
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · Fantasia
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73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 50: Throwing Spears From Afar To Scare The Herd

Rip! Boom!

Rip! Boom!

The spears in both hands of the two people seem to have transformed into two armor-piercing arrows as they shoot out with unprecedented momentum and power towards the incoming herds.

As I thought, the air around the path where the spears left got ripped apart like how a piece of paper would have sounded. A howling wind spread out from Nai and Garut, which pushed the villagers further away from them.

Dust rose up behind them in recoil as they once again followed up another throw, even before the first stone spear arrived at the targets.

Everything happened in just two seconds, and the villagers can't even clearly see what is happening in front of them.

"Back off!" 



The soil rose up as the shockwave burst out in an impact, sending three rhinos in the front back a few meters away.

Another four unlucky rhinos got pierced before the follow-up shockwave burst everything into splatter.




Without stopping, the herd was so scared out of their wits that they hastily turned around to escape the barrage of spears coming their way.

"Can you keep up?" Sweat covered Nai's smiling face as he even found some time to talk. His hand never stopped throwing spears at all.

"I can say the same to you!" Just as Garut was done replying to him, he found out that he had no spear to throw anymore.

He can't help but feel speechless. "Just when it was getting good, sigh." Garut could only step back as he observed the events happening in front of him. "Give me the axes!"

Seeing Nai's happy face and the joy and excitement in those eyes Garut seems to have remembered his youth. Back then, he was more reckless than Nai.

"I hope we can capture some of them this time."

A few seconds later, Nai stopped throwing more spears. It's not that he didn't want to continue. But he had no spear to throw anymore. Though his hands were somewhat sore from the kind of exertion.

"That was a nice feeling I got there. Spear-throwing is sure good. I'll practice more of it next time." Nai motioned for Garut and the villagers at the back to follow him.

Half of the herd has escaped in the other direction, so Nai's territory is more or less safe now. "However, we need to build a wall, a tall one, that surrounds my territory."

"That will take us a lifetime." Garut replied at the side. He also knew the danger of the vast grassland.

There are no natural borders here, and they would have the problem of being overrun by a herd of animals every night if they were not careful enough.

"It's better than nothing. You can start in a few days. I'll draw the place where to build it." Nai moved forward and immediately saw the animals that he and Garut had taken down.

After some observations, he found there were five slightly injured rhinos, and the rest were dead or had serious injuries.

"Only five, huh?" Bind them up, while the dead bodies will be smoked and stored. Meat must not be wasted."

The villagers were smiling happily; they will naturally have to eat around a bonfire tonight. "Ruler, do you want to eat with us around the bonfire tonight?"

The former village chief's son of Garut, asked respectfully. His eyes showed how much awe he was giving to Nai. Even his son beside him seems to be on the verge of worshipping him.

"No, I'll take some meat with me instead." Gathering around with these villagers, although nothing bad seems to have happened for the past few days,

Who knew if they would suddenly backstab him in the back? He can never trust anyone, not in this primitive place where laws cease to exist.

The former village chief was disappointed, but he didn't take it to heart, as he knew such was Nai's personality.

After giving a few instructions to them, he left with a bunch of dismantled meat under the admiration and hidden fear of the villagers eyes.

"In the eyes of the villagers, I'm just a monster wearing a human skin. The socializing I've done this week seems to have gone down the drain. Next time, I'll not waste too much time on them."

"After all, I have all the time in the world. It's just that I don't know how many times the rejuvenation properties of the miracle water can take me long enough."

"Everything is unclear; there are no proper details or information, so I can only explore it alone." Feeling lonely, he seems to see a future filled with unknowns as he traverses the path of the extraordinary.

When he returned home, Nai gave the meat to Acacia, who was making clothes. "Have it arranged inside the storage room. Or you can smoke and dry them today."

"Mmm, alright. Should we have some soup today?" Acacia asked softly as she examined the meat with glowing eyes. In her eyes, aside from clothes, meat was a luxury.

However, living with Nai alone for so long Meat was already the norm in their meal. Fish, fruits, and some vegetables can also be acquired easily.

She would just need to go up to the castle's foundation, and he would find a box there delivered by her aunt in the village.

Nai nodded as he took off his clothes. He was a little bit sweaty and hot right now. "All I want is to take a bath right now as I wait for the meal."

Without waiting for any response behind him, he ran forward and jumped into the pond.

Making splashes outward that rose three meters upward. "Puah~!" After submerging for a while, the coldness of the water chilled him out.

His mind regained clarity and calmness. He let himself float in the water as he started thinking about the future. "The sky seems bluer today."

Right, I had those soils and stones with me from that place. I thought I would awaken an ability, but I haven't even seen any signs of its existence.

Just what the heck did I get from that place? Where's the scarlet moon rune? After thinking for a while, he got sleepy, so he closed his eyes.

His mind started to meditate. The breathing became more rhythmic. His ears twitched from the sounds underwater and above the ground.

The movement of the firewood being burned, the sparks of a blaze in midair Acacia's movement as she cleaned the meat and smoked, roasted, and chopped it

This is inner peace, a state where I immersed myself in nature. A good way to find comfort and relaxation This rarely happens to me, though.

Most of the time, my mind is always occupied with many things. Having found this feeling once again, I don't want to be woken up yet.

And so, I don't know what time it is now, but when I finally woke up, the bright blue sky had already been replaced by a dark blue dome with countless stars sparkling alight.

"Evening already." He murmured softly as he noticed himself unperturbed by his surroundings. The calm water rippled slightly in his wake.

Then, at the corner of his eye, he saw Acacia holding her knees with her buttocks on the ground, staring at him curiously.

Nai thought for a bit before calling her name. "Acacia?"

Jolted, Acacia, who seemed to be looking at him, suddenly stood up as she found her husband awake.

"Where were you looking just now?" He wondered if she was looking at his little brother. After all, he was naked and was even facing the sky.

It can be said that Acacia must have seen everything a while ago. Nai wasn't angry; it was just a little embarrassing to be stared at in his most private place.

Seeing Acacia's blushing away, Nai immediately understood that she was indeed looking at his little brother. Girl, can't you not stare too much?

What if you provoke my little brother? Will you take responsibility? Though I was saying that. I actually do not mind. Here, look for more.

I don't mind staying much longer.

And as Nai would have guessed, Acacia did really turn back, glancing at his little brother. Damn, you looked like you were measuring my size.

A few seconds later, Nai left the pond before drying himself with the wool clothes his wife had passed on to him. Seeing her leave silently in a hurry.

Nai sneered. Oh, Acacia, lovely Acacia. You've been a little presumptuous today. You need to be disciplined tonight.

See how much you begged me to stop. Hehe.

Acacia, who was preparing the dishes on the table, suddenly shuddered and stopped. She turned around and saw her husband's wicked face.

She immediately understood where that chill came from. Fidgeting, she neared Nai as she looked at him nervously. "H-husband, are you angry?"

Nai suddenly smiled more upon hearing that. He wrapped his arms around Acacia's waist as he pried her mouth open and gave her a deep kiss. "Hmmm. How about you find it tonight?"