
Everlasting Moonlight Thief

A mostly ordinary young man from a regular small town in a peaceful country has always had a penchant for pinching other people’s pendants. Other valuables, too, of course. When he finally receives his Blessing, that interest, a quick revenge, and a mysterious necklace propels Lu inte a world much wider than he could have ever thought. But that only means there's that much more for him to lay his hands on. *** ”What's yours is mine. What's mine is - obviously - mine. What belongs to no one, belongs to me. Oh, and that watch looks nice. Hand it over.”

armordillo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


Light grey smoke rose from the horizon, lit up by the setting sun.

Lu was close to the border. However, he hadn't anticipated that the border would have been pushed back, so his timing was a little off. The moon had yet to rise.

Even now, Lu saw and felt the soldiers create a last line of defense. The soldiers weren't the only ones, either.

Like shadows, the black robes of Bagrab spread out in the forest around Lu.

Lu clung to the top of his tree with one hand while he tried to find a way out. But he was surrounded. His opponents also closed up behind him, sealing his escape. He was too tired to fight an entire army, even if they were all soldiers who didn't know about essence condensation.

"Why don't you come down from there now?"