
Evolving Dragon: DxD

So I was hit by a truck and died. To make things more complicated I was reincarnated with a Sacred Gear in the DxD world. So you know what I'm gonna do? I think I'm gonna do what I like to call a pro gamer move.

ThrowingTheShade · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Moving the Plot

A place where elements harmonized into one.

That's where his home was.

A dragon that had a birth defect that he was outcast by his brethren.

He was born without arms being classed more as a Wyvern than a dragon.

Yet he did not care. He was satisfied with his life.

They left him alone and he now had a home where nobody would mess with him.

Resting in the sun as he laid in the center of it all he glanced sideways at the sky as he felt something off. It was a power that made him worry since it was something powerful with not only one, but two. Both were opposing each other yet so similar.

Suddenly he felt the two powers start to approach above him. Standing up the dragon looked up as his red crossed eyes widened.

Red and white clashed that day.


Awakening his body was in pain.

Blood came into his vision as he weakly picked his head up. Blood continued to leak from his wounds as he looked around at the destruction the battle left.

His home... was destroyed.

Sadness filled his heart. The place that kept him at peace was now gone as the elements that once were harmonized were now continuously clashing with each other. Winds shredding the ground and sometimes hitting him, flames bursting from the ground, ice freezing over and tectonic plates repeatedly shifting.

As he stared at his home a sudden emotion overtook him.


The pure rage overtook him as he remembered who did his. Who were the ones that destroyed to place that he once called home.

The dragons of White and Red.

As his rage grew stronger so did his body. Not only was it slowly healing but it was also becoming stronger.



And sometime later Tyrant was no more.

Now what stood in his place was...


Third POV: Occult Research Club...


Rias and Akeno stared at the boy in shock at the sudden question. It was so out of nowhere that they couldn't help but be surprised. Ryoto however was standing there as if the question he asked wasn't a big deal. Matter of fact it was the calmest the two Devils have seen him yet.

"Wha-what." Rias managed to say.

"Well, I guess it really wouldn't pertain to me since I can handle myself." Ryoto shrugged nonchalantly, "I guess I should be asking more so for Issei's sake."

Rias looked troubled while Akeno' face scrunched into a small scowl, "Now Ryoto, it's quite rude to assume we would-"

"Akeno." The Gremory cut off her [Queen] not looking away from the brunette, "Can you... please step out for a moment."

Akeno looked at her [King] with a little surprise and a little worry before nodding. She walked out of the room in a slow manner making sure the door was closed.

They stayed quiet for a moment before Rias finally spoke up, "So why did you assumed I was letting the Fallen Angels kill you?"

Ryoto's expression never changed but a soft scoff left his lips, "I'm pretty sure the bat chick was your familiar. And, weirdly, she decided to follow me."

With that Rias couldn't help but look down, "I apologize. I truthfully didn't plan on either of you being killed by Fallen Angels.

"Yet I'm sure it would make things easier, huh?"

The sudden retort surprised the Devil as she looked back up to see Ryoto still having a calm expression.

Rias looked down once again, "I...can't deny that it would, but I really wouldn't want anyone to suffer such a fate."

"But you would have leverage on us making either I or Issei never question our loyalty towards our 'savior'.

"NO!" She jumped up and slammed her hands on her desk. Realizing what she did she sat down blushing in embarrassment, "S-sorry but when you say it like that-"

"I'm saying what you would be doing." He walked over to her desk looking down at her, "You may not want to hear it but even you weren't intending for either of us to die you should have taken extra precaution to make sure something like that wouldn't happen."

Rias doesn't even dare to look him in his eye, "I'm...sorry."

Ryoto turned around, "I don't need an apology since I don't really care, but you should go ahead and tell Issei before turning him into a servant." He turned his head sideways looking back at the girl, "He at least deserves to know."

The [King] nodded, "Yes I think that would be fair."

Ryoto just shrugged again, "Sorry if I came off as kinda assholish. I'm just looking out for a friend, and I wouldn't feel right if something bad happened."

"That's... quite noble of you."Rias looked at the boy with a smile.

"We all have our moments." He looked back with a smile before walking to the door, "Good talk Princess, I'll see you tomorrow." With that, he walked out the door.

Rias was momentarily surprised by the smile, but it made her small smile widen. It however turned sad, "Tomorrow huh?"

Outside the office, Ryoto walked out of the room and saw Akeno standing beside the door. She looked at the boy with worry as Ryoto looked back with a calm expression.

A small smirk made it's way on the young boy's face, "Oi Akeno." A soft 'hm' was heard from the violet-eyed beauty, "Keep your fetishes away from me."

The sudden statement surprised Akeno before she went back into her big sis mode, "Ufufufufu~ I guess even after such a brazen accusation you bring that up? You really are interesting."

"I know." His playful smirk then turned momentarily serious, "But seriously, keep them away from me."

"No promises~"




"I'm glad you could all make it on such short notice." Sirzechs sat at a round table with Grayfia by his side and three other individuals sitting around the table.

These were the three of the four Satans that ruled over the Underworld.

Ajuka Beelzebub.

Falbium Asmodeus.

Serafall Leviathan.

Ajuka nodded, "It's no problem Sirzechs, but let's hurry this up so I can continue my research."

"And I can get back to my nap, "Falbium lazily yawned.

"And I can finish making my new magic girl outfit for Sona!" Serafall happily beamed.

Grayfia couldn't help but sweatdrop at the ragtag group of Devils.

The redhead laughed at his friends' antics, "Yes, yes I know you're all busy so I will make this as quick as possible." He then took a more serious expression making everyone more focused, "It seems that my sister has come across not one, but two Longinus."


Everyone in the room, except Grayfia and Sirzechs, became surprised at the revelation. Serafall gained a more serious expression, Falbium seemed more awake, and Ajuka had furrowed his eyebrows a bit.

"I see..." Ajuka momentarily trailed off, "Do you know the names of the wielders?"

Sirzechs nodded, "Yes we do but we don't know which one they wield. One is Issei Hyoudou. He doesn't seem to be anyone too special seems kinda average. It's the other one that is we might have to keep an eye on."

Falbium sighed, "Great, this means more work. So who's the other guy?"

"His name is Ryoto Gurin-"


The sudden yell made everyone jump as Serafall jumped up and slammed her hands into the table, "Ryochii has a Longinus!?"

Grayfia blinked in surprise, "You know Lord Ryoto, Lady Leviathan?"

"I met him when he was... what year is it?" She got into a thinking position before having an 'Ah-hah' moment, "I met him when he was nine years old."

"And why wasn't this brought up earlier Serafall?" Ajuka couldn't help but ask.

His response was a simple hand wave, "Don't think I knew about him having a Sacred Gear Ajuka. He seemed stronger than a human his age but I didn't think much of it." She suddenly squealed, "He was so cute as a button though I almost took him with me!"

The four other Devils couldn't help but sweatdrop, 'That's kidnapping.'

"Anyway I didn't even know he had a Sacred Gear back then and I wasn't even able to find him." She ended with her sighing sadly before instantly beaming, "But now I can find him and add him to my Peerage!"

"About that." Sirzechs cut off the Leviathan, "He made it quite clear that he doesn't want to join any type of Peerage from what my sister told me."

That made the small girl pout, "Phooey!"

Ajuka decided to get things back on track, "Let's get back to the topic at hand. Sirzcechs what do you know about the boy?"

"Right." Sirzechs nodded, "He was given a chance to show off his power, and show it off he did. It seems for our power ranking he has the power of a Super-Class Devil."

"The power of a Super-Class Devil is interesting, how he was able to slip under our noses says something." Ajuka couldn't help but be impressed.

"I feel as though I wasn't the one who felt what he actually was able to do though." The Lucifer then motioned to his [Queen, "Grayfia, from your reaction I would like to hear your thoughts."

"Yes, Lord Lucifer." Grayfia nodded before walking forward, "From what you know when someone releases some of their power they open a gateway that is usually closed off when neutral or hiding your power. When this gateway is opened, if you're good enough, you can dwell into it and sense the true power of a person."

Ajuka became even more intrigued, "So he is stronger than what you originally thought Sirzechs. How strong is he really Grayfia?"

"I...I'm not sure."

Serafall tilted her head, "What do you mean Grayfia?"

"It's exactly as I said, I'm not sure." She touched her chin, "As I was something..."

[Back off Devil.]

"...cut me off."

"So his power is currently unknown." Sirzechs looked a bit troubled, "This could be an issue."

Falbium finally spoke up, "So what will we do?"

"Right now nothing. He made himself known to not be a threat and it seems some of my sister's and your sister's Peerage Serafall taken a liking to the boy." The redhead couldn't help but smile.

"You know it won't be that simple Sirzechs," Ajuka smirked at his longtime friend.

"Yes I know, but I think we should worry about what to do when we have more information." The Gremory stood up, "I think that will be all for today, I'll see you all later."

Ajuka stood up as well, "I guess so. Please keep me informed on the Longinus." With that, he disappeared into a magic circle.

Falbium yawned, "See ya later." He too disappeared in a magic circle.

"I gotta talk to Sona for something see ya." Serafall seemed more giddy than usual, "Hehehehehehe~" And with that, she vanished.

Both [Queen] and [King] sweatdropped at the Leviathan's antics with Sirzechs thinking, 'Why do I feel like I condemned someone?'

"Well let's go Grayfia." Sirzechs started to walk out of the room with Grayfia following behind.

Not noticing the slight twitching tugging at the sides of her lips.


With Ryoto...


In the Gurin Household, as it was getting late, Ryoto was doing one of the few activities that he was able to bring from his past life.


He kneaded the dough on the countertop the brunette thought over as to how he's only been at Kuoh Academy and he's already done so much.

"Man this is the most to ever happen to me in the span of a couple of days." He stopped kneading the dough before he grabbed a rolling pin, "Can't really complain though, guess that comes with awesomeness." He gloated as he sprinkled flour on the rolling pin and started to roll out the dough in a rectangle.

[Of course, you would think that idiot.]

"And the prodigal asshole arrives." Ryoto snarked as he continued to roll out the dough, "Sooo what did you think?"

[I think you're an idiot.]

"So nothing new there."

[Releasing your power like that was risky no matter how badass it may seem."

"Thank you for the compliment at least." Putting the rolling pin away he grabbed a small bowl filled with cinnamon sugar and started to sprinkle it over the dough, "Besides I made sure not to use too much."

[That still doesn't stop them from being suspicious, especially the gray-haired Devil.]

The boy momentarily paused before returning to his task, "What do you mean?"

[The Lucifuge tried to go deeper into the depths of your power, luckily I stopped her.]

Ryoto could feel the grin on Incursio's face, "Please don't tell me you did something stupid." The brunette deadpanned as he rolled the dough up.

[Isn't that your job?]

"Aren't you the cream of the crop, ya cross-eyed gecko." Ryoto heard an annoyed grunt as he smirked. Grabbing a knife the brunette held the blade over the rolls of dough before his hand blurred slightly and the dough separated into twelve pieces, "You know that might have made them a bit more suspicious, right?"

[They'll assume it was me from the Longinus scaring her off so don't worry. She wouldn't know it was me. It's not uncommon for souls to be sealed inside Sacred Gears anyway.]

"Yeah yeah just making sure." Ryoto rolled his eyes as he put the rolls into oiled coated pans and wrapped them up, "Into the fridge you go." He opened the fridge and put the two pans inside.

[Why are you putting them into the fridge?]

Ryoto turned to the sink and started washing his hands, "Well I was going to make them for myself but I guess they can be a 'Sorry I embarrassed you in front of your king' rolls, and maybe 'Sorry Issei doesn't want to join your Peerage' rolls."

[...You're kinda an asshole, you know that?]

"Hey pot, meet kettle!"

[I guess this is why you're my strongest partner, despite being a complete idiot.]

Ryoto smirked as he walked to his rooms, "Love you too gecko." Opening the door he walked over to his bed before he noticed something. Looking at his hamper he noticed it seemed to be less full than he remembered. Opening it he noticed that a few articles of clothes were missing before deadpanning, "Not again."

[She hasn't done that in a while.]

"It's crazy how she steals my clothes and doesn't say hello."

[That woman works in mysterious ways.]

"Of course she does." Ryoto unconsciously grazed his right shoulder at the thought of the person who loves to take his clothes, more notably his shirts.

[I still do wonder what would happen if I fought her before I was stuck in this Sacred Gear.]

Ryoto shrugged as he grabbed a t-shirt, underwear, and shorts, "You would probably get thrashed around depending on her mood."

[Hmph, don't underestimate me brat.]

The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes as he made his way to the bathroom, "Yes, yes can't forget about your stupidly overpowered [Evolve]."

[Without it you would be dead.]

"Hey, I never said I wasn't grateful." Ryoto then opened the bathroom door and went inside, "It's just that every Longinus has an overpowered ability. I'm just pointing it out." The brunette then took off his shirt showing his body as he looked into the mirror.

Other than being built like a football star there were two noticeable features. One was a fist-sized scar on his left peck and the other was a tattoo the size of a quarter.

The most noticeable feature about it was that it was made of a snake slithering into an infinity.

Staring at the symbol as it glowed purple momentarily, Ryoto sighed annoyingly, "We're gonna talk about breaking and entering when I see you again..."





[...What the fuck was the pause for?]

"Dramatic effect."

[Why would there be any dramatic effect, I already knew who you were talking about.]

"Let me have fun ya asshole!"

[I'm just pointing out how much of a dumbass you are!]

"Big talk coming from a God-Slaying Gecko!"


It's kinda hard to realize that these two really do care for each other.


Next day...


"So Matsuda, what's this that I hear about you being a lolicon?" Ryoto lazily leaned in his seat as he placed down a card.

The bald teen twitched an eyebrow at the question, "Jeez, it's just some stupid rumor that went around last year when I worded my sentence wrong."

Ryoto looked at the pervert with mild surprise, "Really?"

Motohama pushed his glasses slightly, "Yeah, it was really rough too."

Matsuda started to comically cry, "I meant to say I like short girls but instead shouted I like small girls! I love short stacks, not lolis dammit!"

"Ain't that the same thing?"

"Add that with the fact I'm a pervert and they took it out of proportion, some even said I was a pedo, I HAVE STANDARDS!" Motohama started to pat the downtrodden teen.

"...Why I still hang out with you guys is a mystery." Ryoto deadpanned at the perverted duo, "Also UNO OUT!" The brunette slammed his card down.

""Bull shit!"" The two males sudden mood changed surprised the taller teen.

Quickly recovering from his surprise, Ryoto smirked at them and waved the two off, "That's what happens when you mess with the king." He then got up and started to pack his stuff up.

Motohama growled as he started to reshuffle the cards, "Where the hell do you think you're going, I demand a rematch."

"I got club stuff." Ryoto picked his bag up and hefted over his shoulder.

Matsuda looked at the [Evolving Gear] user with surprise, "Club? I didn't know you joined one."

"Yeah, I joined the Occult Research Clu-"


His collar was now grabbed by the two idiots in front of him, "You joined the club full of hot babes and didn't even think to tell us!?"

Their wrist was suddenly grabbed as well as squeezed in a painful way courtesy to an annoyed Ryoto, "First off: don't do that again unless you want to be the Nub Brothers, second off: Why should I tell you guys, I only have known you for about a couple of days, plus.." Ryoto paused as he let go of the two, "Issei is in the club too."


The two looked away as they gritted their teeth.

"That damn bastard, first he quits being a pervert, then he goes to kick it with those hot babes and that asshole Kiba."

"If he wasn't our friend I outta..."

Ryoto decided to cut them out and made his way out of the room.

[I don't know how you do it, I would have killed them on the spot.]

'I have patience. How do you think I'm able to live with an oversized gecko in my head.'

[Listen here you little shit-]


Occult Research Club...


Ryoto finally made it to the club room as he adjusted his bag before reaching for the door. When he grabbed the knob he stopped when he felt something.

'This energy... I guess he turned.' Ryoto smirked as he turned the knob and opened the door. Walking through the old school building the brunette entered the office to see Rias with a smile on her face and Issei with black bat wings coming out of his back.

"Looky at what we have here." He got the two's attention, "Guess you really did it Issei."

The shorter brunette nodded his head excitedly, "Hell yeah! I feel totally awesome, and check this out!" He then started to retract his wings before making them appear again and again.



...This went on for a while.

Ryoto deadpanned as the former pervert continued this idiocy before looking at the redhead. Ryoto looked her in the eyes and somewhat mentally asked-

'Did you tell him?'

Rias understood him and nodded albeit meekly. She then mouthed over to him, 'I'll give you details later'.

Ryoto nodded before placing his bag onto the coffee table, "Well I guess we should celebrate for giving up your humanity."

Issei stopped with his wings after retracting them before sweat dropping at the blank statement, "W-well when you put it like that-"

"So in celebration, I made these." Taking out a pan he placed it on the table. Opening it up there were twelve buttermilk cinnamon rolls glazed in cream cheese icing.

The two looked over the pan with extreme surprise, "You made these!?" Rias asked slightly drooling.

Ryoto quickly moved the rolls from under Rias so she wouldn't drool on them, "Of course I did, who else could make something this awesome?"

Issei scratched the back of his head, "Well you don't really seem like the type of guy to bake."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"My, my what is this wonderful smell?"

Kiba and Akeno walked into the club room with smiles on their faces. Akeno looked at Issei with a pleasant smile, "I see you made your choice, glad to have you aboard Issei."

The brunette smiled at his senior, "Thanks."

Kiba looked at the table and saw the cinnamon rolls, "Oh, who brought those in."

Rias looked at her [Knight] with a small smile, "Actually Ryoto made them."

"Really, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to bake."

"The hell is that supposed to mean? I'm not opposed to kicking your asses."

"It doesn't matter, they do look simply divine." Akeno cut in and grabbed a roll, "I do wonder how well these fares."

"Me too." Rias grabbed one too. The two girls slowly brought the dessert to their lips before-







'...What.' Ryoto deadpanned as he witnessed something that he saw from a certain anime. He blinked and shook his head before looking back at the girls, 'What the hell did I just see?' The brunette's eyes wondered to the males of the group, 'I must have been seeing thi-'

He cut himself off at what he saw.

Kiba was looking away with a slight look of embarrassment while Issei...

Issei had a blank look on his face with blood streaming from his nose.

Ryoto stared at the two with a blank stare, '...They saw it too.'

Rias started to gush as she took another bite, "This is too good! How can you make something so delicious it should be impossible!"

"Wow, you somehow managed to insult and compliment me at the same time."

"I can't believe what I'm tasting" Akeno held her cheek, "Not only are you a possible SM partner but also good at cooking what can't you do."

"I told you to keep your fetishes away from me!"

"Sup." Koneko was the last to walk in sniffing the air as she closed the door, "What's cooking?"

Akeno held the pan up to the smaller girl, "Ryoto made these delicious rolls, you must try one."

The white-haired girl quirked an eyebrow before looking at the person in question.

Ryoto just sat down on the couch and crossed his arms, "Yeah, yeah I know."

Koneko had a slight smirk on her face before it went back to her emotionless facade, "Well I guess I'll give it a try." She grabbed one from the pan and slowly brought to her mouth before-





There wasn't any insane reaction like Rias and Akeno. She was silent, more than she normally was. Suddenly Koneko walked towards Ryoto and before the boy knew it-


-The [Evolving Gear] User had a loli in his lap.



"That's my lap."

"I know."

There was an awkward silence as everyone looked their way while Koneko munched on her cinnamon roll.

Issei blinked in surprise, "Guess I need to learn baking." He picked up a roll and took a bite.








Ryoto POV...


So after all that fiasco, we started moving forward-

[Are you seriously monologuing again?]

You know it's rude to interrupt people you ass.

[Who the hell are you even talking to?]

Don't worry about it.

[Jeez that was a fast resp-*Beepbeepbeepbee-]

ANYWAY, we were finally getting somewhere after all that jazz that went down in the past couple of days. It's been a couple of weeks since then and a good amount has happened.

I started training not only Issei but also the sim- I mean Saji.


I was in the park as I stared blankly at the blonde as he started to look unnerved by it.

I then looked at his master, "Why are you both here again?"

Sona pushed her glasses up and looked at me with a no-nonsense fashion, "I wish for you to train Saji."

"Okay but why?"

"Well, I can't just sit by and let Rias be the only one to be able to get stronger." A small smirk momentarily made its way onto her face.

I looked at her with my eyebrow twitching and then looked over to my right at Issei, who just shrugged. I turned back and looked at Saji who looked unwilling to this.

My eyes went back to Sona, "You do know this is going to cost you?" Her posture stiffened a bit. Good, she knows what she's done.

For those who don't know what I mean let's get to this flashback.

[Flash back? What are you talking abou-]

It's rewind time!


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. Very repetitively if I must add. At two in the fucking morning.

[Turn that shit off I'm trying to sleep!]

Yeah, yeah I got it. I picked up my phone and looked at my notifications. I have... FIFTY-TWO MISS CALLS FROM SOME RANDOM NUMBER!?

Just as I was about to go off another number called me. Strangely enough, it was Sona.

I answered it slightly annoyed, "This is Ryoto, how can I help you?"


"Yeah, Sona?"

"I apologize."

Apologize? "What do you mean apologi-"


... Did this mother fucker hang up on me?

Before I could call her back though the same random started calling again.

I answered it with annoyance more present in my voice, "What do ya want-"



I quickly silenced my phone and put it on 'Do not Disturb'.


[...How did you do that?]

I-I... don't know.

"I'm sorry for my sister, but I couldn't just refuse her." Sona protested.

I got my phone out and shoved it in her face, "LOOK AT THIS! I'M STILL GETTING CALLS FROM THIS WOMAN!"

Sona retaliated in a rare showcase of emotions, "You try living with her, she's a literal siscon!" The other two boys looked surprised at this statement from the usual calm and collected Sona Sitri.

"Well, apparently she's a brocon too!" I heatedly responded. Like seriously, when I first met Serafall I didn't even know she was Sona's sister until the last time I saw her.

Sona sighed and calmed herself, "Look, I apologize for throwing you under the bus, but the way she asked for your number sounded like business. I'll make it up to you later."

"I get to skip at least one class with no consequences."

"Now hold on a minute!" Sona stopped me, "I cannot let you skip class, it wouldn't be good on your reco-" I held up my phone immediately stopping her, "...I'll see about that." She turned around, "Though I do want to know how you met my sister, I'll just ask her when I see about her blowing up your phone."

"Oh thank God."


Oh right, "Sorry that's my B."

Issei and Saji were more affected by it had grabbed their heads while Sona rubbed her temples to soothe the pain, "I'll be taking my leave now, Saji."

Said boy stood up straight, "Yes ma'am?"

"I expect results, so please work hard." She got another 'Yes ma'am', "I'll leave the rest to you Ryoto." And with that, she left.

There was a short silence before I heard Issei mumble, "That was a thing"

Saji sighed out still nervous, "Tell me about it."

Welp! Better get started.

"Alright, you two line up!" I yelled out to the two as they walked in front of me standing side by side, "Now as you both know I'm going to be your personal trainer and I'm going make sure you two become the strongest [Pawns] in all of history!" I walked around them like a military sergeant, "Right now you are weak-" An imaginary arrow flew through the two, "-pathetic-" Another one, "-and to be honest all-around disappointing." That one physically affected them as they both keeled over, "But I'm going to fix you both into the best damn Devils that ever been reincarnated." I crouched down the two, "So are you, ready kids?"

"Y-yes, sir."


"Yes sir!"

"Hm, we'll have to fix that." I stood up with the two doing the same, "Alright, Simp-"

"My name is Saj-"

"IT'S WHATEVER I SAY IT IS WHEN YOUR TRAINING UNDER ME YOU SIMP!" I made my point very clear by releasing some aura making the blonde pale a bit, "Now, do you know your Sacred Gear?"

Saji shook his head rapidly, "N-no I was only told that it was Draconian like yours and Hyoudodu's." Oh yeah, he has the [Absorption Line] from the Dragon King Vritra.

"I guess that's one of the reasons Sona asked me to train you." I deduced, "Alright then, before we begin let's try summoning your Sacred Gears. Since you both are Devils it should be easier, try focusing on bringing out your power, like Son Goku." I off handily brought up the Dragon ball character.

"Isn't it Gon Sok-"

"Finish that sentence and I will gut you like a pig." I didn't even need to look who said that, "Now try!"

They immediately tried it.

And failed horribly.

"Okay, I said power-up, not become constipated." The two glared at me.

"Come on man I never summoned a superweapon that can apparently kill Gods before." Issei groaned.

Saji followed up, "Yeah, when did you even summon your's."

I felt my face go into the smuggest expression I could ever imagine, "Twelve years ago."


Was that their reality breaking?


"Well, some manners of summoning your Sacred Gear could come from either not having the will to currently summon it or strength." I'm sure what they're hearing is that they are weaker than a four-year-old, "So I'm going to get started on strength since I can actively help with that." My face then took on what I like to call the 'Koro-sensei face'.

"C-an you give me a moment I'm still recovering from my shattered pri-"






"You weren't ready."


So that was fun. For me at least.

Speaking of Issei, when Rias told him about the situation he was actually pissed off. But I guess after that he became a bit more passive and was more thankful that he didn't have to die in the first place. I swear the idiot is too nice for his own good.

Also, the weird thing is that he didn't take up eight [Pawn] pieces, but only six. That was strange for me so I'll look into that later.

Now for Akeno...


"I swear you can be the M and I'll be the S~ You would enjoy it quite a lot."





"...Um Koneko."


"Can you let me stand up a bit I gotta stretch?"


"Dammit, woman let me breathe!"







"...So did you do the homework for math?"

"Oh thank Satan I thought I was the only one who didn't do it"


...and finally Rias.


"You have the limited edition Red Jotaro key chain!?"

"Yeah, my old man gave it to me."

"I didn't know you were an anime fan Ryoto!"

"...I literally make references almost every time I see you."

"Oh right."




"Wanna watch Ushio to Tora?"



I guess everything has been kinda weird and pleasant. Nothing too crazy has been happening so I've been able to enjoy myself with these new people. Hell, some even started calling me Ryo.

Though I did have one thing to worry about. Raynare.

It kinda dawned on me that the Devils don't know that I'm hanging out with a Fallen Angel and the same in vise versa. So when I and Rayna- well in this case Yuuma started to hang out again I made it my priority to keep my relationship secret, for now at least.

I and Yuuma have been hanging out a couple of times and we've been actually getting pretty close with each other. We went to the movies, the arcade, clothes shopping, and even the occasional walk in the park.

Hell, she's even been in my house before-



I slowly move my eyes to my couch from where I sat on the floor and looked at Yumma, who seemed too busy occupied with the T.V. to notice me looking. I finally took note of a certain fact that has gone over my head more than once.


Yuuma- or Raynare- who had come to my house three-time-





I jumped as a headache temporarily racked my brain. What the hell you fucking Gecko!?

[You were yelling too much. Don't forget I'm here to dipshit.]

"Ryo!" Yuuma got off the couch and checked up on me, "Are you okay?"

She got really close, "Yeah I'm good, just a migraine." A daily migraine if I must add.

"Maybe we've been staring at the T.V. for too long." She looked at the screen with a blank expression, "This documentary on Geckos is really long."

"Heh, that's what she said."

The Fallen Angel pouted at me before lightly punching my arm, "Act your age."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay Mom~" I heard her giggle at that. It was honestly kinda cute.

"Well since I'm your Mom, will you make me your delicious cookies every day?" She fluttered her eyes innocently.

I felt my face go into a deadpan, "Don't push it."

"Worth a shot."

I sighed out before looking at Yuuma, "You know what's weird."

She tilted her head, "What?"

"That I actually have a girl in my house."

"I've been to your house plenty of times-" She cut herself short before having a mischievous expression, "Oh~ I see."

"See what?" I dryly asked.

"The mighty Ryoto is getting all nervous when a beautiful woman is in his house." She giggled smugly, "Didn't know you were so wimpy."

Oh, so you want to play this game.

"Oh, I think you got it wrong Yuuma~." I leaned forward with a smirk on my face.

Yuuma was a bit surprised by the sudden closeness, "W-what do you mean."

I leaned back and gave a smug face myself, "I'm just annoyed that I have a bratty chick in my house. You know I don't want the atmosphere ruined."

A tick mark appeared on her head, "I'll show you bratty!" She jumped me!

"Oi! You're only proving my point!"

"I'll show you proving my point!"

"That doesn't make sense."

We wrestled a bit before she managed to get the drop on me. She sat on my stomach using her body weight to pin me down.

"How about I prove my point now!" She grinned victoriously.

I deadpanned at her, "Still doesn't make sense."

"Shut up!" Yuuma put her hands on the top part of my stomach and... tried to tickle me.

Oh, that's just precious she thinks I'm ticklish.

"You need help there buddy?"

"S-shut up!"

She tried even harder. It was kinda getting ridiculous.

"Alright, that's enough Yuuma." I went to get her off.


"Eh." I looked at her in confusion before I realized the situation.

One: She was on top of me.

Two: I was grabbing her waist, which I guess is sensitive.

Three: She seemed to notice also seeing as her face is blood red.


We quickly got out of the suggestive position and looked away from each other.

[Dammit so close!]

What the hell do you mean 'so close'!?

[I thought you were finally going to get some action! Take initiative you virgin.]

Shut the hell up you perverted Gecko! You know damn well I'm a glass cannon when it comes to the opposite sex! I may be able to pull off a suave line once and a while but if they come at me with the same or more energy I get nervous.

[Yeah, like a virgin!]

I- bu-...Fuck you.


"Aye!" I jumped and slowly turned around to see Yuuma twirling her hair looking at him shyly.

"You better take responsibility."

"You were the one who jumped on me though."

She turned even redder and looked away, "Well you can't just feel up on a girl like that!"

My deadpan returned, "If I didn't know any better, and I do, you were feeling up on me instead of tickling me."

That sent her into a sputtering mess before she hung her head in defeat. I chuckled a bit and we just sat in silence.

"Hey, Ryo?"

"Hm?" I looked over to Yuuma again and saw her smiling, though for some reason it looked kinda sad.

"I...I really enjoy spending time with you."

"I like spending time with you too." I gave her a wide smile to lighten the sudden mood drop. It worked all thanks to my charm.

"If it's fine with you, can I ask you a question?"

What's up with this all of a sudden? "Sure go ahead."

"What if... I told you I was-"


Who the hell? "Sorry about that Yuuma." I got my phone out of my pocket to see who was calling me. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Issei, "Goddammit Issei. You don't mind if I take this real quick, do you?"

Yuuma shook her head, "No it's fine." She did seem a bit irked though. Better make this quick.

"Issei what do you wa-"

"Dude! You won't believe what just happened to me!"

"...I swear if you didn't get laid I'm kicking you're ass."

"On second thought I'll call you later."

"Just tell me already!" I heard Yuuma giggle behind me. Good to know she finds this entertaining.

"W-well I just met a cute blonde chick and I think I have a chance!"

"...Congrats do you want me to tell the Prime Minister?"

"Man it's just a huge step in my redemption. I just thought telling you would be nice."

"Did you at least get a name?"

"Of course I did, who do you think I am?"


"Don't answer that. Her name is Asia Argento!"

I heard Yuuma gasped and say a subtle 'Shit'.

"Wait so like the country?"

"Huh? I specifically said Asia."

"But what about how it's spelled?"


"I'm just messing with you Issei. I gotta go though so make sure you're on the game."

"Yeah okay. Also, tell Blue to stop killing my sheep I know it's him!"

"Yeah, yeah bye." I hung up the phone and looked back at Yuuma, "Sorry about that Yuuma."

"It's fine Ryo, I got to go anyway." She started to go towards the door.

"Huh, really it's only Saturday." I walked up to the door.

"Yes, but something came up that I need do immediately." She put on her shoes and smiled at me, "I won't be able to hang out for a couple of days, but I'll talk when I'm free."

"Oh, okay just keep in touch." I opened the door for her, "I'll see you later." She jumped up and KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK!

"Don't go doing that, people will get the wrong idea."

She winked at me and gave me a half-lidded look, "Maybe I want them to get that idea." She waved goodbye, "I'll see you Ryo." She made sure to put a sway in her hips just to tease me more. It's weird how we're not going out now that I think about it.

I closed the door and sighed. Looks like we're moving the plot now.

[Ride on virgin.]

Tch! How many times do you lick your eyes a day?


Holy shit you actually paid attention to the documentary.

[You mother FUC-]


Third POV: Outside...


Raynare took a few steps down the sidewalk before stopping herself. She took a deep breath in before-

"I can't believe I just did that!" She covered her face that was now red.


Ryoto POV: The Next Day...


"Alright, guys line up."

It was morning once again and I was training Issei and Saji. While the two weren't improving as fast as I hoped but they were getting stronger.

The two Devils lined up and stood up straight. It was good to see that my training was showing since they didn't look scrawny like they did before gaining a bit of muscle.

"So in a couple of weeks that you guys have trained I actually see some progress, but there is something that I need to see before we actually begin getting serious." I gave them a stern look, "Simp, you try summoning your Sacred Gear first."

Saji, who had gotten used to me calling him simp, stepped forward. He started to concentrate and it seemed like it was actually getting results. His left hand started to glow purple before the light died down showing-


-the [Absorption Line].

Son of a bitch actually did it.

"Good Job Si-no." I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Good job Saji."

He looked at me shocked before getting misty-eyed, "Y-you actually said my name."

"If you start crying I will punch you."

"Yes sir!" He stood up straight with a smile on his face.

"Good job man, you Sacred Gear looks awesome." Issei patted his fellow [Pawn] on the back.

Saji smiled at the brunette, "Thanks man."

"So you finally were able to get your Sacred Gear to appear, how did you do it cause if I remembered correctly you could barely even muster anything yesterday." I wondered.

"Well I've been practicing with Devil Magic with Sona for a couple of days and last night before I got done with handing out flyers she gave me some advice." He started to flex his wrist a bit, "She told me to try and focus on the part of my body that seems most attuned to my power. To be honest I wasn't expecting it to work on the first try though."

First, try!? Maybe I don't give Saji enough credit.

"Good job Saji. Issei you're up next so try not to let Saji get ahead of you for the sake of the ORC." I grinned towards my fellow brunette who nodded.

"You got it Ryoto!" He stepped up while Saji stepped back. He closed his left fist into before he started... is he fucking Power Ranger posing?

"HOOOOOOH! Sacred Geeeeaaaaaaar!"


...It worked.

"Hehe, nice." He started to flex his fingers around as his hand was covered by the gauntlet of [Twice Critical]


"Yeah Ryoto?"

"W-why did you pose like that?"

He blinked at me before looking sheepish, "Well I was doing some posing from the Super Sentai during a summon on Friday while arguing if Goku could beat Naruto-"

"Goku would smack Naruto with his pinky toe."

"I know right, anyway in the middle of it I sorta summoned my Sacred Gear."

Saji, who also couldn't help but be dumbfounded asked a very important question, "Wait Issei, you said it happened Friday right?"

Issei looked at the blonde confused, "Yeah, why?"

"You didn't think to tell me this yesterday?" I growled out.

How I asked him made Issei realize his mistake, "...Oh sorry, that's my bad."

"...Five, four, three-"



"-two, one, zero."






"At least Jojo pose ya dumbass."



Issei POV: Friday...


Man, this week has been pretty rough.

First Ryoto started to amp our training up a notch since we summoned our Sacred Gears and he isn't playing around. I thought it was rough at first, but hell no! That guy is a slave driver,.

Makes you wonder why he hasn't taken Akeno's offer yet.

Apparently, my Sacred Gear is called [Twice Critical] and it only doubles a user's power. I thought that wasn't it since I highly doubt that would be it for a God killing weapon and I was right. It's dormant right now. Shows that I'm still weak.

The second is that Rias said that I'm not allowed to see Asia again! I finally meet a girl I think I have a chance with and I can't see her cause she's a fucking nun. Ain't that just fine and dandy.


I know it's him since every time I ask he starts laughing!

I swear if I ever see this guy I'm gonna knock his teeth in.

"I'll worry about that later." I stood in front of a house of a summoner. Since Koneko is booked with another person I was tasked with taking over her shift, "Guess even with Devils, seniors push their work onto their juniors." I walked up to the door-huh? It's opened.

I leaned towards the crack of the door, "Helloooo, anyone home!?"...No answer?

Ugh, I really don't want to go in there buuuut a job is a job.

"Excuse my intrusion." I opened the door and made my way in. The first thing I noticed was that it smelled horrible in there. Like someone squatted and took a shit right in front of me.

"Man this enhanced smell is not helping." I plugged my nose and made my way through the hallway. As I finally walked into what I assumed was the living room the smell got worse, "Ah geez, what the fuck is that sme-!"

I stopped and stared at the wall across from me. R-right there sl-slumped against the wall was...

A-a-a-a b-body! A fucking dead body!

The guy was a redhead and his gut had a sword in his gut as blood poured from the wound.

I-I think I'm gonna p-puke.

"Well well well." A snide voice was heard from the couch the body was by.

I looked and saw some dude with white hair facing away from me. From what I could tell he was human but there was something dangerous about him yet there was also something similar to me.

"It seems a little cat got a bit too curious." He slowly turned around showing his red eyes, "Well can't have any witnesses-" He looked at me. I didn't say a single word.




"The fuck!? You're not that dipshit pizza man!"


Why did his voice sound strangely familiar?

"Wait a fucking minute." He started smelling the air, "You're a fucking Devil." He jumped off the couch showing his full attire was that of a priest. He angrily walked over to the dead body, "Chuck you prick!" He kicked the body! That ass-

"Ow! What the fuck Freed!?"


Did that body just talk?

"Chuck you didn't order pizza you summoned a shitty Devil!" The Priest who I guess is named Freed heatedly pointed at me. Hold on, Shitty?

Chuck quirked an eyebrow before pulling out a summoning paper and looking at it, "Weird, I thought it said pizza. My b."

That didn't seem to calm down the priest, "I told you to stop getting high when ordering food! This is like the third time this week you dick!"

He's high!?

"Dude, I'm always high."

"... Touche."

I should probably speak up, "Um-"

They immediately stared at me.

"Why do I do things?"

"Oh right." Freed rolled his eyes, "Look, I'm not in the mood right now so I'll let you go, but if I see you again I'll gladly fill you up with my light bullets like I would fill up your mom, heyooo!" He tried to get a high five from Chuck.

Chuck shook his head, "Dude, you gotta respect the moms."

"Quit being a bitch. God this night is stressful, I should go kill that noob's sheep when I leave."

Wait a minute.



Extremely crude mannerisms.


The white-haired asshole looked at me funny, "What do you want shitty devil?!"

"STOP KILLING MY FUCKING SHEEP YOU ASSHOLE!" I summoned my Sacred Gear while yelling at him.

He looked at me weird, "Killing your sheep? The fuck are...you...talking..." He started trailing off, "BoobDragon77!?"





"Father Freed, Mr. Chuck? I heard yelling."

Ah! That voice!

"Ew, what's that smell?" Walking from what I assume is the kitchen was none other than Asia Argento in her pure glory, "Is there a gas leak- Issei?" She noticed me.


"W-what are you doing- AH!" She wasn't looking at me anymore. Or that Freed asshole.

Oh shit, she was looking at Chuck.

"M-Mr. Chuck?" She gasped in horror at the sight of the man.

"What's up?" He seemed oblivious as to what is going on before looking at his stomach, "Oh right." He fucking casually takes the sword out with even more blood coming out.

"Ah-ah Oh L-Lord..."


...She passed out.


A few minutes later...


"So let me get this straight." Freed started to recap on what I told him, "So what you're saying is that I've been playing Minecraft with a Devil."

"Yeah pretty much."

"For fuck sakes." He started to scratch his head with a gun- wait is that even safe.

Wait, where did he even have the gun?

I looked over to see the redhead, Chuck, munching on some Doritos while Asia, who woke up, was cleaning up the fake blood with a mop.

I literally couldn't take any of these guys seriously.

I sighed out heavily, "Man, I bet Ryoto won't believe this."

Freed looked at me funny, "Who the hell is Ryoto?"

Oh right, we only go by usernames, "Th0t-Slayer007."

"He's not a shitty Devil, is he?"

Okay, that's racist.

"Father Freed!" We both turned and saw Asia giving the asshole a disappointing glare, "Please stop being mean to Issei, I don't care if he's a Devil he's still a good person."

Asia~ you're so nice I could cry!

"Yeah, yeah quit acting like my mom." Freed groaned before rubbing his temples, "You know what fine, you don't seem too shitty so I'll let you off the hook."

Guess the guy wasn't too bad.

Asia seemed happy with the response too and Chuck-

...I-is that a bong?

"Oi Shitty-Dragon?"

Oh great, he's calling me that name, "Yeah, dick-head?"

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue at him before smiling dangerously, "You play Mario Kart?"


Third POV: A few minutes later...



"Issei! We've come to help yo-"



"Dammit Freed!"

"I told you if someone comes in the house and it's not the pizza man, I'm busting a cap in their ass!"

"Why can't I use my items."

"This is the weirdest game of COD I've ever seen."

The ORC stared baffled at the scene in front of them, even Kiba who had dodged the light bullet that almost hit his face. What they saw was Issei, a Devil, Freed, an Exorcist, Asia, a Nun, and Chuck, a random guy, playing Mario Kart.

Rias stared slack-jawed at the sight, "W-w-wha?"

Issei and Freed looked at her then looked at each other before back to her.

""It's a Minecraft thing.""


A few more minutes later...




At the abandoned church...


"What do I wear?" Raynare looked in the mirror in her room held one red sundress in front of her before switching it with a dark blue one, "Why is this so difficult."

She was simply stressing over the fact that tomorrow would be the day she finally told Ryoto the truth.

Her being a Fallen Angel.

His Sacred Gear.

Her mission.

Though she didn't know that he already knew all these.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm stressing over a boy." She fell back on her bed sighing heavily, "What would big sis do?"

Her mind drifted over to the thought of a woman that looked like an older version of herself.

"Just don't get a man like Dad."

A deadpan made it's way on the Fallen's face, "Oh right." She sighed again, "Why does this boy do this to me?"

"Probably because of his big dick."

A perverse blush made its way onto Raynare's face, "Oh yeah, that's definitely one reason-WAIT KALA!?" She found herself shooting up from her bed and staring at the unannounced guest at her door.

Or in this case two.

One was Kalawarner, a former Angel that had fallen from having an affair with a human, falling because of the sin of Lust. She wore a red suit jacket and skirt that was obviously too many sizes too small for her.

Beside her with a smug face was Mittelt, a blonde loli in a Gothic Lolita outfit. She had fallen from the sin of Wrath when she was nearly assaulted by a priest and killed the man in a fit of rage.

Both were at Raynare's door and were smug as fuck.

Mittelt laughed into her hand, "My, my an old crow going after some youthful teens, how quaint."

A tick mark appeared on the ravenette's head, "I'm not old you damn brat!"

"Seven decades beg to differ."

Kalawarner patted the short blonde on the head, "Now Mittelt, don't go giving Raynare a headache she has to get ready for her date."

Suddenly the two were on both sides of Raynare, "So what's he like?"

"Is he cute?"

"How many inches are we working with?"

"What is he into?"

"Is he good in the bed?"

"Okay Kala we get it you're a pervert."

"I'm just asking questions."

Raynare scoffed and looked away, "Why should I tell you?"

Kalawarner just sighed, "Can we start with a name at least?"

At the question, Raynare froze making it kinda noticeable, "W-why should I tell you?" Her response was a bit weaker than the last one.

Both of the other Fallen Angels took note of that though Mittelt took it for a different reason, "What's wrong hag, scared one of us will take him."

"In your dreams brat!"

"Mittelt that's enough." Kalawarner smirked teasingly before sitting down on the bed with Raynare putting a hand on her shoulder, "Now why don't you tell Big Sis Kala about your boy trouble." Mittelt sat on the other side.

Raynare pouted before sighing once again that night, "Fine. I want to tell this guy the truth about me."

This had momentarily surprised the two. Mittelt voiced her concern, "You sure that's going to work out? Humans are kinda...ignorant about this stuff." She then gave a questioning look, "You are dating a human right?"

Raynare looked away from the two a dark cloud of realization floated over her head, "We... aren't really dating."


"Pfft." Mittelt had to stop herself from laughing.

Raynare wasn't having any of that, "I'm ten seconds from stabbing you."

Kalawarner, while amused, defused the incoming argument, "Come now Mittelt. Don't laugh at Raynare since you are single yourself." That made the blonde sputter a bit, "Now Raynare, you do know what doing this would means right?"

"I know it's just that I feel at ease when I'm around him." Raynare started to smile as she thought back, "He's really nice, kinda an idiot, fun to be around, and to tie it all together he can cook. I guess I kinda want to be with him more."

"That's soooo cute!" Kalawarner cooed, "Though from what you explained, I might have to steal him for myself."

"I will stab you."

"Whatever happens just know we have you back." Kalawarner hugged Raynare with Mittelt joining her.

"This is nice." Mittelt closed her eyes before angrily looking at the door, "Dohnaseek! Bring your ass in here and get in this group hug!"


"Shitty old man."

Kala, who was still hugging the Raynare, asked once again, "So Ray, what's the name of your mystery boy?"

"Oh, it's Ryoto."

The two Fallen froze momentarily, "You mean... Ryoto Gurin?"


"...Damn hag didn't know you had it in ya."

"I will stab you.


Outside the church...


A man with black hair and red eyes in a black suit stared at the church perched from a tree. He had a magic circle on his left ear as he was talking to someone.

"So do you want me to follow them?"

A voice was heard from the magic circle, "Yes, the mission will continue as planned and we will get the girl."

The man nodded, "Understood." He stood up straight after he hung up the call. The man gave the church a sneer before sprouting wings.

Two black pair of wings.

And like that he was off in the sky.


The Next Day...


Ryoto was walking through the shopping district with a bored expression. He wore a green shirt with khakis and black Shoes.

'Man what a bore.'

[You're the one who wanted to come here early.]

'Yeah since I've been stuck in the house for a while.'

[Not my fault you have no life.]

'Not my fault you remind me of lizards that eat bugs and climb on walls.'

[I will end you.]

"Hey, Ryoto!"

Being pulled out of his thoughts Ryoto turned and saw Issei in his usual fit walking up to him. Right beside him was the blonde nun herself, Asia Argento.

"Well look who we have here. What's up Issei." The taller brunette held out his fist.

Issei happily bumped fist, "Just out hanging with Asia." He motioned to the blonde girl beside him, "Asia this is Ryoto, Ryoto this is Asia."

Ryoto gave the girl a warm smile, "Nice to meet you Asia." He held his and out for her to shake it.

Happily grabbing his hand Asia shook it, "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Ryoto."

"Don't call me Mr. Ryoto I'm only sixteen." He smirked at her, "Just call me Ryoto or Ryo since it's what some of my friends call me."

Asia looked at Ryoto showing some surprise, "Friend?"

Ryoto shook his head, "Yeah, if you're a friend to this moron then your a friend to me."

His eyes momentarily watered before she regained her composure, "Thank you!"

"Did you have to call me a moron?"

"So Issei-" Ryoto ignored his fellow brunette's question, "Whatcha doing here?"

"Oh right, well Asia was able to get a day off so I wanted to take her out." He finished kinda meekly with a light blush on his face.

Ryoto looked between the two before a large smirk made its way on his face, "Oh I see."

The two looked at me confused, "See what?"

"Nothing at all~" He turned around, "Just remember to wrap it up."

While Asia was still clueless Issei knew exactly what he meant, "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!"

Ryoto, however, was already leaving, "What's that I can't hear you on the count that I refuse to be a third wheeeeeeel..."



After successfully getting away from the other two Ryoto found himself leaning against the clock post.

'Weird how we're meeting at the same place our first hangout was.'


Ryoto heard his name called for the second time and turned to the source. He saw Yuuma wearing a dark blue sundress with black thigh highs and black shoes.

"Hey, Yuuma." He went over to the Fallen in disguise, "You look great."

Yuuma found herself blushing at the compliment, "Thanks...you look pretty good too."

"Thanks." The two started walking towards their destination, "So the movie doesn't start in an hour, so what do you want to do?"

Yuuma's smile turned mischievous, "Well..."


Laser Tag Arena...




"Those two are monsters!"

"They've been going at it the whole game."

"He's jumping off the walls again!"

Ryoto and Yuuma were jumping around the arena trying to hit one another. Both almost hitting their marks but missing by an inch or so. They jumped through the arena doing various moves that normal people shouldn't be capable of.

The other people decided to stop playing and watch the two go at it.

Ryoto hung off one of the sides of a ramp as he smirked at Yuuma, "Come on Yuuma it's no use!"

Yuuma smiled evilly at the brunette, "You underestimate my power Ryoto!"

"Then let's end this."

"Yes, let's."

The two stared each other down before jumping at each other aiming their guns.




"I can't believe we set a world record."

"I guess we're that awesome."

Ryoto and Yuuma walked towards the movies both with big prizes. Ryoto had a tablet and Yuuma had a new watch.

"So what movie did you choose." Yuuma tilted her head and looked up at the [Evolving Gear] user.

Ryoto smirked at her, "They're having reruns of Avengers: Endgame so I wanted to watch it again."

"Again?" A playful smirk made it's way on the Fallen's face, "How many times have you watched this movie?"

Ryoto quickly looked away, "O-oh... about maybe two to ahemsevenahem times"."

"I heard that~"

"No, you didn't."

"Such a nerd."

"I'm not a nerd I'm the nerd."

"Doesn't make a difference."

This went on until they got to the movies.


When the movie was over the two decided to walk to the park.

"Seriously the park?" Ryoto smirked at Yuuma, "You aren't doing something cheesy aren't you?"

Yuuma pouted at the question, "Shut up you nerd."

They kept on walking until they got to the fountain.

"Oh God, this is gonna definitely be cheesy."

"Ryoto." Yuuma's sudden change in demeanor actually caught the boy off guard, "Can I ask you something?"

Ryoto looked a bit worried, 'She isn't still gonna try to kill me'"Sure go ahead."

"What would you think of me if... I wasn't really the 'Yuuma' you knew?"

Ryoto quirked an eyebrow at the question, "Are you asking what I would do if you were a man?"

"I'm being serious Ryo." She did find the question sorta funny.

The brunette found himself chuckling a bit, "Fine I just wanted to get you out of your sudden funk." He adopted a thinking pose, "That is a good question... let me answer you with another question. Would you still feel the same way about me?"

"Of course!" Her answer was almost immediate, "I never met someone like you ever in my life and these few weeks hanging out with you have been the most fun I had in years."

Ryoto scratched his cheek, "I'm honestly flattered, but you have your answer." Before she could ask what he meant Ryoto cut her off, "If you don't think any less of me then I won't think any less of you. If your name turned out to be Bob, I would be worried, but I wouldn't think any less of you." He finished with a warm smile.

Yuuma's eyes widened before becoming misty, "Ryo..." She jumped on him and gave him a warm hug, "Thank you."

The brunette returned the hug with a red face looking away nervous, "N-no problem."

She looked up with a bright smile, "Ryo the truth is-"

Ryoto's eyes widen before he pushed her away.


Right after Yuuma was pushed away she saw a light spear hit Ryoto and exploded on impact sending the boy flying.

Yuuma's eyes widen at what happened. She looked around as a barrier was set up around the park.

"How pathetic."

A cold voice pierced through the air making the Fallen go cold. She slowly turned to see the source of the voice walking towards her.

She growled slightly, "Aroges."

The man that was at the church, now known as Aroges, walked towards the fountain with a cold expression, "How pathetic that a Fallen is having relations with a human." He nearly snarled the word human.

Raynare shed her 'Yuuma' facade as she looked more mature and black angel wings sprouted out of her back. She summoned a light spear in her right hand a pointed it threateningly, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"Oh, I'm just following Lord Kokabiel's orders." He responded casually stopping a few feet from Raynare.

Raynare's aggression never let up, but she did look confused, "Kokabiel? He shouldn't have anything to do with this town."

"Well, you can say he's gotten quite bored lately." His face slowly turned twisted, "So bored he could start a war."

The statement made Raynare slightly falter, "W-what are you going on about."

Agores looked at the girl like she was stupid, "Do I have to spell it out for you? He wants to start a war dumbass."

"Lord Shemhazai and Fa-Lord Azazel would not agree with this!"

"Oh, we know. Though I could let you in on a little secret." He walked around the girl never leaving her sight, "You see our original plan was to take out the two little Devil Heiresses in this town to get the Satans all riled up, but then I thought of a way to get both Lord Azazel and Lord Shemhazai on board." four wings came out of his back as a light spear appeared in his hand, "What do you think would happen if our governor's daughter was found dead in Devil territory."

Realization struck Raynare, "Y-you wouldn't!"

"I would." He raised the light spear, "I would end you like that little human plaything too but I feel that would be kinda obvious." Agores found himself dodging a light spear grazing his shoulder. He lazily looked to where the spear landed and back to Raynare, "What's got you pussy all scrunched up?"

"He's not a plaything you fuck." Her eyes glinted dangerously, "I don't care how many wings you have I will rip them from your fucking back."

"Big talk from a two-winged Fallen." He smirked condescendingly, "It's actually sad that you have the blood of our great governor running through your veins, yet you can't even get two pairs of wings."

"And it's sad about how cliche your being."


The two looked towards the new source of the voice to see Ryoto casually walking from where he was launched without a scratch on him.

Raynare became relieved, "Ryo!"

Agores however looked intrigued, "Well look at that. Humans really are like roaches."

"And look at that. You think you're actually significant in any way possible besides being canon fodder." Ryoto snapped back with a smirk.

A vein made it's way onto the male Fallen's face, "You really know how to run your mouth roach." A light spear made its way into his hand, "I don't know how you're still alive but I'll make sure tha-"

"Yeah give me a sec." Ryoto cut him off and looked over to Raynare, "Hey Yuuma, so you're a Fallen huh?"

She slowly nodded at how casual he was, "Y-yes."

"You look good." He smiled at her, "Should've shown me sooner."

Despite the current situation, Raynare found herself blushing, "Thanks Ryo."


"Don't ignore me trash."

A light spear was once again thrown at the brunette this one twice in size.


The spear came right onto contact with Ryoto who didn't seem to notice. Right when it touched the side of his head-


-It shattered on impact.

Both Fallen looked shocked at what happened with Raynare relieved and Agores becoming angrier and also a little fearful.

Ryoto's eyes slowly looked back at the male Fallen before a smile made its way on the boy's face.

With a monstrous feel to it.


Ryoto's Multiversal Bullshit- Part 1...


"Ryo, can you tell me why you are giving off the signature of a very unstable teleportation circle?"

"I don't know."

Sitting on the couch of the ORC was Ryoto who was casually sitting there.

On the other side was the rest of the club members looking worried.

Rias was the main one voicing her concern, "Ryo I think we should get you checked up."

Ryoto shrugged, "I'm sure it's nothing." His nose did feel kinda ticklish though.

Akeno was the next to speak up, "Ryo this could be serious. I don't want a possible partner to per se explode."

Ryoto waved the concern off, "Nothing I can't handle, also keep your fetishes away from me."

Koneko was glaring at Akeno, which the older student caught on, "No need to look at me so harshly Koneko. Nothing is wrong with some healthy competition."

Koneko's glare didn't lighten up at all, "Annoying."

Issei put his two cents to quickly defuse the situation, "WELL I don't know much about this magic stuff, but it does seem dangerous."

Ryoto got up, "Relax guys. If you knew half the things I've done in my life then you would know that a little unstable magic ain't gonna hurt me. So don't worry about...ah...ah...AAAAACHOOOOO-"



The boy disappeared right before their eyes in a flash of light.



"-OOO! Eh?"

Ryoto, after finishing his sneeze, noticed two things.

One: He was not in the club room anymore.

Two: He was currently falling at an alarming pace and was getting close to the ground.



Making an impact was definitely not a pleasant thing for the dragon hybrid.

"Why did I not try to fly?" The brunette asked himself.

[Cause you're an idiot.]

'Glad your still here.' He stood up dusting himself and looked around at his surroundings. He saw a couple of ruins, 'You know where the hell we are.'

[Not a clue.]

'Fantastic' He was about to try and get a view of the place until he smelt an all too familiar smell.


Turning around the boy saw two reasons why he smelled that.

One was the dead bodies and the other was the undead soldiers with magic weapons staring him down.

"Well ain't this just peachy."

"What the hell are you doing here boy!?" A voice caught Ryoto's attention. He looked to see an old man in some weird martial artist clothes being restrained by the skeletons, "This ain't a place for kids get out of here while you can!"

Ryoto quirked an eyebrow at the man, "The hell are you talking about? And what are you wea-" He cut himself off when he finally noticed the four bigger than normal power levels. His eyes went towards a larger building and looked at the entrance. His eyes widened as he had seen-

"Are those fucking maids?"


Ryoto Finally Picks up the Phone...



'Oh fuck me.' "Heeey Serafall."

"Come on Ryochii you know what to call me!"

"Well, I would like to know as to why I am now figuring out that you are a Devil." 'Well I already knew but I just didn't know this was her.'

"Same could be said about you being a Longinus User."

"...Point taken."

"So how have you been?"

"I'm doing alright how about you?"

"I'm doing great that I'm hearing from you! When I saw the picture Sona sent me of you I couldn't believe how much you've grown. You're a hunk!"

"Uh, thanks."

"You wouldn't happen to be single would you?"

"...Why do you ask?"

"No reason~"

"Guess there's no reason for me to answer then."

"I'll take that as a maybe."

"Yeah okay. Anyway, I gotta since I have to help two idiots get stronger."

"Okay, good luck Ryochii~"

"See ya." 'Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.'



"...Can you say it please?"

"...Sigh Fine... Take care Big Sis Sera."

"...Ryochii I'm coming over, where do you live?"


I tried to get a PS5 and they all sold out in the first minute. I hate Walmart.

ThrowingTheShadecreators' thoughts