
Evolution begins with an ant colony

Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubting he has what it takes to save the world, asks the goddess to send him back. Little did he know that this request infuriated the goddess. "How dare a mere mortal go against my will," she thought to herself while maintaining her facade. She opens a portal for him to go back. Little did he know, the goddess had something else in store for him. As he passed through the portal, his soul was separated from his body, and he fell through the sky and earth until he landed in the body of an ant in the godforsaken forest. Left there to die by the hands of the goddess, Akun awakens the "Endless Evolution System." [Ding!! The Endless Evolution System has been activated!! Grind to gain evolution points and evolve yourself and your comrades!!] "Endless Evolution System? Evolution points?" "Does this mean there's more to my transformation? Can I evolve even as an ant?" [Ding!! Unique skill detected!! Skill: Super Gamer Shop!! Evolution points can also be used on this skill to buy items!!] Follow Akun on his new epic adventure, and find out exactly what awaits him, maybe some conquest and retribution. Tags: Evolution, Dragon, Magic, Action, Fantasy, System, Reincarnation, Weak To Strong, Demons, Supernatural

Zurbluris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
386 Chs

Tables turned

In an instant, an intense, blinding radiance consumed the entire Colosseum, robbing Keleora of her vision. She struggled to make sense of the disorienting brilliance that shrouded her, leaving her temporarily blinded. But as the blazing light gradually waned, what materialized before her was nothing short of astonishing.

There stood Akun, an epitome of unflappable composure, untouched by the celestial blaze that had engulfed them. His silver armor caught the sun's rays, casting dazzling reflections that danced like fireflies. In stark contrast, Keleora lay sprawled on the unforgiving ground, her strength depleted, her visage battered and frail. The tides of fate had shifted dramatically – the once-commanding Keleora was now entirely at Akun's mercy.

Stunned and disoriented, Keleora gazed up at Akun, her bewilderment etched upon her features. "What... What have you done?" she stammered, struggling to grasp the sudden inversion of their roles.

Akun couldn't contain his smug satisfaction as he casually planted his foot on Keleora's head. "Well, well," he teased with a self-satisfied grin, reveling in his newfound ascendancy. "How the tables have turned, Keleora. You find yourself at my mercy, while I bask in the glory of the sunlight."

Keleora narrowed her eyes, her frustration and bewilderment concealed beneath a veneer of composure as she grappled with Akun's unexpected reversal. Her pride was wounded, but she refused to show it, despite Akun's gloating.

Devon, Keleora's protective brother, stepped forward with a mixture of concern and restrained anger. "You filth, step away from my sister," he demanded firmly, his voice tinged with controlled irritation.

Akun, ever confident, met Devon's gaze with a measured expression. "And if I don't?" he replied, his tone exuding an air of self-assuredness.

Devon's face flushed with suppressed anger at Akun's retort, but he held his tongue. Before he could respond, the commanding orc queen intervened, her authoritative voice silencing the growing tension.

"Cease this quarrel," she ordered, her presence commanding instant compliance.

Approaching with purpose, the orc queen assessed the situation with keen insight, recognizing the underlying complexity.

Addressing Keleora with a composed tone, she inquired, "Keleora, are you prepared to continue?"

Keleora, though taken aback by the sudden twist of events, fought to regain her composure. She panted, concealing the discomfort she felt. "Yes, I am ready," she replied with determination.

The orc queen, perceptive and respectful of Keleora's unwavering resolve, nodded her approval.

"Very well," she declared, her tone measured. "The black pact battle will proceed."

Akun's grin widened as he donned the imposing Dalamut armor and wielded the colossal hammer. The glint in his eyes promised unwavering determination as he declared, "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this."

With a powerful swing of his hammer, Keleora was sent hurtling, crashing into the unyielding walls of the Colosseum. The entire arena trembled, but Keleora remained resolute, her spirit unbroken despite the physical toll exacted upon her.

"Looks like she's drained of mana, and she can't put up much of a defense," Akun mused quietly to himself.

Witnessing his sister's plight, Devon's frustration and anger reached a boiling point. He couldn't contain his emotions any longer and lashed out at Akun, his tone conveying a mix of stern warning and genuine concern. "Do you truly want to start a fight with the kingin tribe? If you keep this up, and not even your bones will be left once we're done with you!"

Turning toward the orc queen, Devon urged her to intervene, his words a plea for justice. "You need to stop this! If he continues hurting my sister, even your orc tribe won't escape the consequences."

The orc queen maintained her regal poise, her voice carrying a tone of unwavering authority as she explained the gravity of the situation. "This is a black pact battle," she clarified, her words heavy with significance. "It's a sacred covenant with the god of death. Disrupting it could bring dire consequences."

The weight of her words settled upon Devon, quelling his anger as he grasped the enormity of the situation. The black pact held immense significance; it was no trivial matter. Defying the god of death meant courting unimaginable power and danger.

Meanwhile, the intense battle raged on, with Akun relentlessly pressing Keleora, causing her defenses to crumble. The thunderous impacts reverberated through the Colosseum, creating a cacophonous backdrop to the clash.

Keleora's strength waned with every blow, her exhaustion palpable. Gasping for breath, she finally relented, her voice tinged with fatigue as she admitted defeat. "Alright, I surrender... I can't keep this up any longer."

Akun took a moment to catch his breath, his chest heaving with the effort expended during the battle. He lowered his imposing hammer and examined Keleora with a mix of admiration and resolve. "You put up a good fight," he acknowledged, offering her a measure of respect while maintaining his vigilance, ready for any unexpected tricks.

The orc queen, her authority unshaken, observed Keleora's condition and made her proclamation. "Akun is the victor of this black pact battle," she announced, setting off a wave of jubilation among the spectators, who celebrated Akun's triumph. Among them, Ember and Ivy joined in, their voices ringing out in support. "You did it, boss!" they exclaimed, their excitement palpable.

In stark contrast, Devon's face bore the weight of anger and frustration. He couldn't fathom how Akun had defeated his sister in this sacred ritual. However, Azara swiftly attended to Keleora, employing her formidable magical skills to mend her wounds.

Once fully healed, Keleora stood, her countenance now cold and resolute. "You won," she stated firmly, her voice unwavering. "So, what do you want?"

Akun's mind raced through potential rewards, but his thoughts honed in on the cursed grimoire. It had defied his silver attacks during their battle, posing a potential threat in the future if left in Keleora's hands. "I want that black grimoire," Akun declared firmly, locking eyes with Keleora.

Devon, incensed by Akun's audacious request, couldn't contain his anger. "How dare you!" he shouted, his voice laced with fury. "Do you know how important that grimoire is to my family? It has been passed down through generations, meant exclusively for the women of our royal lineage. If you dare to claim it, your very soul won't be spared when come after you!"

Akun remained unyielding, undeterred by Devon's threats. He understood the grimoire's potency and the necessity of acquiring it to safeguard himself and his loved ones. He wouldn't back down now.

The room hung heavy with tension as Akun and Keleora exchanged determined gazes, both fully aware of the gravity of their negotiation. The orc queen observed the proceedings in silence, her watchful eyes taking in every nuance.

As the tension peaked, Keleora summoned the cursed grimoire from the ethereal realms and tossed it to Akun. He caught it firmly, his heart racing with anticipation.

Turning to her brother, Keleora informed Devon that they were departing. Devon couldn't believe his sister's decision and questioned her with disbelief and concern. "Are you just going to leave the grimoire with him?" he asked, his tone fraught with doubt.

Keleora met Devon's gaze with a cold and resolute expression. "We are leaving," she replied curtly, her authority leaving no room for argument. Devon, though angered, reluctantly followed his sister as they made their exit.

With the grimoire in his possession, Akun was lost in thought when a prompt from the system suddenly appeared before him.

[Ding!! The system has detected the presence of a powerful Dark Dragon Beast soul residing within the cursed grimoire.]

[Warning!!: Consuming the Dark Dragon Beast soul is a profound decision that will permanently alter your being. The fusion of your consciousness with the beast soul will unlock new powers and evolutionary paths, but it comes with inherent risks. Your actions will shape your destiny.]

[Do you wish to proceed and consume the Dark Dragon Beast soul to evolve?]

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