

Reborn in Marvel as a Degenerate Crackfic Warning Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. I'm not super familiar with Marvel. will contain some dc characters of I want them in the story.

Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Ch 10 Gods Blood

Soon after we entered the elevator and it dropped down lower and lower until we reached floor -133b The doors opened and revealed a huge arena....perfect for superhuman training.

Thor and I walked to the center as everyone else sat on the sidelines and grabbed snacks.

Tony brought and Nat brought out their phones to record.

When we reached the center I spoke to him, through all the microphones in the area everyone could hear our words.

"If you use that hammer I will have to use my claws..... That won't be pretty...." I spoke and Thor just scoffed.

"Are you scared? Dont worry, I can go easy on you is you like." He spoke mockingly.

"If you're so confident who don't we make a bet?" I spoke with a smirk.

"State your wager Demon Man." He spoke while twirling his Hammer.

"If I win All the blood I draw from you I get to keep, if you win I will gift you a mead that is beyond your wildest dreams..." I spoke and his eyes widened as he thought about it for a while.

"Id like to inspect the Mead first..." He spoke in his gruff voice.

I bought Ethereal Mead from my System and it appeared in my hand.

I walked closer to him as he looked at the mithril bottle I'm my hand.

I placed it near his nose and uncorked it as everyone else watched on curiously.

Thor took one long wiff before yelling out. "DEAL!!! NO TAKING IT BACK ONCE I PUMMEL YOU DEMON MAN!!!" 

He prepared with Mjolnir.

I put away the mead and apperated my suit and claws as we both took a stance.

Time seemed to move at a standstill as we both eyed each other.....

Fury blew a whistle and immediately Thor jumped at me with his Hammer ready to be swung.

My Vampiric body sensed the threat he actually posed to me so everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as my Vampiric reflexes and perception increased exponentially.

I saw him reach me and swing his mighty Hammer.

just before Mjölnir made impact I ducked the blow and made a slash along his arm.

his muscle fibers we're like metal wire and his skin like steel but my claws cut through it anyways, blood sprayed out but I saw his wounds visibly closing as I twirled to give his back a stab in his Right Lat muscle as ge groaned in pain.

He spun around and swung Mjölnir again but this time downwards, I sidestepped only for a punch to come straight at me.

I stepped forwards to close the distance while moving my head as I dodged his powerful punch.


 Once I was inches away I forced my left claws into his belly before stabbing his leg with my right hand then fading into mist and reappearing twenty feet away as I licked the blood from my claws.

He groaned and feel on one knee in pain.

He stopped as he looked at his wounds.....to almost everyone else all they saw were blurs as Thor swung randomly and now he was bleeding from everywhere....his wounds were rapidly closing but they'd sure as hell hurt.

After a minute his wounds mostly healed and he stood up angrily.

"SCARED TO FACE ME HEAD ON DEMON!!! ILL TAKE THAT MEAD FROM THOSE CLAWED HANDS!!!" He yelled then pointed Mjölnir at me as a stream of lightning shot forth.

I turned into black mist as the bolt shot past me and into the wall in the distance.

I appeared again and began to Walk towards him slowly.

Thor began to fire more and more lightning but I would just diasapear before it struck.

In anger He threw his Hammer as it sailed in my direction as fast as a bullet, I turned to mist as It sailed past me as I began to run at him with my claws extended.

I slashed him twice across his face them stabs into his stomach as he tried to punch me but missed every blow as I dodged and slashed at his forearms.

He was heavily wounded and bleeding but I saw a small smirk as I sensed Mjölnir flying directly at my back as he subtly held his hand open.

I moved to the side just before impact and grabbed it's handle as it stopped dead still.

Thor's eyes widened as bright blood dripped from him....

I held Mjölnir for a moment then locked my glowing Red eyes onto his.

I swung the Hammer hard across his face which sent him flying across the Room while Nat and Maria cheered me from the sidelines.

I sensed the Power inside the Hammer....a prideful and powerful Lighting Ctan Shard....

I tossed the Hammer and drew a Crystal glass from my system.

I floated all the blood on the ground into my glass as it filled to the brim with God's blood.

I walked over to my women as they both exitedly cheered me on.

Fury watched me intently as he realized just how powerful I might me, Tony was having Jarvis analyze me while Bruce was staring at Nat with sadness in his eyes.

I hugged and kissed both of my Women as they congratulated me on the win.

I sat down and took a small sip....Oh that was good... overflowing with power.

Fury looked at me with a scrunched face. "What the hell does blood taste like to a Vampire?" He asked while looking at the glass.

"Like cool water on a hot summer day... Only far better." I responded.

"I'm just curious." He spoke with a raise of his shoulders.

"Is Gods Blood better than regular?" Tony asked.

"It's better than mortal men, But I prefer the taste of beautiful Women like Nat or Maria here.....But I never get more than a small taste from them....I love my Women too much to do that." I spoke and kissed them both.

Nat smiled and kissed me back while Maria Blushed deeply as she remembered what I put her through last night.


Maria meekly leaned over while cupping her hands around my ear and whispered. "I want it in my pussy next time Daddy." In a meek whisper.

I just latched myself to her neck and left a Lovemark on her white skin as she screamed cutely.

By this time Thor stood as he rubbed his bruised head.

He walked over to Mjölnir and picked it up and began talking to it..... everyone usually thought he was crazy but there's actually a spirit in there.

He walked over while his wounds healed slowly and he watched me drinking his blood.

"How the hell did you pick my Mjölnir up Demon?" He asked while rubbing his head.

"You must be worthy to raise it.....I am worthy." I spoke and he looked confused.

"What does it mean to be worthy? Like how did you become worthy?" He asked suspiciously.

"It depends from person to person....for me it is living true to myself, I am a Bloodthirsty, Woman Loving, Blood Drinking Vampire and I don't deny my nature....even now I only joined Avengers so I could spend more time with Nat and Maria then travel the world while drinking all kinds of Blood and being paid for it."

I spoke and Tony burst out laughing while Captain America gave me a disgusted look.

"Oh take this Thor, you look like you need it." I Spoke while handing over the Ethereal Mead.

His eyes watered and he snatched it before bringing me into a hug and nearly spilling my cup.

"THANK YOU DEMON MAN!!! ILL NEVER FORGET THE GIFT!!!" Thor spoke then separated and opened the bottle.

Everyone smelled the fragrant aroma and were deeply intrigued.

"Just be careful not to drink it all in one go becaus..." I couldn't finish before Thor had stuck the bottle to his lips and drank deep gulps of the pearlescent Ethereal Mead.

He finished the bottle and burped before looking at me strangely.

"W....Wha....Did...You Say Demon Maaaa...." 


He hit the ground hard and immediately began snoring.

Fury turned to me and whispered "What the hell is strong enough to Make a God Pass out?" He asked as if we were talking about something illegal.

"Just some drops of this and that.... he'll be fine In a few hours." I spoke and then Tony began to take video of the Thunder God as he snored and Drooled.

I dragged Thor back to his room in the Tower then meet up with the Crew since Fury had a small mission for us.

I entered the briefing room and sat beside my women as I fondled them beneath the table 

Fury then began the meeting

"The daughter of a World Security Councilman Jakunah Singh has been kidnapped by Houthi Rebels, they killed her four guards and are using her as a bargaining chip.... He has asked for the Avengers personally, We move in and extract His Daughter Jasmine before anything goes wrong.... Any questions?"

Fury asked as he showed us a hologram of where exactly she was located on the compound.

I raised a hand and he pointed at me. "May I save her first and eat the rebels afterward?" I asked and Captain America scowled.

"If you can save her without killing anyone then why murder anyone!!!" He shouted at me.

"Watch your tone underwear boy before i show you how weak your serum really is." I td him as I released my bloodlust.

"Calm down Alucard, Yes you can do that....consider it a....reward for a days hard work." Fury spoke and I nodded and retracted my bloodlust.

"Captain....I don't judge the way you do your job so don't judge mine, and you have undoubtedly killed more men than me so don't even try to act as if you have a clean conscience." I spoke.

"Fine." He huffed then walked off to the ship.

Soon we all headed on except for Thor who was still snoring in his Room.

I sat with Nat on my lap as she kissed and grinded against me softly, her leather outfit looked perfect on her.

I brought her in close and whispered in her ear. "Get one of these suits for when we're off work." And she whispered back.

"I already put in the order just for you~" and bit my ear.

We spent the time like that until it was time.

I asked Fury. "Do you mind if I go alone? I'd like to prove my usefulness on the first mission." 

"Go ahead, I trust your ability.....so long as Jasmine comes out safe feel free to eat whoever, we have an airstrike planned after we extract her anyways.....oh and wear this bodycam so we can see how it goes first hand." He spoke and I nodded as I clipped the high tech cam to my Robes.

The ramp opened and my suit and wings appeared as I jumped off and flew downwards at Frightening speeds.

Shortly Before reaching the ground I spread my wings and flew forward quickly toward The compound.

There was one rebel with an AK-47 standing at a watchtower facing my direction but I flew towards him and tore his heart out as I flew and threw it into my mouth.

I spread my senses and quickly found the girl tied up in a cellar along with a few other people.

I soared towards the building where the girl was, just before reaching the structure I transformed into a black mist and slid in under the door.

I floated down to find the make sure Jasmine was there.

I found her being fed by a Muslim woman as two men kept guard over her with guns.

I flew in and slashed the two guards heads as their blood sprayed out and their bodies slumped to the floor before ripping out the Muslim woman's heart and taking chunks out of it.

Jasmine opened her mouth to scream but I placed my hand over her mouth and continued eating the heart until I was done.

I leaned close to her ear and spoke. "Your father sent me, if you don't want something bad to happen then keep quiet until I finish my work outside.....I will be back for you soon." I told her and she nodded quickly but didn't dare look at me, one glance of my glowing red eyes while I ripped out a woman's heart was all she ever wanted to see.

I walked out of the cellar as my robes Billowed behind me.

I began to walk from room to room and Rip out hearts and bite Throats as blood spattered and limbs flew in all directions, I tore apart everyone I found without a second glance.

After drinking from the 57th rebel I wiped my mouth and walked back towards the Girl as I stepped over severed heads and torsos missing their hearts.

Back in the ship everyone watched as I effortlessly slaughtered my way through nearly sixty people without breaking a sweat.

"He is far better than anything I'd imagined.....I wonder what his true power is." Fury spoke while stroking his chin.

"I wouldn't want to find out, for the sole fact that he can turn into mist and his claws sliced through Thor's armor and muscle like they were almost non-existent...." Tony responded.

"All we really know is that he loves Women and Blood.... Seems like a refreshingly simple for compared to the people we usually deal with." Hawkeye spoke and sipped on ginger and lemon tea.

"Natasha I know you meet him at his school but how did Maria meet her?" Tony asked.

"Well, it's a funny story actually because He and I were 'you know'..... And Hubby caught Maria Peeking on...." Was all Nat managed to say before Maria ran in and covered her mouth while screaming at her to shut up.

Down on the ground I was walking out of the compound while princess carrying Jasmine in my arms.

I told the girl not to open her eyes but curiosity got the better of her and she stared wide eyed at the dozens of body parts littered in every room.

She trembled and cried but that was none of my business.

I stepped out and began to fly upwards toward the airship as Jasmine was screaming my ears off since she seemed to be scared of heights.

I felt like ripping out her lungs and chewing on her heart for being a fucking banshee but duty calls...

I reached the hangar door and flew in then walked through the ship and up to the command deck where everyone was.

I reached the room and tossed the girl on the floor then I pulled Nat and Maria along out of the room.

"Where are you going Alucard? We still Need to Debrief!!!" Fury shouted.

"I need to De-Stress after the mission please make the flight back at least four hours Long." I spoke and headed to one of the private cabins.

"That guy is completely shameless....but I like it." Tony said as he filled up a cup of Brandy.

"He's a phsycotic murderer who seduced two SHIELD agents." Captain America said with a scowl.

"Oh give the kid a break, you all have killed more people than he has and just because he drinks their blood after killing doesn't make him any worse.....and he has a good habit of only killing assholes which means he can work with us instead of against us." Said Fury as he smoked a cigar and set the course for New York 

"I...Loved Nat....He just came and took her away...." Said Bruce as he stared off at the ceiling.

Hawkeye walked up and patted his shoulder. "You'll find another girl, there are plenty of fish in the Sea big guy." 

Back in the private cabin I was already balls deep inside of Maria's wet pussy and stretching out her Womb.

Nat buried Maria's face against her pussy as she reached down and pulled on her nipples to draw out masochistic screams of pleasure from the perverted commander.

 . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .