
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 35

Gil had spent the day and night training, changing between shadow training using multiple different monsters and slashing rain drops. Before he know it other students started arriving and they looked at Gil who was dripping wet.

"Morning Si, i was wondering where you where yesterday" Tash said walking up to Gil.

"Morning" Gil said making a shield to block the rain for Tash and a large ball of fire to dry his clothes.

As the other students watched some of them used there own power to block the rain and the ones that couldn't tried to get under others shelter. Soon three teachers came out to meet the students, the one in the middle was dressed in a loose red shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He raised his hand and a large dome formed round everyone and three balls of light appeared lighting everything up. The red shirted man stepped forward.

"Good morning, i am Sam and for the next week i will be some of your teachers" Sam said "This here is Kelly and this is Paul" Kelly was a short blond women that was wearing a blue top and black jeans, Paul was a middle aged man that had no hair and a big brown beard.

"You will be split into groups based on your fighting style, Paul will take people that primarily use weapons with the support of mana, Kelly will take the people that use mana mainly and lastly i use both mana and weapons. You have 5 minutes to decide on what you will be trained properly in. After that you will be working for the next 2 weeks on that course" Sam said before stepping back.

"Guess your going to Kelly" Gil said to Tash

"Yeah, you going to Sam" Tash responded


Both of them walked forward and made there way to the relevant teacher being the first one to.

"Guess you know what you two are after" Sam said as he looked at Gil walking up to him, "What grade are you?" Sam asked as Gil stood behind him.

"Does that matter" Gil replied

"I will change the training plane for the types of grades we have here" Sam answered

"10A" Gil said

"Really... I thought it was 9E" Sam whispered

"Guess you know better" Gil thought that the teachers would know the grade as the students so didnt mind.

"Trust me, this is going to be hell training. Long days and short nights.... Oh i wonder how long this years students will last" Sam chuckled, slowly other students started going to the teachers until everyone had decided, only 4 students excluding Gil went to Sam.

"Alright thats it, for the next two weeks you will be training intensely with your instructor and other teachers" Sam called out "Kelly lower the dome and students follow your teachers" Paul and Kelly started to walk back to the castle whilst Sam stood there staring at the rain.

"Alright, lets not take to long on this. Were going to be working on endurance today so i can work out what type of training to give you" Sam said turning to the 5 students. "Alright 100 downwards slashes, 10 laps of the arena, 100 diagonal slashes, 10 laps, 50 squats and 50 sit ups repeat this for as long as you can"

Gil wasted no time and drew his sword, started his downwards slashes, slowly others started there's.

"Straighten your back"

"Bring your arms back more"

Sam walked around instructing the students as they swung there swords, stopping in front of Gil.

"Good form" Sam said "Whats your name and power"

"Gil and an elementality" Gil answered Sam now moved on to the next student. Gil finished his first then started his running, Gil finished his runs before everyone had started. Continuing on the rest of the training Gil noticed on his 3rd set one of the other students dropped out.

"Gil, make an elemental ball of each element and keep it active as you go" Sam called out to Gil, listening the instruction Gil made a ball of the four elements. Now that he had to split his focus to maintaining the mana flow into the balls Gil slowed down, he was still much quicker then the other students. After an hour more Gil was the only one still going.

"Alright, thats enough i have a good understanding of peoples capacity and i dont wanna standing in the rain all day waiting for you" Sam directed the last part to Gil. "Alright all of you follow me" Sam now started heading to the castle, whilst they all walked there Gil started to dry himself off.

When they made there way into the castle Sam started walking to an area that Gil hadnt been to before, soon Sam opened a door into a large room. IT looked like a normal training room but the roof was made from glass, in the middle there was 10 teachers talking in a group.

"Ah Sam your back, is this all the students you" A women called up noticing Sam and the rest

"Yeah, just means more intense and personalised training" Sam chuckled, turning back to the students Sam started calling them out, "Owen go with those two, Matt these two, Dan those two, Sky with them and lastly Gil stay here with me and Eve and Tilly come here" The 4 students walked over to the teachers they where sent to and two women made there way to Gil.

"Introduce yourself" Sam said to everyone

"Hey Im Tilly" Tilly introduced her self. She was a bit smaller then Gil and had pointy ears, she was dressed in a emerald green dress that was wrapped in belts. "As you can probably tell, Im an elf" She added as she noticed Gil staring at her ears.

"Oh, ive never met an elf before" Gil now looked at the other women approaching

"Im Eve, and im not an elf" Eve and Tilly laughed. Eve had a large single hand battle axe strapped to her side. She had brown hair and was dressed like a warrior from one of the books Gil had read.

"Okay, Gil i think its your turn" Sam said

"Oh... Im Gil"

"Alright now time for the training plan. Tilly you'll be training Gil in combining his swordsmanship and powers to become one. Eve youll be helping him with his fighting style and ill fight you every day" Sam said the last part chearfully

"Dont you think thats a bit much" Tilly asked

"I think it will be fine and if he breaks then thats less work for us" Eve again laughed "Alright, come and attack me" Eve said walking away from the rest of everyone.

Gil didnt wait and walked in the opposite direction of Eve until he felt he was far enough, turning around he saw Eve grabbing her battle axe in a crouching stance.

"Ready" Eve asked.


Gil started by firing wind spears to so how his opponent would respond, Eve blocked one with the flat end of her axe and dodged the other one.

"Is that all you can do" Eve asked

Gil started walking closer and changing the elements he used against Eve, slowly Gil started to see the difference between the two. As Gil was getting closer Eve was able to dodge more and more, and didnt seem to use any power. When they where at the distance they could use weapons Gil felt something was wrong, he know he wasnt that strong compared to others but felt like it would at least have some effect against an opponent.

Gil activated swordsmanship, mana detection and auto defence slowly he started to have a grasp idea of what Eve's powers was. Gil was a lot of white transparent mana partials around her that he didnt notice being so far away. Gil suddenly stopped and put his sword away.

"Foresight?" Gil asked walking to Eve.

"Didnt expect you to work it out so soon, what gave it away" Eve asked sounding impressed

"Just a lucky guess" Gil chuckled rubbing the back of his head

"Tilly, your go" Eve called walking back past Eve to Sam. As Tilly walked up she unsheathed two daggers from behind her waist. Gil stared at the dagger, one was black that had a small curve in the blade, it had some golden letters in it that Gil couldnt read. The other blade was silver and green dagger, it was split into different sections and had intertwined speckles of something that looked like rubies.

"There nice daggers" Gil complemented

"Thats a nice sword" Tilly replied, extending the daggers for Gil to look at causing Gil in turn to offer his sword.

[Elven dagger

A dagger made from obsidian inscribed with the powers of the elves

+15 Speed

+20 Strength

[Unable to view]

[Unable to view]]

[Elven dagger

A dagger made from an elder tree in the twilight forest with ruby fire stones imbedded in the blade

Fire slash

[Unable to view]

[Unable to view]]

Gil was taken back when he inspected the two daggers. Begrudgingly he handed them back and took the sword from Tilly. Normally when he grabbed the sword he felt a rush of energy enter him, this time he felt energy leave him. The two walked away and started to battle, Tillys power was wind and water but Gil know that she had the fire slash from the dagger.

Tilly's power wasnt as difficult to deal with as Eve allowing Gil to land a few hits but Tilly's use of her power was so precise Gil found it hard to deal with. She was able to use the wind to make her faster throwing of Gils timing. After a minute Tilly had her daggers at Gil throat.

"I thought i was strong for my age" Gil chuckled moving back from the blade at his throat.

"I may look young, but in elvan years im 150 which is still young but much older then any human here" Tilly laughed turning a bit red.

"Alright how do you guys feel" Sam asked

"Strong power and already working on mixing powers into his fighting style" Tilly said

"Good insight for fighting and should learn fast" Eve added.

"Good Good" Sam said "For the rest of the day, you will be doing what the two ask whilst i right up a training plan for the next 2 weeks"

After spending the next several hours training nonstop alternating from mana training to sword training, being the last one of the students to leave Gil went to he room and found a letter on there.

"Training plan. 5 hours training with Eve, Tilly and Sam. 30 minutes of rest between the training."

"Took you several hours to right this" Gil thought stepping into his bed to sleep before his training started.

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