
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"Haaaaaaaa…" I heard a loud exaggerated sigh from across the room.

"Are you still moping?" I asked with a slight smile on my face, still reading over the book on sound magic. She ignored my question and kicked the wall, only to then cradle her foot as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Stupid Leo, you don't understand." She grumbled as she fell back on her bed, clutching an orb she didn't think I could see.

"I understand that my sister is a stalker." I snorted as I dodged a pillow flung in my direction.

"I only spie- I mean checked in on Arthur 1 time!" She added quickly.

"Suuuuure. After months of asking Elder Rinia." Flipping to the next page, but she didn't respond this time. Just poking at the orb that had an image of Arthur's face in it. Do all girls her age hold crushes like this? Well I guess even Alania has been messaging me at least once a week since we returned. Maybe it's more than just keeping in touch? She does ask how I'm doing everytime.

"Stupid Leo." I heard Tessia grumble again, but I just shrugged her words away. I don't have time for these childish romances.

I could hear the old man walking towards the room, and then he suddenly flung open the door while Tessia was poking the orb.

"Young one, I have good—"

"Grandpa! What did I say about knocking?!" Tessia squealed, tucking the orb behind her. Though based on the expression on the old man's face she wasn't fooling him.

"I see you're using that orb well." He snickered

"Stupid grandpa!" She reached for a pillow to throw at him, but her only pillow was on the floor behind me.

"Don't mind, don't mind! I would rather enjoy having Arthur as a grandson-in-law, anyhow! But isn't it a little too early for that now?" He laughed loudly as he teased Tessia.

"Don't pout now! I've got some good news for you, little one." Tessia's head turned slightly back towards.

"Now, what if I said that you could have the chance to attend the same academy that Arthur will be attending."

"Then I would say that you're the best Grandpa ever! You're not lying to me, right?" Tessia hoped as she tugged on his sleeve. He had told me that he was talking to the director of that academy, that they were old friends. Seems things are progressing. Alduin and Merial walked in with gentle smiles of their own.

"Why is he waiting 3 years before going to school? Isn't he more than fit to go now?" Tessia asked with a smile that reached her ears.

"Well, she did mention something about him wanting to be an adventurer." The old man muttered.

"The important thing is that this gives us enough time. We're still trying to negotiate terms to have a trial run for the integration of the younger generation of elves and dwarves to attend school together with the humans at Xyrus Academy. The King of Sapin agreed that the only way to start mending our relationship was by allowing the younger generation to form bonds with each other." Merial explained.

I knew the tournament had been the start for something like that, but to hear that they were actually working on it already was interesting. I didn't particularly want to attend as a student since most if not all the kids there would be too far behind me. However I would like to get a hold of their library and besides I've been tasked with protecting Tessia in return for all training an resources I could want here.

I don't mind it too much considering I already want to keep her safe due to our nearly sibling like bond. Perhaps I can attend the academy some other way?

"Ah and Leo." Virion turned towards me with a serious expression.

"We have something we need to discuss with you, follow us." He continued and I nodded as I closed my book.

"Where are you all going?" Tessia asked in concern.

"Nothing to be worried about dear. It's almost time for dinner, so why don't you wash up and meet us in the dining room?" Merial coaxed, and while Tessia nodded she did so reluctantly.

I followed the 3 of them to Alduin's office where we were met with 2 other elves, strong elves. I recognized both of them right away.

"Leo, we'd like you to meet Alea Triscan and Aya Grephin." I nodded at the old man's words.

"Yes I know who they are." I nodded respectfully to Alea and Aya each.

"Myyy~ what a cutie!" Aya cooed as she approached. Even now she was using mana to saturate her voice with sound mana. Her mana was spread out throughout the entire room, and before I knew it she was right in front of me. All I could sense was a small shift in the mana and then she was leaning forward in front of my face with seductive smile.

This was her specialty, sound magic that allowed her to create illusions to confuse and disorientate opponents. Little strands of mana stretched out from her, but I rebuffed them with wind mana. I would have to try something like that in the future.

"Hmph you're as good as Elder Virion said if you could sense those mana strands." Aya said with a pout, but it was obviously an act. Soon she drew her mana back in and the slight haze over my senses disappeared. It hadn't been enough to truly disrupt them, it was just as if someone had put a sheer cloth over my head. I could still see fine, but it was still annoying.

I knew I still had a ways to go, but seeing the effects of sound magic up close proved to me that I needed to get it soon. It was too powerful of a tool not to have.

Alea stepped past Aya with a bright and gentle smile as she grabbed my hand.

"Thank you for being friends with my sister. It means a lot." They were so alike I would have thought they were twins had they been the same age. Facial features and expressions were almost identical, even their personalities. The only difference is that Alea didn't have that same flame in her eyes that Alania did. One day Alania would surpass Alea in strength if she never lost that fire.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Alea, Aya. And don't worry about it, Alania is a good friend." I replied.

"Good now that you're all acquainted, let's get down to the purpose of this meeting." Virion said as he sat down in a chair to the side of the room, Alduin walking to the desk that held a box. I had noticed the mana coming from that box when we came in, but didn't get to examine it much with Aya's little test.

"These artifacts are what we bestow upon the strongest Elves of Elenoir. They become the protectors of the royal family and in turn the entire Kingdom. I won't lie to you all, there are big things coming to the Dicathen. It's the reason for the sudden push for unification, and while I can't say too much now I do however know you 3 will be paramount to our success.

Aya and Alea being the first Silver cores of their generation, and Leo the first tri-elemental mage to ever be born to the elves. While Leo is still too young, and not at Silver core yet I would like for you both to treat him as an equal. He will train with you both and go on missions with you both, Virion will be the one you report to until the announcement.

When that happens Leo will be placed with Tessia at Xyrus, and you 2 will begin your true directive as protectors of Dicathen. Aya, Alea, please come claim your artifacts." Alduin finally ended with a serious look, a look fitting for a king of an entire people.

The 2 women approached simultaneously, as soon as they grabbed the artifacts a pulse of mana went out. The magic in the artifact snaked up their arms and into their cores, a small piece flew from each back to Merial and Alduin. From my eyes it seemed almost like a bond contract, but it was much different from Arthur's equals contract with Sylvie. This felt more…. Perverted, like a master and a slave style contract. Just where did they get those artifacts from?

Aya and Alea also jumped from mid silver to the white core stage? This doesn't seem right, if such a thing exists why do more not exist. Is this not a creation by the 3 races, but something else? Can the Asuras create something like this? Do they even need to with their power? My mind was filled with all kinds of questions, but I kept my reaction neutral. I was glad that I had not been selected for this. I would never allow such a thing to taint me, it was an invisible shackle.