
Eternal Heaven Cultivation

In the infinite vastness of Eternal Heaven, a myriad of realms exist, each overflowing with cultivators striving for immortality and godhood. But one relic, the Eternal Amulet, holds the power to transcend the boundaries of existence itself. In the aftermath of Xuan Tian's legendary sacrifice, the Eternal Amulet, one of the four most ancient and powerful relics in the Eternal Heaven, has remained lost for countless ages. The amulet, hurled from the grasp of the ruthless Princess Yun Xue and into the vast expanse of the Mortal Domain, has kept its immeasurable might concealed from those who crave dominion over all of creation. This cosmic balance is shattered when a young cultivator named Li Yun stumbles upon the Eternal Amulet by pure chance. Inadvertently bonding with the ancient artifact's consciousness, Li Yun's life is forever changed as he finds himself thrust into a war that spans infinite realms and involves cultivators of unimaginable power. To survive and protect those he holds dear, Li Yun must quickly evolve from a mere mortal into a peerless immortal. Guided by the Eternal Amulet's wisdom, Li Yun begins to unlock profound mysteries and cultivation techniques that were thought to be lost to the sands of time. However, his rapid ascension catches the attention of malevolent forces who have schemed for eons to possess the amulet's power, chief among them being Princess Yun Xue, an immortal consumed by an insatiable ambition that knows no bounds. As the battle between the righteous and corrupt cultivators rages across the Eternal Heaven, Li Yun must navigate a treacherous path filled with courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. The fate of the cosmos hangs in the balance as he faces the ultimate question: Can he withstand the tribulations that await him and harness the true depths of the Eternal Amulet's power? Or will the universe be forever shattered by those who seek to subjugate all of existence to their tyrannical rule?

Eternal_Empress · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

In the sprawling expanse of the Lower Realms, where the echoes of forgotten legends whispered through ancient valleys, lay the humble realm of Jade Hollow. Nestled amidst rolling hills and mist-shrouded peaks, this unassuming realm was home to a tapestry of villages, each woven with its own rich history and traditions.

It was here, in the quaint hamlet of Willow Creek, that a young man named Li Yun eked out a meager existence, his days consumed by the backbreaking toil of a peasant's life. Born to a family of humble means, Li Yun's fate seemed sealed from the moment he took his first breath – a life of servitude and hardship, forever overshadowed by the privileged nobles who ruled over the realm.

As the first rays of dawn crept over the horizon, Li Yun's calloused hands were already at work, tending to the modest vegetable patch that sustained his family. Each movement was a testament to his unwavering determination, a silent defiance against the circumstances that sought to keep him bound to the earth. The dew-kissed leaves glistened in the morning light, their vibrant greens a stark contrast to the weathered furrows that lined Li Yun's brow.

Yet, despite his tireless efforts, Li Yun could not escape the harsh reality that surrounded him. In a realm where cultivation was the ultimate pursuit, his lack of talent for the martial arts marked him as an outcast, a mere speck of dust in the eyes of those born into nobility.

The village elders often spoke in hushed tones of the great cultivators who walked among them, their auras shimmering with the power of realms far beyond Li Yun's comprehension. Tales of Soul Formation experts, their souls solidified into tangible forms, ignited a spark of longing within his heart – a yearning to transcend the boundaries of his humble existence.

"Ah, young Li Yun," old man Zhi would say, his voice raspy with age, "if only you could witness the majesty of a true cultivator. Their very presence commands the heavens and earth, and their power is akin to that of living gods."

But such dreams were quickly extinguished by the harsh truth that only those of noble birth were granted the privilege of cultivation. The martial arts academies that dotted the realm were exclusive domains, their doors forever barred to the likes of Li Yun and his ilk.

"Why must it be this way, father?" Li Yun would ask, his eyes shining with a mixture of frustration and yearning as he watched the young nobles stride through the village, their robes emblazoned with the crests of prestigious cultivation sects.

His father, Ren, would shake his head solemnly, his gaze weary from a lifetime of hardship. "It has always been thus, my son. We are but humble peasants, and the path of cultivation is reserved for those born into greatness. Our lot in life is to toil in the fields, to provide for our families and serve the noble houses that rule over us."

Li Yun would purse his lips, his fists clenching at his sides as he fought back the bitter resentment that threatened to consume him. How could fate be so cruel, to deny him the opportunity to pursue the very essence of what it meant to be a cultivator?

As the morning sun climbed higher, its warmth caressed the fields where Li Yun toiled alongside his fellow villagers. The air was thick with the scent of freshly tilled soil and the rhythmic cadence of hoes striking the earth, a symphony of labor that had echoed through generations.

It was during these long hours that Li Yun's mind would wander, his thoughts drifting to the whispers of cultivators who walked among them like living gods. He had caught fleeting glimpses of their resplendent robes and enigmatic expressions, their every movement imbued with a grace and power that seemed to defy the natural order.

On rare occasions, a noble would pass through Willow Creek, their entourage casting disdainful glances at the peasants who scrambled to clear the path. Li Yun would watch, his heart swelling with a mixture of awe and resentment, as these privileged few strutted by without so much as a second glance.

"Keep your eyes down, boy," his father would caution, his weathered face etched with the lines of a lifetime spent in servitude. "Those are the Young Lords and Ladies of the Jade Hollow nobility. They are cultivators, and we are but dust beneath their feet."

Li Yun would nod obediently, but deep within his soul, a fire burned – a yearning for something greater, a desire to break free from the shackles of his station and forge his own destiny.

As the day wore on, the villagers would gather in the humble tavern, seeking solace in the warmth of companionship and the occasional sip of rice wine. It was here that the elders would regale the younger generation with tales of legendary cultivators, their voices hushed with reverence as they spoke of the Nine Heavenly Cultivation Stages.

"In the earliest stages," old man Zhi would begin, his eyes glazing over with the weight of ancient knowledge, "a cultivator must learn to sense and gather the very essence of qi – the fundamental energy that flows through all things."

Li Yun would listen raptly, his eyes wide with wonder, as the elders described the awe-inspiring power of the Nascent Soul Realm, where one's consciousness coalesced into a separate entity from the physical form. He could scarcely fathom the concept of a Soul Formation cultivator, their very essence solidified into a tangible, spiritual might.

"And beyond even that," old man Zhi would whisper, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and reverence, "lie the Monarchs – beings of unfathomable power who transcend the boundaries of mortality itself."

A hush would fall over the tavern as the villagers contemplated such inconceivable might, their own meager existences seeming all the more insignificant in the face of such grandeur.

"Surely, you jest, elder," a skeptical voice would pipe up from the back of the room. "How could any being possess such power? It defies the very laws of nature!"

Old man Zhi would shake his head solemnly, his eyes reflecting the weight of countless lifetimes spent in pursuit of knowledge. "Ah, my child, the ways of cultivation are as vast and unfathomable as the cosmos itself. What may seem impossible to us is but a stepping stone for those who have truly mastered the dao."

Murmurs of awe and disbelief would ripple through the tavern, as the villagers struggled to comprehend the existence of such godlike beings. Li Yun, however, would sit in rapt silence, his mind awhirl with the tantalizing possibilities that lay beyond the confines of his humble existence.

Yet, despite the weight of his circumstances, Li Yun refused to surrender his dreams. In the quiet hours before dawn, when the world was cloaked in slumber, he would steal away to a secluded glade and attempt to cultivate the most rudimentary of qi gathering techniques.

Surrounded by the gentle whispers of the forest, Li Yun would settle into a meditative stance, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady. With each inhale, he willed his spirit to reach out and grasp the ethereal strands of energy that permeated the world around him. He could sense the faint thrumming of life force that pulsed through every blade of grass, every flutter of a butterfly's wings.

But try as he might, the qi remained elusive, dancing just beyond his reach, taunting him with its tantalizing potential. Beads of sweat would form on his brow as he poured every ounce of his being into the pursuit of cultivation, his muscles trembling with the strain of his efforts.

"Focus, Li Yun," he would chide himself, his voice a mere whisper in the stillness of the glade. "The dao is not something that can be grasped through brute force alone. It requires patience, discipline, and a deep understanding of the natural order."

And so, he would persist, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sought to attune his spirit to the rhythms of the world around him. Sometimes, he would catch fleeting glimpses of the qi, like ephemeral wisps of smoke that slipped through his fingers before he could grasp them fully.

But as the first rays of dawn crept over the horizon, he would be forced to abandon his efforts and return to the fields, his dreams once again deferred in the face of harsh reality.

As the seasons turned and the years slipped by, Li Yun's determination never wavered, even as the weight of his circumstances threatened to crush his spirit. He watched as his peers settled into the monotonous rhythms of peasant life, their dreams slowly withering away like the crops they tended.

"Why do you persist, Li Yun?" his childhood friend, Mei Lin, would ask, her voice laced with equal parts concern and bewilderment. "Can you not see that the path of cultivation is not meant for us? We are but humble folk, destined to live and die in service to our noble lords."

Li Yun would shake his head, his eyes burning with an intensity that belied his gentle nature. "I cannot accept that, Mei Lin. Deep within my heart, I know that there is more to this existence than endless toil and subjugation. The dao calls to me, like a siren's song that I cannot ignore."

Mei Lin would purse her lips, her brow furrowed with worry. "But at what cost, Li Yun? You risk angering the nobles with your defiance. They will not take kindly to a mere peasant aspiring to cultivate the martial arts."

Li Yun would fall silent, his gaze turning inward as he contemplated the weight of her words. He was no fool; he knew that his actions could be seen as a direct challenge to the established order of Jade Hollow. But the yearning within his soul burned too brightly to be extinguished by mere words of caution.

"I cannot live my life in fear, Mei Lin," he would finally say, his voice soft yet resolute. "If I am to truly walk the path of cultivation, I must be willing to face whatever consequences may come. For what is a life lived in complacency, but a slow, agonizing death of the spirit?"

Mei Lin would shake her head, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, but she knew better than to argue further. Li Yun's unwavering determination was both his greatest strength and his greatest vulnerability – a double-edged sword that could either lift him to unimaginable heights or bring about his utter downfall.

As the years passed, Li Yun's reputation began to spread throughout the surrounding villages, whispers of the peasant boy who dared to defy the established order. Some regarded him with scorn, viewing his actions as a foolish and dangerous rebellion against the natural order of things.

Others, however, saw in him a glimmer of hope – a living embodiment of the human spirit's indomitable will to transcend the boundaries that sought to contain it.

"Did you hear?" the villagers would murmur, their voices hushed with a mixture of awe and trepidation. "Young Li Yun has made progress in his cultivation. Some say they have seen him gathering wisps of qi, like threads of pure energy woven into the very fabric of existence."

The news would spread like wildfire, igniting both wonder and fear in the hearts of those who heard it. For in a realm where the nobility jealously guarded the secrets of cultivation, the mere notion of a peasant ascending to such heights was akin to heresy.

And yet, Li Yun persisted, his dedication unwavering in the face of mounting scrutiny and whispered warnings. In the solitude of the forest glade, he would pour his entire being into the pursuit of the dao, his body and spirit becoming one with the ebb and flow of the natural world.

Slowly, imperceptibly, the qi began to respond to his efforts, unfurling like delicate tendrils of mist that coalesced around his form. It was a mere glimmer, a fleeting glimpse into the vast potential that lay dormant within him, but to Li Yun, it was a revelation – a sign that his dreams were not mere fanciful notions, but a tangible reality within his grasp.

As word of his progress spread, the nobles of Jade Hollow began to take notice, their curiosity mingling with a sense of unease. For in their eyes, Li Yun's actions represented a dangerous precedent – a challenge to the established order that had reigned supreme for countless generations.

It was during one of his clandestine cultivation sessions that Li Yun found himself face-to-face with the harsh reality of his defiance. The crunch of boots on fallen leaves alerted him to the presence of others, and he whirled around, his heart pounding in his chest.

Before him stood a group of young nobles, their robes adorned with the crests of prestigious cultivation sects, their expressions a mixture of disdain and curiosity.

"Well, well," sneered the leader of the group, a young man named Jiang Wei, his eyes glinting with malice. "If it isn't the peasant boy who fancies himself a cultivator."

Li Yun swallowed hard, his hands balling into fists at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I mean no disrespect, Young Lord Jiang," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I merely seek to walk the path of the dao, as is my right as a living being in this realm."

Jiang Wei threw back his head and laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed through the glade. "Your right?" he spat, his lips curling into a sneer. "You are but a lowly peasant, unworthy of even breathing the same air as true cultivators."

The other nobles joined in the laughter, their voices a cacophony of disdain and mockery that threatened to overwhelm Li Yun's senses.

"Perhaps we should teach this insolent worm a lesson," one of the nobles suggested, his hand resting menacingly on the hilt of his sword.

Li Yun's heart raced, his mind whirling with the realization that he was hopelessly outmatched. These were not mere bullies, but cultivators of noble birth, their power and influence far beyond his meager capabilities.

Yet, even in the face of such overwhelming odds, the fire within his soul refused to be extinguished. He straightened his back, his eyes blazing with a defiant light as he met Jiang Wei's gaze.

"I will not be cowed by your threats or your insults," he declared, his voice ringing with a conviction that belied his humble origins. "The dao is not reserved for the privileged few, but for all who are willing to walk its path with unwavering dedication."

Jiang Wei's expression darkened, his handsome features twisting into a mask of rage. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner, you insolent wretch!" he snarled, his hand closing around the hilt of his sword.

In that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl as Li Yun braced himself for the inevitable attack. He knew that he stood no chance against these cultivators, but he would not go down without a fight. He would face his fate head-on, with the same unwavering determination that had carried him this far.

But just as Jiang Wei's blade began to arc through the air, a powerful voice rang out, shattering the tension like a thunderclap.


The nobles froze, their eyes widening in a mixture of fear and reverence as a figure emerged from the shadows of the forest. Clad in flowing robes of deepest crimson, the newcomer exuded an aura of power and authority that seemed to bend the very fabric of reality around him.

Li Yun's breath caught in his throat as he took in the stranger's appearance. His features were chiseled and regal, his eyes burning with an intensity that seemed to pierce straight into the depths of one's soul. But it was the aura that surrounded him – a shimmering vortex of energy that pulsed and swirled like a living thing – that truly captured Li Yun's attention.

This was no mere cultivator, but a being of immense power, a true master of the dao.

"Young Master Zhen," Jiang Wei stammered, his bravado evaporating in the face of this overwhelming presence. "We were merely disciplining a peasant who dared to overstep his station."

The newcomer, Zhen, fixed Jiang Wei with a withering gaze that seemed to strip away the young noble's arrogance, leaving him a quivering mess.

"And who are you to determine the boundaries of one's potential?" Zhen asked, his voice resonating with the weight of ancient wisdom. "The dao is not bound by the petty constraints of mortal society, but by the limits of one's own dedication and understanding."

He turned his gaze towards Li Yun, and the young peasant felt as if he were being laid bare, his very soul exposed before this enigmatic figure. Yet, there was no judgment in Zhen's eyes, only a deep and abiding understanding.

"You," Zhen continued, his voice taking on a softer tone. "I sense a fire burning within you, a yearning for something greater than the life you were born into. Tell me, what drives you to pursue the path of cultivation?"

Li Yun swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the words to express the yearning that had consumed his every waking moment.

"Honored Master," he began, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and trepidation. "From the moment I first heard the tales of the dao, I knew that my destiny lay beyond the confines of this humble existence. The call of the martial arts resonates within my very being, like a siren's song that I cannot ignore."

Zhen's expression remained inscrutable, but there was a glimmer of acknowledgment in his eyes, a silent recognition of the fire that burned within Li Yun's soul.

"Your words ring true, young one," he said finally. "But the path you seek is fraught with peril and hardship. Are you prepared to face whatever trials may come, no matter how daunting they may seem?"

Li Yun did not hesitate, his gaze unwavering as he met Zhen's piercing stare. "I am, Honored Master. For a life lived in complacency is no life at all."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Zhen's lips, and he nodded slowly, as if confirming some unspoken truth.

"Very well," he said, his voice taking on a more authoritative tone. "Then your first trial shall be to venture deep into the heart of the Jade Forest and retrieve a talisman of great importance to our sect. Only then can you truly begin your journey along the path of the dao."

Li Yun's eyes widened, his mind whirling with the implications of Zhen's words. To venture into the Jade Forest was no small feat, for it was rumored to be home to countless dangers – fierce beasts, treacherous terrain, and ancient mysteries that had long been forgotten.

But before he could voice his concerns, Zhen raised his hand, his expression stern.

"Do not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead, young one," he warned. "The Jade Forest is a crucible, a place where the weak of spirit are broken and the strong are forged anew. Only those with unwavering determination and a true understanding of the dao can hope to emerge victorious."

Li Yun felt a shiver run down his spine, but he did not falter. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for, the chance to prove himself worthy of walking the path of cultivation.

With a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and met Zhen's gaze with unwavering determination.

"I will not fail you, Honored Master," he vowed, his voice ringing with conviction.

Zhen nodded, a glimmer of approval in his eyes.

"Then go, young one," he said. "And may the dao guide your steps."

With those words, Li Yun turned and plunged into the depths of the Jade Forest, his heart pounding with a heady mixture of fear and exhilaration. He knew not what trials awaited him, but one thing was certain – his life would never be the same again.

The ancient trees towered overhead, their boughs intertwining to form a canopy that filtered the sunlight into dappled patterns upon the forest floor. The air was thick with the scents of moss and decaying leaves, a rich tapestry of life and decay that seemed to permeate every fiber of Li Yun's being.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, his senses heightened, attuned to the slightest sound or movement that might herald danger. The whispers of the wind through the branches took on a haunting quality, as if the very trees themselves were whispering ancient secrets.

Li Yun's footsteps were light, his movements fluid and deliberate, honed by years of traversing the rugged terrain around his village. Yet, even his well-practiced stealth could not mask the telltale signs of his passage – the snap of a twig underfoot, the rustle of leaves as he brushed past.

It was during one such moment of carelessness that the first hint of danger made itself known.

A low growl rumbled through the undergrowth, causing the hairs on the back of Li Yun's neck to stand on end. He froze, his heart pounding in his chest as his eyes scanned the surrounding foliage for any sign of movement.

There, amidst the shadows of a twisted oak, a pair of glowing eyes regarded him with predatory intensity. Li Yun's breath caught in his throat as the beast emerged from its hiding place, its massive form rippling with corded muscle.

A tiger, its striped coat a blur of motion as it stalked towards him, powerful jaws parted in a snarl that revealed wicked fangs.

Li Yun's mind raced, his body coiled like a spring as he prepared to flee or fight, whichever gave him the best chance of survival. But even as he tensed, ready to act, his foot struck something hidden beneath the fallen leaves, causing a faint glimmer to catch his eye.

Instinctively, he reached down and brushed away the detritus, his fingers closing around a strange, intricately carved amulet. In that instant, a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced flooded through his being, as if the very fabric of the universe had shifted to accommodate his existence.

The Eternal Amulet, its surface etched with intricate runes and pulsing with an otherworldly radiance, had chosen him as its bearer – a twist of fate so improbable, so utterly inconceivable, that it defied all logic and reason. And Master Zhen, who had sent him on this trial, had no inkling of the ancient relic that lay hidden within the forest's depths.

A shockwave of energy erupted from the amulet, rippling outwards and bathing the forest in a blinding light. The tiger, caught in the maelstrom, was flung backwards, its body slamming against the unyielding trunk of an ancient oak with bone-crushing force.

As the light faded, Li Yun found himself on his knees, the Eternal Amulet clutched tightly in his trembling grasp. His meridians, once dormant and lifeless, now thrummed with the power of the amulet's essence, unlocking a wellspring of qi that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

He could feel it, the very lifeblood of the universe coursing through his veins, a torrent of energy that seemed to bend the world around him to its whims. The forest, once a tranquil sanctuary, now pulsed with a palpable energy, as if the amulet's awakening had stirred something primordial and ancient.

Li Yun's mind whirled, his thoughts a maelstrom of confusion and awe as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what had just occurred. How could such a relic have found its way into his hands? And what did its awakening portend for his destiny?

The power coursing through his body was alien, incomprehensible – a force that defied the very laws of cultivation as he understood them. Yet, at the same time, there was a strange familiarity to it, as if the amulet's energy resonated with some long-forgotten aspect of his being.

As he rose to his feet, the amulet's power thrummed through his body, filling him with a sense of purpose and determination unlike anything he had ever known. He knew not what trials lay ahead, but one thing was certain – his life would never be the same.