
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

I Simply Wanted To

An aroma filled with an intoxicating scent entered everyone's nose. The students near by immediately felt dizzy, their sense becoming disorientated.

Noticing this, they quickly placed their hands on their noses. "Dean Yao!" They greeted politely, backing away in the process.

"No, no, no! You little mongrels always get it wrong. It's not Dean Yao, but Supreme Dean Yao! You got that!" The woman yelled in a drunken tone as she titled her back while placing her hands on her hips seductively.


Her pose caused the young witches to blush slightly. Especially when they realized that she was wearing a short dress that was basically glued to her skin, exposing her cleavage and slender legs.

If a man were to see this scene they would probably be unable to control themselves from jumping on this woman. Not to mention the scent coming off her that increase ones desires.

Her icy, yet luscious pink hair combined with a mixture of magenta sway in the air, her drowsy, forest green eyes that look like they haven't gotten any sleep in a long time stare down on everyone, mainly Yu Bing.

Yao Zui is one of the Seven Supreme Witches and the Head Dean of the Heavens Furnace Academy. She goes by the title Charming Witch because of her beauty and her affinity with charm magic.

During the war two hundred thousand years ago it was rumored that the Witch Race was on the verge of losing because they were tugged in a corner with enemies on all sides.

They had no hopes of getting out of their situation with armies from four different races corning them. They were already ready to admit defeat when suddenly they found out Yao Zui went across the battlefield alone to the enemies camp at the south.

You would think that her decision was foolish, but in truth it was far from that. With her charm magic she charmed an entire frontline of troops consisting of 100,000 men and used them as foot soldiers to tire out the camps in the north, east and west.

With the enemies all out of mental power she directly charmed them into becoming her pets and then used an army consisting of half a million troops to annihilate four races, securing the Witch Race as one of the strongest races today.

This all occur before she became a Supreme Witch. One could imagine how much her charm magic has improved from that time.

"Your not going to answer me? As expected of someone from the cowardly Yinyue race." Yao Zui laughed inwardly seeing Yu Bing not responding to her taunt.

Yu Bing seeing her expression became irritated. "I'm sorry, but I don't talk to bitches who find pleasure in seducing young girls, but since you are here, can you take me to Head Dean Xiao?"

"You...! Errr— You haven't changed at all Yu Bing!"

"You also haven't changed Yao Zui. I am guessing you still find pleasure messing with young girls?" Yu Bing whispered so that only Yao Zui would hear.

"What—! I would never!" Yao Zui immediately retorted.

"Is that so? You know I have a good memory and that I hardly forget anything. How strange.... Oh! Now that I think about it, I remember videoing one of your sessions, it should be in my spacial ring. Let me check..." Yu Bing suddenly became serious. Soon she began taking out video tapes from her ring. One of them was written, "How to ruin Yao Zui image #1."

"Enough!" Yao Zui seeing those tapes and being reminded of Yu Bing behavior of always getting whatever she wants from the Head Dean became appalled.

"I will take you to the Head Dean."

Yu Bing soon arrived at the doors leading into the Head Deans office. "I realize a lot have changed during these two years so I became confused and lost when I couldn't locate the Head Deans office."

"Luckily, I ran into you or maybe I should say you chased after me?"

"Hmph! Who would chase after you?" Yao Zui sneered, blushing slightly.

Yu Bing seeing her expression smiled. She reached out her hand and patted her head. Yao Zui face soon became beaming red as if she was about to explode.

"I can see a lot of these changes occurred because of you. The previous Academy wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. It lacked many things that could improve its stability so good work." Yu Bing praised, while raising her thumb.

Yao Zui hearing those words felt happy inside. "Yu Bing, sorry about those words I said earlier... I only said them because I was angry when you just left without telling anyone."

"Its okay. Were sisters after all right?"

Yao Zui felt warm inside. "Yu Bing, I am glad to see you here, but why did you choose now. Did you not hear the news?"

"What do you mean?"

"So you didn't hear them." Yao Zui hesitated.

"Yu Bing you should leave. This place is no longer safe for anyone, especially you after what the Yinyue Mistress did."

"I don't understand. What did Yu Yaojing do?"

"You don't know?" She asked startled.

Yu Bing then explained to Yao Zui that she has been travelling to the Witch Race for an entire two months and it was only three days ago that she arrived.

"I see." Yao Zui nodded her head in understanding. "That would explain why the Central Domain would set their sights on the Yinyue race."

"THEY DID WHAT?!" Yu Bing hearing this became furious. Her calm expression became icy cold. Layers of frost appear, slowly freezing the entrance to the Head Dean's Office.

"Yu..Yu Bing calm down. Don't worry the Yinyue Mistress quickly dealt with the issue. Though this has caused problems with the Central Domain.

"What did Yu Yaojing do?" Realizing she acted out of hand Yu Bing quickly calm down. Asking Yao Zui the same question again.

"She—" Right at that moment figures appeared in front of her sight. When she see who it was her eyes widen in disbelief.

"What are you two talking about." An emotionless voice entered their ears. Yu Bing turn around to see who it was only to become surprised.

Yao Zui seeing who it was took four steps back. "That's impossible the Yinyue Mistress ripped off your head, how can you still be alive..." She spoke with fear in her voice.

Figures with white hair appeared, one girl and twenty men in front of them.

The person in question didn't respond to Yao Zui, instead she turn to Yu Bing and raised her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you. You must be Yu Bing right? I heard a lot of things about you, mainly how you are the second strongest person in the Yinyue Race."

"Ah, where are my manners? You can call me White Mask or if you want to kneel down and lick my shoes and flaunt all over me you can call me Princess."

"The Princess of the Central Domain." The girls eyes flashed with a cold light behind her mask when she said this.

Listening to the girl, Yu Bing choose to remain silent. Its not that she didn't want to, but that she simply couldn't. Unlike most people, she knew far, far too much about the Central Domain and from one look she could tell this was not the Princess who killed millions with one strike.

Noticing Yu Bing choose to remain silent the masked girl eyes under her mask grew murderous. "So the rumors are true. You do know our secret. It makes me wonder how many more you know."

"Your Number 9 I presume?" Yu Bing finally uttered.

The masked girl hearing this eyes became even more murderous. "Haha! Brilliant! Absolute Brilliant!" She laughed, while clapping her hands.

She laughed for a good one minute before saying, "Tell me how do you wish to die?"

Seeing Yu Bing expression change, the masked girl laughed again. "No need to make a fuss, I was only joking. Or maybe I wasn't, but do you know those were the exact same words your lovely Mistress said to our representative that we sent to your home before she killed her in cold blood?"

"That poor girl. Although she was weak, she was still one of our sisters." She sighed in a sadden tone, but her eyes behind her mask said differently. A mocking light could be seen through the holes of her mask.

"You came to see the Head Dean right? Why don't you go in?" The masked girl quickly changed the subject seeing the two women were acting wary of her.

"Are you going to keep the Head Dean waiting?" Yu Bing recalling what she came here to do choose to ignore the masked girl for the time being.

"That's strange, the Head Dean should have called us to enter a long time ago." Yao Zui mumbled to herself as she walk beside Yu Bing, afraid the masked girl would do something to her even though shes over two hundred thousand years older than her.

When they entered what immediately met them was red. The Head Dean, or what was known as the Head Dean body lay headlessly in her chair. Blood spraying all over her desk.

Yu Bing and Yao Zui remain on the spot frozen in place. Their eyes bulging out of their sockets, refusing to believe what they were seeing.

"What you look at that. The Head Dean is now, well a Dean." The masked girl chuckled to herself bringing the two women out of their trance.

"What did you do!" Yu Bing yelled loudly, a burst of white energy sweeping towards the masked girl.

"Calm down girl. Isn't your note the Note of Detachment? I didn't know you could become this angry!" The masked girl seeing this burst of energy took the hand of one of her men and threw him in front of it.

The mans body exploded sending blood all over the office. Dying the already red room redder.

"I'm going to ask again! What did you do?!"

"I killed her that's all."


"Cause I simply wanted to." The masked girl eyes quiver in excitement as she said those words. A head suddenly appeared in her hands. The head had a shocked expression on her face, showing how she did not expect to suddenly get killed in a place she considered safe. "Didn't your Mistress do the same with our sister?"

"Well, this is retribution." She crushed the head with not an ounce of emotion on her face.

"Are you insane?! Your actions has caused the entire world to ally against you. With what you just did you might have just caused the Central Domain to go extinct!" Yao Zui shouted with tears in her eyes.

Ten months ago this masked girl appear and claimed herself as the owner of the Witch Race. She then began putting in rules of her own. One being that all trades dealing with selling potions, elixirs and pills must be conducted at the Central Domain.

Another rule was that no trades would be conducted with other races without the Central Domain approval.

She then began listing out names of races that are banned from conducting business with the Central Domain.

Two of them being The Human Race and Yinyue Race.

The Witches seeing this became furious. They one by one went to teach these Central Domain people a lesson, but none of them came back alive.

When they saw them killing their own people they became even more furious. That was until a Great Witch, a level below a Supreme Witch went to face them. The results were the same, she died.

This gain the attention to the Seven Supreme Witches and Even a Supreme Magus. When they went and demand an explanation the Central Domain people immediately began attacking them and shockingly enough they were equally on par with them.

This shocked the Supremes. As one of the strongest existence below Domain Rulers they were in disbelief that a group of strangers could easily rival their strength.

The battle lasted for a whole ten days and ten nights until the Supremes ran out of mental power. With them being out numbered by twelve there wasn't much they could do.

The Central Domain people were about to kill them until the Head Dean came and rescued them.

As an agreement to not killing them, the Head Dean agreed to become slaves of the Central Domain. This led to the most talented witches being transferred over to the Central Domain.

The Head Dean would never have expected this decision of hers would cause her to get killed.

The masked girl hearing Yao Zui words laughed maniacally. "Isn't that what we want? We want the entire world to be against us so we can have more people to fight! And don't blame us for starting all of this. We were happy fighting against one another until you all broke the seal the gods put on us. If you think about it, it was all of you who came and brought disaster to your world!"

"We won't stop until we kill every major figure in this world and become the prime rulers!"

"And guess what? You two are next! Kill them!" She shouted and the remaining nineteen men behind her took out swords and rushed at Yao Zui and Yu Bing.