
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

I Am Rich!

Yu Sheng stared at the man with suspicious eyes. The shadows were looking at him especially with greedy grins scaring the absolute crap out of him.

"Get rid of those creepy stuff first. You are scaring my executives!" Yu Sheng shouted with a brave front, backing away from Xu Lengyu in the process. 

"What do you mean creepy stuff?! These are my friends brother!" Xu Lengyu grew angry at Yu Sheng words.

"Wait did you just call me brother?" Confused, Yu Sheng asked.

"Of course my dare brother. From now on your my little brother!" Controlling his emotions, Xu Lengyu got rid of the shadows and went forward while opening his arms to embrace Yu Sheng in a hug.

'The fuck. Wasn't this the guy who felt disturbed by me tapping his shoulder?' 

Seeing Xu Wantian just standing still, Xu Lengyu took him into a bear hug squeezing the absolute hell out of him.

"What the fuck man.....!" Yu Sheng was about to scream in agony, but Xu Lengyu loosing his grip on him with a whisper.

"Listen man, there's this girl I have been chasing for centuries. If you gift me these pills I am sure she will love them!" He said quietly in Yu Sheng ears.

"Huh? Aren't there like hundreds of beauty pills been sold at auctions?" Yu Sheng questioned softly.

"What difference would mine make?" Yu Sheng wanted to ask why he would want to buy his pills for 10 Billion BDC, but his greedy nature compelled him not to.

 "Are you serious right now man? Did you not see what happened to that little lady of yours?! She was already beautiful, but your pill made her into a literal goddess! That's something only a Master Alchemist could do!" Grabbing Yu Sheng by the shoulder, Xu Lengyu walked him to the side where no one would hear them.

"Oh and by the way don't you dare think of laying your hands on her. Her background isn't something you can mess with me."

"Master Alchemist?" Curious by the term Yu Sheng looked at Xu Lengyu for answers, ignored everything else he said. 

Looking into Yu Sheng questioning eyes he became speechless. 

"There is no way you don't know what that term means..."

"What does it mean? Is it some sort of rank?" Yu Sheng asked.

"Of course it is! God damn, your telling me you didn't even know you are a Master Alchemist?!"


Xu Lengyu felt like fainting at those words. 

"Then that means you have no idea about the Dao of Indifference..."

"Hm?" Hearing this term that sounds similar to the Note of Indifference he began thinking. 'Could they be the same thing?'

"Your going to kill me..." Speechless once more Xu Lengyu rubbed his head in frustration.

"Listen, what you just did was bring out the Endless Dao to create that pill. Didn't your master teach you that?"

"I am not sure." 

"The hell, do you even have a master?"

"More like a shameless, old geezer..." Yu Sheng cursed being reminded of the old man. 

This old geezer Yu Sheng was referring to was the Miracle Doctor that helped him keep Yin Qing'er alive. 

His vast understanding in medicine and herbs made Yu Sheng extremely intrigued as nothing that he ever talked about was something Yu Sheng have ever hear before. 

This led to Yu Sheng wanting to learn from him, but he only took disciples. Not giving up, Yu Sheng brought down his pride and knelt in front of him. 

Yu Sheng at that time didn't know if the old man was pleased by his performance or simple didn't care. Anyways, the old man took him in as a disciple and ever since then Yu Sheng has been learning from him. 

However, soon Yu Sheng began to regret taking him as his master. The old man went by the name of Miracle Doctor, but in Yu Sheng eyes he was nothing but a con artist!

'That old man didn't even teach me anything! He only buried me in a bunch of old books with languages I didn't even know and told me to figure it out on my own!' Getting furious, Yu Sheng quickly calm himself down. 

'Lucky for me and unfortunate for him I am a genius! Did he think some strange language could stop me from learning everything from those books? Hah!' Sneering, Yu Sheng let out a cold laugh. 

"You okay little brother?" Seeing Xu Wantian changing mood, Xu Lengyu asked. 

"Yes now back to business." Shaking away those thought provoking memories, Yu Sheng eyes became serious. 

"You said you will buy these pills off me for 10 Billion BDC right? You do remember that the Xu Clan cannot interfere with the competition right? You buying these off me would be considering against the rules." Reminded of the rules Yu Sheng declared. 

"You think too little of me little brother." Folding his arms together, Xu Lengyu put on a cunning smile. 

"The money will not be added to the companies capital you fool, it will be your own personal money." 

"Besides..." Just as Yu Sheng was about to rebuke his statement he cut him short by lifting his finger to his mouth while looking at everyone in the room.

"The Xu Clan doesn't need to know we had a little transaction right everyone?" Speaking loudly for everyone to hear he announced, his eyes filled with killing intent as he continue.

"If they do find out though, I will murder every single one of you in this room." The shadows he not too long ago got rid of resurfaced looking at everyone with hungry eyes. 


The executives lost their voices at his words. Their body tremble as their eyes fill up with despair. Those shadow figures in front of them were like the god of death who came to reap their souls. 

'So this is the power one can inherit from the Xu Emperor.' Yu Sheng thought. He had to admit to himself that he was indeed afraid of those shadows. The more he stared at them the more he felt like they were digging up all his fears and nightmares. 

'I hope I won't have to face anything like this in the future...' 

Xu Lengyu seeing the executives shaking in their boots smile. His gaze then fell on Zou Xiaolian only for his face to turn into a deep frown. 

'That girl is trouble.' She looked on with not an ounce of fair in his eyes. 

"This is the second time you scared my executives. Actually is it the second time? I can't remember." Scratching his hair in confusion Yu Sheng said. 

Retracting his shadows Xu Lengyu looked at Yu Sheng and asked. "So do we have a deal?" 

Yu Sheng contemplate for a while on whether or not to accept the deal before an idea came up in his mind. 

"One more thing."

"What is it?" Xu Lengyu asked with lit eyes. His face covered in excitement. 

Yu Sheng seeing his expression smiled. He raised his hand for a handshake to seal the deal.

"You must own me a favor—"

"Deal!" Before Yu Sheng could finish he immediately accepted.






"HAHA! I am rich!" The meeting finally concluded after Yu Sheng set out a plan on getting back the company lost shares and making some changes to the company. 

With only him, Xu Lengyu and Zou Xiaolian in the room he shouted as he watch the overflowing credits on his phone. 

[Balance - 10,000,000,000 BDC]

With a pleased smile Yu Sheng felt accomplished. 'In just a few hours of entering the Human Domain I have become rich! Hahhh... I am truly a genius.' He thought to himself, boosting his overflowing ego. 

"Not to ruin the mood, but there is something I think I should ask you." Xu Lengyu came up to Yu Sheng then look at Zou Xiaolian. 

"Could you please leave?" 

Zou Xiaolian who was obsessed with her current appearance was startled by Xu Lengyu request. 

"Ah, sorry I forgot the meeting was over." Bowing her head slightly, she rushed out of the meeting room while taking a bunch of pictures on her phone. 

"Thank you CEO Xu! I will never forget this favor!" Before leaving though, she blew a kiss at Yu Sheng making him feel like his nose was about to bleed endlessly again at how beautiful and seductive she has become. 

"Good, with that woman out of the way I can speak freely to you now." Loosing his tie Xu Lengyu began taking off his clothes. 

"I am straight and have a girl that I like!" Yu Sheng backed away, immediately activated the Eternal Melody that just came off cooldown with a shout. 

"I am also straight and have a girl that I like!" Laughing Xu Lengyu looked at Yu Sheng with a teasing look. He then took out a black looking object from out of nowhere and placed it on his chest. 

Soon his body became covered in black liquid giving him a suit of black armor that cover his body from neck to his toe. 

"Woah." Yu Sheng exclaimed in awe. "Are those nanobots?" He asked while also sighing inside that Xu Lengyu wasn't going to do some strange stuff to him. 

"Nanobots? I guess you could say that." Not wanting to explain anything Xu Lengyu said. 

"Now for the thing I wanted to ask you." Changing the subject he smiled. 

"Do you think your safe after escaping those Bounty Hunters?"