
Hell camp

When the commander left, all the children started getting out of their beds and walking outside. As soon as they all got outside they saw an open area of 1 acre that was surrounded by trees that you couldn't even see the top.

The children all made their way to where the commander was standing, There were about 100 children, half were boys and half were girls. They all came before the commander and waited for his instructions, seeing this the commander grinned and said" Alright from now on you will all report to me and I will give you instructions on what to do and if my order is not followed to the word you get a lash. Today you will be running around the edges of the acre and you don't stop until I say, anybody that falls behind gets 10 lashes. Understood. Start"

When the commander gave the go-ahead all the children started running around the acre. Irae used to run around a lot so he wasn't particularly dreading running around the acre in the beginning but after an hour wen by more than half of the children had already fallen to the ground and panting heavily. After 2 more hours, only 5 students remained while the rest were on the ground, seeing this the commander called everyone and told them to make their way into the middle. When everyone assembled he said

" As most of you maggots failed you will all receive 10 lashes as a reward and too those who didn't stop, will only get 9 lashes". Hearing this Irae and all the other children despaired, but before anyone could say anything the commander said " And If anyone says anything besides thank you for this reward you will get an extra 10 lashes" When he finished speaking the children despaired even more.

Following that all the children had to remove their shirts and face their back to the commander, The commander brought out a weapon that would make even grown men cry. He brought out a whip that had metal spikes and on the spike was a teeth design that once the whip was stuck it would rip the skin off.

The commander went to the girl closest to him and started whipping her, when the whip connected with the girl she shrieked like the world was ending and nothing could save them and when the commander retracted the whip it brought pieces of skin with it. As the lashes went on all the children had cold sweat pouring down their foreheads.

Eventually, it was Irae's turn when the commander looked at the boy he said "Ah you're the boy that was brought in by Roy's bandit group, I heard that they had plenty of fun with your mother. I wish I was there." Hearing those words Irae's eyes went wide and he turned around and gave the commander a wrathful glare.

When the commander saw Irae's silver eyes glaring at him he felt as if those eyes were piercing his soul. The commander unconsciously took a small step backward and inwardly thought "What intense hate". He couldn't believe how a 4 feet kid with black hair and silver eyes could carry such hatred. The commander replied to the glare by saying " It seems we have someone that doesn't respect me so as your reward you get 10 extra lashes"

Following that Irae received 19 lashes, but during that torture, he didn't even make a peep. He bared the pain while only repeating one sentence in his head "Roy's bandit group". He ingrained that name in his head so he wouldn't forget who caused his suffering. After the lashes were done the commander continued on with the rest of the children, the screaming continued for 20 minutes before it stopped.

"Alright everyone put your shirts back on and grab a weapon of your choice"

When everyone was putting on their shirts it stung as if they were reliving the lashes again. Many people grimaced due to the pain as they were walking towards the rack with the weapons on them. When Irae got to the rack he chose a slim blade with a slight bend from the hilt to the tip (Katana). After getting his weapons they came back to their original spots where the commander started showing basic moves with all the weapons. "now that I've shown you trash what to do everyone grab a training dummy and starts practicing your moves on them and I don't wanna see anyone not doing what they're supposed to otherwise you know what will happen".

When he was done speaking all the children grabbed the dummy and started following the moves that they were shown with their weapon. Irae also started following the moves but since the weapon he chose was taller than him he had a hard time doing them but he persevered as not to get any lashes. After 3 hours of weapon training, the commander came back and gazed across all the children, then he spoke " Put away the weapons and go eat lunch after you're done we will have a hand to hand combat lesson". Hearing this all the children rushed to put their weapons away and rushed towards their bed where there was a tray with a piece of bread, some dried up meat, and water. Seeing the food many wanted to throw it out but they knew they won't get any more so they forced it done their throats.

When they were done eating they made their way to the commander, after everyone arrived the commander spoke and said: " Everyone get in a pair and fight, whoever is left standing won't get any lashes". Hearing this all the children that had half a brain ran towards someone that seemed weaker than them, Irae who realized what was going on ran towards a girl who was maybe a year younger than him. When he arrived the girl was startled and frightened, they didn't exchange words as they knew what was going to happen

When everyone chose a partner the commander gave them the get-go to start fighting. When Irae heard the commander's words he launched into action and said underneath his breath " I'm sorry". Following that he released everything he had, launching punches, kicks, anything that could hurt. When these moves landed on the girl she couldn't help but cry and continuing that Irae fought with her until she was bruised and bleeding until she was on the verge of falling unconscious. When he was about to land the finishing blow he stopped right before her face, thinking he had done enough but before he could stand up the commander stood before him and said " Finish it or you'll receive double the lashes"

When Irae heard these words he had an intense internal struggle on what to do as he was still a child, so he still had a child's compassion. Before he could decide he got a kick to the stomach that sent him flying, the commander who had kicked him said" Never hesitate in front of your enemy. you would have been dead in a real battle." He then looked at the girl and said " you both failed so now you both get punishment.

Following that Irae got 10 lashes then was sent to fight the dummy until training was done. When it was the girl's turn for lashes midway through she fell to the ground unmoving with no light in her eyes. Seeing this the commander looked at all the children and said " If you haven't realized by now not everyone will make this out alive. Training is finished go eat dinner and got sleep tomorrow we continue training."

Follow this all the children went to their beds, Dinner was the same as lunch so no one enjoyed what they were eating. when they were lying down to sleep everyone couldn't help but wince when they put their back to the bed but, they were too tired to linger on it to much as they were very tired so when they closed their eyes they fell asleep.

Before Irae could fall asleep he couldn't help but go over all the events of the day and realize how powerless he was. " Why can't I do what I want? is it cause I am weak? Is it because I'm not powerful enough?" After a long while of self-doubt and questioning, he came to one answer " If power is what I need, Power is what I will get. If mercy makes me weak, I will have no mercy and with this power, I will kill anyone that stops me from doing what I want."

That day no one might have known but a monster was given birth to, whose only companion was his power.

Let me know if I can improve somewhere and write a review

Evilsteelcreators' thoughts