
Everlasting Moonlight Thief

A mostly ordinary young man from a regular small town in a peaceful country has always had a penchant for pinching other people’s pendants. Other valuables, too, of course. When he finally receives his Blessing, that interest, a quick revenge, and a mysterious necklace propels Lu inte a world much wider than he could have ever thought. But that only means there's that much more for him to lay his hands on. *** ”What's yours is mine. What's mine is - obviously - mine. What belongs to no one, belongs to me. Oh, and that watch looks nice. Hand it over.”

armordillo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


Margie, Viola, and Klum understood why Lu wanted and had to leave. Staying in town after doing something most likely very violent toward Hector wasn't a good idea, no matter what Hector chose to do. Lu was a little worried about any retribution that might befall the Mittens family, but he had crippled Hector for a reason. It was to ensure he couldn't do anything both physically and because Lu had traumatized him.

After receiving comfort, reassurance, and farewells from everyone in the Mittens family, Lu left. He had said what he needed to say, and no amount of words could express his love and gratitude toward the family for taking him in when he was a kid and treating him like one of their own.

Besides, the farewell wasn't forever. It was just until people forgot what Lu did to Hector.

Lu looked back at the town as someone screamed almost loud enough to shatter glass.

'Yeah, that's going to take a while.'

Lu felt a little bad that someone unrelated would have to see Hector in his current state with hands, feet, tongue, eyes, and private parts removed and with the word 'rapist' carved into his chest. Even Lu had to admit it was a gruesome sight and that he might have gone overboard.

But if given the chance, he would do it again every time. He didn't want Hector to get off easy after what he did and had tried to do to Margie. He also didn't want to give the mayor a chance to cover it up like he did with all of Hector's misdeeds. Hanging from his window in his gory glory would also further traumatize Hector.

'Well, not my problem.'

Lu left Bika with conflicted feelings that soon settled as he moved toward Mura, the nearest city. The mayor would most likely put out a bounty soon, so he couldn't stay there for long. But Lu wasn't sure where to go yet, and Mura was a good first stop in his journey around the world.

Lu had said that he was going to look for clues regarding the necklace that had accompanied him ever since someone dropped him off at Bika. But he didn't even know where to begin. So, until he stumbled across something that could help him find a clue, Lu was just going to do what he felt like doing.

And at the moment, that was to use his Blessing to steal something shiny.

Unfortunately, it was morning when he arrived at Mura, and his Blessing wasn't useful anymore. But it was just as well since Lu needed to rest.

Using money he stole from Hector, Lu found a decent inn and settled in with a nice hot breakfast in the canteen.

Out of boredom and nosy curiosity, Lu eavesdropped on the few conversations around him. But most people were just talking about nonsense like a cool bird they saw the other day or how they missed their girlfriends.

'Maybe I should just take a nap or look for information somewhere else.'

Lu ate slowly so as not to make it obvious he was eavesdropping. But no one was talking about anything interesting.

"Hey, did you hear?"


But a couple of merchants leaning in and talking to each other in hushed voices caught Lu's attention. He had to strain himself, but he could hear their conversation.

"The Imra Kingdom has some kind of envoy traveling through here in the next couple of days."

"What? Why? There are a dozen better routes to get to the Prince's Seat."

"Beats me. I heard they were looking for prospective talents in the countryside."

"That's bull. Are they looking for something or someone?"

"Dunno. I heard someone pretty influential was leading the envoy. Maybe it's a whim?"

"Who would come here on a whim?"

"Someone who hasn't been out in the sticks before."

"You're saying it's a sheltered noble? I feel sorry for the Prince already."


Lu continued to listen, but the merchants' discussion soon changed topics without revealing anything further regarding the Imra Kingdom's emissary. But he could get details later. For the moment, he was just happy about having a target.

Of course, an envoy of the Kingdom was sure to have powerful guards, but Lu was confident in his thieving skills and Blessing. As long as he had the time and weather on his side, he was confident he would succeed.

Since he was tired from his earlier escapades during the night, Lu took a nap before strolling through the night market to look for information.

It seemed that what the merchants had been talking about over breakfast like it was a secret had already become common knowledge by evening as rumors of a noble heir from the Kingdom coming to visit their small city had spread like wildfire.

However, there weren't many details, such as who the noble was, the size of the group, the number of guards, and the level of strength of those guards.

Lu was confident in his Blessing, even if he was only at First Insight. But he had needed cheap tricks and a sneak attack to defeat Hector, who was already tired from training. Against someone stronger with their guard up, Lu would have no option but to retreat like a cat with its head stuck in a jar.

Lu did his best to fish for information from the various markets, stalls, merchants, and travelers over the next couple of days, eventually getting something. He also found a wanted poster for himself, though his portrait was nothing like him. He only recognized it because of the crime and the poster being the mayor of Bika.

It was probably thanks to the townspeople that the drawing was so bad. Lu felt his heart grow warm as he smiled at the picture before ripping it off the board and stuffing it in his bag. It was a trophy of his adventure.

But it was also a reminder that Lu shouldn't stay in Mura too long.

Fortunately, the son of Count Lito, Mencer, arrived with his convoy in the city to a slight stir.