
Everlasting Moonlight Thief

A mostly ordinary young man from a regular small town in a peaceful country has always had a penchant for pinching other people’s pendants. Other valuables, too, of course. When he finally receives his Blessing, that interest, a quick revenge, and a mysterious necklace propels Lu inte a world much wider than he could have ever thought. But that only means there's that much more for him to lay his hands on. *** ”What's yours is mine. What's mine is - obviously - mine. What belongs to no one, belongs to me. Oh, and that watch looks nice. Hand it over.”

armordillo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


When night fell again, Lu continued moving by flashing and teleporting across the land. He wasn't quite sure where to go. But he knew he needed to go deeper in. There was no way he would find any valuable information regarding the origins of the crest and its hidden symbol anywhere that wasn't the capital.

He might find something about the crest itself elsewhere, but Lu had a feeling that the three circles delicately woven into the three-eyed wolf was a well-kept secret. To find out more about it, he would have to go straight to the source, which was the ruling party of Vantarung, who decided on the crest's design.

In the small hours before he left, Lu had looked at a map of Imra Kingdom's and Raiva's approximation of Vantarung. It guided him until he no longer needed it.