
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Note Of Detachment

The nineteen men each took out swords of their own and cornered the two women.

Unlike the ten men that went to the Yinyue race, these men were actually trained to become the best troops of the Central Domain.

This led to them quickly surrounding the two women in a formation. They circled around the two at lightning speed, creating a storm of dust that blinded their vision from seeing what was going on outside.

When the formation was formed one of the men then went forward to attack Yao Zui. His sword flash with white light, a cold energy penetrating towards her that seems to be able to freeze the space around him.

Yao Zui sneered at this casual attack. Her eyes went from forest green to pink. She then stared down on the man and at that moment the man froze in place.

At the same time two other men came out of the formation, but instead of attacking Yao Zui, their swords fell on the man. Killing him by slicing his body in half.


Yao Zui seeing this expression changed, two shadows flew behind her back. Feeling the murderous intent coming out of them she quickly used her charm on the two in front of her then turn around planning to deal with the two behind.

The masked girl laughed seeing this. "Did you really think your charm is unrivalled?" She said mockingly.

At that moment the two men in front raised their weapons and plunge them into Yao Zui legs.

Yao Zui cry out at the sudden change. She didn't expect her charm to be ineffective. Her legs started freezing in place, the cold energy that came off their weapons began plundering into her body like a virus, spreading everywhere.

Yao Zui realizing that she didn't have long to live raised her head and asked, "How?" She uttered a single word, a word that meant many things.

The masked girl noticing what she meant chuckled. "In truth you Witches are fools. You separated from the Magus Alliance due to your hate of men. This led to you becoming what was meant to be the strongest race in the top 10 to the lowest 20th. Not only are you foolish, but also cowardly. If your Head Dean wasn't afraid of our Central Domain then the truth is you all would still be living your lives in peace since I'm sure the Head Dean had no problems being able to kill us all and your so called "alliance" with other races would come to your assistance quickly."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "Unfortunately, she let down her guard when she accepted our deal. Hah, she thought she could be a useful pawn to us so she willingly injected herself with our cold energy, weakening her strength everyday."

"This made it pretty easy to kill her." She stated numbly while looking at the four men. They soon raised their weapons at Yao Zui neck.

Unfazed, by this Yao Zui asked another question, "How were you able to resist my charm?"

"Oh that. Did you think a simple charm spell would be able to affect us who are blessed with strong mental resistance?" She said, shaking her head in complete disregard.

"In simple terms, unlike the Magus's magic, you witches magic is ineffective against us no matter how many years you spent honing them." The masked girl yawned while looking at the four men again.

At that moment they lowered their weapons. "Don't worry, we won't kill you since you have some uses." She proposed.

"Just don't be like that Headless Dean of yours." She laughed with a mocking light in her eyes.

Yao Zui hearing this froze in place. She stared at Yu Yaojing who was surrounded by the remaining fourteen men as if asking for help.

Even though she was surrounded she saw her looking at her with her usual nonchalant expression.

'You cannot die here. Remember, there are still thousands of young witches you need to look after.' Yu Bing suddenly spoke in her mind.

Yao Zui hearing this couldn't stop the tears from leaving her eyes. She felt all those years spent on training her charm magic was wasted.

"I accept..."

The masked girl smiled. "Good decision." She said as she gave the four men a signal. The men nodded, took out an antidote for the cold energy and gave it to her before joining the formation.

"Now were left with just one." The masked girl said, staring at Yu Bing.

With the four men joining in, the formation became more complete, making Yu Bing unable to fight back.

Yu Bing didn't let this bother her though. She simply continue fighting on the defensive, her eyes constantly flashing with a calculative light.

"I wonder how you plan to break through this formation of ours." The masked girl seeing Yu Bing still putting up a fight questioned.

This formation is meant to block the one trapped inside vision of the outside world with dust and after images with how fast the users of this formation move.

To make things worse every now and then someone will come to attack Yu Bing. Each time being from a random position. Left, right, above and even below her.

They will then disappear back into the formation after attacking her.

"I am quite surprised though. Its been more than twenty minutes, yet not a single scratch is on your body." The masked girl was quite shocked. One must know anyone who got trapped in this formation didn't last more than five minutes.

Even Yao Zui, a Supreme Witch only lasted a little over three minutes.

The masked girl seeing all of this became impatient. "Are you guys going to continue wasting our time. Finish this already!"

Yao Zui hearing this expression changed. Soon she saw all eighteen men flashing out of the foundation at Yu Bing.

"Yu Bing watch out!" She cried out, not expecting the sudden change.

"Frozen in time."

Yu Bing suddenly spoke softly with her calm voice. Soon layers of frost energy left her body and touch the eighteen men.

Not even a second later, they became frozen statues.

"Shattering at a moments touch." The frozen statues then scattered into small ice shards.

"Only to drift in the wind for hours." The ice shards were soon seen flying towards the masked girl.

"To be forgotten for eternity." The ice shards sticked to the masked girls body with no intentions of leaving. They then froze her in place.

All this time Yu Bing has been preparing this four note song for this moment.

She knew they would soon grow impatient when they realize they couldn't kill her, much less touch her with their formation so she waited.

And the moment they rushed at her she caught everyone off guard.

Yu Bing seeing her plan worked looked at Yao Zui for a moment before planning to leave.

At that moment, the unexpected happened. "The Endless Notes are truly on par with the human races Endless Dao. It's a pity we cannot make use of it." The ice suddenly shattered, revealing the masked girl.

A strange energy constantly fluctuate around her. Stopping the Endless Notes from Yu Bing four note song from touching her.

Yu Bing and Yao Zui seeing this were shocked. Yu Bing especially looked at the masked girl in despair. "So you finally managed to cultivate the Endless Dao."

Yao Zui who was wondering why the energy coming off the masked girl felt so similar was shocked. "The Eternal Dao, How— No, that's impossible.... Unless, the other half of the scripture found in the elf race was in your hands all this time. Nevertheless...!"

"You truly are smart Yu Bing." The masked girl smiled, cutting off Yao Zu by looking at her. "That's right, the other half was with us all this time. We just didn't know of its use until the human race began using it."

Yu Bing eyes soon became wary. "So you've been searching for a way for that long? It has already been a million years since the Human Race began using that scripture which means you lied."

"You were always able to leave the Central Domain."

The masked girl scoffed. "Not all of us. In fact it was only our Ancestor that was able to leave. It was only recently that we learned that the Dragon Emperor millions of years ago actually managed to penetrate a hole in the seal small enough to fit one person."

"Our Princess noticed this used it as an advantage to squeeze outside. Even with the risk of being killed by the space rifts and the void our Princess still managed to find a way through. She then gathered millions of experts and well you know the rest." The masked girl sighed in admiration as she was reminded of the time that got millions killed.

Yu Bing nodded at this answer completed unfazed as if she already knew the answer in her head. "Can I ask one more question?"

The masked girl admiring eyes turn into irritation. "It doesn't matter, with the Endless Dao on my side you will die today anyways. Just treat this as a last request."

"So. What is your last question?"

Yu Bing seeing the masked girl waving her hand at her as if it was a simple matter asked, "There's something I don't understand. Why are you targeting the Yinyue race when we choose to stay neutral? No matter what you did, as long as you don't target the Elf Race there's nothing we would do to stop you."

"So tell me. Why. Why do you choose to target our race first when you could get rid of us when you finish weakening all the other races."

"Oh that." She became stunned when she realize this was her last question before shaking her head in disappointment. "I thought you yinyue's enjoy battle as much as we do. Oh well you see, our princess has taken an interest in your young prince. We've recently found out that he is an anomaly that should not exist in this world. If we let him grow too much he could come to be an issue to our plans."

"So there's only two options really. One, you hand him over and we won't mind letting your race go. Heck, we would even gladly welcome you to our Domain and allow you to trade again with the witches."

Two, we destroy the Yinyue Race and take him away from you." She said coldly.

Note of Detachment

At that moment the notes that were unable to penetrate through the Endless Dao that flow around the masked girl quiet down.

The air stopped moving, the oxygen that we breath stop flowing. The surrounds went still and the world felt bleak.

It was as if the world itself lacked any emotion to the point that the smallest grass was hanging its head down in absolute disinterest.

"You make it sound like we don't actually enjoy battle." Yu Bing said, her voice voided of any emotions. Her calm face looking at everything around her with disinterest.

"Well your wrong." She then took a single step forward. When her feet touch the ground the sound resounded in everyone ears. The masked girl, Yao Zui and even the students who had no idea what was going on.

"It's just that..." She whispered to herself, but with how silent the world became it actually sounded like she was speaking loudly.

"At the stage were at." She raised her hand slowly. At the same time notes came flying towards her. A song soon played, one that would make a person feel lonely and insecure. A song that makes one feel like they didn't exist, that no one could see them. That they were invincible to others, the world and even to themself.

After lifting her hand she then open her palm while staring at the masked girl. The masked girl sensing the change moved, but realized she couldn't. The Endless Notes that gathered in the room locked down her location. Even the Endless Dao that was suppose to help her chose to stop functioning. It was as if they were cowering in fear.

Yu Bing whose palm was already facing the masked girl slowly started closing it.

The masked girl soon felt a heavy pressure she never felt before crushing her. She looked at Yu Bing to see that her palm wasn't even half way closed.

"Stop." She mumbled as despair soon took over her body.

"Stop." The masked girl repeated, feeling the pressure increase and seeing Yu Bing looking at her as if she was never there spoke louder.

"Stop! I know something you don't. Something you hold dear—" Seeing her palm about to close, the masked girl shouted loudly, but her wish never came true.

Silence was soon all one could hear in the Head Dean's Office. Yu Bing soon stare at everything around her. The ice shards, the headless body, Yao Zui who was staring at at the spot the masked girl was before with a disbelief expression.

She took in everything. Then laughed, she laughed while placing her hand on her head with eyes wide open and mouth curved upwards as if she just experience the greatest pleasure. A pleasure she never felt in a long, long time.

Yu Bing then stared at the spot where the masked girl was suppose to be and declared to herself before leaving without telling Yao Zui.

"You thought we don't enjoy battle? The truth is there's just no one at our level strong enough to defeat us."