "It was a light jog."

The response made the redhead smirk, "Oh, a light jog?" She then narrowed her eyes, "Hopefully it won't disrupt your performance."

The brunette's eyes flashed momentarily, "I wouldn't count on it."

"The battle of Rias Gremory's peerage and Ryoto Gurin is about to commence," Grayfia announced, "Fighters please take your places."

Both sides went to their respective spots as a barrier was placed around the area by the Ultimate [Queen]. After the preparations were set she took out a stopwatch, "This fight will begin in five..."

Rias' eye's flashed red.


Akeno quickly changed into her Lightning Priestess outfit.


Kiba summoned a sword and gripped the handle.


Koneko cracked her knuckles.


Ryoto only grinned playfully.


Kiba was the first to attack as his sword glided through the air as his body blurred out of existence before reappearing next to Ryoto swinging his sword. It looked as though he didn't notice before at the last second he leaned forward narrowly dodging the blade. All the while smirking at the blonde boy.

Over at the spectators Issei gawked in surprise, "Holy shit! The pretty boy is fast!"

Sona nodded in agreement, "Yes, as a [Knight] he is attributed to speed."

"Wait, so each piece has some sort of ability that comes with it?"

"That is correct Hyoudou." The Sitri heiress pushed her glasses back as she started to explained, "Each piece comes with a special power: [Kings] and [Queens] are simple with giving them a power boost, [Knights] have speed, [Rooks] have strength, [Bishops] have magical attributes, and [Pawns] have the ability to promote to any piece besides a [King]."

The explanation made Issei think, 'So either way you put it becoming a devil gives you a power boost... though [Pawns] sound hella broken.'

Back to the fight Kiba readjusted his grip and slashed downward getting the brunette to jump out of the way. The [Knight] crouched down and shot forward in a burst of speed disappearing once again. Ryoto, still with a smirk on his face, disappeared too slightly surprising some of them. Grass being cut and flattened was the only indicator of the two for those with untrained eyes, while for the ones that could see better saw the two blur into existence for every attack Kiba tried to land was dodged by a still smirking Ryoto.

The expression on the tall male's face was obviously annoying the blonde.

"Come on Kiba!" Ryoto taunted, "If this is the speed of a [Knight] then I'm not impressed."

Eyes narrowing and a smirk making its way on his face, Kiba shot forward even faster, "How about this!?" He started to slash faster.

The brunette looked a bit intrigued, "Oh?"

In one motion, Ryoto then dodged the blade and twisted his body around Kiba's making the blonde falter before landing smoothly, "So you went from walking to speed walking, good job."

Kiba scowled momentarily before smiling, "Don't get too cocky Ryoto, I'm not the only one who's fighting."

Realizing what he meant Ryoto blurred out of existence just in time to dodge a dropkick from Koneko.


The attack made contact with the ground making a crater kicking dust, grass and dirt everywhere.

"My, that could have done some serious damage." The smirking male looked at Koneko, "Not."

This got a scoff from the white-haired girl, "Fast." She then immediately shot towards the brunette and let loose a flurry of punches.

Though Ryoto dodged them all with ease, 'This is easier than dodging Kiba.' He smiled at the girl as her normally stoic face turned into a pout/scowl, "Come on Koneko, don't scowl like that. It ruins your beauty." If he paid more attention Ryoto would see the flush on her cheeks as she continued to attack.

Jumping back Ryoto twisted his body midair and dodged being possibly cut by Kiba's blade. Landing in a crouching position he stood up and waited for them to come only to see that they just stood there. He was confused by this until the ends of his hair stood and he disappeared once again-


-just in time to dodge a strike of lightning.


Reappearing once again, Ryoto looked up and saw Akeno looking down at him with a sadistic smile and a flushed face, "Your quick on your feet, but I wonder how durable you are."

Ryoto feared no man. But that thing.

It scared him.

"Hehe, I'm in danger."

"Yes quite."


Dodging another strike the brunette started moving across the yard as each attack seemed to be closer to hitting home.




"Ufufufu~ You sure have a lot of stamina. I love that in a man."

Koneko and Kiba couldn't help but sweatdrop at their [Queen]'s antics.

Kiba looked at his fellow peerage member, "Wanna join.?"

Koneko stared at him blankly, "No thanks."

"Yeah me neither."

Over where Rias was standing, the [King] smirked as Akeno's attacks were getting closer, 'Looks like Akeno has him on the ropes, you shouldn't have underestimated us Ryoto.'

Meanwhile in Ryoto's mind...

'Man I could really go for some bacon.'

[We haven't had a good Baconator in a while.]

'That sounds great right about now. I should get one on the way back home.'

[By the way, the lightning is getting closer.]

'I know, you think it would actually hurt me?'

[No BUT your clothes aren't invincible.]

'...shit you're right.

Picking up the speed Ryoto made his way the [Rook] and [Knight], who went on guard, and blurred forward and stopped right in between the two.

Akeno cursed herself as she already let loose another attack. Luckily the two dodged out of the way before the lightning hit.

Ryoto reappeared in the middle of the yard and felt a sudden change in pressure. Looking over lazily he saw Rias flaring her Power of Destruction, "Using my cute little servants as shields, quite underhanded don't you think?"

That made the boy scoff, "Woman, I am fighting four superpowered teenagers at once and you're calling me out?" He leaned forward, "Besides if I knew they couldn't have handled it I would have pushed them out of the way."

"While that is nice of you, I simply cannot forgive you so easily." She shot a blast of PoD making sure that it wasn't lethal.

Moving out of the path of the blast Ryoto looked at the path to see an area of the grass now gone, showing the dirt underneath , "So that's the Power of Destruction." He whistled out.

Rias nodded, "Yes but I held back a considerable amount of power so it wouldn't be lethal."

"I don't know about that one chief."

"Four minutes have passed."

When Grayfia said those words Rias' peerage all tensed.

While Ryoto's grin grew ten times that day.

Okay maybe like two and a half.

"My, my, I guess I can attack now." The brunette got into a thinking position with his hand n his chin, "But what should I do first?"

Trying to take advantage of the situation Kiba speed forward and slashed at the boy only to for his attack to be dodged while Ryoto was in the same thinking position.

"I could do... nah."

Kiba let out a flurry of slashes only for them all to be dodged with ease. The blonde then jumped back as Koneko jumped overhead of the teen with the intent of punching his head in only for him to lazily move out the way.


Her fist left a sizable crater as the male didn't even spare her a glance.

"Maybe I could..."

Suddenly lightning rained upon him though without much effort Ryoto dodged them irritating the group.

"Thirty seconds left."

The next few seconds were rinse and repeat of them trying to attack while Ryoto just moved out the way still posing the same way.

Landing in the middle of the yard once again Ryoto snapped his fingers, "Ah I got it!"

"Ten seconds le-"


A powerful gray aura exploded around the brunette stopping his attackers in their tracks. They all looked in shock at the display of power as their knees started to become weak.

Over at the spectators, Sirzechs made sure nobody near him would fall to the effects of the power that was being shown off by flaring a bit of his own. Though it did seem they could feel the power.

Sona and Tsubaki were the best only sweating a bit, Momo, Tsubasa, Tomoe, and Reya were sweating more profusely and slightly shaking, while Saji and Issei were shaking badly.

Sirzechs stared at the brunette with awe and slight worry as he thought one thing.

'How did we miss someone like that?'

Back at the 'fight' the Devils were starting to feel the effects of the pressure.

Koneko fell and passed out.

Kiba fared better though he too fell.

Akeno and Rias were shaking though the prior was shaking more than the latter.

Rias felt herself get pulled into unconsciousness. She struggled to stay awake as she felt her eyes start to roll to the back of her head as her body started to give out. Her vision was starting to give ou-

"Time is up. Due to the circumstances of the fight, This will count as a Draw!"

When those words were said the pressure finally let up. Rias and Akeno finally let out the breath they didn't know they were holding.

Ryoto looked at the two impressed, "Wow you guys actually stayed awake." He smiled at the two, "Guess you're not as weak as I thought Princess."

Despite her current situation, Rias found herself smiling.

"W-what power." Sona stared baffled at the boy while the rest of her peerage nodded their heads in agreement.

"And that was only for ten seconds," Tsubasa added.

Sirzechs stared intently at the boy as he helped Rias up. Walking over to his [Queen] he wanted her opinion on the matter, "So Grayfia, what do you think of the boy so far."

Grayfia looked forward when she answered, "His power is something we should take into account."

Sirzechs nodded, "I'll make sure to call a meeting when we get back to the Underworld." His eyes then wondered as he caught something.

It was so subtle that many wouldn't have noticed it.

Grayfia's hands...

...Were shaking.

Looking back at the boy he couldn't help but smirk, 'Ryoto Gurin, I don't think you know what you've just done.'

After helping Rias up, Ryoto looked at Akeno, "Yo Akeno, you good?" He reached out to the girl and touched her shoulder.


Suddenly the boy was jumped.

"That was soooo hot!"


The ravenette had a heavy blush on her face and a smile of euphoria, "That dominating power made me weak to my knees. Please tell me you're into S&M."

"...Eh?" This time Rias said it with him.

"Akeno!" An angry Tsubaki stomped her way towards the two, "What do you think you're doing?"

Akeno smirked, "My, my, are you jealous Tsu-ba-ki?"

The Sitri [Queen] kept her expression only slightly flinching at the accusation, "That's not the point. You are obviously sexually harassing someone not only in front of several people but also a Satan!"

Akeno did her 'Big Sis Laugh', "Ufufufu~ yet you have not denied being jealous."

Before Tsubaki could blow a gasket, Rias cut all of this out, "That's enough Akeno, get off Ryoto."

Pouting, the [Queen] obeyed, "Yes president." She got off Ryoto and smirked at the boy, "We'll finish this conversation later."

"...I don't know about that one chief."

"Anyway-" Rias brought the attention back to her as everyone started to come towards them with Kiba and Koneko waking up, "A deal is a deal, so you won't be apart of my peerage." She sighed sadly at that, "You will however be a part of the club, I'll fill you in on details tomorrow." She held out her hand.

Ryoto took her hand and shook it, "Glad to be working with you Princess." Her eyebrow twitched.

"President to you."

"Who's gonna stop me? I proved that neither you or Sona can beat me."

"..." She could only pout then.

"Um excuse me?" Everyone looked over at Issei, who felt out of place.

Rias then had a moment of realization, "Oh right, What was your decision Issei?"

He looked nervous for a moment before becoming looking at ease, "I would like to become a Devil."

This answer slightly shocked almost everyone, with Ryoto voicing his, "Eh? Really, why?"

The shorter brunette looked down, "Well I know that there are people that will come after me for my Sacred Gear, and I can't fight back like you guys. Not only that, but I want to be able to protect my friends and family since they'll probably be caught up in this as well."

Rias' mood went from a five to a ten, "I'm glad to have you onboard then Issei!" One out of two wasn't so bad.

Ryoto shrugged, "Well whatever you chose I still was going to help you get stronger."

"Eh!" Issei looked at the boy in shock, "B-but you said you didn't care how I got stronger!"

"Cause I wanted you to make your own choice."

Rias looked over to the tall male, "While I do appreciate that you would help my new servant get stronger, may I ask why?"

Ryoto looked at her before looking at the group, "Sigh Alright since I was gonna tell you anyway I might as well get this over with since I was supposed to tell you anyway." He got everyone's attention, "Now you all know, or at least some of you, know that me and Issei both have Draconian Sacred Gears, but there is more to that..." He paused to let tension rise as he smirked, "We both have Longinus."


Everyone looked in shock at the two of them at the sudden confession.

"No way, a Longinus."

"No wonder he had that much power, but Hyoudou too?"

Issei, once again, was confused, "Um, what's a Longinus?"

Sirzechs was the one to answer, "Ah yes you're still new to the supernatural." He gave the boy a serious look, "Longinus are Dragon Sacred Gears that powers are so great they can kill God."

That made the brunette's jaw drop, "To kill God!? Like the one from the bible!?"

The redhead nodded, "He is the strongest God ever known."

'Well was the strongest God.' Was what Ryoto off handily thought.

While Issei was still gaping like a fish Kiba went over to me, "Um can you tell us which one?"

Ryoto stared at the boy eerily, "..."

Before winking comically, "Nope!" Almost everyone face faulted.

It was a good day to be Ryoto Gurin.


"Give me a call Rias~" Sirzechs childishly waved as he and Grayfia vanished in the magic circle.

Said girl sighed as she slumped in her chair inside the Occult Research Club room. Almost everyone left and since it was getting late she decided to do the ritual with Issei tomorrow. The only ones in the room were herself, Akeno, and Ryoto. For some reason the boy wanted to talk to her about something so decided to go ahead and get it done with.

"So Ryoto, what did you want to talk about?"

Ryoto, who was standing in front of her desk, leaned back lazily, "Well I wanted to ask you a question that's been bugging me."

Seeing how well this day was going so far she decided to go ahead and take it, "Sure I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities." She smiled at him.

The Wielder of Incursio returned her's with an albeit smaller ones, "Good I just wanted to ask-"

She thought it would be a simple question.

"-Why were you going to let me and Issei die?"

She was terribly wrong.


Omake: Ryoto's Nightmare.


Ryoto yawned as he walked towards the main school building of Kuoh Academy. He watched as people stared at him for various reasons with females looking at him all cutesy while a majority of the males glared at him.

It was a sight he got used to with his few days of being here.

Walking into the classroom he immediately walked over to his desk and sat down. He leaned back-


-before some idiot decided to attack him.

Stopping the fist that was meant for his jaw he looked at his attacker and saw-


Issei Hyoudou was glaring hatefully at him and he was confused.

Suddenly the scenery changed to a barren wasteland as Issei's left hand changed to the [Boosted Gear].

"I'll kill you!" The shorter brunette growled.


Launching forward, he tried to punch the [Evolving Gear] wielder-


-Only to get smacked on the head into the ground.

Crouching down, Ryoto looked at the boy with confusion, "Issei, what the fuck are you doing man?"

The boy glared up at Ryoto, "I hate you! You took all the girls on your first day here and I'm gonna kill you to prove that I'm the true Harem King!"

"...What?" Ryoto looked at him with a blank expression.

Issei stood up, "Yeah! I'm gonna also do something that would make me super unlikable, like threaten to kill your parents or try to have sex with your harem members!"


"Here I come!" He shot forward again.



And the results were the same.

Suddenly the surrounding area changed this time taking Issei with it. Suddenly he was in a very large bedroom with white walls and a bed that looked as if it could fit twenty people.


"I am Ryot-WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Turning around he saw every single girl that was in the DxD Universe, that he knew, with bedroom eyes.

"Ryo~" Rias spoke up, "Even though I just met you, I want to get married."


"Ryoto~" Sona cooed uncharacteristically, "I don't know a single thing about you, but let's make babies!"


"Ryo~" Venalana Gremory seductively winked, "You are so perfect and have no flaws at all, let's make love."

"...Tempting but WHAT!?" Mature woman was his weakness, "Also who are you?"






Suddenly Ryoto shot up awake to find himself in his bed.

[What's wrong?]

'I had the weirdest dream.'

[Wanna talk about it?]

'When do you ever want to talk about my dreams ya gecko?'

[Hahaha! Again with the names eh buddy?]


[What's the matter pal, you feeling alright?]


[Don't worry, I'll figure it out for my perfect partner.]


"-CK!" Shooting up from his bed, Ryoto started to breathe heavily.

[What the hell is wrong with you dumbass?]

'Oh thank Micheal he's still an asshole.' The brunette sighed in relief, "I had a really shitty dream."

[Is it the one where Issei tried to kill you but failed, every single girl literally wants to bone you for no reason, and I start calling you buddy and all that shit?]

"...Yeah, how did you know?"

[I've been having that one for a week.]



