
Evolving Dragon: DxD

So I was hit by a truck and died. To make things more complicated I was reincarnated with a Sacred Gear in the DxD world. So you know what I'm gonna do? I think I'm gonna do what I like to call a pro gamer move.

ThrowingTheShade · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Fight Night


Ryoto POV: Ten years ago...


"Hey, Tyrant."


"Can I ask you something?"

[What is it?]

"Who was your strongest partner?"

[Strongest eh... well I can definitely say there are two that fit the description.]

"Really? Who?"

[There's Bulat-]

"Wait like from the anime?"

[Sigh Yes like from the anime. He was definitely a... character. He was best known for taking on one hundred Angels at once.]

"Let me guess. He was called 'One Hundred Angel-Slayer Bulat'."



[Figures. Anyway he was truly a strong human taking out Angels with different numbers of wings in the matter of an hour.]

"So why was he fighting them?"

[Well it was still around the time after the Faction War had ended so the Angels were still upset about what I did to their God.]

"So they went after him since they wanted to take you out?"

[Pretty much.]

"Did any of them turn into Fallen?"

[Not that I could remember.]

"Wouldn't something like revenge make them turn?"

[I don't know, all this magic shit makes no sense to me.]

"Sounds about right. So who's the other person."

[Well he was kinda like you.]

"You mean he was awesome, handsome, and an all-around great guy?"

[More like idiotic, headstrong, and is too scared to get a girlfriend.]

"I'm only six."

[Doesn't change a thing.]

"You know what... what is his name?"

[His name was... Tatsumi.]

"...Like from the ani-"



Third POV...


Raynare wasn't sure what to think at the moment.

For one she was relieved that Ryoto was completely fine despite being launched into some trees and he didn't even flinch at the light spear that hit him. Then she was kinda worried about the two points but also the aura around him.

It was like she was standing in front of a beast.

And it wasn't even directed at her, 'Thank goodness I didn't try to kill him.'

Agores on the other hand was currently processing what just happened. A human who he launched into the forest only a moment ago just shrugged of his attack that he put even more power into. He couldn't believe what was going on. Though he did process what he called him.

Canon Fodder.

The male Fallen scowled harshly, "How?"

Ryoto gave him a lazy smirk, "How what? Don't be vague like a girlfriend mad at their boyfriend and be straight forward."

"How the hell did you not die?" Agores scowl deepened.

Ryoto rolled his shoulder a bit before answering, "Nanomachines, son!"

Agores was a bit taken back by the answer, "...What?"

"I'm just fucking with you." The brunette cracked his neck, "Though I don't feel inclined to since you've been insulting my good friend Yuuma."

"Yuuma?" Agores quirked an eyebrow at the name before looking at Raynare, "Oh so that's the name you chose? What a shitty name for a shitty woma-"

"Hey don't go into another rant."



Before he even knew it Agores was staring at the sky. He felt his back against something cold and rough his vision started to blur in and out. Then...

...the pain settled in.


Raynare stared in shock at the scene going on. Ryoto had appeared at a speed she couldn't keep up with in front of Agores and knocked the Fallen to the ground with a punch that looked like it hurt. The pain was obviously excruciating from how much Agores was writhing on the ground screaming in pain. While she was happy the asshole was getting what he deserved she couldn't help but feel kinda scared if Ryoto at the moment.

Ryoto crouched down and stared at the man with apathy, "Quit being a drama queen that wasn't even a love tap."


Ryoto blinked a but and moved in closer, "Eh? Speak up will ya."

"How...DARE YOU CAUSE ME, SOMEONE SUPERIOR TO YOU, SO MUCH PAIN!?" The now furious Fallen screamed angrily showing his bloody broken nose, "I'LL KILL YOU!" He summoned several light spears and threw them at the boy...


...Or so he thought.


Right as the light spears were summoned they shattered just as fast as they appeared shocking both Fallens.

"Do you think summoning more will make a difference?" Ryoto sounded bored when he asked, "Don't answer it was rhetorical." The blue-eyed teen stood up, "So how superior are you feeling right now?"


"That question wasn't rhetorical."

"W-what are you?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm human." Ryoto walked closer to Agores making said male instinctively back up, "Though I guess you can say..." Agores' back was now against the fountain when Ryoto went up to his ear and whispered, "I'm a bit more than that." Leaning back Ryoto stared into Agores eyes actually instilling fear into the Fallen.

"What are you going to do with me?" Sweat poured down the Fallens brow.

"Well I was gonna keep you around for questioning buuuuuut you decided to tell your whole plan like some dumbass villain." Ryoto mockingly posed, "'BOreD enOuGH To StArt a wAr' Seriously man? At least I already know that there are others here."

Raynare stayed quiet during the interaction becoming slightly unnerved by Ryoto's behavior. The whole feel around him seemed to change from his usual playful manner to a non-serious yet still dangerous feel.

"Man being serious is still weird as hell!"


"So before I continue." Ryoto reeled his leg back-


-before kicking the downed Fallen promptly knocking him out, "He should be out for a couple of minutes." His attention then turned to Raynare, "I guess we should probably set some things straight."

Raynare stares at him before realizing what he meant. Looking a bit nervous she nodded in agreement, "Right, I guess I'll go first." She composed herself, "My true name is Raynare, I was sent on a mission to observe you, but decided to take matters in my own hand and... take you o-out."

"I know."

"I would understand if you ha-" She paused before processing what the boy said, "Wait what?"

Ryoto shrugged, "I knew about everything, except your name 'That's a lie'."

Raynare blinked a couple of times before glancing at the downed male Fallen, "I guess that with everything that's happened in the past five minutes I shouldn't be surprised. Wait, if you knew then why didn't you confront me about it?"

Ryoto shrugged again, "I wanted to take it all at your pace and I didn't really want to rush into anything screwing it up."

"Then how did you know about my mission?"

"Ray- is it okay if I call you Ray?" His answer was a nod, "Ray the first time we met you were releasing so much killing intent that I would have to be an idiot not to notice." That brought up another thought, 'Guess that explains why Issei didn't notice in the canon.'

"O-oh." Raynare had the decency to blush, "I guess that makes sense, I think?"

"Anyway, I guess I should go." Ryoto pointed to himself, "The names Ryoto Gurin. Kickass nerd and holder of one of the legendary Longinus."

"L-LONGINUS!?" Raynare's jaw dropped, "You have a Longinus!? Prove it to me!"

Ryoto simply pointed to the knocked out Fallen.

"That doesn't prove you have a Longinus it just proves you're strong as hell!"

"Meh details details." The brunette waved off the yelling, "Look I can't just show you my Longinus cause you asked. Hell, I haven't even shown Gremory-"


'...Ah shit.'

"You're not talking about the redhead Devil that goes to Kuoh Academy right?" Raynare took a step closer, "Right!?"

"Heheheeeeeeee." Ryoto looked away nervously.

Raynare rubbed her temples, "Ryo, how the hell did you manage to hang out with Devils without me noticing?"

"...You never asked."

The ravenette facepalmed, "God you are lucky that I like you." She took a couple of breaths, "Okay, I have no right to get mad since I was going to originally kill you, is there anything else you want to say?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay now..." Raynare looked over to the still knocked out Agores, "What are we gonna do about him?"

"I mean we could see if we can find out where their base of operations is," Ryoto suggested.

Raynare quirked an eyebrow, "Why would they have a base of operations?"

"They're villains Ray, of course, they have a base of operations. Probably a basement too."

"What makes you so sure?" Raynare placed her hand on her hip.

Ryoto walked over to Agores and put him over his shoulder, "Well when you go through all the shit I go through ya kinda figure out that most guys that have an evil plan aren't very original."

"How many times did you go through these types of people then?"

"About twenty."

"Of course you have." Raynare sighed out, "Let's bring him to the church and get him tied up."

"You have rope in the church?"

"Well, it's actually my friend's rope. You might want to wash your hand after using it though."

"...What the fu-"


"Hold on a minute." Ryoto picked up his phone and held it to his ear, "Hello?"

"R-Ryoto... Asia-Fallen- Six wings" It was Issei and from the sound of it, he was struggling to catch his breath.

"Slow down Issei, breath." Ryoto heard a few deep breaths on the line, "Now tell me what happened?"

"Asia was taken by some Fallen Angel with six wings!"



With Issei and Asia a few minutes ago...


"..and that's how I ended up in Kuoh."

After a day of hanging out, Issei and Asia decided to go to one of the water monuments and take a rest. They sat they talked about themselves and Asia ended up telling the brunette her life story.

When she was a baby Asia was left at the doorstep of a church. They took her in and taught her everything about God and the Bible. Her life changed completely when she healed an injured puppy with her Sacred Gear, [Twilight Healing]. She was then revered as the Holy Maiden that performed miracles of healing to all in need.

Then her life took a turn for the worse.

She found a Devil injured and being the good Samaritan she is Asia healed him. Unfortunately, she was caught by someone and was immediately ostracized by the church being labeled as a witch and excommunicated. When she found herself completely lost of hope a Fallen Angel came to her and offered her another chance.

Issei grimaced at the story, 'And she still somehow is so pure.'

"Even though I'm still sad that I was left by the church I'm actually happy that it happened." A sad smile graced her features, "I was able to come here and meet so many wonderful people. Miss Raynare, Miss Kalawarner, and Miss Mittelt are nice to me and made sure I was well, Mr. Freed is a strange individual-"

"Preaching to the choir."

"-But I had so much fun playing games with him, Mister Donasheek keeps to himself but I can tell he's looking out for me, Miss Rias and her Peerage are are really nice even though they're Devils." Asia stopped herself and realized what she said, "O-oh I'm sorry if I offended you."

Issei just waved off the apology, "It's cool no harm done."

"A-anyway, Mr. Ryoto seemed nice even though we didn't talk much, and finally you Issei." Her face turned red, "You helped me when I first came here and you even took me out. I'm so happy that we were able to do all these things since I never had the luxury of hanging out."

Issie tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

Asia's smile turned somber, " Even before I got excommunicated I was quite lonely. It had always been my dream to make a lot of friends so when I started meeting everyone and they treated me well I was filled with joy. I don't know if they want to truly be my friends though..."

"Don't be ridiculous." Issei scoffed at her last sentence, "Didn't you hear Ryoto? He said anyone who's a friend of mine is a friend to him that includes him, and if they don't want to be friends with you then they don't know what they're talking about!"

Asia's jaw dropped at the short speech before tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Issei started to panic, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yel-"

"It's not that."


Asia gave the Devil a bright smile, "It's the first time anyone said something so nice to me I wasn't prepared."

The brunette's eyes softened, "Asia..." He was about to say more until he felt his hairs stand on end. Thinking fast he grabbed the Nun and jumped away.


Where the two were standing was a large light spear lodged into the ground. It sparked with light energy a bit before dissipating into thin air.

"Interesting. Not many can dodge my light spears."

The two looked over to the water monument to see a Fallen Angel dressed red leather jacket, black pants, and grey boots. He had sleek black hair, pale skin, and piercing grey eye. The thing about him that made the two teens shudder was the number of wings he had.


"Hey Asia, this wouldn't happen to be one of the Fallen guys that were with you would it?" Issei asked with sweat dripping down his brow.

Asia shakily shook her head, "N-no, I never seen him in my life."

The Fallen looked at the two with an unreadable expression, "You got spunk Devil. Tell me your name."

Issei summoned his [Twice Critical] and got into a fighting stance, "You know around here it's rude to not introduce yourself first."

The Fallen's eyes widen a little, 'A Sacred Gear user. It's obviously [Twice Critical] but the design is strange.'"Very well, my name is Tabris, one Lord Kokabiel's right hands."

Asia looked shocked at the name, "Kokabiel..."

Issei growled, "Well the name Issei, [Pawn] of Gremory, Student of Ryoto and kicker of your ass!"


'It could use some work.'

"Oh, you're of the house of Gremory? That makes this easier." In a flash, Tabris was in front of the two-


-and backhanded Issei into a bench.

"GAH!" The brunette coughed up spit from the impact.

"ISSEI!" Asia tried to run towards the downed Devil but was grabbed by the Fallen, "Let me go!" She thrashed to get out of his grip, but it did not affect his grip.

"Listen carefully [Pawn], tell your master to come by the abandoned apartment building at the top of the hill. If she is not there before midnight then we will raze this town to the ground." Tabris' eyes were cold as he finished his declaration.

Issei slightly recovered from the hit and stood up, "Y-you bastard." The gem on the Sacred Gear flashed a bright green, "Let go of Asia!"

'Interesting.' Tabris took note of that, "You just keep impressing me boy. I did put a bit of force where any low-class Devil would be knocked out. You said you're the student of this 'Ryoto'..." Tabris' expression slowly turned sinister, "I wonder how strong he is."

Issei gritted his teeth and glared at the Fallen, "Hell yeah he's strong! He would wipe the floor with you punk ass!"

"Then tell him to come as well, I wouldn't want any potential threats walking about." The Fallen turned his back to the Devil before giving him a smirk, "The clock is ticking Devil, get to it." And with that, he flew off.



"I couldn't do jack shit!"

After Issei finished his recap Ryoto sighed, "It's fine Issei we'll figure this out."

Raynare, who was listening in, spoke up, "If this is Tabris we're talking about then we are in deeper than I thought."

Ryoto glanced over at the ravenette, "You know about this guy?"

Raynare nodded, "He's one of Kokabiel's top guys. He's a battle maniac like his Kokabiel but not to the insane degree. Agores may have been strong but Tabris is an example of how even having one more pair of wings can make a big difference."

"So you're saying he's strong?"

Raynare nodded again, "Yes he's one of the strongest six-winged Fallen of his generation, even fought a bit in the Great War."

Ryoto smirked at the information, "Well then I guess we have our work cut out for us."

"Wait, Ryoto? Who is that?"

"Issei, go ahead and tell Rias the situation and tell her to meet up at the abandoned church on the hill," Ryoto ordered his fellow brunette ignoring the question.

"Hey don't ignore the questi-"*Beepbeepbeepbe-*

Ryoto hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.

Raynare deadpanned at the brunette, "Did you just send Devils to meet at the church?"

Ryoto nodded, "Yup."

"Why?" Raynare couldn't help but ask.

"I mean aren't your friends there?"

"Yes, but didn't you think that sensing a group of Devils at their doorstep won't set them off?"


[Pfft. Fucking dumbass.]

'Go back to being quiet.'


"Oh joy."

The two, plus an unconscious Fallen, just got here in time to see both Fallen and Devils glaring each other down.

"What are you Devils doing here?" Kalawarner growled, "Intruding on us like this is dangerous Gremory."

Rias glared at the elder Fallen, "Well I was told that my [Pawn] was attacked by a Fallen, and look who we have here."

Mittelt growled at the obvious accusation, "We didn't even mess with you Devils this whole time so just piss off!"

Dohnasheek took an aggressive stance, "I would listen to my subordinates. Back away and we won't start anything."

"My, my you lot are aggressive." Akeno licked her lips and stared sadistically at the three, "I wonder if I'll be able to see that aggression turned into despair~"

"Okay and that's when I'm gonna step in."

Both parties looked over to see Ryoto and Raynare walking over to them.

Rias smirked, "Good thing you're here Ryo. We need help taking out this- is that a Fallen?"

"Raynare, what are you doing?" Kalwarner asked her younger Fallen.

Before either could answer two more people ran up to the scene.

"Hah...hah...wish I could use fucking magic circles."

"You...would be...still useless."

The two newcomers were Issei and Freed.

"Oh hey, guys." Ryoto greeted the two before looking at them confused, "It's rare to see you guys together, don't you hate each other's guts?"

""Still do.""

"Good to know."

Rias decided to get things back on track, "Can someone please tell me what's going on!?"

"I guess we should get onto that." The [Evolving Gear] user then picked the Fallen off of his shoulder and slammed him onto the ground making him groan.

"Is that Agores!?" Dohnasheek stared baffled along with his other companions, sans Raynare.

Ryoto ignored the outburst and decided to talk, "Well I guess we should get to the gist of things."


"So we have about four hours before this Fallen Angel razes Kuoh to the ground."


After explaining everything Ryoto waited for their reactions.

"While I don't mind going after Tabris..." Rias trailed off as she turned her gaze towards the four Fallen and stray exorcist, "I do not feel safe working with them."

Raynare scoffed at that, "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

Rias looked Raynare in the eye, "What's stopping you from joining with the rest of your kind."

"Oh, now we're getting racist."

Raynare glared at the heiress, "Listen Gremory, I don't like the fact of teaming up with you, hell I wouldn't even be doing this if Ryo wasn't your friend, but I know the severity of the situation to set aside this petty racism to help."

Rias stared at Raynare before sighing, "Fine I guess we should set things aside and worry about the bigger picture. Though..." She flared her aura a bit, "I won't hesitate to erase you if you even think about double-crossing me."

Light magic sparked around Raynare momentarily, "Same to you."

Ryoto sighed in relief, "Good thing you guys are being cooperative, or else I would have to take drastic measures."

The two raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

"How you two are both shota-"


He then found his mouth covered by two red-faced girls.

Kiba chuckled at the scene before looking over to Akeno. It was obvious that she was straining her usual smile, "Are you okay Akeno?"

The [Queen] looked at her fellow devil with her expression slightly soften, "My stance on Fallens still stands, but I can set that aside for now."

Kiba nodded before looking at Koneko, who was glaring at Raynare, "What about you Koneko?"

Koneko never took her eyes away from the female Fallen, "...She's too close..."

Issei deadpanned at the sight before him, "Hey shouldn't we go ahead and find Asia?"

Kalawarner nodded, "Your [Pawn] is right Gremory. You should cut the flirting."


"Don't put your hands on my mouth."

"This is stupid." Dohnasheek deadpanned.

"Yup." Issei immediately agreed, "Wait. Didn't you try to kill me?"

"Meh, probably."

"You were chasing me through the park."

"Do you know how much that narrows it down?"



Everyone turned their attention to Freed.

The exorcist pointed in the sky, "That Anal guy is gone." Everyone looked to where Agores body used to be and then to where Freed was pointing to see the said Fallen booking it to the hill.

Ryoto sheepishly scratched his cheek, "Ah shit that's my b."

Kiba unfurled his wings, "I can try and get to him."

Ryoto quickly cut him off, "No need." He walked forward and picked up a rock. He threw it up a couple of times before getting in a pitching position. He reeled his hand back and-


-threw the rock at blinding speeds. In a matter of seconds the rock caught up to Agores and in a blink, he immediately plummeted to the ground.

Everyone's jaws dropped at the display of strength as they all looked at Ryoto, who continued to stare at where the Fallen formally was.

"...Ah shit I think I killed him."


At the abandoned apartment...


Several Fallen and stray exorcists were guarding the outside of the building our band of misfits was hiding behind the trees and bushes.

Ryoto looked near the top of the building, which consisted of seven floors, and looked back to the group, "Okay, I feel a large energy source at the top floor. That might be where this Tabris guy is."

Issei looked up and glared at the building, "That must be where the bastard has Asia."

Kiba stepped up a bit, "Look I don't want to be that guy-"

"Too late fuck boy."

"-but we never ended up discussing a plan." He finished before glaring at Freed, "Also for an exorcist, you sure do have a dirty mouth."

Freed scoffed, "Piss off twink."

Rias cut in, "Let's not get off-topic. We should discuss a plan before going in guns blazing."

"I already have a plan."

Everyone turned their attention to Ryoto.

Akeno blinked surprised, "You... have a plan?"

"Why are you all looking at me like I shouldn't have?"

Raynare stared blankly at the teen, "It's not that. Why didn't you discuss it with any of us?"

"I'm about to discuss it right now."




"Hey Raynare?" Mittelt poked the older Fallen's side, "Can I stab your boyfriend?"

"Be my guest-he's not my boyfriend."

"Do you guys wanna know to plan or not?"





Currently, Issei, Ryoto, Kiba, Freed, Raynare, and Rias were running through the apartment complex taking out stray exorcists and Fallen on the way.

Ryoto's plan was a simple one really. Kalawarner, Akeno, Dohnasheek, Mittelt, and Koneko distract the guards and bring attention to them while the rest go into the building.

What Ryoto didn't really account for was that there was still a bunch of enemies inside the building. He didn't really mind though. You know why?

He proceeded to kick an exorcist out of the window, "FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY!"

Issei dodged a light bullet before looking baffled at his fellow brunette, "THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!"

"I don't see a problem!" Freed shot several people, "I'm having the time of my life!" He giggled maniacally.

Kiba blankly looked at the crazed exorcist after he cut down Fallen, "I don't feel safe around you."

Freed's eyes gleamed devilishly, "Good."

Rias and Raynare looked at the scene with mild amusement, "This is the most chaotic Sunday I have ever dealt with."

Raynare shook her head in agreement, "Ditto." She threw a light spear at an exorcist before looking at the Devil suspiciously, "So... can I ask what your relationship with Ryo is?"

Rias looked a bit surprised at the question but didn't falter, "If you're worried about me taking him from you then don't worry about it. He's attractive but I don't think me and him will go well together." She didn't entirely shoot down that idea though.

Raynare sighed out in relief but tried to play it off, "Oh, well I was just wondering if you guys were friends not if you liked him."

"Are they really having this conversation?"

"Come on President, you're better than that."

"Dammit, Ryoto. You king."

"Fucking high school bullshit."

The two females decided to ignore the comments.

They finally made it to the stairs and ran up the flight.

Ryoto was the first to burst onto the seventh floor, "Asia we're here to rescue you!"




"Huh it's pretty quiet." He walked further up the hall before motioned for the rest to follow.

Issei looked around with [Twice Critical] on the ready, "Where the hell are these guys."

Kiba summoned his [Holy-Eraser], "We'll need to take this nice and stea-"




Everyone looked over to where Freed had shot at to see a blonde woman with red eyes, pale skin, and dressed in a nun outfit.

Freed sneered at the woman, "Not that slutty Nun."

The woman glared at the exorcist hatefully, "Fuck you too Freed."

Ryoto stepped up, "Woah, woah, woah. Imma need some context."

"She's a bitch that's all you need to know." Freed offhandedly remarked. He tried to hurry and leave-


A light sword embedded in front of him.

Freed looked at the sword then at the one who threw it,"...You missed."

She growled and pulled out a light gun, "I was just stopping you from going any further. I can't let any of you through."

"Well, it's too late for that." Kiba walked next to Freed with his sword still drawn, "They're already on the roof." He pointed back to the hole in the ceiling.

The Nun looked shocked and pissed, "Are you fucking kidding me!? I wasn't even talking for that long!?"

"Why didn't you fuck off with everyone else fuck boy?"

Kiba just gave Freed his classic pretty boy smile, "Oh trust me. I would leave you to rot, but we're in this together so I decided to help out."

"Well fuck-thank you." Freed bought out his light sword pointed it at the Nun, " Let's take this whore down."

"I have a name you know." The woman's eyes gleamed hatefully.

Freed smirked, "Yeah I just didn't think it was important enough to remember."

Several tic marks grew on the woman's head, "YOU FUCKER!" She lunged at the two with murderous intent.


On the roof...


"Hello there."

Getting on the roof Ryoto, Issei, Rias, and Raynare all were on the roof of the building looking forward at the three individuals looking at them.

Tabris stared at the group stoically, Agores was glaring hatefully at the group, more specifically Ryoto, and the final person there was-

"Asia!" Issei looked relieved at the fact that Asia was unharmed and just tied up.

She smiled brightly at the brunette, "Issei!"

"Welcome!" Tabris' voiced boomed over the area, "I've been expecting you all."

"Yeah, no shit." Ryoto smirked at the Fallen, "If you didn't guess we kinda already guessed that."

Tabris looked mildly surprised before going back to his stoic demeanor, "You wouldn't happen to be Ryoto would you?"

Ryoto answered in a snarky tone, "Congrats on getting it right, you want a cookie?"

"To think that not only you would be the one to train the Devil over there, but also to be able to take down Agores in a matter of seconds." The mentioned Fallen flinched at the mention of his failure, "And yet you are human."

"Well, what can I say. I'm awesome. Though I can go on about that I'm gonna need little Asia over there." He pointed to the nun.

Agores stepped forward "Tabris, let me take this piece of shit out. I must redeem myse-"

"No." Tabris cut of the Fallen, "I wish to fight this human. You will take care of the rest of them."

Agores looked at his companion in disbelief, "But Tabris, he only caught me off guard I won't make the same mis-"

"Agores." Tabris' hollow grey eyes pierced into the two-winged Fallen's being, "Take care of them as I asked."

A cold sweat went down Agores' back as he set his head down and nodded, "Y-yes."

"HA! Whipped!"

Tabris brought his attention back to the group, "Your fight is with me human. If you win we will give you your nun."

"OR!" Issei stepped forward with his [Twice Critical] on display, "You could give us back Asia and we won't beat you in a bloody pulp."

Raynare summoned a light spear, "I think I like that plan much better."

Rias was the last to step forward, "To think you would waltz into my territory and try to start a war. I'll destroy you where you stand." She flared her aura as she glared at him.

Tabris scoffed, "Please, you lot are the last to make any demands. If you couldn't tell-" He motioned to the tied up nun, "-we currently have a hostage so you better tread lightl-"



Tabris was cut off by a punch from our favorite brunette protagonist launching him into the forest.

Ryoto smirked at his handy work with giddy enthusiasm, "That's what I'm talking about." He looked over to his group of friends who were still shocked, "You guys get Asia while I take care of things one over here." The brunette ordered before jumping into the forest after Fallen.

Agores, who had snapped out of his stupor quickly tried to intercept Ryoto, "No you don't!" He summoned a light spear and threw it at him.



The spear was however intercepted by some POD instantly disintegrating it. Then a light spear flew straight at Agores who narrowly dodged it. He looked at the direction the two attacks came from to see Raynare and Rias flaring their auras.

Rias looked over to her [Pawn], "Issei get Asia and run for it."

Issei didn't waste any time, "Yes ma'am!"


"Promotion [Knight]!"

His body gained a red glow and his speed increased making him a blur. Issei quickly grabbed Asia, ran to the hole, and jumped down in a swift motion.

Agores looked at where the nun formerly was and to the hole, "Did... I just really let that happen."

Raynare and Ria sweatdropped at the male Fallen, "Yeah you kind of just stood there."

Rias smirked, "Maybe that rock hit you harder than expected."

Agores grew several tic marks before summoning a light spear, "You know what... shut up and fight."



Down near the entrance of the building things were quite...



... as you would expect it.

Dohnasheek glared at the [Queen], "What the hell is wrong with you!? That nearly hit me!"

Akeno smiled smugly at the Fallen, "Oops~ sorry you all just look so much alike I couldn't tell."

Then a voice cut in. One that they didn't expect.

"...That's racist!"

Kalawarner, Akeno, Mittelt, Koneko, and Dohnasheek looked in the direction where the voice.

Koneko kept her neutral expression for the most part before raising her eyebrows, "Ryo has some lungs."

Mittelt's reaction was more expressive, "He heard us all the way over there!?"

"Don't question it."

Kalawarner threw a light spear through a priest before replying with a smirk, "What a strange boy. No wonder Ray is interested."







Freed and Kiba were striking blades with the woman who was keeping up with the two albeit looked to be a bit strained. She managed to dodge three-light bullets to the head before jumping away from the two.

Freed smirked at the blonde, "Damn you're good bitch."

The woman glared at the priest, "Hate to say it but so are you." She twirled the sword and looked at Kiba, "You too twink."

Kiba gave the woman a fake pout, "No need for names." He then looked to Freed, "You seem to have history, mind telling me anything that can help."

Freed scratched his chin in a thinking pose, "Well other than she's a bitch-"

"Piss off cuck."

"-nothing that comes to mind."

Kiba scowled at the lack of information, "Okay so we're going to have to improvise?"

The woman glared at the two, "Are you guys seriously talking in the middle of our fight?"

Freed shrugged, "Well I would give you my attention if you were relevant."

Not even giving Freed an answer she ran straight at the two once more with killing intent. Swing the light sword at Kiba who jumped back and blurred around the girl and went to swing his [Holy-Eraser]. It was blocked by the light sword but sucked up the holy energy.

The woman looked back at her sword as it became a regular sword, "Well that's a pain." Suddenly something cold pressed against her temple.

"Better scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelet!"


A loud gunshot rang throughout the halls as the woman's head flung back before it flung back up bashing Freed in the face making him falter a bit.

"Fucking whore!" He grabbed his face angrily. Before he could do anything else, a foot firmly lodged itself into his abdomen sending him back.

"Oh no Freed." Kiba blandly called out before dodging a swipe from another light sword the woman pulled from her veil. Kiba jumped a good distance and ran straight to Freed, who pried himself from the wall., "So any ideas."

Freed leaned closer to the teen after sneezing out some blood from his nose, "Okay listen, since you're faster than me and her you fight her head-on while I back you up with my guns. Also if you have anything that can distract her use it."

Kiba blinked in surprise and looked at Freed with genuine shock, "You... actually sounded normal there."

Freed growled and pulled out his pistols, "Just shut up and fight you twink!"

"There it is."

Kiba zoomed towards the nun with his [Holy-Eraser] and his [Flame Sword].

The woman narrowed her eyes, 'He's coming at me head-on. What's his game?'

Just as Kiba was close enough the nun swung her sword at the Devil's shoulder.


Only for a wall of fire to appear in front of her courtesy of the [Flame Sword].

"The hell?" She quickly swung her sword cutting through the flames and weakening them from the swing of her blade. Looking past the now weakened fire the nun no longer saw Kiba.


Instead, she saw two light bullets heading straight for her.

"SHIT!" Trying to dodge the bullets the woman jumped to the right only dodging one while the other pierced her left shoulder, "Fuck." She dropped the sword that didn't have light energy and jumped away from the two.

"You know I think that head but made remember something about you." The nun looked to see Freed walking towards her slowly with his red eyes seemingly glowing, "You were always shitty at fighting against people that can outmaneuver you. Isn't that right..." He stopped a distance away and twirled his guns with a smirk that promised pain, "... Elizabeth?"

The now named Elizabeth glared at Freed and gripped the handle of her sword, "You make it sound like I would let you do it again."

Freed pointed his guns at the nun and smiled, "Oi fuck boy! Change up your tactics with each attack and I'll follow through, got it?"

Kiba smirked as he got into a running position, "Well I can't disagree with that."

The three stood at a standstill for a minute staying quiet.







On the rooftop, Raynare and Rias were working with surprisingly good chemistry.

"Gremory watch your left!" Raynare quickly warned throwing a light spear to counter the one thrown towards the Devil.

"I appreciate that Raynare." Rias quickly thanked her before sending some POD at Agores who dodged the attack.

As Agores flew around the air he noticed something really irritating.


Usually, he wouldn't be having this much trouble with being such as these two yet here he was. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult to get rid of these two. Unless...

'That damn human did something to me!'

He didn't know what happened or when it happened, but he knew something happened to him.

"That damn human." Veins grew on Agores' head as he summoned several light spears, "FUCKING DIE!" He swung his arm out commanding the spears towards the two girls.

Rias waved her hand causing a wall of Destruction to appear blocking the spears. Raynare followed up by throwing several light spears at the two-winged Fallen sending him on the defensive. He was maneuvering around the spears but one appeared beside him-


-and blew up.

"Gah" Agores yelled in surprise and slight pain faltering a bit.

Rias and Raynare regrouped with each other and looked as Agores caught himself.

"Is it me or is he not as strong as I was thinking?" Rias pointed out.

Raynare nodded, "Yeah he looks like he slowed down since the last time I saw him."

The [King] nodded, "That may be but let's not let him regain his senses."

"I like the sound of that plan."

Agores leveled himself in the air and glared at the two females, "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my body, but I will still rip you all limb from limb."

Rias smirked at the threat, "Hm that's cute."

"I think it's more along the lines of pathetic." Raynare scoffed sadistically.

Agores growled at how lax they were with his threat.


His eyes wandered to the forest where Ryoto had hit Tabris into. He saw several dust clouds erupt from the woods as branches, dirt, and sticks flew into the air.

'I need to end this so I can take out that damn human.'

He then looked towards the hole where Issei ran with Asia and smirked sinisterly.

'They're fools though if they didn't think we haven't come up with a backup plan. If we can't have the nun's Sacred Gear...'

He summoned several light spears aiming them at the girls.

'...then nobody will.'





In the forest, two beings were fighting at speeds any regular being would be incomprehensible.

Ryoto and Tabris ran through the forest clashing with each other as they weaved through the trees kicking up clouds of dust and dirt. Running at speeds he hasn't run in a while, Ryoto grinned as he looked at Tabris who had an equally as wild grin. The two skidded at the same time before lunging at one another once more. Tabris reeled his fist back embedding it with light energy while Ryoto reeled his foot back for a kick getting it to glow lightly with a strange gray aura. Both started to close the distance between one another before throwing their attacks and connecting them clashing once again.


The wind picked up with this clash bending the trees away from them. Once it ended Tabris and Ryoto jumped a good distance away from each other smirking.

"Not bad human, you are the first in a while to give me a good fight!" Tabris' smiled as his eyes had a wild glint.

Ryoto rolled his shoulder as he kept his grin, "Yeah, you've been pretty good of a fight too."


'Yo Incursio, what's up?'

[I feel some magic coming from his right hand. It's connecting to something in the building.]

'I'll make sure to keep that in mind.'

"So I couldn't help but notice that you're stronger than the other guy." Ryoto pointed out

Tabris scoffed at the information, "If you couldn't tell there's a difference between wings. Though I could tell that Agores can't use his full power for some strange reason." He stared at the brunette suspiciously.

Ryoto shrugged innocently, "Well I guess I did screw around with his senses when I kicked his ear in."

"So you somehow were able to rattle his senses just by kicking his ear." Tabris put his hand on his chin concluding what happened to his subordinate, "I guess I should take you seriously if you can something do like that." He flexed his six wings as light energy started to surround him.

Ryoto got into a fighting stance as his eyes flashed red, "Oh really? Then I guess I can kick your ass a bit faster." He then jumped up in the air and spun around before landing and stomping his foot onto the ground. Suddenly the wind picked up around him swirling around mystically, "I'll be borrowing a move from a cool dude." He dragged his foot back reeling back for a kick.

"Jin Mori Original:..."

Tabris saw the incoming attack and got on guard.

Ryoto's face became serious as he jumped in the air getting ready to let loose his special attack.

"...Blue Dragon Ki-Nah I'm just fucking with you."

Right in the middle of him announcing his attack he maneuvered his body midair and let loose a kick that made a gust of air fly towards the male Fallen.

Tabris jumped away dodging the incoming attack.



Tabris looked at the destruction of the attack and saw several trees broken down to the stump and somewhere uprooted.

Tabris quickly commented, "Impressive." Before flying straight for Ryoto with a spear in hand ready to stab the boy. Ryoto saw this and quickly sidestepped the attack and punched the Fallen in the face. Thinking fast Tabris twisted his body and kicked the teen in the face sending him back slightly. Ryoto caught himself and while Tabris did the same and the two ran at each other again. Both reeled their fist back and thrust them at each other-


-hitting one another in the face before flying back in opposite directions.

Both quickly landed on their feet both having a grin on their face.

''This guy!''

They ran at each other once more.

''This guy is amazing!''


"Huff Huff."

Back on the top floor Kiba and Freed glared at Elizabeth while she did the same. Freed had a few cuts from the swords on his sides while Kiba seemed more exhausted from moving around repeatedly. Elizbeth however had several cuts and some bullet wounds on her body though she seemed to be able to keep herself up still. Though...

"Fuck it."

..She gave up.

The two males blinked momentarily before Freed asked, "You fucking with us?"

Elizabeth scowled before she put her swords away, "Hell no dipshit, I know when I'm done." She pulled out a small pellet and gave the two one last glare, "Don't think this is the last time you see me though. I'll be back." She then focused her eyes on Kiba softening her gaze, "I guess now I know you're still alive Isiah."

When she said the name something in Kiba snapped before he lashed out at the woman, "What did you say!?"

Not saying anything else Elizabeth threw the pellet down and a bright light shone in the room blinding the exorcist and the [Knight].

"What the hell!?"

"OW, that's my fucking thing!"

By the time the light died down and the two males regained their eyesight both saw that Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen.

Freed scoffed at her retreat, "Man what a bitch." He spits on the ground in disgust, "Fucking killed my kill-boner." He then looked at Kiba who was frowning at the spot Elizabeth once was, "Oi pretty boy, the fuck was that abou-"

"Don't worry about it." Was his only answer as he coldly brushed past the priest.

Freed stared at the back of the teenage Devil with a blank expression before scowling, "What are you on your period too?" He grumpily asked before walking behind him.


Issei was carrying Asia bridal style while zooming through the hallways thanks to his promotion. He ran around the several exorcists that tried to cut him down. He quickly glanced at the sign on to the next stairway to see it read '3'.

"Asia we're almost out of here so keep your head down and hold on tight!" Issei yelled as he pushed his legs to the limit and zoomed down the stairs onto the second floor.

Asia nodded her head and pushed herself deeper into the Devil's chest light blushing at the closeness, "T-thank you Issei. I'm so happy you all came to save me."

Issei smirked at the nun, "Of course! We're friends after all."

Asia's eyes brightened when he spoke those words as she gave him a grand smile, "Right!"

Despite the moment, neither noticed a faint glow of a magic circle over Asia's chest."



Agores long had lost himself to anger when the two girls were becoming more of a problem than what he originally planned. Even though he did get a few hits in for some reason they only were doing damage to the clothes.

What was up with that?

Throwing volley after volley of light spears at the two wasn't really helping at all. Rias kept using her POD to destroy the spears before they can hit her while Raynare weaved in between the spears while blocking some with spears of her own.

Raynare flew down to Rias, "He's starting to attack like a cornered animal."

Rias started to gather more magic around her, "Well I guess he'll have to be put down."

Agores noticed how out of composure he was and calmed himself, "No, I won't give you the satisfaction of seeing me like this." His mouth slowly curved up into a smile, "After all this, you shall know that your rescue mission is in vain."

Both girls quirked an eyebrow at the statement with Rias questioning, "What do you mean Fallen?"

Agores' eyes darkened as he summoned another light spear, however, this one was more dense and compact with light energy.

"With or without [Twilight Healing] the girl will die."


Ryoto and Tabris stared each other down as they stood across the partially destroyed forest.

Several trees were ripped from the roots and many were cut down to the trunks. Holes riddled the ground while the soil was coarse and thankfully they scared the animals away before any of this happened.

"Heh, your pretty good for a human." Tabris complimented the brunette while wiping some blood from his lip.

Ryoto rolled his shoulder and replied, "Not too bad yourself."

Before Tabris could reply his eyes wandered back to the building and he looked quite troubled, "Dammit."

Ryoto noticed this and called him out, "Oi, you know it's not smart to look away from your opponent."

The Fallen looked back at Ryoto with a short nod, "You're right I apologize for that but..." He held out his hand and a white magic circle appeared on it, "I must take care of orders first."

Ryoto got on the defensive getting ready for whatever attack was coming.





Only for nothing to happen.

'Did... did he mess up or something?'

Nothing happened at all. No explosion, no light spear, no construction vehicle, nothing. If he knew better, and he did, that attack seemed like it wasn't supposed to even be for hi-


'Someone's energy just took a nosedive.' Ryoto's eyes quickly glanced over to the building before looking back at Tabris who had a satisfied look on his face. When Ryoto finally pinpointed where the nose drive happened his eyes darkened as did his expression.

'He... he just killed-'



Issei was in a state of shock as he saw his newest friend bleeding out of the mouth. He didn't know what the hell happened it's just one moment they're at the home stretch and the next something glows on Asia's chest then she started to cough up blood.

"Asia don't worry I got you!" Issei started to run even faster only to be stopped by a large number of exorcists that now guarded the door. Issei jumped away from them and looked around for an escape.

'If I can get her to Akeno we can save her.'

Issei started to look frantic as the stray exorcist pulled out light guns and started shooting.




He dodged many of the bullets despite having to hold Asia while doing so. He looked around to see if any exit was open though this distraction cost him.




Issie looked down at his right leg and saw a hole in his leg. It burned badly especially since the light magic had affected him greatly.

"D-dammit!" Issei wasn't letting up though this time going on the offensive kicking away an exorcist with his good leg, "GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU ASSHOLES!" He tried to push through the line of dodging some bullets shot at him before getting shot in the shoulder.

"Shit!" Issei grunted as pain shot from his shoulder to the rest of his body making him falter. It didn't make him fall however as he gritted his teeth and pulled through. Glaring hatefully at the exorcist Issei stopped looking for an escape started to look for some cover to regain his bearings. Looking over to his right Issei looked at the corner where the door to the stairway was and quickly made a beeline there while dodging bullets. When he finally got to the stairway he placed Asia down and tried to figure out what was wrong with her.

"Okay you're obviously bleeding on the inside so I can't help much there."


"Okay, no worries I can help you just gotta try and use my devil powers right?"


"It shouldn't be too hard. I mean Rias said that our magic stems from imagination so I just have to think about healing you upright?"


"I can save you! I promised to protect all my friends! Why can't I do anything right! I told you I was going to be your friend yet I can't even heal you!"


"If only I was strong like Ryoto then I wouldn't be so useless-"


Issei stopped is rambling when he felt a hand try to hit him with a pitiful amount of force. He looked and saw Asia smiling at him weakly her skin pale as a ghost yet her eyes were still warm and bright.

"It's okay."

Issei looked shocked at the words that were uttered from her mouth, "It's not okay! You're dying and I can't even do anything about it!"

Asia shook her head and let her hand fall to her side, "It's okay Issei. Thanks to you I was able to achieve my dream." Her breathing started to slow down a bit, "You, Mister Ryoto, Miss Raynare, Miss Rias, and everyone else has been nice to me. I don't mind if my life led up to this I'm just happy that I was able to meet such great people."

Grabbing her hands Issei looked determined, "And I'll make sure that you have more friends with just as great people!"

Asia stared at him with a small smile, "Thank you Issei." Slowly but surely she closed her eyes and breathed her last breath.

Issei felt Asia's hands got cold and slump. He stared at the now-dead girl as tears slowly fell down his face.

'I... I couldn't save her...'

His mind slowly went blank as h thought back to her words. Despite that, she was dying she was smiling.

-[Do you wish for power?]-

Issei didn't even question that there was a voice that obviously wasn't his inner voice. He could only do one thing at this point.

He nodded.

-[Then embrace my power and remember who you are now and will be forever...]

His [Twice Critical] then shifted into something more covering his hand in red and becoming a red clawed gauntlet.

-[...the Welsh Dragon Emperor!]-

Issei stood up and turned towards the door and started walking. Not before giving Asia one last glance and walking out to where the exorcist was. His eyes were shadowed by his hair as he slowly got into a fighting stance. He picked his head up showing his eyes holding great fury and rage.

"Oi." He clenched his gauntlet as the gem glowed green.


"Vibe check."


Ryoto's eyes were covered by his hair as he gritted his teeth at what happened to Asia. The whole point of the mission was to save her from death yet the ending was still the same.

She died.

"It seems I wasted too much time in this fight." Tabris flapped his wings and flew straight up before stopping and keeping himself in place, "This fight was truly a wonder, but I must end it."

Ryoto stood tall with his eyes still shadowed, "Yeah..."

Suddenly hundreds of light spears filled the sky illuminating the area around them.

Tabris pointed all the light spears at the brunette, "As a thank you for this fight I will send you off with my strongest attack and make sure your name is remembered." The tips of the spears burned brightly as they shifted into position.


Rias and Raynare looked over to where all the light spears were seeing the sky being light up in an unnatural way.

Sweat dripped from the Gremory's brow, "All those light spears."

"T-that's the Falling Sun." Raynare looked shocked at the display of power.

"Right you are." Agores smirked as he looked at the two women with glee, "Tabris used that attack in the Great War gaining the name from how bright it lights up the sky like the sun. When those light spears hit the ground not only will that shit human be disintegrated but also the whole town!"

"WHAT!" Rias broke composure at the information. She knew that Ryoto was strong, stronger than her whole peerage, but to fight someone from the Great War. Even her nerves were getting worked up from the thought.

Yet somehow...

"No." Rias regained herself and looked Agores in the eyes, "Ryoto will stop this."

The Fallen male quirked an eyebrow that the heiress, "Hm, are you sure about that?"

Raynare nodded in agreement, "Actually yeah! If there's one thing that I learned from Ryo it's that he'll always be able to pull something out of his ass."

Rias snorted at the lack of mannerism, "I couldn't agree more."

Agores glared at them with how quickly they regained hope, "Tch I don't believe any of that bull shit! You and your stupid group will die!"


Akeno finished the last of the exorcist when she noticed that the strange light. Looking back she saw the large number of light spears hovering over the forest.

"He can't be serious right!?" Mittelt panicked at the sight of the attack.

Kalawarner looked just as troubled, "It seems he really is going all out."

Akeno looked at the two questionably, "Excuse me but can someone explain what's going on?"

Dohnasheek was the one who answered her, "That over there-" He motioned over to the hundreds of highly dangerous light spears, "-is one of the most dangerous in Tabris' arsenal."

"The Falling Sun." Kalawarner sweated just at the thought of the name, "It was said that he used this attack in the Great War and killed hundreds of Devils and Angels alike."

"And he's gonna use it here!" Mittelt screamed out, "He'll disintegrate the whole town!"


Suddenly without warning several exorcists flew out of the building all bloody and beating. Walking from the door they were flung out of was Issei whose eyes were darkened. The thing that had gotten their attention was the fact that [Twice Critical] was no longer on his left hand, but instead...

"That's [Boosted Gear]." Akeno mumbled surprise.

"Strong." Was Koneko's short response.

"Oh, great first Tabris trying to blow up the whole town and now the [Pawn] has a Longinus!" Mittelt groaned, "Wait... where's Asia?"

Issei looked Mittelt in the eye before looking down in shame. Everyone there understood the meaning of that.

Kalawarner scowled at the new information, "Damn... to such a sweet girl none the less."

Dohnasheek, however, was the only one that didn't have an outward change, "Look I know that this is bad news but we kind of have to find a way to stop the attack that will destroy the town."


Suddenly a strong wind rushed through the area and the light died down immediately after. Everyone looked at where the light formerly was and saw that every single spear that filled the night sky with holy light...

Were now gone.


Tabris was now in shock.

One moment he was about to unleash his devastating attack and the next every single light spear he conjured up was now destroyed, by one Ryoto Gurin.

Speaking of the human, he was now in front of him with a look of pure wrath. Yet in all, it wasn't the fact that his opponent was angry or how he stopped his attack. It was the boy's eyes that made him stare in shock.

Bright blue eyes were now crimson glowing retina with cross pupils.

Looking at eyes Tabris knew exactly who and what this boy was.

This boy was the first thing to show that his strongest attack, the Falling Sun, was not absolute. And in the same manner, as that beast, Ryoto destroyed the attack as if it was only a nuisance.

Tabris looked in fear as the giant dragon stared down at him.

It's terrifying red eyes glaring down at him, it's sharp jagged teeth glinting as blood from Devils, Angels, and Fallen alike, and large wings that spread across the sky covering the land with shadows.

Tabris trembled as the beast stared at his very being making him feel fears he never knew he had.

Slowly the monster opened its maw as if it was going to chomp down on the Fallen.

"Remember what I have done here Fallen." Its voice boomed across the land and shook Tabris' core. Without saying another word the dragon flapped its wings and flew off, leaving the six-winged Fallen to his own thoughts.

Being brought out of his thoughts Tabris felt pain rippled from his face. His eyes moved to the origin of said pain and saw a fist firmly lodged into the side of his face.



He went flying into the ground making a large dust cloud form around the area. As the dust settled Tabris was there laying on the ground in shock and pain as he stared at the night sky.


His eyes then wandered towards the sound of someone landing and saw Ryoto walking over with those same blood-red eyes.

Tabris gave the boy a dry chuckle, "Well then, I guess you're going to kill me?"

"Well gee what brought that idea?" Ryoto sarcastically asked.

Tabris grunted as he sat himself up, "No need for that, I know that I stood no chance the whole time." He pointed to himself, "While I'm riddled with wounds and bruises," He pointed to Ryoto, "You are completely unharmed." Ryoto looked at himself and seen that he was correct, "Seems I wasn't strong enough."

Ryoto slowly waked up to the Fallen and knelt, "Well I gotta give you credit where it's due. You were the first decent fight I had in a while." The brunette started to reel his hand back, "If things were different I could see us being friends."

Tabris smirked at the thought, "Maybe, but thing s aren't different." He relaxed as he waited for his untimely demise, 'So truly wonderful.' He stared Ryoto in the eye as he could still remember the maw of the beast, 'To think it would be you who kills me...'

'...The monster who took-'



Walking back Ryoto saw the scene of everyone standing in front of the building. They were all in a circle with Rias, Issei... and Asia in the middle.

"Hey guys." Ryoto made himself known to the group. They all looked to him with relief yet some were a bit melancholy.

"Sup bitch!"

Emphasize on the some.

Ryoto deadpanned at the crazed exorcist, "Good to see you're in a good mood Freed."

Freed snorted, "Nah, I just suck at expressing my emotions so I just do this shit."

"Ah, males since."

Issei looked at his fellow brunette with a bitter look, "Hey Ryoto." He lifted his left-hand showing the [Boosted Gear], "I ended up getting stronger, but not when it counted..." He looked down at Asia's body with sadness.

"You did what you could dude. If I took that Tabris guy more seriously I could've probably save Asia." The [Evolving Gear] user bowed apologetically, "I'm sorry about that."

Kiba walked up to the two and patted their shoulders, "You both did your best so don't beat yourselves up too much."

Raynare walked over to the other group of Fallen with a light scowl, "We need to contact Grigori, Agores ran away."

Kalawarner frowned at the information, "One problem after another. This will be a major issue." She walked off making a contact circle.

"...So..." Dohnasheek slowly turned and looked at Ryoto, "Do you really think that the human beat Tabris?"

Raynare shrugged, "Honestly I'm not even sure he's not exactly the most predictable." Her eyes wandered to Ryoto as he talked comforted Issei, "I didn't think much of it at first but I wonder what he really knows."

Mittelt nodded in agreement, "What do you think Lord Azazel will have us do with him?"

Raynare shrugged, "Knowing him one of us will have to stay to observe him."

"Hoping he chooses you hag?"

"Piss off brat."

"You can really do that!?"

A voice caught the Fallen's attention and looked to see a happy Issei looking into Rias' hand. What she held made them widen their eyes.

A [Bishop] piece.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Mittelt ran over to the group before they could continue, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

Rias looked at the blonde Fallen with mild surprise "I'm simply reviving Asia. What seems to be the problem?"

"The PROBLEM is that!" Mittelt pointed glaringly at the Devil, "It's one thing to resurrect her but she would be bound to you!"

Kiba narrowed his eyes at the girl, "What's that suppose to mean?"

Dohnasheek was the one to answer, "It wouldn't give her a choice. Why would a former nun want to become a Devil? What if she wanted to rest in peace? To suddenly pull out an Evil Piece and resurrect her wouldn't give her a choice."

"Then let's give her one." Everyone looked to Ryoto who's face was nothing but serious, "Resurrect her and we'll see if she minds being a Devil. If she doesn't then she can live her life happily in Kuoh and if not..." He trailed off and looked at everyone's face seeing that he knew what he was getting at, "If not then I will put her to rest."

Rias frowned at the ultimatum but understood why he offered it. Issei, however-

"Hell no!"

-was not as understanding.

He stood definitely in front of Rias and Asia with his [Boosted Gear] in all it's glory, "You can't just kill Asia again!"

Ryoto quirked an eyebrow at the shorter brunette, "Then do you want to do it?"

"NO!" Issei furiously shook his head, "We have a chance to bring Asia back and I can't just let her die again!"

"Issei." Akeno walked up to the boy and put her hand on his shoulder, "Right now this isn't something you can decide on. It's up to Asia."


"Stop being such a bitch." Freed almost immediately stopped him from talking, "What he's doing is a fucking mercy, what if you died and resurrected you without any respect for your decision?" The question made the boy look downtrodden, "I would rather not have another shitty Devil in the world but it's her decision."

Issei looked around him and saw all of them giving him knowing looks. Looking down he frowned deeply and nodded.

"Issei." Ryoto gave him a small smile, "Trust me on this one."

The brunette nodded again and looked at his master who smiled at the boy and hovered the [Bishop] piece over Asia's chest.

"Let us begin."


Ryoto POV: A Few Days Later...



"You're lying!"


On my computer, I stared at the Reddit Minecraft page with a huge smile on my face.

It's been a couple of days since the fight on the hill and as you could tell-

"Ise! Dinner is ready!"

"Ah, coming Asia."

-things were actually pretty good.

Turns out Asia was actually extremely happy to be brought back to life and in her own words 'As long as I'm with Issei I can be happy.' It was really cheesy but it had the boy with a bright red face. She's going to start school next week and has started living with Issei.

"Fucking whipped boy!"

"Piss off Freed! See ya Ryoto and tell Chad I said hey if he gets on."

"Sure thing bud."

Speaking of Chad he hasn't been on the game for a while. Literally the day after the fight he texted the Discord and told them he won't be on cause of work and family stuff. Weird.

"Ryo stop yelling so much."

Almost forgot that Raynare started living here. Apparently, Grigori needs someone to monitor me since I'm currently an unknown. Of course, I had to talk to my parents about her giving here but they didn't seem to mind especially when they were told that we would be paid a monthly sum.

There were a lot of zeros.

How is the supernatural so fucking rich!?

I took off my headphones and looked at Raynare who was in a white T and grey shorts, "Eh I can yell louder if you want."

Her eyebrows twitched, "Don't make me throw you out of the window."

"Not like you could."

She scowled a bit before her features softened and walked towards the bed then sat down, "Ryo, how did you do it?"

Huh? "Did what?"

"How did beat Agores so easily but not Tabris?"

... Ah fuck I forgot that I told them Tabris escaped so they wouldn't know how strong I was. Can't let them know that yet.

I got up from my computer chair and sat next to her, "W-well he called someone on his magic circle and flew away after calling off his attack." I scratched my cheek.

"I still don't entirely believe you though." Raynare gave me a suspicious glare before looking away, "Though with how you act I don't know what to believe." She looked less suspicious of me.

Pfft says the Fallen.

Wait, was that racist?

Shit that was racist!

"You just can't handle how awesome I am." I grinned and flipped one of my bangs majestically.

I could feel the deadpan stare boring holes in my face.

"You certainly have an ego." She sighed before giving me a smirk, "But that's kinda a part of your charm." I felt her lean on me- gah dammit my hormones are acting up.

"Y-yeah I'm pretty charming I guess." Damn, I felt my face burning up.

She just gave me a 'hm' and we sat there for a good while.






Sleep was one of the many things I loved a lot in life.

I loved to sleep so much that I once slept for about two days straight. Actually, that was a coma but it still counted.

I thought that I would have a simple night without anything happen.

"Hello, my love."

Not surprising that I was wrong.

"Hey Death." It's weird that I just casually saying hey to the embodiment of death.

She jumped on me and hugged me, "I missed you so much."

"It's only been a couple of weeks."

"For me, it was too long." She pushed her face into my chest, "I couldn't connect with you until I was able to get permission."

Permission? Why would she need permission?

"Even Gods need permission from one another to intrude into their domain." She replied almost immediately. Almost forgot she could read my mind.

"Sooo who did you need permission from anyway? Is it your boss or something?"

"Not quite."


Oh shit that voice was ominous as all hell.

I turned to my right and saw a strange sight.

There stood a red ethereal being, or if you like a more simple description a 'red fire man', with no distinct facial qualities besides the two white glowing eyes. He was wearing a suit of perfectly clean silver armor with a black cape that flowed in the wind despite there not being any.

Though there was one thing I neglected to mention about this guy.


It was like... he was on a whole different plane of existence.

Like an ant to a black hole type of plane.

"Calm down my love." A hand touched my cheek making my senses immediately calm down. I looked and saw Death smiling at me with a smug ass smile, "I would like to introduce you to Arslon, God of the Multiverse and my little brother."

I slowly looked at the God as he crossed his arms and gave me a curt nod.


... I finally processed what he said.




Is it possible to pass out when you're asleep, cause I think I just did.

OKAY! That's the last chapter I have available so yeah it might be a while till the next chapter to drop. Anyway, thanks for reading all you beautiful people and I hope each and every one of you stay safe!


ThrowingTheShadecreators' thoughts