
ch 6 Evaluation

The stats of mareep baby is ,


Pokémon : Mareep (Green)[ a common mareep have Yellow potential ]

Gender: Female

Level : 6

Attribute : Electric

Characteristic Trait: Static , Plus (hidden ability)

Holding items : Everstone

Hereditary Ability : None.

Basic Abilities: Growl , Tackle , Thunder Shock.

Inustructed Abilities :Iron Tail , Take Down , Charge

Ability Learner:

Note A:: It have a dragon type parent lineage enabling it to learn dragon type moves & extensions due to its dragon type bloodline

Note B:: Few Draconic type nature .....due to its unique breeding style it got large increase in its potential than other Mareep .....

Note :: Due to synergy between Note A & Note B ...it had its potential rise up by a whole rank due to increase in its dragon type nature & bloodline


From the time he got his mareep he didn't train it only breed it proper for few months for it proper growth & foundation like he is doing with the shaymins...

Also due to the fact mareeps evolves quickly with just little strict training made tan have this mareep wear everstone to stop evolutions till it fully utilizes its mareep stage ...

It's not like tan is saying from internet or books .....in thse few months he tried experimental breeding on other mareeps only all got evolved to faaffy quickly much to tan's annoyance ....

so being helpless he could just do what ryhdons of ryhorn herd do ...have them practice by themselves with some of tan's guidance & looking after the villa estate ...

on the other hand the pokemons of Lucy are always on Lucy....or near her ....

In recent days their night activities *cough* decreased due to her spending more in building her battle pike of battle frontier.....Battle Frontier and hoenn League are pretty much bulldozing her to work hard ....as she is pretty much one of the seeded trainer of hoenn league.....As nobody expect her knows the powers and extreme abilities of tan ...everyone outside knows that tan is just an basic breeder .... a young orphan of stone clan ... belonging to the main lineage of clan with a metang ....

The estimation of tan's potential according to outside world is just little above average .....

like in his profile in clan data room evaluation about him is ,



Name : Tan Steel .

Note :: From his age , basic breeder license & his capacity of raising a metang from 2 beldums ... Chance of raising a second metang should be given at his 12th birthday....hopefully based on his qualification by the end of his lifetime a metagross could be added to the clan hive of metagross...

Note :: it is estimated atmost he would be a general common executive/elder of stone clan or Devon Co-operation...with his parents Ryhorn herd...in account in few years he would have 2 or 3 Ryhdons .....

Note :: A Aron baby can be given to him to raise with his basic breeder license which can be expected to be raised into a non specialized general intermediate breeder license in 15 years based on his shown progress....A normal healthy Aggron can be expected .

Note :: Chances of getting Advanced breeder license is close to nil but with clan's help & steel type manuals by his middle age a Advanced steel type breeder can be expected.

Note :: From his fluid management of pokemon farm & resource collection from his late parents villa estate plus improving its output ....chances of Advancing as breeder increased .....which will in turn increase his trainer rank .


Trainer rank :: Emperor Rank or B class atmost

Expected pokemons :: few ryhdons , 2 metangs and a Aggron

Breeder Rank :: Advanced Steel specialist atmost .

clan Rank :: Common Executive/Elder at most.

Partner :: Lucy ( new mistress of battle pike ) ,...

Evaluation :: Few leverage in hoenn league politics.

[ In case of clansman showing any new talent ]

Rewards :: Give another Aron & 2 young onixs to with top class metal coats ....to be raised into steelixs.....

Then estimate...,

Trainer rank :: Elite or A class atmost with chances to be a champion class or S class being.

Expected pokemons :: few ryhdons , 2 metangs , 2 Aggrons and 2 steelix.

Breeder Rank :: Chances of being Steel type Breeding master .....

clan Rank :: Core Executive/ Grandelder Atmost.

Partner :: Lucy ( new mistress of battle pike ) ,...

Evaluation :: Few leverage in Pokemon Alliance politics. A decent new additional power for clan in hoenn league.


It's not like clan is underestimating tan's capabilities .....Rather it's a honest evaluation of tan's shown abilities....but even then its extremely high .... high enough for raise lots of eyebrows among upper society .... as tan is judged to be one of the foundation level force for the clan ..... if exposed to masses...common people like the truck driver who amiably talks & mess around with tan during recieving the supplies from tan's pesudo facility will not dare anymore to look into tan's eyes ..... some will fear , worship etc ...

and that is only with this level of exposure...

if tan's real abilities came out he would have already been inducted into the seeded young generations of hoenn league like the stone clan young master Steven Stone or recently emerging young Wallace from sootopolis gym lineage or Young ghost mistress phoebe, the adoptive granddaughter of current hoenn alliance leader/champion.....etc....

Each region gots it's own share of this young monsters who are now being groomed to br pillar of next generation for their region...and if tan's exposes his capabilities he will also be one of such but if he did he would almost lose his freedom for long time , his training speed & style will be intentionally interrupted to make it into more reasonable/controllable/so called morally correct etc bullshit....will try to make him into one of those justice idiots....

In short make him controllable.....as no one wants an uncontrollable being in power .....

by the time other seeded realize it takes lots of time to reach ymupto their potential...

in short uncontrollable powers/EX classes are ancestors by default....

All seeded youngsters of various pokemon leagues all have potential to reach it ... but they are intentionally delayed few decades of quick progress to make them controllable or so called morally upright...As rest of the league cant control a seeded youngsters of any pokemon league who reached their full potential...only the EX class ancestors could but those old fellows are busy with their own works ....by the time old monsters react young monsters will do massive damages with him/her being in leadership position of league...

aka growth and power up getting delayed under excuse of developing so called bullshit foundation....which can be easily done in few months of proper conditioning .....to prevent God complex or to make this high potential trainers understand & respect the values of ants *cough* general population *cough*

As for tan.....he just dont have time to deal with this bullshits.....so he his just laying low....