
ch 7 Eggs

Living with beasts for longtime will eventually make any person have few beastly traits....

like tan ....

With him getting power ups from energies all his pokemons for their level ups & rank ups .....which are constantly refining his body until they run out....it causes a gradual level up

of biological level of the trainer until the trainers body stops taking energy and after that the new inputted energies gather to gather to form type/attribute cores ....

This phenomenon is also one of the factors of determining a trainer's biological limit , personal powers & foundation.....

Thus tan devolved a habit of fighting his pokemons in close melee combat ...mainly against Ryhdons ...

Well most of the time he gets beaten black and blue ... but it did help him ....as his red & white muscles are gradually getting developed into more healthy pink muscles.....increasing his biological potential limits...

His figure is gradually becoming more athletic with slim muscles....guess his swimming habit also played its role

The main source of his ever improving physical abilities are due to his pokemons , trainings & various supplements he developed...

but aside from all this , unknowingly to all due to influence of all the dragon type supplements plus his psychic type training...a mild suffocating draconic aura is starting to form around him ....

Thankfully its extremely mild or otherwise he would have been exposed till now ....

Well like every other general day of his tan was done personal training and pokemon training by noon .....

and after that his regular experimentation time ...

while today was like every general day but today it's a special day for tan as it's the day tan got new main resource source for his lab ..... as kingdra corpse is almost finished....

And for this new 2 dead bodies tan's wallet suffered a major blow despite his decent wealth ...

the 2 new dead bodies tan bought were from a pair of dead wild Alteria & Flygon ....

with the previous kingdra , he now have 3 dragon type pokemon dead bodies at his main lab...


[ 1 years later ][ tan 12 years old ]

Today was again the day tan had to go to the clan hive and collect 2 more beldums ....

well he went through all this like he did with his previous one ....

On the otherhand after getting the 2 new beldums he just had his metang train them properly with him coordinating their breeding like his every other pokemon.

In this one year lots of things happened....

Besides his personal & his pokemons upgrades another thing is that finally he got his first dragon types after lots of hassle ..... heck he even had to to murder a few at black market.... but he got them for free....it went on like ,


few months ago , at black market central auction house ,

at a random room of 2nd floor tan could be seen enjoying the auction alone as like always Lucy was busy with battle pike and its extensions.....

Apparently the main function of battle pike of the frontier was research & development of wild serpentine pokemons and to prevent the area it is stationed at from pokemon tide....

aka Lucy being busy most of the time ...and if she isn't then tan is pretty much dragged into the bedroom *cough* having wild sex *cough* ....

back to the topic tan was looking at the auction out of boredom with a slowking at side sitting at the floor looking equally bored as its master.....

This went on until the auctioneer masked hot lady announced,

" Now dear guest I am presenting you a nest of dragon type pokemon.....from far kanto-jhoto mainland.....our motherland hoenn and hoenn league just got into alliance with them few years ago ....we stole this nest from the safari zone of kanto-jhoto...there is only one egg here ....but it's a dragon type egg ....So now guests we shall start bidding for it ... initial bidding starts at 10 million pokedollars & minimum increase should be 100k pokedollars ...Now Start!!!!! "

Tan was pretty much shaking with excitement as in his spectacles a stream of data came of ,


Note :: Healthy Egg of a dragonite....A monster predestined even before its birth with high dragon type bloodline...one of its parents is a well breed high class pokemon.....improving its potential more ....Even a wild pesudo legendary is atleast peak Elite tier


but tan did what any smart would have done ...he didn't bid ....

The egg was finally won by someone and the auction ended ,

" ,Slowking quickly track the person with dragon egg and Teleport me there"

slowking did so as he was told .....

in a alley way tan & slowking appeared ,

infront of them they saw a young man at early 30s with a small boy as his side of around his age but clearly not as abnormal as him ,

the next thing the young boy saw was blood smear on his face as his father and all his 10+ bodyguards were killed by a man in mask & hood with a large draconic looking slowking ..... a pokemon clearly showing it's high class dragon type breeding ...and on top of that its clearly a pokemon with methods to evolve into being unknown...

but the young body didn't know , but the young man knew . so before dying he asked ,

" Pleaseeeee....dont kill....hmph ....hmph .....my son ....just teleport him to the police station nearby.....I know your a psychic...it no hard job for you...pls it's a request from a dying man.....thanks ...."

The man dies with a smile as tan nodded.....tan had his slowking make the boy unconscious and left him in front of the police station.....to get sended to boys home later ....and tan got his pokemon egg of dragonite....but besides that he got 2 additional eggs in the car ....aka addition bonus.....checking their stats tan started to grin like maniac...thankfully no was their to be creeped out and as for his slowking, it was already used to his weird antics...

On side note its not like the man who died is a normal person .... if tan's memory served him correctly.....this man who was just killed by tan was a drug dealer who destroyed various lives....and was going to use this pokemon egg to produce God know what narcotics....

[ End of FLASHBACK ]

which leads to present scene of tan looking eagerly with rest of his pokemons towards a cracking egg which glowed for a while only to reveal a small deep blue serpentine pokemon...

"Dra...Drati...? "

seeing the confused dratini tan only squated onto the floor to take the dratini baby from the open egg incubator...it was a Male

tan smiled to it like every pokemon on this room ,

" Welcome to team ...little buddy ..... Looks like you also got few new more buddies.....*grin*..."

The dratini baby still confused but seeing tan's care for it snuggled into tan...

2 more pokemon eggs glowed until 1 treekos ....one of Hoenn Royal Starter's .....and a Horsea ....judging from their characteristics both treeko and horsea are Female...

all the 3 baby asleep pokemons were then kept in baby care centre of the villa/manor .....with one of slowkings kept as guard and caretaker.....

unknown to them that for them a minor massacre is already done....