
Eternal Torture

Childhood is a place of bliss, where you have food to eat, friends to play with, and a family that loves you unconditionally. A mystical dream that you never want it to come to an end, but what happens when the first memory you recall is the sight of your father's guts being torn apart or the sight of men having their way with your mother. What do you do then?. This Is the tale of a lonely murderer that kills anyone that comes to close, kills anyone that betrays his trust, kills anyone that even has the thought of harming him. While he may have forsaken the feeling of loving anyone, that feeling may not have forsaken him. With the greed of power he carries and the infinite darkness that lays within him, he will show what it means to walk the path of eternal torture. Cover art isn't mine, contact me if it's yours.

Evilsteel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Tragedy and dread

"Oh no, I'm so late mother is going to scold me" Irae ran with all the might an eight-year-old could produce. When he got to his home and opened the door he saw a woman with an anxious expression walking back and forth, when this woman saw Irae her anxious expression melted and was replaced by an angry one.

"IRAEEEEE!! Do you know what time it is, did I not tell you to come on time. I'm going to teach you a lesson today." While to many people, she might seem like a heavenly beauty but to Irae right now she was the scariest person in the world. After 10 minutes of continuous apologizing while being chased by his mother, the front door to their home opened up and a muscular man with a stern expression walked in. To many, he might be a scary existence but to Irae right now he was his savior.

As soon as Irae saw this he ran behind the man and yelled " Father, mother is trying to kill me" when the man saw this scene his previous expression faded and was replaced by a loving and caring one as he said "Irae you've had enough fun having your mother chase you around go and apologize"

When Irae's mother saw the apologetic expression of her child from behind her husband she couldn't help but sigh and say " I'm only letting you go this time, there won't be a next. Alright, you two go and freshen up I'm about to put out dinner."

When Irae heard that dinner was about to be served he couldn't help but jump in excitement. He dragged his father as fast as he could so he could eat dinner as soon as possible.

After they were done freshening up they sat at the dining table and awaited their long-awaited meal. As soon as the food was put out Irae jumped out of his seat and started gorging himself, seeing this scene his parents couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When everyone had their fill of dinner Irae's mother started cleaning up and his father sat by the fire reading a book. Seeing his father reading Irae ran up to him and said " Father can you tell me a story about the control masters". Irae's father turned and said, " Instead of a story about control masters, let me tell you a story about our family history and how they created the grasshopper stew". When Irae heard this he very nearly yelled out " why don't you just tell me the story of people walk" but seeing his father passionately explain he couldn't help but endure the story.

Midway through the story, Irae's father saw his son lying on the flood dead asleep. Seeing this he couldn't help but sigh as he said " in the future, you must become an upright person". After that, he picked him up off the floor and took him to his bed to lay him there.

Night approached and darkness descended, In Irae's room the only noise you could hear were the crickets and the wind blowing. As there was no candle in his room, it was pitch black. During his peaceful sleep, he was slowly awakened to the noises of grunting, laughing, and crying. While he slowly and lazily got up to see what was happening he couldn't help but become annoyed from being woken up.

When Irae got to the door he slowly opened the door to see what was happening. He couldn't help but stop to remember what happened when he was caught staying up, taking that into consideration he opened up a tiny crack just enough to see what was going on.

But what he saw during those moments was which that could steal the innocence of any child


He saw his father that never even hurt a fly being pinned to the wall from his limbs by a metal spike. Blood was flowing from every whole and as he was bleeding out he repeatedly said " Lord control master it was my fault for not offering my wife up please forgive me". The figure in the black cloak looked at his victim and just said in a ghastly tone "not good enough". Hearing those words Irae's father lost hope of surviving and started maddeningly swearing at the figure and in response to those words the figure cut of his tongue and said " The darkness is much better when its quiet". Litlle did the black figure know that those two lines would give birth to a monster.

Seeing this Irae fell back and caught a glimpse of the other side of the room and saw something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. He saw men taking turns with his mother while she cried and begged for mercy, but no one heeded those cries for mercy. As she was being violated she took a glance towards her son's room and saw a frightened figure through the slightly open door but as soon as she did, she turned around and became quiet. Seeing this, the figures that were violating her said" This isn't fun anymore she's quiet, just kill her".

Following those words, one of the figures put his hands on Irae's mother's head and said underneath his breath said "Blood acceleration". As soon as he finished his words blood started pouring out of all of Irae's mother's orifices. Irae saw the shine in his mother's eyes until there was just a dull look remaining. She died.

Seeing this scene Irae fell on the ground with a sound thump, his brain in too much shock to even process what was going on. His face held an expression of terror that would never fade, suddenly the door swung open and one of the black figures walked in, the black figure saw Irae and said " I noticed you when I first came in but I decided to get some good karma by letting you live but who needs good karma when I can get some money by selling you". The figure reached to grab Irae

Seeing this Irae started Screaming" NO!NO!NOOOOOOOO!"

"HUH? not that dream again" when Irae fully gained consciousness he saw a scene that he had gotten used to over the month. A room filled with and 5 to 15-year-old boys slept upon those beds. Irae got up and sat on his bed, as he was sitting he couldn't help but started sobbing as he said" I'm a sorry mother for not being able to do anything". He sobbed all the way until the first rays of the sun could be seen. Suddenly the door swung open and a man walked in, if an adult saw this man they would go pale not to mention children.

" Alright, you useless orphans, I'm your commander and that is what you will call me. you have been living a comfortable life these past months considering you were all on the verge of dying from starvation or sickness. Now that you all are able to walk around we will start your training, as you all know you have been bought by the army of this kingdom. So you all have to listen to me if you don't well let's just say death would be a blessing"

Hearing this all the children inwardly shivered. The man continued to talk " I will make you into soldiers that's only mission is to slaughter anyone and everything that stops you from completing your mission. and when the basic training is done you will all have an aptitude test to see if you have any talent to become a control master." saying this the man turned around to leave but turned around again as if he had forgotten to say something " Ah I almost forgot welcome to hell"

Hey guys I'm a new author, Let me know if I can improve anywhere. this my first book so the writing quality might get better as I write more.

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