
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Filmes
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30 Chs

Getting asked to the dance! Again!

After I got back I told them what I had done but I conveniently left out the part where I implicated Edward and Bella. We all decided that it that was enough for today. We all got in the cars and went back home. After dropping me and my family at home, Alice decided to follow us and spend the rest of the afternoon with us.

Obviously since we solved the James problem ahead of time Charlie didn't have to worry about Bella and there was no strain on their relationship due to the fact that they didn't have an argument, because she never left. Maybe I should become a problem solver as a side job. I mean I'm pretty good at it.

My mom had a dinner date with Charlie again. And my sister went to stal- I mean hang out with Jasper again. So I was all alone with Alice.

"So tell me Alice what do you want to do now that we are all alone in this big house." I say very suggestively.

"I don't know what do you want to do." She says very seductively. And just as I was about to kiss her she puts her index finger between us and pushes my face back.

"I may be all flirty. But you have to put a ring on this finger before you get into these pants. So buck up and hold on cause this might take awhile." She tells me that with a smirk on her face.

"Honestly speaking didn't see this evening ending with me and bleu balls. Also didn't think I would find out that my vampire girlfriend is technically still a virgin." I say with a surprised look on my face.

"Who said I was a virgin. I just said that before YOU could get in my pans that you would have to put a ring on my finger." And thats where she got me.

"So basically I have to take responsibility for you if I want to take advantage of you." I inquired.

"Exactly." She answers back.

"Alright I get that but I could at least get like a make out session before I prepose to you. I mean I have to wait like a year before I can, 'legally' marry you based on the fact that you at the moment according to your fake papers are seventeen." I say.

The moment I finish saying that she had used her vampire speed to straddle me and started kissing me like we hadn't seen each other for a decade. After a good ten minutes of making out she finally let's go of my face and separates our lips.

"Wow. Why did you stop. You do know we don't need to breath right." I say.

"I know, but gotta leave them wanting more." After she said that she vamp speed to my front door and says. "See you at school tomorrow Percy." And she disappears.

When my mom and sister got back home they saw me sitting on the cough with a blank face and my mom asked me whats wrong and my answer was.

"I think my girlfriend is a vixen." They were really confused about it, but they decided to ignore it.

-next day-

The moment I got to school I could feel the change in the atmosphere. My intuition was telling me that it was gonna be a long day and what do you know like always it was right.

I had math for first periode and the moment I walked in to class I could feel all the women in te class stare at me. That's when it hit me. It was the time for the dance where the girls ask the boys out. What do you know the moment I sat down a girl worked up the courage to walk up to my seat and ask me out.

"Hi Percy, I was just wondering with the dance coming up. I was just wondering if you would be willing to go with me." Now I'm already in a relationship and I am a gentleman so we let the girl down easy. Not like Bella where she decided to go to a different state as an excuse to get out of the dance.

"Hi Denise. That's your name right. Sorry I'm not really that good with names." I say and she answered with a nod. "I'm in a relationship with Alice Cullen. So I would like to commemorate you for having the courage to walk up and ask me, but I am sorry I have to give you a no for an answer. And as an apology let me treat you to something at te cafeteria." I say letting her down gently with crash pads and pillows to land on.

When the girls heard this they where all sad that I was already taken I mean why wouldn't they. Not to be narcissistic or anything but I am not just eye candy I'm the whole damn sweet shop. Through out the day news spread that me and Alice where official. However right after school finished I was ready to go to the parking lot a girl stopped me.

"Hi, Percy I know that you and that Alice Cullen are together. But I know for a fact that the Cullens aren't very social so how about you ditch her and come to the dance with me." She says trying to give off te sexiest aura she can possibly manage which surprisingly was a whole lot. But I'm not interested.

"Sorry not happening." I stare at her coldly and before she can even say anything I already walked passed her. Why this chick think that I would let go of my immortal little vixen for some second rate gold digger.

I walk into the parking lot and Alice is already standing next to my car.

"So you heard all of that." I ask her.

"Yep and for being such a good guy I think you deserve a reward." She says with a very sexy smile. I have my hopes up. But alas I will be disappointed, cause all we did was drive to the forest run up a hill a bit and make out while rolling around. All in all not what I wanted but as far as I can get with her for now at least.