
Eternal Heaven Cultivation

In the infinite vastness of Eternal Heaven, a myriad of realms exist, each overflowing with cultivators striving for immortality and godhood. But one relic, the Eternal Amulet, holds the power to transcend the boundaries of existence itself. In the aftermath of Xuan Tian's legendary sacrifice, the Eternal Amulet, one of the four most ancient and powerful relics in the Eternal Heaven, has remained lost for countless ages. The amulet, hurled from the grasp of the ruthless Princess Yun Xue and into the vast expanse of the Mortal Domain, has kept its immeasurable might concealed from those who crave dominion over all of creation. This cosmic balance is shattered when a young cultivator named Li Yun stumbles upon the Eternal Amulet by pure chance. Inadvertently bonding with the ancient artifact's consciousness, Li Yun's life is forever changed as he finds himself thrust into a war that spans infinite realms and involves cultivators of unimaginable power. To survive and protect those he holds dear, Li Yun must quickly evolve from a mere mortal into a peerless immortal. Guided by the Eternal Amulet's wisdom, Li Yun begins to unlock profound mysteries and cultivation techniques that were thought to be lost to the sands of time. However, his rapid ascension catches the attention of malevolent forces who have schemed for eons to possess the amulet's power, chief among them being Princess Yun Xue, an immortal consumed by an insatiable ambition that knows no bounds. As the battle between the righteous and corrupt cultivators rages across the Eternal Heaven, Li Yun must navigate a treacherous path filled with courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. The fate of the cosmos hangs in the balance as he faces the ultimate question: Can he withstand the tribulations that await him and harness the true depths of the Eternal Amulet's power? Or will the universe be forever shattered by those who seek to subjugate all of existence to their tyrannical rule?

Eternal_Empress · Eastern
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: Unlocked Meridians

The Eternal Amulet pulsed with otherworldly energy, its power thrumming through Li Yun's meridians like a raging torrent. With trembling hands, he carefully tucked the ancient relic into the folds of his tattered robe, concealing its radiant glow from prying eyes.

Even as the amulet's essence flooded his body, unlocking his dormant cultivation potential and thrusting him into the earliest stages of the Qi Condensation Realm, Li Yun knew that this was a secret he must guard with his life. The implications of such a discovery were far too vast, too incomprehensible for a mere peasant boy to fully comprehend.

As the adrenaline of his encounter with the tiger began to wane, Li Yun's thoughts turned to the task at hand – retrieving the talisman that Master Zhen had sent him to find. With renewed determination, he pressed onward into the depths of the Jade Forest, his senses heightened and alert for any sign of danger.

The ancient trees seemed to lean in around him, their gnarled branches casting eerie shadows that danced and flickered with each gust of wind. Li Yun's footsteps were muffled by the carpet of fallen leaves, his movements fluid and deliberate, honed by years of traversing the rugged terrain around his village.

It was amidst the twisted roots of a towering oak that he found his quarry – a small, intricately carved talisman that pulsed with the unmistakable aura of the Crimson Cloud Sect's energy. Li Yun's heart raced as he reached out and plucked the talisman from its resting place, his fingers tingling with the artifact's potent power.

But even as he marveled at his discovery, the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the stillness of the forest. Li Yun tensed, his grip tightening around the talisman as he whirled around, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

From the depths of the foliage emerged two figures, their robes bearing the crimson cloud insignia of the sect. As they drew closer, Li Yun's breath caught in his throat – these were no mere cultivators, but young disciples whose auras shimmered with the unmistakable power of the Middle Qi Condensation Realm.

The first was a young man, his features chiseled and handsome, his eyes burning with a fierce determination that belied his youth. The second was a woman, her lithe form moving with a feline grace that was both captivating and deadly.

"Well, well," the young man drawled, his lips curling into a mocking sneer as he took in Li Yun's disheveled appearance. "If it isn't the little peasant boy that Master Zhen has seen fit to grace with his presence."

The woman chuckled, her musical laughter a stark contrast to the disdain in her eyes.

"Careful, Jiang Feng," she purred. "This one might surprise us with his... humility."

Li Yun swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as he faced these two formidable cultivators. Even with the Eternal Amulet's power coursing through his veins, he knew that he was hopelessly outmatched in terms of raw cultivation.

"I... I mean no disrespect, Senior Disciples," he managed, his voice trembling slightly. "I am merely here to complete the task set forth by Master Zhen."

Jiang Feng arched an eyebrow, his gaze flickering to the talisman clutched tightly in Li Yun's hand.

"Is that so?" he mused. "And what, pray tell, is that you're holding there?"

Li Yun's grip tightened instinctively, his knuckles whitening as he clutched the talisman to his chest.

"This is... this is the artifact I was sent to retrieve," he said, his voice growing stronger as he found his resolve. "I will not relinquish it, not even to fellow disciples."

The woman's eyes widened in mock surprise, her full lips curving into a predatory smile.

"My, my," she breathed. "It seems the little peasant boy has grown a spine."

In a blur of motion, she lashed out, her palm crackling with the potent energy of her qi. Li Yun barely had time to react, his body moving on pure instinct as he hurled himself to the side, the woman's strike slamming into the ground where he had been standing mere moments before.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, uprooting saplings and sending a shower of debris raining down upon them. Li Yun's eyes widened in horror as he realized the true extent of the power he was up against.

"Enough games," Jiang Feng growled, his own qi flaring to life around him like a crimson maelstrom. "Hand over the talisman, boy, and we might just let you walk away with your life."

Li Yun's grip on the talisman tightened, his knuckles whitening as he squared his stance, the Eternal Amulet's power thrumming through his meridians like a raging torrent.

"I will not yield," he declared, his voice ringing with a conviction that belied his humble origins. "This talisman is the key to my destiny, and I will defend it with every fiber of my being."

Jiang Feng's eyes narrowed, his aura flaring with barely restrained fury.

"So be it, peasant," he snarled. "Let this be a lesson in the harsh realities of the cultivation world – the strong devour the weak, and those who dare to defy their betters are crushed beneath the heel of power."

With a roar that shook the very foundations of the forest, Jiang Feng launched himself at Li Yun, his fists blazing with the crimson fury of his qi. The woman followed close behind, her lithe form a blur of motion as she flanked Li Yun from the side, their combined assault a lethal symphony of power and precision.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Li Yun's senses sharpened, his body moving with a fluidity he had never known. The Eternal Amulet's power surged through him, guiding his movements and lending him a preternatural awareness of his surroundings.

He twisted and weaved, his form a whirlwind of evasion as he dodged and parried the relentless onslaught of strikes. Each blow that grazed his skin sent shockwaves rippling through his body, a testament to the sheer might of his opponents.

Yet, even as he fought for his life, Li Yun could feel the amulet's energy coursing through his meridians, slowly but surely expanding his qi reserves and heightening his perception of the world around him.

It was in the midst of this maelstrom of violence that Li Yun realized the true extent of the amulet's power – it was not merely a vessel for cultivation, but a living, breathing embodiment of the dao itself, a wellspring of knowledge and potential that stretched far beyond the boundaries of mortal understanding.

With each breath, he could feel the amulet's essence intertwining with his own, guiding him through the intricate dance of combat and lending him insights that defied his meager experience.

Jiang Feng's fist slammed into the ground where Li Yun had been standing mere moments before, the impact cratering the earth and sending a shockwave of debris hurtling towards the young cultivator. Li Yun's body moved of its own accord, his form blurring as he wove through the hail of shrapnel, each shard seeming to bend around him as if guided by an unseen force.

The woman's palm strike lanced towards his exposed flank, her qi condensed into a razor-sharp edge that could slice through flesh and bone with ease. But Li Yun was ready, his hand lashing out and deflecting the blow with a deft twist of his wrist, the amulet's power lending him a strength and precision that belied his humble origins.

Jiang Feng's eyes widened in disbelief as Li Yun's form flickered and danced, his movements becoming increasingly fluid and refined with each passing moment.

"Impossible..." he breathed, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and fury. "How... how can a mere peasant boy possess such skill?"

Li Yun did not respond, his focus entirely consumed by the ebb and flow of combat, his body moving with a grace and fluidity that defied his humble origins as a mere peasant in the mortal realm. The Eternal Amulet's power surged through his meridians, lending him insights and abilities far beyond the meager Early Qi Condensation Stage he had just awakened to.

Jiang Feng's strikes rained down like a relentless tempest, each blow crackling with the potent fury of his Middle Qi Condensation Realm cultivation base. The young noble's qi swirled and condensed around his fists, forming razor-sharp edges that could slice through flesh and bone with ease. Yet, Li Yun moved with preternatural speed, his form blurring and twisting like a wisp of smoke in the wind as he evaded the onslaught, the amulet's energy guiding his movements with an almost sentient awareness.

The woman, her cultivation also firmly rooted in the Middle Qi Condensation Realm, pressed her attack, her lithe form a whirlwind of lethal precision as she sought to exploit any opening in Li Yun's defenses. Her palms crackled with condensed qi, each strike capable of shattering bone and rupturing internal organs. But the young cultivator was no longer the untrained peasant he had been mere moments ago – the amulet's power had awakened something deep within him, a wellspring of potential that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

With each exchange of blows, Li Yun could feel himself growing stronger, his qi reserves expanding like a raging torrent breaking through a dam, flooding his meridians with newfound power. The amulet's essence intertwined with his own, imparting ancient wisdom and insights that defied his meager experience, granting him a level of skill and perception that rivaled even the most seasoned of cultivators.

Jiang Feng's eyes narrowed as he sensed the shift in the tide of battle, his strikes becoming increasingly desperate and erratic, like a wounded beast lashing out in a blind fury.

"What sorcery is this?" he snarled, his voice laced with equal parts fury and disbelief. "How can a mere peasant boy, one who has only just awakened to the Qi Condensation Realm, possess such power?"

Li Yun did not respond, his focus entirely consumed by the dance of combat. The amulet's energy pulsed through him like a raging river, guiding his movements and lending him a preternatural awareness of his surroundings that rivaled even the most accomplished of Soul Formation cultivators.

In a blur of motion, he lashed out, his palm strike deflecting Jiang Feng's fist with a deft twist of his wrist. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the sheer force of the exchange causing the very earth to tremble beneath their feet, as if the heavens themselves were bearing witness to this clash of cultivation prowess.

The woman seized the opportunity, her form flickering like a ghostly specter as she launched a vicious barrage of strikes towards Li Yun's exposed flank. But the young cultivator was ready, his body moving with a fluidity that defied mortal comprehension, each blow seeming to bend and flow around him as if guided by an unseen force, his movements akin to a master calligrapher's brush strokes upon a canvas of qi.

Jiang Feng's eyes widened in disbelief as Li Yun's form danced and flickered, his movements becoming increasingly refined and precise with each passing moment, his skill belying the fact that he had only just awakened to the Qi Condensation Realm.

"Enough of this foolishness!" the young man roared, his qi flaring to life around him like a crimson inferno, the intensity of his cultivation base burning with the fury of a thousand suns. "I will not be made a mockery of by some lowly peasant!"

With a primal scream that shook the very foundations of the forest, Jiang Feng unleashed the full fury of his Middle Qi Condensation Realm cultivation base, his fists blazing with the raw, untamed power of condensed qi, each strike capable of shattering boulders and uprooting ancient trees.

Li Yun braced himself, the amulet's energy surging to meet the onslaught as Jiang Feng's strikes rained down upon him with the force of a hurricane. Each blow felt like a thunderclap, the sheer might of his opponent's qi threatening to overwhelm even the amulet's protective embrace. Yet, Li Yun did not falter, his form weaving and twisting with a grace that belied his humble origins, the amulet's power flowing through him like the currents of a mighty river, granting him insights and abilities that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

In the midst of the maelstrom, Li Yun caught a fleeting glimpse of an opening – a brief lapse in Jiang Feng's defenses, a moment of vulnerability that could spell the difference between victory and defeat. Without hesitation, he struck, his palm crackling with the potent energy of the amulet's essence, amplified to a level that rivaled even the most accomplished of Core Formation cultivators.

The blow lanced towards Jiang Feng's exposed flank, its force amplified by the ancient relic's power to a level that defied mortal comprehension. Jiang Feng's eyes widened in shock as the strike connected, the impact reverberating through his body like a thunderclap, shattering his qi defenses and sending him hurtling backwards with the force of a cannonball.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the forest holding its collective breath as the two cultivators hung suspended in the eye of the storm. Then, with a resounding crash that shook the earth to its core, Jiang Feng was hurled backwards, his body slamming into the unyielding trunk of an ancient oak with bone-crushing force.

The woman, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief, could only watch as her comrade crumpled to the ground, his aura flickering and sputtering like a dying flame, his cultivation base shattered by the sheer might of Li Yun's strike.

Slowly, she turned to face Li Yun, her expression a mask of barely contained fury and fear, her own Middle Qi Condensation Realm power seeming utterly insignificant in the face of the amulet's might.

"What... what are you?" she breathed, her voice trembling with a mixture of awe and trepidation, for she had just witnessed a mere peasant boy, one who had only just awakened to the Qi Condensation Realm, utterly overwhelm a fellow cultivator of the Middle Stage.

Li Yun regarded her calmly, the Eternal Amulet's power thrumming through his veins like a raging torrent, granting him abilities and insights that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

"I am the bearer of destiny," he said, his voice ringing with a conviction that belied his humble origins and newfound power. "And this is only the beginning."

The woman's gaze flickered between Li Yun and her fallen comrade, a myriad of emotions playing across her features – fear, anger, disbelief, and a grudging respect for the power she had just witnessed, a mere peasant boy wielding the might of a cultivator far beyond the Qi Condensation Realm.

With a final, lingering look towards the young cultivator, she turned and fled, her form disappearing into the depths of the forest like a fleeting shadow, cowed by the amulet's overwhelming power.

Li Yun watched her go, his grip tightening around the talisman that had sparked this fateful encounter. The amulet's power still surged through him, a constant reminder of the incredible potential that now lay within his grasp, a wellspring of cultivation prowess that seemed to defy the very laws of the mortal realm.

As the echoes of battle faded into silence, Li Yun turned his gaze towards the path that lay ahead, his eyes burning with a newfound determination. The Eternal Amulet had awakened something within him, a fire that burned brighter than a thousand suns, a yearning to push beyond the boundaries of his humble origins and ascend to heights few could even fathom.

With each step, he could feel the amulet's energy coursing through his meridians, expanding his qi reserves and heightening his perception of the world around him. The trees seemed to bend and sway in deference to his presence, their ancient boughs whispering secrets of the dao that had long been forgotten by mortal kind.

As he emerged from the forest's embrace, Li Yun found himself standing before the towering gates of the Crimson Cloud Sect, their crimson lacquered surfaces etched with intricate runes and sigils that pulsed with the power of the sect's ancient lineage.

The young cultivator's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sheer grandeur of his surroundings. Soaring pagodas and meticulously manicured gardens stretched out before him, their beauty and majesty a far cry from the humble village he had called home.

It was a realm of power and mystery, a sanctuary where the secrets of the dao were jealously guarded and passed down through generations of illustrious cultivators. And now, by some twist of fate, Li Yun found himself standing at its threshold, the Eternal Amulet's power thrumming through his veins like a raging torrent.

As he approached the gates, he could sense the weight of ancient wards and barriers, their power rippling through the air like a tangible force. Yet, the amulet seemed to resonate with these ancient defenses, granting him passage as if recognizing his newfound status as a cultivator of the dao.

The massive gates swung open with a groan of protest, their weight and grandeur a testament to the sect's enduring legacy. Li Yun stepped through, his heart pounding in his chest as he found himself surrounded by the very essence of cultivation, a world that had once seemed so far beyond his reach.

Crimson-robed disciples moved about the courtyard, their auras shimmering with the power of their respective cultivation bases, ranging from the fledgling Qi Condensation Realm to the rarified heights of the Core Formation Stage. Li Yun could sense their gazes upon him, a mixture of curiosity and disdain etched upon their features as they took in his humble appearance.

But he paid them no heed, his focus entirely consumed by the amulet's power and the promise of the path that lay before him. For in that moment, he had transcended the boundaries of his humble origins and taken the first, fateful steps towards a destiny that would echo through the ages.

As he made his way deeper into the sect's hallowed grounds, Li Yun could feel the weight of history pressing down upon him, the echoes of countless cultivators who had walked these halls before him whispering through the very stones beneath his feet.

"This is it, this is where my cultivation story begins." he murmured, his voice carrying a weight of conviction that belied his humble origins.